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Recently, some scientists decided to find out what...

Recently, some scientists decided to find out what the funniest joke in the world was. This wasclearly a (an) 21 task,as no two people ever really agree about what is funny and what is not--22 when they are from different 23 Telling jokes is something people often 24 around the worlD@25 , jokes are sometimes not funny to or are often not 26 by people who are not part of that culture(文化). Anyhow, 27 a year-long serious study, the scientists 28 the funniest joke in the world :Two hunters (猎人) are out in the woods. One of them 29 to the ground He doesn&39; t seemto be 30 , his eyes closeD@The other hunter takes out his phone and calls emergency (紧急)services."My friend is dead!"he 31 to the man on the other side."What can I do?"The man,in a(an) 32 voice,says," Dont&39; t worry. I can 33 . First, make sure he&39;s 34 "There is a silence,then a shot is 35 Bang! The hunter&39;s voice comes back on the line. He says,"OK,now what?"
































































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()you wish to know why we have placed no further orders with you recently, we are wi

()you wish to know why we have placed no further orders with you recently, we are willing to raise a matter that caused us some trouble .

A. since

B. though

C. as

D. although

Mr. Brown's neighbour at the theatre______.A.did not know the ladies until recentlyB.only

Mr. Brown's neighbour at the theatre______.

A.did not know the ladies until recently

B.only knew some of them all her life

C.had known them since she joined the club

D.had known these ladies for a long time

Yuan, CFA, is a portfolio manager works for Golden Finance. Alex Muller is one of Yuan’s c
lients. They have not been in contact for more than three years. Recently, Alex suddenly called Yuan and said that he made a lot of money and wanted to invest in some high-risk and high-yield investment products. Yuan immediately recommended and invested in some private equity funds. As usual, Yuan also prepared the list of these funds, the details of the proceeds, and sent them to Alex monthly. Did Yuan most likely violate the CFA Institute Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct?

A.Yes, he violated for investing private equity funds.

B.Yes, he violated for the details of proceeds.


1 Bailey’s is a large toy manufacturer based in a traditional industrial region. Establish
ed in the 1970s, it has faced many changes in the market and survived. This has been due in part to employing a largely unskilled low paid staff,and maintaining its main advantage, that of low production costs based on low pay. Most of the production involves repetitive and boring work with little challenge and opportunity for innovation. Although many of the employees have

been with the company for some time, there has been a high level of employee turnover.

However, an unhappy atmosphere has been apparent for some time. There has been a number of instances ofarguments between the staff, friction between different departments, disturbance, low morale, poor production and general unrest, made worse recently by a decline in business which may lead to staff reduction and redundancy. Poor pay is leading to family problems that are affecting the commitment and motivation of the employees.

The business was recently sold to the new owner, Rebecca Stonewall. She is concerned that the negative atmosphere she has found will harm the prospects of the business and is determined to address the issues that have become apparent.

She has therefore decided that it is time to take account of opinions and views of the employees in an attempt both to identify the problems and to resolve them. She has appointed external counsellors since she thinks that a programme of individual counselling might be appropriate and is also of the opinion that some form. of different or improved approach to motivation might be the answer to the problems at Bailey’s.


(a) Define the role that the external counsellor must fulfil at Bailey’s. (3 marks)

For some employers, the policy of lifelong employment is particularly important because it
means that they can put money and effort into their staff (职员) training and make them loyal to the company. What they do is to select young people who have potential (潜能) and who can be trained, they then give the young people the kinds of skills that will make them suitable employees for the company. In other words, they adjust their training to their particular needs.

One recently employed graduate says that she is receiving a great deal of valuable training from the company. "This means that I will be a loyal employee, " she says, " And it also means that the company will want to keep me. I am an important investment for them. So the policy is a good one because it benefits both the employer and the employee. "

Recently, however, attitudes towards lifelong employment are beginning to change. Employees are slowly beginning to accept the idea that lifelong employment is not always in their best interest and that changing firms can have career advantages.

The purpose of lifelong employment is to______.

A.adjust the needs of the company to its employees

B.make employees loyal to their company

C.select the best skilled young employees

D.keep the skilled staff satisfied

Bionics is a recently developed branch of science, which has tremendous potential for impr
oving the life of mankind in our contemporary society. Bionics can be described as the study of systems in living creatures and the application of the knowledge gained from this study to the improvement of various kinds of man-made systems. The term bionics was coined around 1960, and much of what is known about the science of bionics has been discovered since about 1970.

Some researchers recently have studied the eyes of the common frogs and have discovered that a frog's eyes only find moving things such as insect-shaped objects and large, threatening objects. As a result of studying the eyes of frogs, scientists have constructed a simple electronic model of a frog's eyes which can track airplanes circling above an airport and then provide information to computer-run air traffic control systems. Someday such electronic eyes may provide the means to automatically guide automobiles by providing information about objects moving toward the automobile. Other scientists have studied the compound eyes of some insects and crabs and have built a seeing machine that is a simple model of the horseshoe crab eye.

