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Part of the school sports ______ will be used to improve the condition of the football fie






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In America, every student in his or her second year of high school is required to take a c
lass in driver's education.

The course is divided up into two parts: class time for learning laws and regulations and driving time to practice driving. Each student is required to drive a total of six hours. The students are divided up into groups of four. The students and the instructor go out driving for two hour blocks of time. Thus, each student gets half an hour driving time per outing. Drivers Ed cars are unlike other cars in which they have two sets of brakes, one on the driver's side and one on the other side where the instructor sits. Thus, if the student driver should run into difficulties the instructor can take over.

After a student has passed the driver's education course and reached the appropriate age to drive (this age differs in every state but in most cases the person must be 16 years old), he must take his driver's test. The person must pass all three tests in order to be given a driver's license. If the person does well in his or her driver's education class, he or she will pass the test with flying colors and get a driver's license.

In America, the driver's course mentioned above______.

A.is considered as part of the advanced education

B.is given to anyone wanting to get a driver's license

C.is carried on after students graduate from high school

D.is offered to all the students of Grade 2 in high school

The kids are hanging out. I pass small bands of students, in my way to work these mornings
. They have become a familiar part of the summer landscape.

These kids are not old enough for jobs. Nor are they rich enough for camp. They are school children without school. The calendar called the school year ran out on them a few weeks ago. Once supervised by teachers and principals, they now appear to be "self care'.

Passing them is like passing through a time zone. For much of our history, after all, Americans arranged the school year around the needs of work and family. In 19th century cities, schools were open seven or eight hours a day, 11 months a year. In rural America, the year was arranged around the growing season. Now, only S percent of families follow the agricultural model, but nearly all schools are scheduled as if our children went home early to milk the cows and took months off to work the crops. Now, three-quarters of the mothers of school-age children work, but the calendar is written as if they were home waiting for the school bus.

The six-hour day, the 180-day school year is regarded as something holy. But when parents work an eight-hour day and a 240-day year, it means something different. It means that many kids go home to empty houses. It means that, in the summer, they hang out.

"We have a huge mismatch between the school calendar and realities of family life," says Dr. Ernest Boyer, head of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching.

Dr. Boyer is one of many who believe that a radical revision of the school calendar is inevitable. "School, whether we like it or not, is educational. It always has been."

His is not a popular idea. Schools are routinely burdened with the job of solving all our social problems. Can they be asked to meet the needs of our work and family lives?

It may be easier to promote a longer school year on its educational merits and, indeed, the educational case is compelling. Despite the complaints and studies about our kids' lack of learning, the United State still has a shorter school year than any industrial nation. In most of Europe, the school year is 220 days. In Japan, it is 240 days long. While classroom time alone doesn't produce a well-educated child, learning takes time and more learning takes more time. The long summers of forgetting take a toll.

The opposition to a longer school year comes from families that want to and can provide other experiences for their children. It comes from teachers. It comes from tradition. And surely from kids. But the most important part of the conflict has been over the money.

Which of the following is an opinion of the author's?

A.The kids are hanging out.

B.They are school children without school.

C.These kids are not old enough for jobs.

D.The calendar called the school year ran out on them a few weeks ago.

完成下列各题 B Joseph Lemasolai wrote a book about his l
ife. His people, the Maasai, are nomads,meaning they do not stay in one place for long. They move their villages in search of good grassand fresh water for their cattle. "The cow is the centerpiece of pretty much everything we do,"Joseph explains.“That s why we move.We could not be nomads without cattle.You can’t move for nothing--you can’t just walk around. When he was very young,Joseph spent much of his time looking after his family’s cattle,taking them to food and water and watching out for lions.He played on the grassland with his friends. when Joseph was about six years old,he left his family to attend a boarding school(寄宿学校).There,Joseph faced difficulties much like other children do.He was laughed at because he was fat.He got into trouble daily with his teachers. But Joseph also faced difficulty most children do not.”Every time school closed for vocation,I had to find my way home,“Joseph says,”That was one of the hardest things:“The village might be 5 miles a way.or it might be 50.Sometimes I wouldn’t know exactly where my family was.I had to search for them.” Joseph later attended high school in a city.After graduation,he went to college.Finally,he became a social studies teacher,and now he is teaching seventh and eighth graders at a school. Every summer,Joseph travels back to the grassland to visit his mother,brothers,and friends.And he takes a group of students with him to see both the beauty and the difficulty of growing up in that part of the country.“I like to show them the other side of the coin.”Joseph says. The word“centerpiece’’in Paragraph l means“________”.

