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Evidently, most artists and writers require ______. A. inspiration B. quiet C. m

Evidently, most artists and writers require ______.

A. inspiration

B. quiet

C. money

D. madness

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更多“Evidently, most artists and wr…”相关的问题
In January 2008 Arti entered in a contractual agreement with Bee Ltd to write a study manu
al for an international accountancy body’s award. The manual was to cover the period from September 2008 till June 2009, and it was a term of the contract that the text be supplied by 30 June 2008 so that it could be printed in time for September. By 30 May, Arti had not yet started on the text and indeed he had written to Bee Ltd stating that he was too busy to write the text.

Bee Ltd was extremely perturbed by the news, especially as it had acquired the contract to supply all of the

accountancy body’s study manuals and had already incurred extensive preliminary expenses in relation to the publication of the new manual.


In the context of the law of contract, advise Bee Ltd whether they can take any action against Arti.

(10 marks)

He was obviously not familiar with the west customs____.





Your influence, sir, is evidently() with him: he will never set you in trouble, or willfully hurt you.





Irene was evidently a heavy smoker, for the first two fingers of her right hand were
________ with nicotine.





It is said that the public and Congressional concern about deceptive packaging rumpus star
ted because Senator Hart discovered that the boxes of cereals consumed by him, Mrs. Hart, and their children were becoming higher and narrower, with a decline of net weight from 12 to 10.5 ounces, without any reduction in price. There were still twelve biscuits, but they had been reduced in size. Later, the Senator rightly complained of a store-bought pie in a handsomely illustrated hex that pictured, in a single slice, almost as many cherries as there were in the whole pie.

The manufacturer who increases the unit price of his product by changing his package size to lower the quantity delivered can, without undue hardship, put his product into boxes, hags, and tins that will contain even 4-ounce, 8 ounce, one-pound, two-pound quantities of break fast foods, cake mixes, etc. A study of drugstore and supermarket shelves will convince any observer that all possible sizes and shapes of boxes, jars, bottles, and tins are in use at the same time, and, as the package journals show, week by week, there is never any hesitation in introducing a new size and shape of box or bottle when it aids in product differentiation. The producers of packaged products argue strongly against changing sizes of packages to contain even weights and volumes, but no one in the trade comments unfavorably on the huge costs incurred by end less changes of package sizes, materials, shape, art work, and net weights that are used for improving a product's market position.

When a packaging expert explained that he was able to multiply the price of hard sweets by 2.5, from $ 1 to $2.50 by changing to a fancy jar, or that he had made a 5-ounce bottle look as though it held 8 ounces, he was in effect telling the public that packaging can be a very ex pensive luxury, h evidently does come high, when an average family pays about $ 200 a year for bottles, cans, boxes, jars and other containers, most of which can't be used for anything but stuffing the garbage can.

What started the public and Congressional concern about deceptive packaging rumpus'?

A.Consumers' complaints about the changes in package size.

B.Expensive packaging for poor quality products.

C.A senator's discovery of the tricks in packaging.

D.The rise in the unit price for many products.

听力原文:It is said that the public and Congressional concern about deceptive packaging ru

听力原文: It is said that the public and Congressional concern about deceptive packaging rumpus started because Senator Hart discovered that the boxes of cereals consumed by him, Mrs. Hart, and their children were becoming higher and narrower, with a decline of net weight from 12 to 10.5 ounces, without any reduction in price. There were still twelve biscuits, but they had been reduced in size. Later, the senator rightly complained of a store bought pie in a handsomely illustrated box that pictured, in a single slice, almost as many cherries as there were in the whole pie.

