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Joe took his friends there by a shortcut, reduced the drive from 50 minutes to 15.A. w

Joe took his friends there by a shortcut, reduced the drive from 50 minutes to 15.

A. where B. which C. that D. what

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更多“Joe took his friends there by …”相关的问题
______ the advice of his friends, he would not have suffered such a heavy loss in his busi

A.If he took

B.If he should take

C.Were he to take

D.Had he taken

Some years ago the captain of a ship was very interested in medicine. He always took medic
ine books to sea and liked to talk about different diseases.

One day a lazy sailor on his ship pretended to be ill. He lay on his bunk(铺) and groaned as if he were very sick. The captain came to see him and was very pleased to have a patient to look after. He told the man to rest for a few days and made the other sailors do his work. Three days later another sailor pretended that he had something wrong with his chest. Once more the captain looked in his medical books and told the "sick" man to have a rest.

The other sailors were very angry because they had more work to do. The patients had the best food and laughed at their friends when the captain was not looking. At last the mate (船长副手) decided to cure the "sick" men. He mixed up some soap, soot(烟灰) , glue(胶水) and other unpleasant things. Then he obtained permission from the captain to give his medicine to the "sick" men. When they tasted the medicine, they really did feel ill. It was so horrible that one of the patients jumped out of his bunk, ran up on deck and climbed the highest place on the ship. He did not want any more medicine.

The mate told both of the men that they must take the medicine every half an hour, night and day. This soon cured them. They both said they felt better and wanted to start work again. The captain realized that the men tried to deceive him so he made them work very hard for the rest of the voyage.

The first sailor pretended to be ill because he wanted to______.

A.test the captain's knowledge of medicine

B.be free from work

C.have the best food on the ship

D.play a joke on his friends

We took soft drinks to the _______ and our friends took beer there.





There is a widespread belief that people who get on in life may be successful not beca
use they deserve it, but because of influential friends or the right background. Sometimes it may just be a comforting and harmless belief, while at the other extreme it can be very destructive. I once met a brilliant young engineer who worked in a chemical plant. Because of her knowledge and experience, she should have been promoted to Production Manager. Instead, the job went to a man who was totally unsuited for the post. Everyone knew that he only got it because he was politically acceptable to his superiors. This injustice demoralized the young engineer and many of her colleagues. It also meant that the factory was much less efficient than it could have been.All the same, we should not be pessimistic. More and more, the modern world depends on having people who are in the job because they are good enough, not just because their face fits. There is a story of a factory owner who sent for an engineer to see to a machine, which would not go. He examined it, then took out a hammer and tapped it, once. The machine started up immediately. When he presented his bill, the owner protested, "This can't be right! $100 just for tapping a machine with a hammer?" The engineer wrote out a new bill: "For tapping a machine, $1; for knowing where to tap it, $99."

1.It is believed that some people have succeeded in life because____.

A、they feel superior to others

B、they are both influential and powerful

C、they have some special advantages

D、they have a poor background

2.The engineer at the chemical plant was not promoted because____.

A、it is more difficult for a woman to get a promotion than for her male colleagues

B、her boss did not think she had the right qualifications for the job

C、the man who got his promotion was more experienced than she was

D、her bosses did not approve of her political views and opinions

3.The engineer who repaired the machine was right to charge $100 because____.

A、he was the only person who could find out what was wrong with it

B、the factory owner could not have repaired it himself

C、he hit the machine to get it started again

D、he was charging for his knowledge and expert skills

4.The author's attitude toward the widespread belief is____.





5.According to the passage, which of the following is NOT TRUE?____

A、Having influential friends or right background seems helpful sometimes.

B、The engineer had good reason to overcharge the factory owner.

C、Not all those who are good in their jobs have the chance to be promoted.

D、Those who are good in their job are still largely needed by the modern society.

My kids take a lot of pride in being ahead of their friends in their best subjects.With
children who have learning disabilities, however, it is easy to underestimate (低估) their abilities, simply because it can be so difficult for them to show what they know.My son recently does a good job at the public school for his learning disabilities, and I was shocked to realize how excellent he was in many of his subjects.Because he couldn't give me good written answers to the questions, I hadn't realized how much he knew.I took away the sixth grade history book he and his sister were using and gave them both high school books, with the expectation that we would move up to college books next year if they did well.

Reading is their strongest subject, but I had not realized they had college reading abilities until they were tested.Both children enjoy history more, and my son likes to carry his history book to the grade school, where he attends part time.When his classmates do their grade school history, he pulls out his high school book and works independently from it.Surprisingly, this has also increased his ability to fit into his public school class.He was the youngest child in his class, has some disabilities, including speech disorders, and hadn't been in public school since first grade.He had complained that the public school class he had longed to try was boring, but after I increased his challenges at home, he seemed to adapt better at public school as well, choosing to participate more in the group activities, and making new friends.

36.According to the passage, which of the following belong to learning disability?

A.Being unable to say clearly.

B.Being unable to say anything.

C.Being unable to read anything.

D.Being unable to write anything.

