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She can't prevent her little boy______shooting______birds.A.from; toB.on; atC.with; upD.fr

She can't prevent her little boy______shooting______birds.

A.from; to

B.on; at

C.with; up

D.from; at

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?Look at the article below about getting along with the boss and following questions.?For

?Look at the article below about getting along with the boss and following questions.

?For each question (13 - 18), mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet for the answer you choose.

Getting Along with the Boss

You know that a positive relationship with your work superiors is essential to your success. But how do you ensure you stay on their right side? Your boss holds 2 our future prospects in his or her hands. Expect very few favors from a boss who does not like you, Bad relationship with the boss also means missed advancement opportunities: it is one of the major reasons for high staff turnover. If you resign because of the boss. you may also expect a dent in your professional reputation, Imagine having to provide such an "ex" boss as the contact referral person at your next interview !

The relationship you have with your boss can be a major factor in determining your rise up the ladder. Your boss isn't only your supervisor. He or she is also the person best equipped (or should be I to help you do the job you are paid to do. He/she is privy to the company's goals and knows what the company is looking for in future executives. He/she can inform. you of company direction that may affect your future aspirations, He/she can put in a good word for you in the right eats. He/she is also your ally when you need back up, support or cooperation from other departments.

But how does this help you establish a meaningful working relationship with your boss? The key is communication. Know your boss' priorities and try to anticipate his/her needs before he/she asks. Don't think narrowly in terms of your own immediate position. Try to understand where what you do ties in with the bigger picture.

What other things can you discover about your boss? Is he/she conservative or informal? Does he/she prefer to be greeted as Mr. Ms. Miss or Mrs. or prefer first names? Is his/hers an "open door" policy or does he/she prefers you setting appointments with them? Respect your boss' time. Never barge into their office expecting or demanding an hearing immediately. Does he/she prefer to be kept informed with progress reports, or prefer you show initiative and get on with the job?

Don't be a "yes man" and don't offer false flattery in the hope of' getting somewhere. It won't work! And don't aim for "closeness" in the working relationship because this can also backfire. If your boss depends upon you too much. he/she won't recommend you for promotions because you are needed too much where you are. Another possibility is that if he/ she is not a good manager, he/she may be given their marching orders. If you are seen to be a part of his/her management mishaps, you may be marching out the door with him/her! Do what you can to stay in his/her good books. Don't take "sickies" unless you are sick! Be an effective, cooperative, responsible and courteous employee and team player.

It is possible that you are already these things, and you are working for somebody whose management style. disagrees with your needs or expectations. Maybe friction cannot be avoided. Then, you may be better off looking for a new job in a new department or company. In short, getting along with your boss entails getting to know his/her likes and dislikes and learning to work with his/her personality and management style. And the upside about mastering communication and people skills with your own boss is that one day, those skills will pay off in your own management role with your own team.

The writer says that a bad relationship with your boss may result in all of the following except

A.less favors from your boss.

B.the loss of your job.

C.a dent in your reputation.

D.the loss of your opportunities for promotion.

A passenger told an air hostess that he needed a cup of water to take his medicine when
the plane just took off. She told him that she would bring him the water in ten minutes.

The air hostess was kept so busy that she forgot to give him the water. As a result, the passenger was held up to take his medicine. Thirty minutes later, when the passenger's ring for service sounded, she hurried over to him with a cup of water, but he refused.

In the following hours on the plane, each time the air hostess passed by the passenger, she would ask him with a smile whether he needed help or not. But the passenger never answered a word.

When he was going to get off the plane, the passenger asked the air hostess to hand him the passengers' booklet. She was very sad. She knew that he would write down sharp words, but with a smile she handed it to him.

Off the plane, she opened the booklet, and smiled, for the passenger put it. “On the flight, you asked me whether I needed help or not for twelve times in all. How can I refuse your twelve sincere smiles?”

That's right! Who can refuse twelve sincere smiles from a person?


A passenger wants a cup of water because he is thirsty.

