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26Job descriptions are examples of ______communications. A.upward B.downward C.horizontal

26 Job descriptions are examples of ______communications.

A. upward

B. downward

C. horizontal

D. diagonal

E. None of the above

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更多“26Job descriptions are example…”相关的问题
Job descriptions are examples of ______communications.AupwardBdownwardChorizontalDdiagonal

Job descriptions are examples of ______communications.

A upward

B downward

C horizontal

D diagonal

E None of the above

The article opens and closes with descriptions of two news reports, each______one major po
int in contrast with the other.



C.is to make


Which of the following are descriptions of basis risk?(1) It is the difference between the

Which of the following are descriptions of basis risk?

(1) It is the difference between the spot exchange rate and currency futures exchange rate

(2) It is the possibility that the movements in the currency futures price and spot price will be different

(3) It is the difference between fixed and floating interest rates

(4) It is one of the reasons for an imperfect currency futures hedge

A.1 only

B.1 and 3

C.2 and 4 only

D.2, 3 and 4

Which of the following descriptions is correct about the DIP switch?()
A.The rack No. setting starts from 0.

B.The subrack No. setting starts from 1.

C.The DIP switch is located on the interface area of the subrack.

D.The DIP switch is a 8-bit switch.

To give us an idea of how large the rafflesia is, the author uses ______. A. the size

To give us an idea of how large the rafflesia is, the author uses ______.

A. the size of an elephant for comparison

B. measurements

C. comparisons to other flowers

D. detailed descriptions of the flower's stem

When ZXCTN products are enabled with L3 monitoring, no matter it monitors MCCVLAN or e

A. So which of the following descriptions are correct?()

B. VLAN IDs of adjacent link segments must be different.

C.VLAN IDs of nonadjacent link segments may be the sam

D.VLAN IDs of adjacent link segments may be the sam

E.VLAN IDs of nonadjacent link segments must be different.

It is acknowledged that the modem musical show is America's most original and dynamic cont
ribution toward theater. In the last quarter of 20th century, America has produced large 【21】______ of musical plays that have been popular abroad 【22】______ at home. 【23】______ , it is very difficult to explain 【24】______ is new or 【25】______ American about them, for the 【26】______ are centuries old.

Perhaps the uniqueness of America's contribution to the 【27】______ can best be characterized through brief descriptions of several of the most important and best-known musicals. One of these is surely Oklahoma by Richard Rogers and Oscar Hamerstein. It burst 【28】______ popularity in 1943. Broadway audience and critics were 【29】______ by its 【30】______ , vitality and excitement. This "new" type of musical was 【31】______ as kind of 【32】______ theater in which the play, the music and lyrics, the dancing, and the scenic background were assembled not merely to provide entertainment and 【33】______ , but to 【34】______ in a single unifying whole to contribute to its unique feature. 【35】______ , it meant that the songs and dances should 【36】______ naturally out of the situations of the story and play an important part in carrying the action 【37】______ . In Oklahoma, an American folk-dance style. was organically combined with classical ballet and modem dance. It is fight to say that the musical was a brilliantly integrated performance by the talented dancers and singing actors.

Oklahoma also marked a new 【38】______ in the choice of story on which a musical is based. Writers and composers began to abandon the sentimentally picturesque or aristocratic setting 【39】______ more realistic stories in authentic social and cultural 【40】______ Oklahoma was based on a "folk" whose story dealt not only with young love but also with the opening of the American West.






Most personnel managers agree that job interviews are one of the least objective recru
itment methods.But the advantages of testing are not going to change the attraction of the interview to employers.The appeal of the interview has everything to do with the human factor.

Most people believe that they are a reasonable judge of character and trust their instinctive feelings.We might use some kind of test to aid the selection process, but we usually pick a candidate who interviews well, has good qualifications and an impressive work record.

But suppose the candidate lies or is less than completely honest.“This can be a serious problem for employers,” explains Alan Conrad, Chief Executive at Optimus Recruitment.“The most difficult liars to find are those who tell halftruths rather than complete lies.” Research shows that up to 75 percent of resumes are inaccurate on purpose.The most common practice is omission.

Interviewer should therefore concentrate on areas of uncertainty such as gaps between periods of employment and job descriptions that seem strange.“Focusing on these areas will force candidates to tell the truth or become increasingly dishonest.This is usually when people show their anxiety by their body language.Sweat on the upper lip, false smiles and nervous hand movements all indicate discomfort.”