37.Which statement can describe the mother's feeling when she found how excellent her son was in many of his subjects?

A.She is painful

B.She is excited

C.She is surprised

D.She is indifferent(无动于衷)

38.___is the strongest subject for the writer's son.

A .Listening




39.According to the passage, which statement is NOT true?

A.My son has never been to public school.

B.My son has done well in many of his subjects.

C.It is difficult for those with learning disability to express clearly.

D.It is easy to underestimate the abilities of those with learning disability.

40.What is reason for the mother's underestimating his own son's ability?

A.Because she pays on attention to it.

B.Because the boy shows it in a wrong way.

C.Because the mother has difficulty to understand her son.

D.Because it can be so difficult for them to show what they know.

Three friends decided to sail around the world in a small yacht(游艇). They loaded it with

Three friends decided to sail around the world in a small yacht(游艇). They loaded it with food and water and set off. They traveled to many beautiful places, and were having a wonderful time.

Until one day, when they had been at sea for about a month, a fierce storm blew up.

Great waves crashed(坠毁)down on their little yacht. The mast(船桅) broke and the yacht was soon thrown against some rocks near a deserted island.

The three men were able to struggle to the island, taking with them as much food as they could carry. Not a tree, not a bush, not a flower grew on the island. There was not an animal of any kind, not even a bird or an insect. For a few weeks the three men were able to live on the food they had saved, but at last it was gone--except for one piece of bread. They decided that whoever had the best dream the next night could have the bread. The next morning they took turns describing their dreams.

The first man said that he had dreamed he was in the world's most beautiful restaurant and he had eaten the finest meal of his life and drunk some of the finest wines. He said it was one of the best dreams he had ever had.

The second man described how he had dreamed about a magic carpet. Sitting on this car- pet, he had traveled to all the wonderful places in the world and been the guest of great kings and queens. It had been a truly exciting dream.

The men who had described their dreams then turned to the third man. "Tell us your dream," they said. "My dream was very simple," he said. "I dreamed that the bread was go- ing bad and would soon be moldy(发霉). 1 didn't want to waste the bread, so as soon as I woke up I ate it.

The three men took______.

A.many souvenirs(纪念品) with them

B.no medical supplies with them

C.a large crew with them

D.many provisions(食物贮备) with them

______ his sister, Jack is quiet and does not easily make friends with others.A.DislikeB.U

______ his sister, Jack is quiet and does not easily make friends with others.





When I took his temperature, it was two degrees above ______.A.normalB.ordinaryC.averageD.

When I took his temperature, it was two degrees above ______.





A young woman rode with her new husband in a wagon(四轮马车).They came to a log cabin (小

A young woman rode with her new husband in a wagon(四轮马车).They came to a log cabin (小木屋). The man shouted and a little boy came running out of the cabin. Sarah,the young woman,got down from the wagon,opened wide her arms and held the boy close.

“Hello,Abe Lincoln,” she said. “I think we’ 11 be good friends. ”

The new mother with the smiling face went to work at once. She washed Abe and his sister and tidied (弄整齐)their hair. And that night she threw away the boy’ s mattress (床塾)of leaves and gave him a soft mattress and enough blankets to keep him \^arm at night.

Sarah wove cloth and made new shirts for Abe. She made him new deerskin trousers and even deerskin shoes.

Maybe,if she hadn ’ t come to the cabin,he wouldn’ t have lived to be a man. When Abe’ s father told him not to go to school any more and help on thejfarm,Sarah took Abe’ s part against his father. Abe would rather read than eat,and when his father t6ld him to stop,Sarah said,“ Let the boy read.

In 1830 the day came when Abe would leave home to Work in New Salem. For the last time she had taken Abe’ s part against his father. For the last time sHe had kept the cabin quiet so that Abe could read.

More than twenty years later, when Abe, who had then become famous, was going to make a speech in a nearby town, Sarah went there just to watch him. In the crowd she tried to make herself small, but he saw her, and in front of everybody, got out of his carriage and went over and put his arms around her and kissed her. Yes,that was her Abe.

‘‘ He loved me truly,’’ she said later. Which of the following is not true?

A.The young woman in the wagon was Abe’ s new mother.

B.The man in the wagon was Abe’ s new father.

C.The little boy was the young woman’ s new son.

D.The little boy running out of the cabin was Ab

If Sarah hadn’ t come to the cabin,_____ .A.Abe’ s father wouldn’ t have told him not to go to school

B.Abe wouldn’ t have helped his father on the farm

C.Abe wouldn’ t have had so much time to read

D.Abe’s father wouldn’t have told him to stop reading

Sarah always took Abe’ s part against his father because she_____.A.wanted to please Abe

B.wished to be good friends with Abe

C.knew Abe didn’ t love reading very much

D.loved Aide truly

Sarah said Abe loved her truly because_____.A.Abe saw her in the crowd though she tried to make herself small

B.Abe didn’ t forget about his mother 20 years later

C.Abe kissed her in front of everybody

D.Abe said this to her himself

Due to his financial problems, Mr.Johnson seldom _____ his friends in his home since h





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