The air hostess forgot to give him the water on purpose.

The passenger refused the cup of water.

The passenger didn't write down any sharp words.

This passage tells us that a sincere smile is of no use.

“... She was married to an officer in India, long ago India; and she had a life of physica
l adventure(冒险)as exciting as her poetry. Her husband could cross rivers using crocodiles (鳄鱼)as stepping stones. He died when she was only 39. Unwilling to exist without him,she took her life, leaving a son in England. ”

I stared at the paper,21 reading, couldn’ t help thinking.

Crocodiles are lazy animals as a rule,but they can move like lightening when they want to. And they don’ t mind hurrying 22 they’ re hungry. There used to be lots in Indian rivers, living on fish mostly;but what’ s a little fish for a fifteen-foot crocodile? They ate people,fisherman or anyone else delicious enough to get too near;women doing the 23,or children playing at the water’ s24 A hungry crocodile’ s mouth 25 over a meal with a sound like a gunshot. A big fellow can 26 in a man in two bites (咬).

That woman’ s husband crossed rivers 27 from one crocodile’ s back to the next. I believe it. It had to be done quickly before the creature could see what was happening. It wasn’ t 28 a brave, active man;and no doubt he improved with practice. He could never look 29 while crossing.

The wife used to watch him—I felt sure of that. She lived 30 the adventure, the 31 excitement of it all. Their real life was with tigers,snakes".It’s no wonder she wrote 32 poetry.

Then he died.I imagined how she felt. Was there another man 33 him in India, in the world? She was still young,hardly a sitting-room widow(寡妇)“I must 34 ,too. she said to herself. So she did what she felt she had to do. A 35 probably,to her head.

But her young son,their son? Was her love for him nothing compared to her husband? Well,what do you think?






























































Henry was worried. This was his first time to go traveling by air. He did not know how to
find his seat, so he went to the airhostess (空姐) and asked? Could you help me? I can't find my seat. "The air hostess showed him the seat and told him to sit down and fasten the seat (系好安全带). She told Henry- not to move about when the plane was going up. And she also said that Henry's ears might feel a little strange, but he didn't need to worry about it because many people felt like that. When the plane was flying very high, Henry could stand up and walk round. He could either read b6oks, newspapers or see films. The airhostess would bring food and drinks. Henry could enjoy the flight and arrive home soon.

Which of the following is right?

A.After getting into the plane Henry found his seat and sat down at once.

B.Henry sat down in }lis seat and fastened the seat belt without any help.

C.Thanks to the air hostess, Henry knew how to find his seat and fasten the seat belt.

D.With the help of the hostess, Henry got into the plane.

I (21) by Mr. J. Gerald Cowcamper's house one day and was greeted by a rather old looking

I (21) by Mr. J. Gerald Cowcamper's house one day and was greeted by a rather old looking dog. She was a gentle beast who (22) her tail as she pushed her nose against my hand.

"What's her (23) ?" I asked.

"I call her 'Dog Face'," replied the old (24) .

" (25) do you call her that?" I inquired.

"Isn't it obvious?" asked Mr. Cowcamper.

"Not really."

Mr. Cowcamper cradled the old animal's head in his hands. "If you (26) at just the right angle, you can see that she seems to have a dog's face," he (27) .

"But she is a (28) !" I said.

"Shhhh!" Mr. Cowcamper responded with the loudest whisper I have ever (29) . "Don't let her hear you say that!

I said (30) , because I didn't know what to say.

21 . A. stopped

B. ran

C. went

D. carried

根据以下材料回答第 31~35 题: Passage OneLaura was married for 6 months. Her husband

根据以下材料回答第 31~35 题:

Passage OneLaura was married for 6 months. Her husband was using drugs. She didn’t want her son or her unborn baby to live that way , but she was afraid to ask her husband to leave. She left him a note instead . After reading the note, Laura’s husband waited for her to come home and then beat her and her son.

