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A land free from destruction, plus wealth, natural resources, and labor supply—all these w

ere important factors, in helping England to become the center for the Industrial Revolution.【B1】they were not enough. Something else was needed to start the industrial process. That "something special" was men—【B2】individuals who could invent machines, find new sources of power, and establish business organizations to reshape society.

The men who【B3】the machines of the Industrial Revolution came from many backgrounds and many occupations. Many of them were【B4】inventors than scientists. A man who is a pure scientist is primarily interested in doing his research【B5】. He is not necessarily working so that his findings can be used. An inventor or one interested in applied science is【B6】trying to make something that has a concrete idea. He may try to solve a problem by using the theories【B7】science or by experimenting through trial and error. Regardless of his method, he is working to obtain a specific result: the construction of a harvesting machine, the burning of a light bulb, or one of【B8】other objectives.

Most of the people who developed the machines of the Industrial Revolution were inventors, not trained scientists. A few were both scientists and inventors. Even those who had【B9】or no training in science might not have made their inventions if a groundwork had not been laid by scientists years【B10】.






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更多“A land free from destruction, …”相关的问题
Settlers of the Plains also had to contend with social isolation. The European pattern, wh
ereby farmers lived together in a village and traveled each day to their nearby fields, was rare in the American West. Instead, various peculiarities of land division compelled the rural dwellers to live apart from each other. The Homestead Act of 1862 and other measures adopted to facilitate western settlement offered free or cheap plots to people who would live on and improve their property. Because most homesteads and other plots acquired by small farmers were rectangular--usually encompassing 160 acres--at most four families could live near each other, but only if they congregated around the same four-corner boundary intersection. In practice, farmers usually lived back from their boundary lines, and at least a half-mile separated farmhouses. Often adjacent land was unoccupied, making neighbors even more distant.

Many observers wrote about the loneliness and monotony of life on the Plains. Men escaped the oppressiveness by working outdoors and taking occasional trips to sell crops or buy supplies. But women were more isolated, confined by domestic chores to the household, where, as one writer remarked, they were "not much better than slaves. It is a weary, monotonous round of cooking and washing and mending and as a result the insane asylum is 1/3 filled with wives of farmers."






In 1983, the Reagan Administration introduced a new agricultural program called the Payment-in-Kind Program. To see how the program worked, let' s consider the wheat market.

a. Suppose the demand function is QD=28-2P and the supply function is QS=4+4P, where P is the price of wheat in dollars per bushel and Q is the quantity in billions of bushels. Find the free-market equilibrium price and quantity.

b. Now suppose the government wants to lower the supply of wheat by 25 percent from the free-market equilibrium by paying farmers to withdraw land from production. However, the payment is made in wheat rather than in dollars- hence the name of the program. The wheal comes from the government ' s vast reserves that resulted from previous price support programs. The amount of wheal paid is equal to the amount that could have been harvested on the land withdrawn from production. Farmers. are free to sell this wheat on the market. How much is now produced by farmers? How much is indirectly supplied to the market by the government? What is the new market price? How much do the farmers gain? Do consumers gain or lose?

c. Had the government not given the wheat back to the farmers, it would have stored or destroyed i. Do taxpayers gain from the program? What potential problems does the program create?

We can conclude from this passage that ______. A. many turtles die while swimming to

We can conclude from this passage that ______.

A. many turtles die while swimming to shore

B. female turtles protect their babies

C. once turtles leave land, they never return to the sea

D. the job of laying eggs takes tremendous strength

In making containers sand is added to clay______.A.to produce containers free from tiny

In making containers sand is added to clay______.

