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My kids take a lot of pride in being ahead of their friends in their best subjects.With

children who have learning disabilities, however, it is easy to underestimate (低估) their abilities, simply because it can be so difficult for them to show what they know.My son recently does a good job at the public school for his learning disabilities, and I was shocked to realize how excellent he was in many of his subjects.Because he couldn't give me good written answers to the questions, I hadn't realized how much he knew.I took away the sixth grade history book he and his sister were using and gave them both high school books, with the expectation that we would move up to college books next year if they did well.

Reading is their strongest subject, but I had not realized they had college reading abilities until they were tested.Both children enjoy history more, and my son likes to carry his history book to the grade school, where he attends part time.When his classmates do their grade school history, he pulls out his high school book and works independently from it.Surprisingly, this has also increased his ability to fit into his public school class.He was the youngest child in his class, has some disabilities, including speech disorders, and hadn't been in public school since first grade.He had complained that the public school class he had longed to try was boring, but after I increased his challenges at home, he seemed to adapt better at public school as well, choosing to participate more in the group activities, and making new friends.

36.According to the passage, which of the following belong to learning disability?

A.Being unable to say clearly.

B.Being unable to say anything.

C.Being unable to read anything.

D.Being unable to write anything.

37.Which statement can describe the mother's feeling when she found how excellent her son was in many of his subjects?

A.She is painful

B.She is excited

C.She is surprised

D.She is indifferent(无动于衷)

38.___is the strongest subject for the writer's son.

A .Listening




39.According to the passage, which statement is NOT true?

A.My son has never been to public school.

B.My son has done well in many of his subjects.

C.It is difficult for those with learning disability to express clearly.

D.It is easy to underestimate the abilities of those with learning disability.

40.What is reason for the mother's underestimating his own son's ability?

A.Because she pays on attention to it.

B.Because the boy shows it in a wrong way.

C.Because the mother has difficulty to understand her son.

D.Because it can be so difficult for them to show what they know.

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更多“My kids take a lot of pride in…”相关的问题
根据下列材料,回答41~45题。 Directions: You are going to read a list of headings and a te



You are going to read a list of headings and a text about what parents are supposed to do to guide their children into adulthood. Choose a heading from the list A——G that best fits the meaning of each numbered part of the text (41——45)。 The first and last paragraphs of the text are not numbered. There are two extra headings that you do not need to use. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)

A. Set a Good Example for Your Kids

B. Build Your Kid's Work Skills

C. Place Time Limits on Leisure Activities

D. Talk about the Future on a Regular Basis

E. Help Kids Develop Coping Strategies

F. Help Your Kids Figure Out Who They Are

G. Build Your Kids Sense of Responsibility

How Can a Parent Help?

Mothers and fathers can do a lot to ensure a safe landing in early adulthood for their kids. Even if a job's starting salary seems too small to satisfy an emerging adult's need for rapid content, the transition from school to work can be less of a setback if the start-up adult is ready for the move. Here are a few measures, drawn from my book Ready or Not, Here Life Comes, that parents can take to prevent what I call “work-life unread ness”。

(41) _________________________________

You can start this process when they are 11 or 12. Periodically review their emerging strengths and weaknesses with them and work together on any shortcomings, like difficulty in communicating well or collaborating. Also, identify the kinds of interests they keep coming back to, as these offer clues to the careers that will fit them best.

(42) _________________________________

Kids need a range of authentic role models-as opposed to members of their clique, pop stars and vaunted athletes. Have regular dinner-table discussions about people the family knows and how they got where they are. Discuss the joys and downsides of your own career and encourage your kids to form. some ideas about their own future. When asked what they want to do, they should be discouraged from saying “I have no idea.” They can change their minds 200 times, but having only a foggy view of the future is of little good.

(43) _________________________________

Teachers are responsible for teaching kids how to learn; parents should e responsible for teaching them how to work. Assign responsibilities around the house and make sure homework deadlines are met. Encourage teenagers to take a part-time job Kids need plenty of practice delaying gratification and deploying effective organizational skills, such as managing time and setting priorities.