A.the most important part

B.the things already done

C.the reason of moving

D.the animal in the middle

Blackcutt is a local government organisation whose financial statements are prepared using
International Financial Reporting Standards.

(a) Blackcutt wishes to create a credible investment property portfolio with a view to determining if any property may be considered surplus to the functional objectives and requirements of the local government organisation. The following portfolio of property is owned by Blackcutt.

Blackcutt owns several plots of land. Some of the land is owned by Blackcutt for capital appreciation and this may be sold at any time in the future. Other plots of land have no current purpose as Blackcutt has not determined whether it will use the land to provide services such as those provided by national parks or for short-term sale in the ordinary course of operations.

The local government organisation supplements its income by buying and selling property. The housing department regularly sells part of its housing inventory in the ordinary course of its operations as a result of changing demographics. Part of the inventory, which is not held for sale, is to provide housing to low-income employees at below market rental. The rent paid by employees covers the cost of maintenance of the property. (7 marks)

(b) Blackcutt has outsourced its waste collection to a private sector provider called Waste and Co and pays an annual amount to Waste and Co for its services. Waste and Co purchases the vehicles and uses them exclusively for Blackcutt’s waste collection. The vehicles are painted with the Blackcutt local government organisation name and colours. Blackcutt can use the vehicles and the vehicles are used for waste collection for nearly all of the asset’s life. In the event of Waste and Co’s business ceasing, Blackcutt can obtain legal title to the vehicles and carry on the waste collection service. (6 marks)

(c) Blackcutt owns a warehouse. Chemco has leased the warehouse from Blackcutt and is using it as a storage facility for chemicals. The national government has announced its intention to enact environmental legislation requiring property owners to accept liability for environmental pollution. As a result, Blackcutt has introduced a hazardous chemical policy and has begun to apply the policy to its properties. Blackcutt has had a report that the chemicals have contaminated the land surrounding the warehouse. Blackcutt has no recourse against Chemco or its insurance company for the clean-up costs of the pollution. At 30 November 2012, it is virtually certain that draft legislation requiring a clean up of land already contaminated will be enacted shortly after the year end. (4 marks)

(d) On 1 December 2006, Blackcutt opened a school at a cost of $5 million. The estimated useful life of the school was 25 years. On 30 November 2012, the school was closed because numbers using the school declined unexpectedly due to a population shift caused by the closure of a major employer in the area. The school is to be converted for use as a library, and there is no expectation that numbers using the school will increase in the future and thus the building will not be reopened for use as a school. The current replacement cost for a library of equivalent size to the school is $2·1 million. Because of the nature of the non-current asset, value-in-use and net selling price are unrealistic estimates of the value of the school. The change in use would have no effect on the estimated life of the building. (6 marks)


Discuss how the above events should be accounted for in the financial statements of Blackcutt.

Note: The mark allocation is shown against each of the four events above.

Professional marks will be awarded in question 3 for the clarity and quality of the presentation and discussion. (2 marks)

My kids take a lot of pride in being ahead of their friends in their best subjects.With
children who have learning disabilities, however, it is easy to underestimate (低估) their abilities, simply because it can be so difficult for them to show what they know.My son recently does a good job at the public school for his learning disabilities, and I was shocked to realize how excellent he was in many of his subjects.Because he couldn't give me good written answers to the questions, I hadn't realized how much he knew.I took away the sixth grade history book he and his sister were using and gave them both high school books, with the expectation that we would move up to college books next year if they did well.

Reading is their strongest subject, but I had not realized they had college reading abilities until they were tested.Both children enjoy history more, and my son likes to carry his history book to the grade school, where he attends part time.When his classmates do their grade school history, he pulls out his high school book and works independently from it.Surprisingly, this has also increased his ability to fit into his public school class.He was the youngest child in his class, has some disabilities, including speech disorders, and hadn't been in public school since first grade.He had complained that the public school class he had longed to try was boring, but after I increased his challenges at home, he seemed to adapt better at public school as well, choosing to participate more in the group activities, and making new friends.

36.According to the passage, which of the following belong to learning disability?