A.to produce containers free from tiny breaks

B.to make desired lines Oil the 8Hrfaee

C.to make it easier to shape

D.to get special patterns

3 Johan, a public limited company, operates in the telecommunications industry. The indust
ry is capital intensive with

heavy investment in licences and network infrastructure. Competition in the sector is fierce and technological

advances are a characteristic of the industry. Johan has responded to these factors by offering incentives to customers

and, in an attempt to acquire and retain them, Johan purchased a telecom licence on 1 December 2006 for

$120 million. The licence has a term of six years and cannot be used until the network assets and infrastructure are

ready for use. The related network assets and infrastructure became ready for use on 1 December 2007. Johan could

not operate in the country without the licence and is not permitted to sell the licence. Johan expects its subscriber

base to grow over the period of the licence but is disappointed with its market share for the year to 30 November

2008. The licence agreement does not deal with the renewal of the licence but there is an expectation that the

regulator will grant a single renewal for the same period of time as long as certain criteria regarding network build

quality and service quality are met. Johan has no experience of the charge that will be made by the regulator for the

renewal but other licences have been renewed at a nominal cost. The licence is currently stated at its original cost of

$120 million in the statement of financial position under non-current assets.

Johan is considering extending its network and has carried out a feasibility study during the year to 30 November

2008. The design and planning department of Johan identified five possible geographical areas for the extension of

its network. The internal costs of this study were $150,000 and the external costs were $100,000 during the year

to 30 November 2008. Following the feasibility study, Johan chose a geographical area where it was going to install

a base station for the telephone network. The location of the base station was dependent upon getting planning

permission. A further independent study has been carried out by third party consultants in an attempt to provide a

preferred location in the area, as there is a need for the optimal operation of the network in terms of signal quality

and coverage. Johan proposes to build a base station on the recommended site on which planning permission has

been obtained. The third party consultants have charged $50,000 for the study. Additionally Johan has paid

$300,000 as a single payment together with $60,000 a month to the government of the region for access to the land

upon which the base station will be situated. The contract with the government is for a period of 12 years and

commenced on 1 November 2008. There is no right of renewal of the contract and legal title to the land remains with

the government.

Johan purchases telephone handsets from a manufacturer for $200 each, and sells the handsets direct to customers

for $150 if they purchase call credit (call card) in advance on what is called a prepaid phone. The costs of selling the

handset are estimated at $1 per set. The customers using a prepaid phone pay $21 for each call card at the purchase

date. Call cards expire six months from the date of first sale. There is an average unused call credit of $3 per card

after six months and the card is activated when sold.

Johan also sells handsets to dealers for $150 and invoices the dealers for those handsets. The dealer can return the

handset up to a service contract being signed by a customer. When the customer signs a service contract, the

customer receives the handset free of charge. Johan allows the dealer a commission of $280 on the connection of a

customer and the transaction with the dealer is settled net by a payment of $130 by Johan to the dealer being the

cost of the handset to the dealer ($150) deducted from the commission ($280). The handset cannot be sold

separately by the dealer and the service contract lasts for a 12 month period. Dealers do not sell prepaid phones, and

Johan receives monthly revenue from the service contract.

The chief operating officer, a non-accountant, has asked for an explanation of the accounting principles and practices

which should be used to account for the above events.


Discuss the principles and practices which should be used in the financial year to 30 November 2008 to account


(a) the licences; (8 marks)

The word "illuminating" (Para. 1) has the closest meaning to __________.

A.make free from confusion or ambiguity

B.make lighter or brighter

C.decorate (buildings, streets, et

D.) with lights for a special occasion


Set him free, I beg _____you.





What do the storyteller tell us about?A.How they were brought to the United States from Af

What do the storyteller tell us about?

A.How they were brought to the United States from Africa.

B.The release of the collection of recordings.

C.What happened 60 years after their emancipation?

D.Their experiences as slates and their lives as free men and women.

In Britain, children from the age of 5 to 16 can receive partly free education by law.(
You feel cool when you are near a lake or river because ______.A.the water is coldB.the ea

You feel cool when you are near a lake or river because ______.

A.the water is cold

B.the earth is hot

C.the water is colder than the earth

D.cool air from the water moves towards the land

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