Conrad does not suggest an aggressive policystyle. interview technique, but insists that close inspection of a resume is absolutely essential.Only by asking the right questions can you confirm the suitability of the candidate or put pressure on those who are being less than completely honest.

1.The best title of this passage can be ______.

A.Disadvantages of Job Interviews

B.Advantages of Job Interviews

C.How to Catch Out the Dishonest Candidate

D.How to Find a Job by Tricks

2.The liars hard to recognize are those who tell ______.

A.partial truths

B.mainly truths

C.complete truths

D.complete lies

3.How were the job applicants able to lie without being detected?

A.By using their body language

B.By telling some unbelievable lies

C.By leaving out some necessary information

D.By providing more information than needed

4.In order to pick up a qualified and an honest candidate, Conrad suggests that we ______.

A.correct the resumes intentionally

B.compare one’s resume with others

C.examine the resumes carefully

D.inspect the candidates aggressively

5.What is the author’s attitude towards job interviews?



C.Most objective

D.Too subjective

Introduction and client backgroundYou are an audit senior in Staple and Co and you are com

Introduction and client background

You are an audit senior in Staple and Co and you are commencing the planning of the audit of Smoothbrush Paints Co for the year ending 31 August 2010.

Smoothbrush Paints Co is a paint manufacturer and has been trading for over 50 years, it operates from one central site, which includes the production facility, warehouse and administration ffices.

Smoothbrush sells all of its goods to large home improvement stores, with 60% being to one large chain store Homewares. The company has a one year contract to be the sole supplier of paint to Homewares. It secured the contract through signifi cantly reducing prices and offering a four-month credit period, the company’s normal credit period is one month.

Goods in/purchases

In recent years, Smoothbrush has reduced the level of goods directly manufactured and instead started to import paint from South Asia. Approximately 60% is imported and 40% manufactured. Within the production facility is a large amount of old plant and equipment that is now redundant and has minimal scrap value. Purchase orders for overseas paint are made six months in advance and goods can be in transit for up to two months. Smoothbrush accounts for the inventory when it receives the goods.

To avoid the disruption of a year end inventory count, Smoothbrush has this year introduced a continuous/perpetual inventory counting system. The warehouse has been divided into 12 areas and these are each to be counted once over the year. The counting team includes a member of the internal audit department and a warehouse staff member. The following procedures have been adopted;

1. The team prints the inventory quantities and descriptions from the system and these records are then compared to the inventory physically present.

2. Any discrepancies in relation to quantities are noted on the inventory sheets, including any items not listed on the sheets but present in the warehouse area.

3. Any damaged or old items are noted and they are removed from the inventory sheets.

4. The sheets are then passed to the fi nance department for adjustments to be made to the records when the count has fi nished.

5. During the counts there will continue to be inventory movements with goods arriving and leaving the warehouse.

At the year end it is proposed that the inventory will be based on the underlying records. Traditionally Smoothbrush has maintained an inventory provision based on 1% of the inventory value, but management feels that as inventory is being reviewed more regularly it no longer needs this provision.

Finance Director

In May 2010 Smoothbrush had a dispute with its fi nance director (FD) and he immediately left the company. The company has temporarily asked the fi nancial controller to take over the role while they recruit a permanent replacement. The old FD has notifi ed Smoothbrush that he intends to sue for unfair dismissal. The company is not proposing to make any provision or disclosures for this, as they are confi dent the claim has no merit.


(a) Identify and explain the audit risks identifi ed at the planning stage of the audit of Smoothbrush Paints Co. (10 marks)

(b) Discuss the importance of assessing risks at the planning stage of an audit. (4 marks)

(c) List and explain suitable controls that should operate over the continuous/perpetual inventory counting system, to ensure the completeness and accuracy of the existing inventory records at Smoothbrush Paints Co. (10 marks)

(d) Describe THREE substantive procedures the auditor of Smoothbrush Paints Co should perform. at the year end in confi rming each of the following:

(i) The valuation of inventory; (3 marks)

(ii) The completeness of provisions or contingent liabilities. (3 marks)

Which Low Carbon Technology Is Now a Reality?A.With fossil fuels expected to supply over 7

Which Low Carbon Technology Is Now a Reality?