A.Being unable to say clearly.

B.Being unable to say anything.

C.Being unable to read anything.

D.Being unable to write anything.

37.Which statement can describe the mother's feeling when she found how excellent her son was in many of his subjects?

A.She is painful

B.She is excited

C.She is surprised

D.She is indifferent(无动于衷)

38.___is the strongest subject for the writer's son.

A .Listening




39.According to the passage, which statement is NOT true?

A.My son has never been to public school.

B.My son has done well in many of his subjects.

C.It is difficult for those with learning disability to express clearly.

D.It is easy to underestimate the abilities of those with learning disability.

40.What is reason for the mother's underestimating his own son's ability?

A.Because she pays on attention to it.

B.Because the boy shows it in a wrong way.

C.Because the mother has difficulty to understand her son.

D.Because it can be so difficult for them to show what they know.

Many Chinese students say that they have almost no time to play outdoors with theirfriends
. They have to spend a lot of timeon their homework and study every day. Howabout thestudents in the UK? According to a new report, only 21% ofchildren aged 8—12 have regularcontact(定期接触) with the natural world.

Some experts worry that the lack of contact with nature may bebad for children’s health,education and behavior. Others suggest different ways to help solve the problem. Monty Don, afamous British television gardener gives us a simple answer—he says gardening(园艺) shouldbe taught in every school in Britain.

According to Monty, gardening is the simplest way to get childrenoutside to enjoy freshair and sunlight. “Give students space big enough to let them grow their own plants. They mustcare fortheir plants, so they will run out to see them every day.”Monty thinks looking afterplants each daywill make them become more responsible(负 责 任 的 ). “The nature worldbecomes part of their real life, not just something they watch on television.”

As we know from the new report, ____ of British children aged 8 — 12 have not regularcontact withnature.





What is Monty Don’s job? He is a ____.A.reporter



D.television gardener

According to the passage Monty Don thinks ____ is the simplest way to get children outside.A.gardening

B.reading books

C.play games online

D.sit in the sun

In Monty Don’s opinion, he thinks gardening should ____.A.be learned by children themselves

B.be taught by parents

C.not be taught in school in any country

D.be taught inevery school in Britain

Monty thinks looking after plants is a good way to ____.A.plant the plants well

B.make children become more responsible

C.make their ownspace

D.make the school garden more beautiful

" They laughed when I sat down at the piano, but when I started to play . . . ! " These wo
rds may be among the most successful in advertising history. Although the ad has not run for many years, the slogan is still remembered. It was written in 1925 for the V. S. School of Music, to sell home music lessons.

The ad has great appeal. It pictures a handsome man sitting at a piano in front of smiling guests. It tells the story of Jack, who has secretly learned to play the piano through a mail-order course. His friends at a party all scoff when he sits at the keyboard. But as he plays the first notes of Beethoven's "Moonlight Sonata, " they all amazed. When he finishes his flawless performance, the listeners shower him with applause and praise.

Jack tells his friends that he learned to play through the V. S. School of Music. He explains that he was taught through a new method, using no laborious scales and no tiresome practicing. He didn't even have a special talent for music! In the ad, others, too, could increase their popularity and gain happiness.

The writer of this ad, John Gaples, called this style. the "Walter Mitty approach." Walter Mitty is a character in a short story by James Thurber, who daydreams of taking part in great adventures. Although this ad seems old-fashioned now, many people still dream of such easy social success.

The opening sentence catches your attention by______.

A.surprising you

B.describing a humorous situation

C.ridiculing someone

D.appealing to people's dreams of personal success

A young woman rode with her new husband in a wagon(四轮马车).They came to a log cabin (小

A young woman rode with her new husband in a wagon(四轮马车).They came to a log cabin (小木屋). The man shouted and a little boy came running out of the cabin. Sarah,the young woman,got down from the wagon,opened wide her arms and held the boy close.

“Hello,Abe Lincoln,” she said. “I think we’ 11 be good friends. ”

The new mother with the smiling face went to work at once. She washed Abe and his sister and tidied (弄整齐)their hair. And that night she threw away the boy’ s mattress (床塾)of leaves and gave him a soft mattress and enough blankets to keep him \^arm at night.

Sarah wove cloth and made new shirts for Abe. She made him new deerskin trousers and even deerskin shoes.

