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Let' s think of a situation ______ this idiom can be used.A.whereB.whichC.thatD.what

Let' s think of a situation ______ this idiom can be used.





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更多“Let' s think of a situation __…”相关的问题
Let's take a walk before we start to study again. "Oh, I think it's ______ for walking."A.

Let's take a walk before we start to study again. "Oh, I think it's ______ for walking."

A.much too hot

B.very much hot

C.too much heat

D.very much heat

Tony:That would be great. Working in a bank will be well-paid.Gnace:()What are you doin
Tony:That would be great. Working in a bank will be well-paid.

Gnace:()What are you doing now?

Toay: l am an intern at 1BM Company, and I plan to go to university nest year.

Grace: Good luck. Let's keep in touch

A、l am not sure yet.

B、I hope so.

C、What is you major?

D、I think you are right.

提示:一位女士在商店为儿子挑选T恤衫,大小和式样都合适,也有喜欢的颜色,但价格太高。(Shop Assist


(Shop Assistant = S; Customer = C)

S:Good morning, madam. (1) ?

C:Yes.You see,I&39;m looking for a T-shirt for my son.

S:We have a large variety of T-shirts.What about this one?

C: Oh.I like it. (2) ?

S:Let me see...Size 4,6...Yes,we have size 8.Here you are.

C:Urn,but I don&39;t really like this color. (3) ?

S:Yes, we also have pink, orange, black, blue, and...

C:Good.I think blue is nice. (4) ?

S:It&39;s $ 50.

C:Oh, really? I&39;m afraid (5) .I&39;ll have to think about it.


When I think of the post office, I’m reminded of that awful little man who is in charg
e of the parking lot.He won’t let me leave my car there even for a moment, unless I park exactly as he wishes.And he’s very difficult to please! I hear that soon my local post office will arrange a program to have stamps sent to homes, so that I won’t have to visit the post office to buy stamps when I need them.What’s more, the post office will soon install a drive-through letterbox.That way, I will hardly have to stop my car to deal with that rude little parking lot officer.I just hope I never see his face on a postage stamp!

1.What is that awful little man? ()

A.He is the person who minds the cars in the car parking lot.

B.He is the person who always parks his car there.

C.He is the author’s friend.

D.He is a clerk in the post office.

2.What kind of new program of service will the local post office offer? ()

A.To offer free car parking

B.To sell visit those who buy stamps in front of the post office.

C.To send stamps to the buyer’s homes.

D.To send letters to homes through letter box.

3.The little man does not let the author park his car unless______.

A.the author gives him some money.

B.the author parks his car exactly as he the man wishes.

C.the author goes in to the office to buy some stamps.

D.the author parks his car there only for a moment.

4.Why does the author no longer need to deal with the little parking lot officer? ()

A.He needn’t buy stamps at all.

B.The parking lot officer will not be there because he has been sent somewhere else.

C.He has sold his car and has no car to park at all.

D.He can depend on the new and modern postal conveniences.

5.From the passage, we can conclude that the parking lot officer is ______.

A.rather friendly

B.very attractive

C.a little polite

D.too strict with car drivers

It is wise to remember that you do not have to buy anything from any salesperson. You ough

It is wise to remember that you do not have to buy anything from any salesperson.

You ought to buy only those things you really need or want and can 【B1】. Try not to let your personal feelings about the salesperson 【B2】 you to make a purchase. Remember that you are entitled to ask a salesperson any question you wish 【B3】 the product or service, and you are entitled to get a clear, complete 【B4】 . You can tell the salesperson you want to think about the matter for a few days, 【B5】 that you want to talk to other people who have purchased the product or service. You can walk 【B6】 from a salesperson without a polite end to the conversation. If a salesperson telephones you, you do not have to listen to the person’s entire“lecture”or respond to it in a friendly way. You can simply interrupt the person and state that you are not interested in the product or service. You can simply 【B7】 the telephone without saying anything.

There are, of course many salespeople who are genuinely interested in assisting you and in 【B8】 you reasonable products and prices. If you are in 【B9】 about the wisdom of a particular purchase, you might want to 【B10】 another person who has had experience with the product or the service that interests you. If you receive unwanted goods in the mail, you are not obligated to pay for it.