The hearing of a number of creatures also has been studied extensively so that hearing machines can be developed. Bats have unusual hearing which can extend into the ultrasonic (超声的) range. The dolphin also has been studied extensively, and dolphins are able to navigate through water extremely effectively. Radar and sonar(声 纳) systems which are used to help ships and planes navigate have been based on the sonar systems of both bats and dolphins.

Which of the following could be the best title?

A.Electronic Eyes

B.The Science of Bionics

C.Sonar Systems

D.The Hearing of Some Creatures

Recently some banks extended their business to university campuses and offered credit card
s to students. A lot of people worry that credit cards may bring harm to students, while others dont think so. What is your opinion? Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic : Will Credit Cards Bring Harm to Students! You are to write in three parts. In the first part, state specifically what your opinion is. In the second part, support your opinion with appropriate details. In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary. Marks will be awarded for content, organization , grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the instructions may result in a loss of marks

For some employers, the policy of lifelong employment is particularly important because it
means that they can put money and effort into their staff(职员)training and make them loyal to the company. What they do is to select young people who have potential(潜能)and who can be trained, They then give the young people the kinds of skills that will make them suitable employees for the company. In other words, they adjust their training to their particular needs.

One recently employed graduate says that she is receiving a great deal of valuable training from the company. "This means that I will be a loyal employee,"she says, "And it also means that the company will want to keep me. I am an important investment for them. So the policy is a good one because it benefits both the employer and the employee. "

Recently, however, attitudes towards lifelong employment are beginning to change. Employees are slowly beginning to accept the idea that lifelong employment is not always in their best interest and that changing firms can have career advantages.

The purpose of lifelong employment is to______

A.adjust the needs of the company to its employees

B.make employees loyal to their company

C.select the best skilled young employees

D.keep the skilled staff satisfied

TQ Company, a listed company, recently went into administration (it had become insolvent a

TQ Company, a listed company, recently went into administration (it had become insolvent and was being managed by a firm of insolvency practitioners). A group of shareholders expressed the belief that it was the chairman, Miss Heike Hoiku, who was primarily to blame. Although the company’s management had made a number of strategic errors that brought about the company failure, the shareholders blamed the chairman for failing to hold senior management to account. In particular, they were angry that Miss Hoiku had not challenged chief executive Rupert Smith who was regarded by some as arrogant and domineering. Some said that Miss Hoiku was scared of Mr Smith.

Some shareholders wrote a letter to Miss Hoiku last year demanding that she hold Mr Smith to account for a number of previous strategic errors. They also asked her to explain why she had not warned of the strategic problems in her chairman’s statement in the annual report earlier in the year. In particular, they asked if she could remove Mr Smith from office for incompetence. Miss Hoiku replied saying that whilst she understood their concerns, it was difficult to remove a serving chief executive from office.

Some of the shareholders believed that Mr Smith may have performed better in his role had his reward package been better designed in the first place. There was previously a remuneration committee at TQ but when two of its four non-executive members left the company, they were not replaced and so the committee effectively collapsed.

Mr Smith was then able to propose his own remuneration package and Miss Hoiku did not feel able to refuse him.

He massively increased the proportion of the package that was basic salary and also awarded himself a new and much more expensive company car. Some shareholders regarded the car as ‘excessively’ expensive. In addition, suspecting that the company’s performance might deteriorate this year, he exercised all of his share options last year and immediately sold all of his shares in TQ Company.

It was noted that Mr Smith spent long periods of time travelling away on company business whilst less experienced directors struggled with implementing strategy at the company headquarters. This meant that operational procedures were often uncoordinated and this was one of the causes of the eventual strategic failure.

(a) Miss Hoiku stated that it was difficult to remove a serving chief executive from office.


(i) Explain the ways in which a company director can leave the service of a board. (4 marks)

(ii) Discuss Miss Hoiku’s statement that it is difficult to remove a serving chief executive from a board.

(4 marks)

(b) Assess, in the context of the case, the importance of the chairman’s statement to shareholders in TQ

Company’s annual report. (5 marks)

(c) Criticise the structure of the reward package that Mr Smith awarded himself. (4 marks)

(d) Criticise Miss Hoiku’s performance as chairman of TQ Company. (8 marks)

A public house which was recently bought by Mr. James is up for sale.He is going to sell it because it is haunted (闹鬼的). He told me that he could not go to sleep one night because he heard a strange n

A public house which was recently bought by Mr. James is up for sale.He is going to sell it because it is haunted (闹鬼的). He told me that he could not go to sleep one night because he heard a strange noise coming from the bar. The next morning, he found that the doors had been blockedby chairs and the furniture had been moved. Though Mr. James had turned the lights off before he went to bed, they were on in the morning.

He also said that he had found five empty whisky bottles which the ghost(鬼) must have drunk the night before. When I suggested that some villagers must have come in for a free drink, he shook his head. The villagers have told him that they will not accept it even if he gives it away.

1. Mr. James was the owner of the public house.


2. Mr. James had not turned off the lights that night.


3. Mr. James built the house.


4. Mr. James found sixty empty bottles.


5. The writer of the passage believes Mr. James' story.


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