The manufacturer who increases the unit price of his product by changing his package size to lower the quantity delivered can, without undue hardship, put his product into boxes, bags, and tins that will contain even 4-ounce, 8-ounce, one-pound, two-pound quantities of breakfast foods, cake mixes, etc. A study of drug store and supermarket shelves will convince any observer that all possible size and shapes of boxes, jars, bottles, and tins are in use at the same time and, as the package journals show, week by week, there is never any hesitation in introducing a new size and shape of box or bottle when it aids in product differentiation. The producers of packaged products argue strongly against changing sizes of packages to contain even weights and volumes, but no one in the trade comments unfavourably on the huge costs incurred by endless changes of package sizes, materials, shape, art work, and net weights that are used for improving a product's market position.

When a packaging expert explained that he was able to multiply the price of hard sweets by 2.5, from 1 dollar to 2.5 dollars by changing to a fancy jar, or that he had made a 5-ounce bottle look as though it held 8 ounces, he was in effect telling the public that packaging can be a very expensive luxury. It evidently does come high, when an average family pays about 200 dollars a year for bottles, cans, boxes, jars and other containers, most of which can't be used for any thing but stuffing in to the garbage can.

?You will hear a talk presented by a reporter. This talk is about deceptive packing.

?For each question 23—30 mark one letter (A, B or C) for the correct answer.

?After you have listened once, replay the recording.

Consumers are concerned about the changes in the package size, mainly because ______.

A.they hate to see any changes in things they are familiar with

B.the unit price for a product often rises as a result

C.they have to pay for the cost of changing package sizes

I was taken by a friend one afternoon to a theatre. When the curtain was raised, the stage
was perfectly empty save for tall grey curtains which enclosed it on all sides, and presently through the thick folds of those curtains children came dancing in, singly, or in pairs, till a whole troop of ten or twelve were assembled. They were all girls; none, I think more than fourteen years old, one or two certainly not more than eight. They wore but little clothing, their legs, feet and arms being quite bare. Their hair, too, was unbound; and their faces, grave and smiling, were so utterly dear and joyful, that in looking on them one felt transported to some Garden of Hesperides, a where self was not, and the spirit floated in pure ether. Some of these children were fair and rounded, others dark and elf-like; but one and all looked entirely happy, and quite unself-conscious, giving no impression of artifice, though they had evidently had the highest and most careful training. Each flight and whirling movement seemed conceived there and then out of the joy of being—dancing had surely never been a labour to them, either in rehearsal or performance. There was no tiptoeing and posturing, no hopeless muscular achievement; all was rhythm, music, light, air, and above all things, happiness. Smiles and love had gone to the fashioning of their performance; and smiles and love shone from every one of their faces and from the clever white turnings of their limbs.

Amongst them—though all were delightful—there were two who especially riveted my attention. The first of these two was the tallest of all the children, a dark thin girl, in whose every expression and movement there was a kind of grave, fiery love.

During one of the many dances, it fell to her to be the pursuer of a fair child, whose movements had a very strange soft charm; and this chase, which was like the hovering of a dragonfly round some water lily, or the wooing of a moonbeam by the June night, had in it a most magical sweet passion. That dark, tender huntress, so full of fire and yearning, had the queerest power of symbolising all longing, and moving one’s heart In her, pursuing her white love with such wistful fervour, and ever arrested at the very moment of conquest, one seemed to see the great secret force that hunts through the world, on and on, tragically unresting, immortally sweet.

The other child who particularly enhanced me was the smallest but one, a brown-haired fairy crowned with a haft moon of white flowers, who wore a scanty little rose-petal-coloured shift that floated about her in the most delightful fashion. She danced as never child danced. Every inch of her small bead and body was full of the sacred fire of motion; and in her little pas seul she seemed to be the very spirit of movement. One felt that Joy had flown down, and was inhabiting there; one heard the rippling of Joy’s laughter. And, indeed, through all the theatre had risen a rustling and whispering; and sudden bursts of laughing rapture.

I looked at my friend; he was trying stealthily to remove something from his eyes with a finger. And to myself the stage seemed very misty, and all things in the world lovable; as though that dancing fairy had touched them with tender fire, and made them golden.

