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We had difficulty in accepting your terms.

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完成下列各题 B Joseph Lemasolai wrote a book about his l
ife. His people, the Maasai, are nomads,meaning they do not stay in one place for long. They move their villages in search of good grassand fresh water for their cattle. "The cow is the centerpiece of pretty much everything we do,"Joseph explains.“That s why we move.We could not be nomads without cattle.You can’t move for nothing--you can’t just walk around. When he was very young,Joseph spent much of his time looking after his family’s cattle,taking them to food and water and watching out for lions.He played on the grassland with his friends. when Joseph was about six years old,he left his family to attend a boarding school(寄宿学校).There,Joseph faced difficulties much like other children do.He was laughed at because he was fat.He got into trouble daily with his teachers. But Joseph also faced difficulty most children do not.”Every time school closed for vocation,I had to find my way home,“Joseph says,”That was one of the hardest things:“The village might be 5 miles a way.or it might be 50.Sometimes I wouldn’t know exactly where my family was.I had to search for them.” Joseph later attended high school in a city.After graduation,he went to college.Finally,he became a social studies teacher,and now he is teaching seventh and eighth graders at a school. Every summer,Joseph travels back to the grassland to visit his mother,brothers,and friends.And he takes a group of students with him to see both the beauty and the difficulty of growing up in that part of the country.“I like to show them the other side of the coin.”Joseph says. The word“centerpiece’’in Paragraph l means“________”.

A.the most important part

B.the things already done

C.the reason of moving

D.the animal in the middle

He said he had no difficulty ______the boat himself. A. mending B. to mend C. in me

He said he had no difficulty ______the boat himself.

A. mending

B. to mend

C. in mending

D. A and C

From Henning's results we can see that______.A.beginners have difficulty distinguishing th

From Henning's results we can see that______.

A.beginners have difficulty distinguishing the pronunciation of words

B.advanced students remember words by their meaning

C.it is difficult to remember words that sound alike

D.it is difficult to remember words that have the same meaning

You can hardly imagine the difficulty the single mum had ______ her children. A. bro

You can hardly imagine the difficulty the single mum had ______ her children.

A. brought up

B. to bring up

C. bringing up

D. to have brought up

Traveling has now become a highly organized business ______.A.so we can travel anywhere wi

Traveling has now become a highly organized business ______.

A.so we can travel anywhere without difficulty

B.because we are provided with all kinds of convenient means for traveling

C.because traveling organizations can be found in the countries the world over

D.so travelers have increased rapidly

Section B – TWO questions ONLY to be attemptediCompute was founded twenty years ago by the

Section B – TWO questions ONLY to be attempted

iCompute was founded twenty years ago by the technology entrepreneur, Ron Yeates. It initially specialised in building bespoke computer software for the financial services industry. However, it has expanded into other specialised areas and it is currently the third largest software house in the country, employing 400 people. It still specialises in bespoke software, although 20% of its income now comes from the sales of a software package designed specifically for car insurance.

The company has grown based on a ‘work hard, play hard work ethic’ and this still remains. Employees are expected to work long hours and to take part in social activities after work. Revenues have continued to increase over the last few years, but the firm has had difficulty in recruiting and retaining staff. Approximately one-third of all employees leave within their first year of employment at the company. The company appears to experience particular difficulty in recruiting and retaining female staff, with 50% of female staff leaving within 12 months of joining the company. Only about 20% of the employees are female and they work mainly in marketing and human resources.

The company is currently in dispute with two of its customers who claim that its bespoke software did not fit the agreed requirements. iCompute currently outsources all its legal advice problems to a law firm that specialises in computer contracts and legislation. However, the importance of legal advice has led to iCompute considering the establishment of an internal legal team, responsible for advising on contracts, disputes and employment legislation.

The support of bespoke solutions and the car insurance software package was also outsourced a year ago to a third party. Although support had been traditionally handled in-house, it was unpopular with staff. One of the senior managers responsible for the outsourcing decision claimed that support calls were ‘increasingly varied and complex, reflecting incompetent end users, too lazy to read user guides.’ However, the outsourcing of support has not proved popular with iCompute’s customers and a number of significant complaints have been made about the service given to end users. The company is currently reviewing whether the software support process should be brought back in-house.

