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______ I can't understand is ______ he wants to change his mind.A.That, thatB.Which, howC.

______ I can't understand is ______ he wants to change his mind.

A.That, that

B.Which, how

C.What, what

D.What, why

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更多“______ I can't understand is _…”相关的问题
My wife and I moved into our home nine years ago. We have a yard and a "rock garden&q
uot;. Therethe rocks appear to be just thrown up onto the dirt as if someone were in a hurry, to finish. Very oftenwhen we have more flowers, Denise or I would plant them between the rocks,just to add some colorto the area.

Last summer I found, in the rock garden, a tiny little plant that I could not immediatelyrecognize. I knew I didn&39; t plant it and Denise said she didn&39; t either. We decided to let it continuegrowing until we could find out what it was.

Weeks passed and as I made my way back to the strange plant, it appeared to&39;be a sunflower. Itlooked thin and tall with only one head on it. I decided to baby it along and weed(除草) around it.As I pulled rocks from the area to get to the weeds, I noticed something unusual. The sunflower hadnot started where I saw it begin. It actually had begun under a big rock and grown under and around it to reach the sun.

If a tiny little sunflower didn&39; t let a big rock stand in its way of developing, we too have theability to do the same thing. If we believe in ourselves like that little sunflower, we can reach wherewe aim to go and get what we need for growth.

We need to believe in ourselves knowing we have the ability to achieve our goals. Like thesunflower, it knew it had the ability to get over the rocks because it had faith in itself that it wouldsucceed. Stand tall like the sunflower and be proud of who and what we are,then other things will beginto support us. We will find a way to go under or around any "rocks" in order to realize our goals.

Why did the family plant flowers in the "rock garden"?

A.To attract visitors.

B.To remove the rocks.

C.To please their neighbors.

D.To make the area colorful.

The author let the tiny plant continue growingA.to see how long it could live

B.to see how big it could grow

C.to find out what it actually was

D.to know if his wife had planted it

Why did the author think the sunflower was unusual?A.It was very thin and tall.

B.It had only one head on it.

C.It grew on top of a big rock.

D.It began to grow under a rock.

What does the author want to say through the story?A.Rocks cannot prevent us from success.

B.Sunflowers are able to grow everywhere.

C.We should take good care of the rock gardens.

D.We can get over difficulties if we trust ourselves.


My country's greatest symbol to the world is the Statue of Liberty(自由女神像), an
d it was designed by special care. I don't know if you've ever seen the Statue of Liberty, but if you look closely, she's holding not one object, but two. In one hand is the familiar torch we call the "light of liberty."And in the other hand is a book of law.

We're a nation of laws. Our courts are honest and they are independent. The President -- me -- I can't tell the courts how to rule, and neither can any other member of the government. Under our law, everyone stands equal. No one is above the law, and no one is beneath it.

All political power in America is limited and only given by the free vote of the people. We have a Constitution, now two centuries old, which limits and balances the power of the three branches of our government, the judicial(法庭的)branch, the legislative(立法的)branch, and the executive branch, of which I'm a part.

Many of the values that guide our life in America are first shaped in our families, just as they are in your country.American moms and dads love their children and work hard and sacrifice for them, because we believe life can always be better for the next generation. In our families, we find love and learn responsibility and character.

America is a nation guided by faith. Someone once called us "a nation with the soul of a church." This may interest you -- 95 percent of Americans say they believe in God, and I'm one of them.

1、How many objects are held in the hands of the Statue of Liberty?()





2、According the passage, all people are _____ under the law of the United States.

A、the same


C、sometimes different

D、sometimes equal

3、The Constitution mentioned in this passage is round _____ years old.





4、According to the author many of the values of life are first developed _____.

A、in school

B、in the family

C、in work

D、in college

5、From the passage we can easily see that _____.