(44) _________________________________

Paying video games encourages immediate content. And hours of watching TV shows with canned laughter only teaches kids to process information in a passive way. At the same time, listening through earphones to the same monotonous beats for long stretches encourages kids to stay inside their bubble instead of pursuing other endeavors. All these activities can prevent the growth of important communication and thinking skills and make it difficult for kids to develop the kind of sustained concentration they will need for most jods.

(45) _________________________________

They should know how to deal with setbacks, stresses and feelings of inadequacy. They should also learn how to solve problems and resolve conflicts, ways to brainstorm and think critically. Discussions at home can help kids practice doing these things and help them apply these skills to everyday life situations.

What about the son or daughter who is grown but seems to be struggling and wandering aimlessly through early adulthood? Parents still have a major role to play, but now it is more delicate. They have to be careful not to come across as disappointed in their child. They should exhibit strong interest and respect for

You really have to get very old before you find you’re old.I’m in my middle fifties an
d I don’t feel old yet.However, sometimes I look bace at my cildood and__1__things to the lifestyle. that is for__2__Kids, Some things have certainly changed.

One area of change id television.When I started school, most people didn’t have a television; TV was just beginning get__3__.My father__4__to go all out(尽全力)and buy a 16-inch black and white set.Still remember__5__the Disney cartoon films.That was exciting!

Now, televisions have larger pictures in full color.The pictures are clearer and the sound is much more__6__.The new high definition(高清晰度)sets are as clear as__7__screens.

The type and number of programs have__8__greatly.There are hundreds of channels(频道)and more shows than one person could ever watch.There are many fine entertainment and educational shows.There’s also a lot of garbage that most parents don’t want their kids to watch.__9__, we have more choices(选择),and that is good.

I wonder what__10__will be like when today’s kids are my age.

































(9)A.As usual

B.Above all







A lot of kids are getting online these days —sharing data, talking about social issues, meeting adults as well as kids, and learning about other cultures.

A lot of kids are getting online these dayssharing data, talking about social issues, meeting adults as well as kids, and learning about other cultures. There seems to be everything on the network. Just like any other form. of media, the quality of this massive collection of information is

unequal, and there is good information as well as rubbish. Networks hold great promise: however,

it's also home to people who mean to hurt others or use their technical knowledge to steal from them . Although many Web pages can teach kids useful things, there are some other sites waiting to temp young people who are immature and easily affected.

By now, you may shake your head, but wait, let's try to put the problem into perspective Generally.it's safe for kids to use the Internet. The number of sites considered harmful is between 1% and 3%, which shows about 4.5 million other sites are interesting and educational. Besides, to stop children from using these services just because crimes are being committed online would be like telling them not to attend college because students may have accidents on campus.

What can parents do to protect their children from those harmful sites? The simplest solution is the use of programs which block offensive sites. Such programs are set to screen out certain words likely to appear onunhealthysites. But many sites inappropriate to young people are clever at using words with double meanings that may appear harmless. What's more, not only do the programs fail to do the job satisfactorily, they also take away the decisive role of parents in children's education. A child who downloads bad information or pictures can only be corrected by positive family influence. No filtering program is necessary for a child who has learned to saynoto sites he knows are inappropriate for him.

Today, when children are exposed to technology at a young age, parents often find themselveslagging behindin computer skills. Surprisingly, this may be the key to your involvement. What is better way to learn about the Internet than to do so alongside your children?

They'll most likely pick it up more quickly than you do, of course, but you'll have the chance to see, and take pride in, your child at work. You may search for information that interests your child together with him and get to know thefriendshe has online, just as you would get to know his other friends.

Thoughtful parents would combine supervision with communication, which is the best way to take advantage of the Internet as a resource while protecting their children. Follow their examples and have fun with kids on the Net!

51. According to the passage, is it wise for parents to keep their children away from the computer?Why?

A) No. Because there are also millions of sites which are interesting and educational.

B) No. Because their children have the right to use computer,

C) Yes. Because there are many rubbish sites which may hurt children.

D)Yes. Because children may become addicted to computer games.

