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Bionics is a recently developed branch of science, which has tremendous potential for impr

oving the life of mankind in our contemporary society. Bionics can be described as the study of systems in living creatures and the application of the knowledge gained from this study to the improvement of various kinds of man-made systems. The term bionics was coined around 1960, and much of what is known about the science of bionics has been discovered since about 1970.

Some researchers recently have studied the eyes of the common frogs and have discovered that a frog's eyes only find moving things such as insect-shaped objects and large, threatening objects. As a result of studying the eyes of frogs, scientists have constructed a simple electronic model of a frog's eyes which can track airplanes circling above an airport and then provide information to computer-run air traffic control systems. Someday such electronic eyes may provide the means to automatically guide automobiles by providing information about objects moving toward the automobile. Other scientists have studied the compound eyes of some insects and crabs and have built a seeing machine that is a simple model of the horseshoe crab eye.

The hearing of a number of creatures also has been studied extensively so that hearing machines can be developed. Bats have unusual hearing which can extend into the ultrasonic (超声的) range. The dolphin also has been studied extensively, and dolphins are able to navigate through water extremely effectively. Radar and sonar(声 纳) systems which are used to help ships and planes navigate have been based on the sonar systems of both bats and dolphins.

Which of the following could be the best title?

A.Electronic Eyes

B.The Science of Bionics

C.Sonar Systems

D.The Hearing of Some Creatures

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更多“Bionics is a recently develope…”相关的问题
Which of the following is true according to this passage?A.Not until about 1960 did the wo

Which of the following is true according to this passage?

A.Not until about 1960 did the word bionics come into being.

B.Bionics is the study of the systems in animals.

C.Bionics is the only study of the eyes and ears of some creatures.

D.People didn't know much about the science of bionics until 1960.

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