Laura had little education and she never had a good paying job. She was ashamed to ask for help from the police,courts or women’s shelters. Sometimes her husband was very nice to her. She decided to try harder so her children could have a home and a father. Laura joined a church and told a priest about her problem.

But her husband kept using drugs and hurting the family . Finally, she told her husband she loved him, but they should live apart for a while. He beat her again. The priest came over to talk to her . He asked the husband to go out for a while. Laura packed up her things and left home with her son. The next day she lost the baby. Her husband went to jail.

Laura got a lot of help from groups that help women who have been beaten . Now she is in college, has her own apartment and works on special projects at a women’s shelter. “We got out ,and it changed life for me and my child. You can do it . You can break the cycle ,”Laura said .

第 31 题 Laura felt her children shouldn’t live the old way when she was _________ .


B.taking drugs

C.just out of work

D.attending university

The other day I heard an American say to a Chinese student of English "You speak very good
English." But the student answered, "No, no. My English is very poor." the foreigner was quite surprised at the answer. Thinking he had not made himself understood or the student had not heard him clearly, he said, "Yes indeed, you speak English very well." But the Chinese student still kept saying "No. "In the end the foreigner gave up and was at a loss what to say. What's wrong with the student's answer? It is because he did not accept a compliment<赞美的话>as the English people do. He should have said "Thank you" instead of "no". He actually understood what the American had said. But he thought he should be modest. If he said "Thank you", that would mean he was too proud. According to the western culture, if someone says the dishes you have cooked are very delicious, you should say "Thank you". If someone says to a woman "You look so beautiful with the new clothes on", she should be very happy and answer "Thank you". In our country we think being modest is a virtue and showing off a bad thing. But in the west, if you are modest and say" No, I'm afraid I can't do it well", then the others will take it for granted that you really cannot do it. If you often say "no", you will certainly be looked down upon by others. If asking for a job, one says something like "Let me have a try on the job" instead of "Yes, I can certainly do it," he or she will never expect to get it. So in the west one should always be confident. Without self-confidence, he cannot go anywhere. Confidence is of great importance to one in a country where competition is quite keen.

Why was the American surprised at the Chinese student's answer?

A.Because he wondered whether the student could really speak good English.

B.Because he could hardly hear what the student had said.

C.Because he wouldn't like others to say "No".

D.Because the way to accept a compliment in China is not the same as that in the western countries.

My kids take a lot of pride in being ahead of their friends in their best subjects.With
children who have learning disabilities, however, it is easy to underestimate (低估) their abilities, simply because it can be so difficult for them to show what they know.My son recently does a good job at the public school for his learning disabilities, and I was shocked to realize how excellent he was in many of his subjects.Because he couldn't give me good written answers to the questions, I hadn't realized how much he knew.I took away the sixth grade history book he and his sister were using and gave them both high school books, with the expectation that we would move up to college books next year if they did well.

Reading is their strongest subject, but I had not realized they had college reading abilities until they were tested.Both children enjoy history more, and my son likes to carry his history book to the grade school, where he attends part time.When his classmates do their grade school history, he pulls out his high school book and works independently from it.Surprisingly, this has also increased his ability to fit into his public school class.He was the youngest child in his class, has some disabilities, including speech disorders, and hadn't been in public school since first grade.He had complained that the public school class he had longed to try was boring, but after I increased his challenges at home, he seemed to adapt better at public school as well, choosing to participate more in the group activities, and making new friends.

36.According to the passage, which of the following belong to learning disability?

A.Being unable to say clearly.

B.Being unable to say anything.

C.Being unable to read anything.

D.Being unable to write anything.

37.Which statement can describe the mother's feeling when she found how excellent her son was in many of his subjects?

A.She is painful

B.She is excited

C.She is surprised

D.She is indifferent(无动于衷)

38.___is the strongest subject for the writer's son.

A .Listening




39.According to the passage, which statement is NOT true?

A.My son has never been to public school.

B.My son has done well in many of his subjects.

C.It is difficult for those with learning disability to express clearly.

D.It is easy to underestimate the abilities of those with learning disability.

