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In 1920, barely out of his teens, Alfred Hitchcock went to work for an American film co

mpany which had opened a studio in Islington, London. His first job at the studio was writing captions (脚本) for silent movies. Within two years, he was writing scripts(剧本) and working as an assistant director. For the rest of the 1920s, Hitchcock worked on one film after another in Britain and Germany. Filming was often a rough-and-ready(匆忙做成的) affair and the assistant director was required to step in and plug gaps. A cameraman went missing, Hitchcock became a cameraman. A scene needed rewriting, Hitchcock rewrote it. Someone needed to be in charge of money when the film crew was on location, Hitchcock looked after the money. At the same time, this being the era of silent movies, Hitchcock was learning the language of cinema: telling a story-not through dialogue, but through visual images(视觉影象). This led to his success later. When he began to direct his own films, first in Britain and later in Hollywood, he was determined to make films that held the audience's attention and kept tension(紧张感). He succeeded. Hitchcock's ability to put you on the edge of your seat makes him one of the greatest makers of suspense(悬念) movies. (以下为试题题干)He had taken up different jobs before he succeeded.()

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It is estimated that some seven hundred million people about half the world's population a
re un able to read and write, and there are probably two hundred and fifty million more whose level of attainment(造诣、成就)is so slight that it barely qualifies a literacy(识字).

Recently the attack on illiteracy has been stepped up. A world plan has been drawn up by a committee of UNESCO experts in Paris, as part of the United Nations Development Decade, and an international conference on the subject has also been held. UNESCO stresses that functional literacy is the aim. People must learn the basic skills of responsible citizenship: the ability to read notices, newspapers, timetables, letters, price lists, to keep simple records and accounts, to sort out the significance of the information gathered, and to fill in forms.

The major areas of illiteracy are in Asia, and Central and South America. In Africa there are at least one hundred million illiterates, making up eighty to eighty-five per cent of the total population. In Europe the figure is about twenty-four million, most of them is Southern Europe, with Spain, Italy, Portugal, and Yugoslavia heading the list (the United Kingdom has about seven hundred thousand).

According to the estimate, the illiterate population in the world is ______.

A.two hundred and fifty million

B.one hundred million

C.about half of the total population in the world

D.seven thousand million






The first thing to notice is that the media we're all familiar with—from books to televisi
on--are one-way propositions: they push their content at us. The Web is two-way, push and pull. In finer point, it combines the one-way reach of broadcast with the two-way reciprocity (互惠) of a mid-cast. Indeed, its user can at once be a receiver and sender of broadcast—a confusing property, but mindstretching!

A second aspect of the Web is that it is the first medium that honors the notion of multiple intelligences. This past century's concept of literacy grew out of our intense belief in text, a focus enhanced by the power of one particular technology-the typewriter. It became a great tool for writers but a terrible one for other creative activities such as sketching, painting, notating music, or even mathematics. The typewriter prized one particular kind of intelligence, but with the Web, we suddenly have a medium that honors multiple forms of intelligence—abstract, textual, visual, musical, social, and kinesthetic. As educators, we now have a chance to construct a medium that enables all young people to become engaged in their ideal way of learning. The Web affords the match we need between a medium and how a particular person learns.

A third and unusual aspect of the Web is that it leverages (起杠杆作用) the small efforts of the many with the large efforts of the few. For example, researchers in the Maricopa County Community College system in Phoenix have found a way to link a set of senior citizens with pupils in the Longview Elementary School, as helper-mentors (顾问). It's wonderful to sec-kids listen to these grandparents better than they do to their own parents, the mentoring really helps their teachers, and the seniors create a sense of meaning for themselves. Thus, the small efforts of the man—the seniors—complement the large efforts of the few—the teachers. The same thing can be found in operation at Hewlett-Packard, where engineers use the Web to help kids with science or math problems. Both of these examples barely scratch the surface as we think about what's possible when we start interlacing resources with needs across a whole region.

What does the word mind-stretching imply?

A.Obtaining one's mental power.

B.Strengthening one's power of thought.

C.Making great demands on one's mental power.

D.Exerting one's mental power as far as possible.

The child was to open the refrigerator door.A.barely tall enoughB.barely enough tallC.tall

The child was to open the refrigerator door.

A.barely tall enough

B.barely enough tall

C.tall barely enough

D.enough barely tall

The U. S. Army Infantry (步兵), which calls Fort Benning home, has fought in every major c

The U. S. Army Infantry (步兵), which calls Fort Benning home, has fought in every major conflict involving the nation's military. Yet developing a program for effective infantry training came neither quickly nor easily. The first movement to shape the country's foot soldiers into a superior force came more than 200 years ago at the request of the general who became the first president of the United States.