A.With fossil fuels expected to supply over 70% of the world"s energy needs by 2040, we face some urgent questions: where should efforts be focused in reducing greenhouse gas emissions? Which technologies hold the most promise? There are a range of low-carbon solutions and given the challenge, we will need them all.We hear a lot about the advances being made by refreshable sources of energy such as solar, wind and hydro-electricity and these are certainly valuable technologies in combating climate change.But how can we really make a m jor impact in reducing carbon emissions from large power plants and industrial facilities? Enter carbon capture and storage——or CCS——a technology that captures CO2 from fossil fuel production and permanently stores it underground.

B.The aim is to prevent the release of large quantities of CO2 into the atmosphere (from fossil fuel use in power generation and other industries ).It is a potential means of relieving the contribution of fossil fuel emissions to global warming and ocean acidification (酸化).Although CO2 has been injected into geological formations for several decades for various purposes, including enhanced oil

recovery, the long term storage of CO2 is a relatively new concept.The first commercial example was Weyburn in 2000.CCS can also be used to describe the scrubbing (涤气 ) of CO2 from environmental air as a climate engineering technique.

C.In November 2014 the Global CCS Institute released its flagship (核心的) publication——the annual Global Status of CCS report.This comprehensive annual update is the prominent source of information on the development of CCS around the world.A lot of work went into updating information in the report, in cooperation with the CCS industry, as there had been quite significant changes to the CCS landscape in the preceding 12 months.This included the launch of a large-scale

CCS project in the power sector and the beginning of construction of the world"s first large-scale CCS project in the iron and steel sector.

D.Large-scale CCS is now a reality in the power sector with the October 2014 launch of the Boundary Dam Integrated Carbon Capture and Storage Demonstration Project in Saskatchewan, Canada.Boundary Dam is the first commercial CCS plant in the power sector, removing 90 per cent of the CO2 produced by electricity generation from lignite (褐煤) coal at Production Unit No.3 of the SaskPower facility.The captured CO is primarily used for enhanced oil recovery (EOR) at the nearby Weyburn oil field, although amounts are also to be stored in deep geological formations at the Aqnistore site.The success of the Boundary Dam project and the progression of additional

projects through planning and construction, indicates that CCS technologies for application in the power sector are "market ready".

E.The next 18 -24 months will see CCS be applied across a range of industries and storage types.A further two large-scale CCS power projects are in construction in the US——the Kemper County Energy Facility in Mississippi and the Petra Nova Carbon Capture Project in Texas.Both projects are expected to be operational in 2016.Also in the US, the Illinois Industrial CCS project planned for launch later this year will capture CO2 from the Archer Daniels Midland corn-to-ethanol (乙醇) plant in Decatur, Illinois for storage in an onshore deep saline formation.The Abu Dhabi CCS project in the United Arab Emirates is under construction and from 2016 will provide the world"s first large- scale demonstration of CO2 capture from iron and steel production.

F.In addition to the 22 large-scale CCS projects currently in operation or construction around the world,14 projects are in advanced stages of planning, many of which are likely to be in a position to make a final investment decision over the coming year.Together this group of projects covers a range of applications for CCS and could extend to around ten in the number of large-scale CCS projects operating in the power sector by the end of the decade.Their progression to operation would add experience in the dedicated geological storage of CO.and see operational large-scale CCS activity extend to China for the first time.

G.2014 saw commercial application in the power sector become a reality and we can look forward to a further expansion across a diverse range of industries in the coming years.The Global CCS Institute continues to cover developments in CCS with up-to-date information, expert insights, workshops, media releases and online seminars.We struggle to make CCS industry information easily accessible and encourage you to engage with us via our website and regular publications.

H.For detailed information on large-scale CCS projects please visit our online Projects page, which you can browse or search for projects based on stage, region, industry o.r capture, transport and storage type.For the first time the Institute"s website contains project descriptions for around 40 lesser scale "remarkable" CCS projects, of which four Japanese "remarkable" CCS projects were the key focus of a chapter in the Global Status of CCS report.For ongoing expert information visit our Insights page, which is regularly updated with articles from experts in carbon capture and storage, public engagement, legal issues and policy developments.

I.To join in the discussion you can attend meetings and workshops around the world, and participate in online seminars where you will have the opportunity to listen to and ask questions of a range of experts.Visit our Events page to see upcoming meetings, conferences, workshops and seminars.Finally, for a range of up-to-date news and more detailed information, visit our news and publications sections.We look forward to covering this exciting period in the development of CCS and providing you with the latest information and important issues for the sector.

Carbon dioxide has been stored in geological formations for different purposes; however, its long term storage is comparatively new. 查看材料

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