A、the majority of Americans often go to church

B、the government plays a very important role in a law court

C、light music is popular with old people

D、parents have little influence over their children

Dear Mr. Mills,In reply to your letter of April 20, I would【21】to inform(通知) you that th

Dear Mr. Mills,

In reply to your letter of April 20, I would【21】to inform(通知) you that there are a【22】of beautiful summer cottages(小别墅) for sale here in Ocean City.

For example, we have a modern two-storey house that is【23】up to date. It is two blocks from the sea and you may find this a disadvantage(不利), but,【24】all, the opening of the summer【25】is only a few weeks from now, and finding a house【26】to the ocean than that is【27】out of the question. The house I'm speaking of has two bedrooms and a porch(门廊) that can be【28】for sleeping. For this reason, I consider it as a very good buy. The plumbing(给水管道) is out of order at the【29】, but this will be repaired, of course. The price is reasonable; as a matter of fact, it is less than is being asked for comparable(同等的) houses elsewhere in town.

As a rule, I【30】 to deal with people face to face in matters of this kind.【31】, I will be out of town next week, and I don't think you should delay in【32】 your decision about this house, since it is sure to be sold quickly. Under the circumstances (环境),【33】, I suggest that you come to see it as【34】 as possible. You can deal with one of my assistants in the office. I am sure you will find the house is【35】 what you expect.

Sincerely yours,

Jason Riggs, Manager

Ocean City Real Estate Company






Guest: I've hooked a double room for 3 nights under Fowler. Receptionist: ______A.Good aft

Guest: I've hooked a double room for 3 nights under Fowler. Receptionist: ______

A.Good afternoon, how can I help you?

B.Are you taken care of, sir?

C.Can you spell it for me?

D.May I have your name?

Risk can be divided into two basic types; business risk and pure (or insurable risk). Of t

Risk can be divided into two basic types; business risk and pure (or insurable risk). Of the following, which one(s) fall(s) under business risk?

A liability loss

B direct property loss

C profit loss

D personnel-related loss

E B and C

It is natural for young people to be critical of their parents at times and to blame them
for most of the misunderstandings between them. They have always complained, more or less justly, that their parents are out of touch with modem ways; that they are possessive and dominant; that they do not trust their children to deal with crises; that they talk too much about certain problems; and that they have no sense of humor, at least in parent-child relationships.

I think it is true that parents often underestimate their teenage children and also forget how they themselves felt when young.

Young people often irritate their parents with their choices in clothes and hairstyles, in entertainments and music. This is not their motive. They feel cut off from the adult world into which they have not yet been accepted. So they create a culture and society of their own. Then, if it turns out that their music or entertainments or vocabulary or clothes or hairstyles irritate their parents, this gives them additional enjoyment. They feel they are superior, at least in a small way, and that they are leaders in style. and taste.

Sometimes you are resistant and proud, because you do not want your parents to approve of what you do. If they did approve, it looks as if you are betraying your own age group. But in that case, you are assuming that you are the underdog: you can't win but at least you can keep your honor. This is a passive way of looking at things. It is natural enough after long years of childhood, when you were completely under your parents' control. But it ignores the fact that you are now beginning to be responsible for yourself.

If you plan to control your life, cooperation can be part of that plan. You can charm others, especially your parents, into doing things the ways you want. You can impress others with your sense of responsibility and initiative, so that they will give you the authority to do what you want to do.

The author is primarily addressing ______.

A.parents of teenagers

B.newspapers readers

C.those who give advice to teenagers


__________ myself,I can only say that I don’t know.

A.Regards as

B.As regards

C.Regards to

D.To regards

I can't help (to think) it (would be) fun (to play) such (an exciting) game with them.A.to

I can't help (to think) it (would be) fun (to play) such (an exciting) game with them.

A.to think

B.would be

C.to play

D.an exciting

It seems that there is______ that I can't do.A.nothingB.anythingC.everythingD.none

It seems that there is______ that I can't do.





It's too expensive for me. I can't ______ it.A.spendB.costC.affordD.pay

It's too expensive for me. I can't ______ it.





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