40.What is reason for the mother's underestimating his own son's ability?

A.Because she pays on attention to it.

B.Because the boy shows it in a wrong way.

C.Because the mother has difficulty to understand her son.

D.Because it can be so difficult for them to show what they know.

John Pentanol was appointed as risk manager at H&Z Company a year ago and he decided t
hat his first task was to examine the risks that faced the company. He concluded that the company faced three major risks, which he assessed by examining the impact that would occur if the risk were to materialise. He assessed Risk 1 as being of low potential impact as even if it materialised it would have little effect on the company’s strategy. Risk 2 was assessed as being of medium potential impact whilst a third risk, Risk 3, was assessed as being of very high potential impact.

When John realised the potential impact of Risk 3 materialising, he issued urgent advice to the board to withdraw from the activity that gave rise to Risk 3 being incurred. In the advice he said that the impact of Risk 3 was potentially enormous and it would be irresponsible for H&Z to continue to bear that risk.

The company commercial director, Jane Xylene, said that John Pentanol and his job at H&Z were unnecessary and that risk management was ‘very expensive for the benefits achieved’. She said that all risk managers do is to tell people what can’t be done and that they are pessimists by nature. She said she wanted to see entrepreneurial risk takers in H&Z and not risk managers who, she believed, tended to discourage enterprise.

John replied that it was his job to eliminate all of the highest risks at H&Z Company. He said that all risk was bad and needed to be eliminated if possible. If it couldn’t be eliminated, he said that it should be minimised.

(a) The risk manager has an important role to play in an organisation’s risk management.


(i) Describe the roles of a risk manager. (4 marks)

(ii) Assess John Pentanol’s understanding of his role. (4 marks)

(b) With reference to a risk assessment framework as appropriate, criticise John’s advice that H&Z should

withdraw from the activity that incurs Risk 3. (6 marks)

(c) Jane Xylene expressed a particular view about the value of risk management in H&Z Company. She also said that she wanted to see ‘entrepreneurial risk takers’.


(i) Define ‘entrepreneurial risk’ and explain why it is important to accept entrepreneurial risk in business

organisations; (4 marks)

(ii) Critically evaluate Jane Xylene’s view of risk management. (7 marks)

2 The risk committee at Southern Continents Company (SCC) met to discuss a report by its r

2 The risk committee at Southern Continents Company (SCC) met to discuss a report by its risk manager, Stephanie

Field. The report focused on a number of risks that applied to a chemicals factory recently acquired by SCC in another

country, Southland. She explained that the new risks related to the security of the factory in Southland in respect of

burglary, to the supply of one of the key raw materials that experienced fluctuations in world supply and also an

environmental risk. The environmental risk, Stephanie explained, was to do with the possibility of poisonous

emissions from the Southland factory.

The SCC chief executive, Choo Wang, who chaired the risk committee, said that the Southland factory was important

to him for two reasons. First, he said it was strategically important to the company. Second, it was important because

his own bonuses depended upon it. He said that because he had personally negotiated the purchase of the Southland

factory, the remunerations committee had included a performance bonus on his salary based on the success of the

Southland investment. He told Stephanie that a performance-related bonus was payable when and if the factory

achieved a certain level of output that Choo considered to be ambitious. ‘I don’t get any bonus at all until we reach

a high level of output from the factory,’ he said. ‘So I don’t care what the risks are, we will have to manage them.’

Stephanie explained that one of her main concerns arose because the employees at the factory in Southland were not

aware of the importance of risk management to SCC. She said that the former owner of the factory paid less attention

to risk issues and so the staff were not as aware of risk as Stephanie would like them to be. ‘I would like to get risk

awareness embedded in the culture at the Southland factory,’ she said.

Choo Wang said that he knew from Stephanie’s report what the risks were, but that he wanted somebody to explain

to him what strategies SCC could use to manage the risks.


(a) Describe four strategies that can be used to manage risk and identify, with reasons, an appropriate strategy

for each of the three risks mentioned in the case. (12 marks)

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