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I stay up all night ______ to find a new solution to the problem. A) trying B) have tried C) t

I stay up all night ______ to find a new solution to the problem.

A) trying B) have tried C) try D) tried

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更多“I stay up all night ______ to …”相关的问题
Bob:I talked to Philip today and he said he’d be coming to the party. Shirley:Oh,so he can
(30me after all.You know,he always complains that__________.

A.he has no party to attend

B.he has a million things to do each day

C.he.has to stay up]ate at night

D.he has to go to all sort8 0f parties

Because you don't want to stay up all night packing and wear yourself out before you
even leave for the trip.翻译

I stayed up all night ______ to find a new solution to the problem.A.tryingB.have triedC.t

I stayed up all night ______ to find a new solution to the problem.


B.have tried



An important lecture______ tomorrow, the professor has to stay up late into the night to p
repare for it.

A.to be given

B.will be given

C.is to be given


(Staying up) all night, Tom (finished not only) the homework (but also read) many poems of

(Staying up) all night, Tom (finished not only) the homework (but also read) many poems of his (favorite) poets.

A.Staying up

B.finished not only

C.but also read


I had visited the capital before although my friend Arthur had not, I first visited London
as a student, reluctantly released from the bosom of a tearful mum,with a traveling trunk stuffed full of home-made fruit cakes and woolly vests. I was ill-prepared for the Spartan standards of the South. Through even the grimmest post-war days, as kids we had ploughed our way through corner cuts of beef and steamed puddings. So you can imagine my dismay when I arrived, that first day, at my London digs to be faced with a plate of tuna-paste sandwiches and a thin slice of cake left curling under a tea-towel. And that was supposed to be Sunday lunch! When I eventually caught up with my extremely irritating landlady, I met with a vision of splendor more in keeping with the Royal Enclosure at the races than the area in which she lived. Festooned with jewels and furs and plastered with exclusive cosmetics, she was a walking advert for Bond Street. Now, we have a none too elegant but very apt phrase for this in the North of England, and it was the one my friend Arthur to describe London after three days there: "All fur coat and nothing underneath." Take our hotel. The reception area was plush and inviting, the lounge and dining-room pood enough to start Arthur speaking "properly". But journey upstairs from one landing to the next, at the veneers of civilization fell away before your eyes. By the time we reached our room, pretension to refinement and comfort had disappeared. The fur coat was off(back in the bands of the hire purchase company), and what we were really expected to put up with for a small fortune a night was exposed in all its shameful nakedness. It was little more than a garret, a shabby affair with patched and peeling walls. There was a stained sink with pipes that grumbled and muttered all night long and an assortment of furnishings that would have disgraced Her Majestys Prison Service. But the crowning glory was the view from the window. A peek behind the handsome facade of our fabled city. Rank gardens choked with rubbish, all the debris of life piled against the back door. It was a good job the window didnt open, because from it all arose the unmistakable odor of the abyss. Arthur, whose mum still polishes her back step and disinfects her dustbin once a week, slumped on to the bed in a sudden fit of depression. Never mind, I said, drawing the curtains. You can watch telly. This was one of the hotels luxuries, which in the newspaper ad had persuaded us we were going to spend the week in style. It turned out to be a yellowing plastic thing with a picture which rolled over and over like a floundering fish until you took your fist to it. But Arthur wasnt going to be consoled by any cheap technological gimmicks. He was sure his dad had forgotten to feed his pigeons and that his dogs were pining away for him. He grew horribly homesick. After a terrible night spent tossing and turning to a ceaseless cacophony of pipes and firedoors, traffic, drunks and low-flying aircraft, Arthur surfaced next day like a claustrophobic mole. London had got squarely on top of him. Seven million people had sat on him all night, breathed his air, generally fouled his living space, and come between him and that daily quota of privacy and peace which prevents us all from degenerating into mad axemen or reservoir poisoners. Arthur had to be got out of London for a while.

When the writer first came to the capital____.

A.he had been very reluctant to leave his mother

B.his mother had not wanted him to leave home

C.he had made no preparations for his journey south

D.he had sent his possessions on ahead in a trunk

This passage is trying to tell us about______.A.motorists'troubles in parking their cars i

This passage is trying to tell us about______.

A.motorists'troubles in parking their cars in cities

B.the reason why a new kind of hotel is getting popular

C.which place is better for people to stay for the night

D.how to find a place to park your car when traveling

When God made the first man, he put him in a beautiful garden, the Garden of Eden. Here Ad
am lived in peace with all the animals. God gave Adam eternal life. But Adam was lonely in the gar den, so God made Eve. When Adam was asleep one night, God took a rib from him and made Eve, the first woman. Adam was happy when he woke up the next morning and found Eve beside him. God said to them, "Here in the Garden you have everything. But you cannot have one thing: you cannot eat the apples from the Tree of Knowledge."

One day Satan came to the Garden. He changed into a snake and went to live in the Tree of Knowledge. When Eve came near the tree one day, the snake called her. He gave her an apple and said," Take this apple and eat it. Don' t listen to the God. Eat it. "After Eve took a bite, she the apple to Adam. He was afraid, but Eve repeated again and again: "It' s good. Here, eat it. Why not?" So he finally ate the apple.

Before they ate the apple; Adam and Eve didn' t know that they were naked. But now they were ashamed and covered their bodies with leaves. God was angry with them. He said, "Leave the Gar den. You cannot stay here."

When Adam and Eve left the garden, they had their first experience of pain and hard work in the cold hard world outside.

God put Adam in a beautiful garden where he lived ______.

A.peacefully with other people

B.happily with all the animals

C.by himself without any other people


根据内容回答下列各题,When Pat Jones finished college, she decided she wanted to travel aro
und the world and see as many foreign places as she could _51_ she was young. Pat wanted to visit Latin America first, so she got a job _52_ an English teacher in a school in BoliviA.Pat spoke a little Spanish, _53_ she was able to communicate with her students even when they didn’t know much English. A sentence she had read somewhere stuck in her mind: if you dream _54_ a foreign language, you have really mastered it. Pat repeated this sentence to her students and hoped that someday she would dream in Spanish and they would dream in English. One day, one of her worst students came up and explained in Spanish that he had not done his homework. He had _55_ early, and had slept badly. “What does this have to do with _56_?” Pat demanded. “I dreamed all night, Miss, Jones, and my dream was in English!” “In English” Pat was very surprised, since he was such a bad students. She was _57_ secretly jealous. Her dreams were still not in Spanish. But she encouraged her young student, “Well, tell me about your dream.” “All the people in my dream _58_ English,” the student said, “And all the signs were in English. All the newspapers and magazines and all the TV programs were in English.” “But that’s wonderful,” said Pat, “What did all the people say to you?” “I’m _59_, Miss Jones. that’s _60_ I slept so badly. I didn’t understand a word they say,It was a nightmare!”






I’m going to () and cancel my reservation.

A.get away

B.call up

C.stay away

D.stay away

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