The company is still regarded as a technology leader in the market place, although the presence of so many technically gifted employees within the company often creates uncertainty about the most appropriate technology to adopt for a solution. One manager commented that ‘we have often adopted, or are about to adopt, a technology or solution when one of our software developers will ask if we have considered some newly released technology. We usually admit we haven’t and so we re-open the adoption process. We seem to be in a state of constant technical paralysis.’

Although Ron Yeates retired five years ago, many of the software developers recruited by him are still with the company. Some of these have become operational managers, employed to manage teams of software developers on internal and external projects. Subba Kendo is one of the managers who originally joined the company as a trainee programmer. ‘I moved into management because I needed to earn more money. There is a limit to what you can earn here as a software developer. However, I still keep up to date with programming though, and I am a goalkeeper for one of the company’s five-a-side football teams. I am still one of the boys.’

However, many of the software developers are sceptical about their managers. One commented that ‘they are technologically years out of date. Some will insist on writing programs and producing code, but we take it out again as soon as we can and replace it with something we have written. Not only are they poor programmers, they are poor managers and don’t really know how to motivate us.’ Although revenues have increased, profits have fallen. This is also blamed on the managers. ‘There is always an element of ambiguity in specifying customers’ requirements. In the past, Ron Yeates would debate responsibility for requirements changes with the customer. However, we now seem to do all amendments for free. The customer is right even when we know he isn’t. No wonder margins are falling. The managers are not firm enough with customers.’

The software developers are also angry that an in-house project has been initiated to produce a system for recording time spent on tasks and projects. Some of the justification for this is that a few of the projects are on a ‘time and materials’ basis and a time recording system would permit accurate and prompt invoicing. However, the other justification for the project is that it will improve the estimation of ‘fixed-price’ contracts. It will provide statistical information derived from previous projects to assist account managers preparing estimates to produce quotes for bidding for new bespoke development contracts.

Vikram Soleski, one of the current software developers, commented that ‘managers do not even have up-to-date mobile phones, probably because they don’t know how to use them. We (software developers) always have the latest gadgets long before they are acquired by managers. But I like working here, we have a good social scene and after working long hours we socialise together, often playing computer games well into the early hours of the morning. It’s a great life if you don’t weaken!’


(a) Analyse the culture of iCompute, and assess the implications of your analysis for the company’s future performance. (13 marks)

(b) iCompute is currently re-considering three high level processes:

(i) Advice on legal issues (currently outsourced)

(ii) Software support (currently outsourced)

(iii) Time recording (in-house, bespoke software development)

Evaluate, using an appropriate framework or model, the suitability of iCompute’s current approach to EACH of these high level processes. (12 marks)

On the morning of November 18,1735, an earthquake shook Boston, Massachusetts. John Winthr
op, a professor at Harvard College, felt the quake and awoke. "I rose," Winthrop wrote, "and lighting a candle, looked on my watch, and found it to be 15 minutes after four." John Winthrop walked quickly downstairs to the grandfather's clock. It had stopped three minutes before, at 4 ' 11. Except for stopping the clock, the quake had only thrown a key from the mantel to the floor.

The clock had stopped because Winthrop had put some long glass tubes he was using for an experiment into the box for safekeeping. The quake had knocked the tubes over and blocked the pendulum. Winthrop, therefore, had the exact time that the earthquake had hit Boston. He looked at the key on the floor. The quake had thrown it forward in the direction of the quake's motion by a shock coming from the northwest, perhaps in Canada.

This passage suggests that ______.

A.John Winthrop had difficulty in sleeping

B.earthquakes are common in Boston

C.Boston was a center for clock-making

D.John Winthrop was a scientist

No sooner had we sat down ______ we found it was time to go.A.thanB.whenC.asD.while

No sooner had we sat down ______ we found it was time to go.





We had meant _____early.

A.that we come

B.that we came


D.to come

To our ______ Geoffrey's illness proved not to be as serious as we had feared.A.anxietyB.r

To our ______ Geoffrey's illness proved not to be as serious as we had feared.





We ______our dinner when a policeman came to the door. A. just had B. have just had

We ______our dinner when a policeman came to the door.

A. just had

B. have just had

C. just have had

D. had just had

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