52. In the last two paragraphs, parents are advised to ()

A) learn about the Internet along with their children

B) watch their children while they are at work

C) search for information for their children

D) make friends with their children

53. According to the article, the best way to protect children as well as take advantage of the Internet is ().

A) the use of filtering programs

B) parentsmastery of computer skills

C) the combination of supervision and communication

D) forbidding them to make friends on the Internet

54. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined expressionlagging behind

A)hide behind

B) run behind

C)walk behind

D) fall behind

Directions: Read the following passage and the statements that follow. Choose the best

answer for each statement from the four choices marked A, B,C and D.

“It hurts me more than you”, and “This is for your own good.” These are the statements my mother used to make years ago when I had to learn Latin, clean my room, stay home and do homework.

That was before we entered the permissive period in education in which we decided it was all right not to push our children to achieve their best in school. The schools and the educators made it easy on us. They taught that it was all right to be parents who take a let-alone policy. We stopped making our children do homework. We gave them calculators, turned on the television, left the teaching to the teachers and went on vacation.

Now teachers, faced with children who have been developing at their own pace for the past 15 years, are realizing we’ve made a terrible mistake. One such teacher is Sharon·Klompus who says of her students—“so passive”—and wonders what happened. Nothing was demanded of them, she believes. Television, says Klompus, contributes to children’s passivity. “We’re not training kids to work any more,” says Klompus. “We’re talking about a generation of kids who’ve never been hurt or hungry. They have learned somebody will always do it for them. Instead of saying ‘go look it up’, you tell them the answer. It takes greater energy to say no to a kid.”

Yes, it does. It takes energy and it takes work. It’s time for parents to end their vacation and come back to work. It’s time to take the car away, to turn the TV off, to tell them it hurts you more than them but it’s for their own good. It’s time to start telling them no again.

1.Children are becoming more inactive in study because__________.

A.they watch TV too often

B.they have done too much homework

C.they have to fulfil too many duties

D.teachers are too strict with them

2.According to historic books, women in the Song Dynasty used paper cut as headdress.()



C.Doesn’t say

For more than six million American children, coming home after school means coming home to
an empty house. They spend part of each day alone. They are called "latchkey children". They're children who look after themselves while their parents work. And their bad conditions have become a social problem.

Lyne Brown was once the headmaster of an elementary school. She said, "A lot of kids had chains around their necks with keys attached.! was constantly telling them to put them inside shirts. There were so many keys, it never came to my mind what they meant. ",slowly, she learned they were house keys.

Lyne learned of the impact working couples and single parents were having on their children. She found that Fear is the biggest problem faced by children at home alone. Many had nightmares and were worried about their own safety.

The most common way latchkey children deal with their fears is by hiding. It might be in a shower stall, under a bed, in a closet. The second is TV. They'll often play it at high volume. It's hard to get statistics (情况,材料) on latchkey children. Most parents are slow to admit they leave their children alone.

The main idea about "latchkey children" is that they______.

A.are growing in numbers

B.are also found in middle-class neighborhoods

C.watch too much television during the day

D.suffer problems from being left alone

From Monday until Friday most people are busy【21】, but in the evenings and on weekends the
y are free and enjoy themselves. Some watch TV or go to the movies:【22】take part in sports. It depends on individual【23】. There are many different ways to spend our【24】time.

Almost everyone has some kind of hobby, It may be【25】from collecting stamps to making model air planes. Some hobbies are very【26】; others don't【27】at all. Some collections are worth a lot of money; others are valuable only【28】their owners.

I know a man who has a【29】collection worth several thousand dollars, A short time ago he bought a rare fifty-cent piece【30】$ 250. He was very happy about his collection and thought the price was【31】. On the contrary, my youngest brother【32】mulch boxes. He has almost 600 of them. But I【33】if they are worth any money. However, for my brother they are【34】valuable. Nothing makes him【35】than to find a new match box for his collection.