Revolutionary forces commanded by General George Washington were barely surviving as they camped at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, during the winter of 1777. Washington realized that his soldiers, shivering in rags. Needed better training if there were to be any hope of winning against the well-schooled British army. He sought advice from the respected Prussian (普鲁士) general, Baron Fredreich von Steuben.

Von Steuben agreed to help, but recognized the huge challenge he faced to change the loose band of rebels into a disciplined, well-organized force. As one observer at the time noted, the colonial army "was the finest body of troops he had ever seen out of step '. Von 8teuben's own assessment was that the Continental Army was a shame. "There was no uniformity of drill, no similarity of organization , and no teamwork of any kind ", wrote Leroy Yarborough, first lieutenant (中尉) of infantry , in an unpublished 1931 history of Fort Benning. No two companies drilled alike. And they all drilled poorly.

But Von Steuben was resourceful and energetic and known for his persuasiveness. He established standard drill exercises and taught them patiently, but persistently to the troops. Once he saw progress, he chose those most skilled in military formations to demonstrate for the rest to imitate. This practice of using the best troops to model techniques and tactics become fundamental in military training, continuing long after the Revolutionary War. For his efforts, Von Steuben is known as the "Father of the U. S. Infantry."

The first two paragraphs tell us ______.

A.how Von Steuben became the general of the American infantry

B.how the revolutionary forces came to be commanded by Washington

C.how Washington set about asking von Steuben to train his soldiers

D.how poorly organized the Americans were compared to the British army

If your steak is rare, it ________.

A、is barely cooked and has a pink, bloody interior

B、has a pinkish center, but browned edges

C、has a slightly pink center but are mostly browned

D、is cooked until a deeper brown





















A、 Live like a peasantB、 Balance your dietC、 Shopkeepers are your friendsD、 Remember to tr

A、 Live like a peasant

B、 Balance your diet

C、 Shopkeepers are your friends

D、 Remember to treat yourself

E、 Stick to what you need

F、 Planning is evervthing

G、 Waste not, want not

The hugely popular blog the Skint Foodie chronicles how Tony balances his love of good food with living on benefits. After bills, Tony has 60 a week to spend, 40 of which goes on food, but 10 years ago he was earning 130,000 a I year working in corporate communications and eating at London&39;s betft restaurants&39;" at least twice a week. Then his marriage failed, his career burned out and his drinking became serious.

"The community mental health team saved my life. And I felt like that again, to a certain degree, when people responded to the blog so well. It gave me the validation and confidence that I&39;d lost. But it&39;s still a day-by-day thing." Now he&39;s living in a council flat and fielding offers from literary agents. He&39;s feeling positive, but he&39;ll carry on blogging - not about eating as cheaply as you can - "there are so many people in a much worse state, with barely any money to spend on food" - but eating well on a budget. Here&39;s his advice for economical foodies.41._____________________Impulsive spending isn&39;t an option, so plan your week&39;s menu in advance, making shopping lists for your ingredients in their exact quantities. I have an Excel template for a week of breakfast, lunch and dinner. Stop laughing: it&39;s not just cost effective but helps you balance your diet. It&39;s also a good idea to shop daily instead of weekly, because, being-human, you&39;ll sometimes change your mind about what you fancy.


This is where supermarkets and thci; anonymity come in handy. With them, there&39;s not the same embarrassment as when buying one carrot in a little greengrocer. And if you plan properly, you&39;ll know that you only need, say, 350g of shin of beef and six rashers of bacon, not whatever weight is pre-packed in the supermarket chiller.


You may proudly claim to only have frozen peas in the freezer - that&39;s not good enough. Mine is filled with leftovers, bread, stock, meat and fish. Planning ahead should eliminate wastage, but if you have surplus vegetables you&39;ll do a vegetable soup, and all fruits threatening to "go off&39; will be cooked or juiced.44___________________________________

Everyone says this, but it really is a top tip for frugal eaters. Shop at butchers, delis and fish-sellers regularly, even for small things, and be super friendly. Soon you&39;ll feel comfortable asking if they&39;ve any knuckles of ham for soups and stews, or beef bones, chicken carcasses and fish heads for stock which, more often than not, Theyil let you have for free.


You won&39;t be eating out a lot, but save your pennies and once every fewmonths treat yourself to a set lunch at a good restaurant - 1.75 a week for three months gives you 21 - more than" enough for a three-course lunch atMichelin-starred Arbutus. It&39;s 16.95 there - or 12.99 for a large pizza from Domino&39;s: I know which I&39;d rather eat.

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