Maybe,if she hadn ’ t come to the cabin,he wouldn’ t have lived to be a man. When Abe’ s father told him not to go to school any more and help on thejfarm,Sarah took Abe’ s part against his father. Abe would rather read than eat,and when his father t6ld him to stop,Sarah said,“ Let the boy read.

In 1830 the day came when Abe would leave home to Work in New Salem. For the last time she had taken Abe’ s part against his father. For the last time sHe had kept the cabin quiet so that Abe could read.

More than twenty years later, when Abe, who had then become famous, was going to make a speech in a nearby town, Sarah went there just to watch him. In the crowd she tried to make herself small, but he saw her, and in front of everybody, got out of his carriage and went over and put his arms around her and kissed her. Yes,that was her Abe.

‘‘ He loved me truly,’’ she said later. Which of the following is not true?

A.The young woman in the wagon was Abe’ s new mother.

B.The man in the wagon was Abe’ s new father.

C.The little boy was the young woman’ s new son.

D.The little boy running out of the cabin was Ab

If Sarah hadn’ t come to the cabin,_____ .A.Abe’ s father wouldn’ t have told him not to go to school

B.Abe wouldn’ t have helped his father on the farm

C.Abe wouldn’ t have had so much time to read

D.Abe’s father wouldn’t have told him to stop reading

Sarah always took Abe’ s part against his father because she_____.A.wanted to please Abe

B.wished to be good friends with Abe

C.knew Abe didn’ t love reading very much

D.loved Aide truly

Sarah said Abe loved her truly because_____.A.Abe saw her in the crowd though she tried to make herself small

B.Abe didn’ t forget about his mother 20 years later

C.Abe kissed her in front of everybody

D.Abe said this to her himself

Hemingway was born in Illinois, his family took him as a boy on frequent hunting and fishi
ng trips and so acquainted him early with the kinds of virtues (美德) such as courage and endurance, which were later reflected in his fiction (文学作品) . After high school, he worked as a newspaper reporter and then went oversea to take part in World War I. After the war he lived for several years in Paris, where he became part of a group of Americans who felt strange from their country. They considered themselves a lost generation. It was not long before he began to publish the powerful novel "The Sun Also Rises". His subjects were often war and its effects on people, or contests, such as hunting or bullfighting, which demand stamina and courage.

Hemingway's style. of writing is striking. His sentences are short, his words simple, yet they are often filled with emotion. A careful reading can show us, furthermore, that he is a master of the pause. That is, if we look closely, we see how the action of his stories continues during the silences, during the times his characters say nothing. This action is often full of meaning. There are times when the most powerful effect comes from restraint (适度). Such times occur often in Hemingway's fiction. He perfected the art of expressing emotion with few words.

The word "stamina" in the last line of paragraph 1 can most probably be replaced by______.






Now you can achieve a Professional Certificate in Management in under a year with the Open Business School, part of the Open University.(英译中)

4 When a prominent football club, whose shares were listed, announced that it was to build
a new stadium on land

near to its old stadium, opinion was divided. Many of the club’s fans thought it a good idea because it would be more

comfortable for them when watching games. A number of problems arose, however, when it was pointed out that the

construction of the new stadium and its car parking would have a number of local implications. The local government

authority said that building the stadium would involve diverting roads and changing local traffic flow, but that it would

grant permission to build the stadium if those issues could be successfully addressed. A number of nearby residents

complained that the new stadium would be too near their homes and that it would destroy the view from their gardens.

Helen Yusri, who spoke on behalf of the local residents, said that the residents would fight the planning application

through legal means if necessary. A nearby local inner-city wildlife reservation centre said that the stadium’s

construction might impact on local water levels and therefore upset the delicate balance of animals and plants in the

wildlife centre. A local school, whose pupils often visited the wildlife centre, joined in the opposition, saying that whilst

the school supported the building of a new stadium in principle, it had concerns about disruption to the wildlife centre.

The football club’s board was alarmed by the opposition to its planned new stadium as it had assumed that it would

be welcomed because the club had always considered itself a part of the local community. The club chairman said

that he wanted to maintain good relations with all local people if possible, but at the same time he owed it to the fans

and the club’s investors to proceed with the building of the new stadium despite local concerns.


(a) Define ‘stakeholder’ and explain the importance of identifying all the stakeholders in the stadium project.

(10 marks)

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