A.work or study

B.working or studying

C.in working or studying

D.in work or study

Whether at home or in a restaurant, meals in Brazil are sacred(神圣的) ; a time to ea

Whether at home or in a restaurant, meals in Brazil are sacred(神圣的) ; a time to eat, but also to share precious moments with family and friends. Now, here's a Brazilian custom I miss enormously: a decent, sit-down, leisurely-paced lunch and/or dinner. To this day, I have to keep reminding myself, "what's the big hurry? " and I confess that one of the things I look forward to, when I go to Brazil, is the "family" meal. We have a joke that, if you see people sitting around a table in the US, having lunch for longer than 1/2 hour, it must be a business lunch. And also, sitting at your desk and eating lunch while you work is incomprehensible to most Brazilians, who leave their offices to eat with their colleagues and friends in restaurants and cafes. You guess, lunch is usually a more substantial meal than in the U.S.

(68) For lunch and, depending on the location, also dinner, Brazilians have wonderful, inexpensive restaurants where home-style. meals are sold by kilo. You just pile the food on your plate and someone will weigh it for you. The same goes for desserts. You order drinks from your waiter and pay him at the end of your meal.

Dinner is served much later than in the U. S. In the big cities, children are a common sight in restaurants at night, since Brazilians will take their kids out to dinner at all hours. As a result of this and the traditional Sunday lunches, Brazilian kids learn table manners at an early age. For many of my Brazilian friends, dinner is a lighter meal of bread, cheese and cold cuts. So expect either type of meal.

In Brazil, people usually have meals______.

A.in a hurry at restaurants

B.in a leisurely manner

C.at their desk in the office

D.for less than 1/2 hour

The kids are hanging out. I pass small bands of students, in my way to work these mornings
. They have become a familiar part of the summer landscape.

These kids are not old enough for jobs. Nor are they rich enough for camp. They are school children without school. The calendar called the school year ran out on them a few weeks ago. Once supervised by teachers and principals, they now appear to be "self care'.

Passing them is like passing through a time zone. For much of our history, after all, Americans arranged the school year around the needs of work and family. In 19th century cities, schools were open seven or eight hours a day, 11 months a year. In rural America, the year was arranged around the growing season. Now, only S percent of families follow the agricultural model, but nearly all schools are scheduled as if our children went home early to milk the cows and took months off to work the crops. Now, three-quarters of the mothers of school-age children work, but the calendar is written as if they were home waiting for the school bus.

The six-hour day, the 180-day school year is regarded as something holy. But when parents work an eight-hour day and a 240-day year, it means something different. It means that many kids go home to empty houses. It means that, in the summer, they hang out.

"We have a huge mismatch between the school calendar and realities of family life," says Dr. Ernest Boyer, head of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching.

Dr. Boyer is one of many who believe that a radical revision of the school calendar is inevitable. "School, whether we like it or not, is educational. It always has been."

His is not a popular idea. Schools are routinely burdened with the job of solving all our social problems. Can they be asked to meet the needs of our work and family lives?

It may be easier to promote a longer school year on its educational merits and, indeed, the educational case is compelling. Despite the complaints and studies about our kids' lack of learning, the United State still has a shorter school year than any industrial nation. In most of Europe, the school year is 220 days. In Japan, it is 240 days long. While classroom time alone doesn't produce a well-educated child, learning takes time and more learning takes more time. The long summers of forgetting take a toll.

The opposition to a longer school year comes from families that want to and can provide other experiences for their children. It comes from teachers. It comes from tradition. And surely from kids. But the most important part of the conflict has been over the money.

Which of the following is an opinion of the author's?

A.The kids are hanging out.

B.They are school children without school.

C.These kids are not old enough for jobs.

D.The calendar called the school year ran out on them a few weeks ago.

Which sentence in the second paragraph is the topic sentence? A. Lyne was a head

Which sentence in the second paragraph is the topic sentence?

A. Lyne was a headmaster.

B. A lot of kids had chains around their necks.

C. I was constantly telling them to put inside their shirts.

D. They were house keys.

According to the author, most of the time we don't know__________. A. what hap

According to the author, most of the time we don't know __________.

A. what happiness is

B. how to take care of kids

C. what brings happiness to us

D. how to give our kids lasting happiness

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