God knows where she got that power of bringing joy to our dry hearts: God knows how long she will keep it! But that little flying Love had in her the quality that lie deep in colour, in music, in the wind, and the sun, and in certain great works of art—the power to see the heart free from every barrier, and flood it with delight.

From this passage, it can be inferred that

A.the dancing girls are an very beautiful.

B.the girls come from all over the world.

C.the two tallest girls are the outstanding dancers.

D.the girls' performance is very successful.

Investment in the public sector, such as electricity, irrigation, public services and tran
sport (excluding vehicles, ships and planes) increased by about 10%, although the emphasis moved to the transport and away from the other sectors mentioned. Trade and services recorded a 16% to 17% investment growth, including a 30% increase in investment in business premises. Industrial investment is estimate to have risen by 8%. Although the share of agriculture in total gross investment in the economy continued to decline, investment grew by 9% in absolute terms, largely spurred on by a 23% expansion of investment in agricultural equipment. Housing construction had 12% more invested in it in 1964, not so much owing to increased demand, as to fears of new taxes and limitation of building.

Total consumption in real terms rose by close on 11% during 1964, and per capital personal consumption by under 7%, as in 1963. The undesirable trend towards a rapid rise in consumption, evident in previous years, remained unaltered. Since at current prices consumption rose by 16% and disposable income by 13%, there was evidently a fall in the rate of saving in the private sector of the economy. Once again consumption patterns indicated a swift advance in the standard of living. Expenditure on food declined in significance, although consumption of fruit increased. Spending on furniture and household equipment, health, education and recreation continued to increase. The greatest proof of altered living standards was the rapid expansion of expenditure on transport (including private cars) and personal services of all kinds, which occurred during 1964. The progressive wealth of large sectors of the public was demonstrated by the changing composition of durable goods purchased. Saturation(饱和) point was rapidly being approached for items such as the first household radio, gas cookers, and electric refrigerators, whereas increasing purchases of automobiles and television sets Were registered.

The author thinks that the trend towards a rapid rise in consumption was "undesirable" because______.

A.people saved less

B.people were wealthy

C.people consumed less

D.expenditures on luxuries in creased

根据以下内容回答题:No one knows for sure why birds migrate.One theory of migration says th


No one knows for sure why birds migrate.One theory of migration says that ancient birds of the northern part of the earth were forced southward during the Ice Age,when ice covered large parts of Europe,Asia and North America.As the ice melted,the birds came back to their homelands,spent the summer,and then went south again in winter.Gradually,these comings and goings became habits,and birds now migrate though much of the ice has gone. Another theory proposes that the ancient home of all modern birds was the tropic areas.There lived so well that the region became overcrowded.Many species had to move northward.During the summer,these birds found plenty of room and food.In winter,however,food be-came scarce and they had to return to the south. A newer theory is that increasing daylight stimulates certain glands(腺)in the bird’s body and prepares it for migration.One scientist is able to make birds migrate in midwinter by expo-sing them for two months to artificial daylight.Recoveries of marked birds indicate that they fly north as soon as they are set free.The conclusion is that the urge to migrate is determined by changes in the bird’s body which take place under seasonal changes in the length of daylight. This theory would account for the fact that not all birds migrate at the same time.Each sDecies seems to have its own schedule.The theory would also account for the regular time and rou‘tes of migration.Birds arrive at a given place year after year.Unfavorable weather delays them only a few days.Total hours of daylight,rather than weather,start them on the way. How birds find their way to the same place year after year and why they follow their own Darticular route are still mysteries.They evidently do not follow known landmarks,for many young birds migrate alone without the help of experienced adults.

We can conclude from the first paragraph that__________ .

A.during the Ice Age,the whole Europe was covered with ice

B.the south used to be the homelands of all birds

C.scientists can confidently explain why birds migrate now

D.migration of birds can be explained by the change of ice on earth


Radio, television and press () of conveying news and information.

A.are the most three common means

B.are the most common three means

C.are the three most common means

D.are three the most common means

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