If you thought handshakes were just a gesture of greeting, then think again! A handsha

ke is not only a way of greeting; it can also show your personality. Since we all want to set a good first impression, it is important to know the right shaking hands manners.

Stand up and maintain eye contact while shaking hands. If you are seated when someone comes for a handshake, stand up and shake his or her hand. It is impolite to be still seated. Keep right distance between the two of you; not too close, but enough distance to shake your hands well. Keeping eye contact makes the other person feel welcome and comfortable.

Keep a handshake brief and firm. You let go of each other's hand after 2-3 seconds. Make sure your handshake ends before your conversation does. One's handshake should show a feeling of strength and warmth. The hand should be firm and not lifeless like seaweed. Then, how firm should a handshake be? Just grasp the person's hand completely and do not press it too hard.

1.Which of the following statements about the significance of handshakes is not true?()

A.Handshakes are just a gesture of greeting

B.Handshakes are more than a way of greeting

C.Handshakes can show our personality

2.If you are seated when someone comes for a handshake, you should().

A.stand up and shake his or her hand

B.keep seated and shake his or her hand

C.bow and say hello to him or her

3.Keeping eye contact while shaking hands makes, the other person feel ().




4.How long does a handshake usually last?()

A.As long as the conversation lasts

B.5 minutes

C.23 seconds

5.Which of the following words can best describe a proper handshake?()

A.brief and strong

B.brief and firm

C.brief and soft

What are the beauties of Hawaii? Let’s start with four.The beach, famous for its water
What are the beauties of Hawaii? Let’s start with four.The beach, famous for its water

What are the beauties of Hawaii? Let’s start with four.

The beach, famous for its water temperature, air temperature and waves, is the first beauty.There are hundreds of miles of beaches on the twenty islands of Hawaii.They are thought to be among the finest beaches in the world.

Then, what do you think would be the second beautiful thing? It is volcanoes (火山), of course.These volcanoes are not just a part of the islands; they made the islands in the first place.Because of them the islands are still growing.

What would be the third thing of beauty that the first visitor to Hawaii would notice? It probably wouldn’t be just one thing, but many things: all the wonderful fruits and flower s of the islands.Sugar cane, bananas and pineapples are Hawaii’s biggest exports.Sugar cane has been growing in Hawaii for a thousand years.As for pineapples, the islands produce more than any other places in the world, which has made Dole Company the b iggest fruit-packing company in the world.

The fourth and most beautiful thing about Hawaii is the people who live there.The Hawaiians never rush, and perhaps this is because they care more for human life than they care for the machine.There is an old H awaiian law that a man can go to sleep in the middle of the road if he wants to.What makes the people of Hawaii so beautiful is their feeling about people.There are 64 different combinations of races on the islands, and they all live in peace.They belie ve “Above all nations is humanity.” That is the most beautiful thing of all.

1.According to the passage, Hawaii is made up of().

A.one island

B.twenty islands

C.sixty-four islands

D.hundreds of islands

2.Why are the volcanoes so special to the islands?()

A.They are not a part of the islands

B.They actually made the islands

C.They are the first in the world

D.They are growing

3.What has made Dole Company the biggest fruit-packing company in the world?()


B.Sugar cane



4.The people in Hawaii are the most beautiful thing because().

A.they had a peaceful history

B.they can sleep in the middle of the road

C.there are 64 different races on the islands

D.they care more for people than anything else

5.According to the passage, “above all nations is humanity” might mean ().

A.not all nations have humanity

B.humanity is as important as a nation

C.humanity has no national boundaries

D.all human being s should live in peace

Shyness is the cause of much unhappiness for a great many people. Shy people are anxious a
nd self-conscious; that is, they are excessively concerned with their own appearance and actions. Worrisome thoughts are constantly occurring in their minds: What kind of impression am I making? Do they like me? Do I sound stupid? Am I wearing unattractive clothes?

It is obvious that such uncomfortable feelings must affect people adversely. A person's self- concept is reflected in the way he or she behaves, and the way a person behaves affects other people's reactions. In general, the way people think about themselves has a great effect on all areas of their lives.

Shy people, having low self-esteem, are likely to be passive and easily influenced by others. They need reassurance (放心) that they are doing "the right thing". Shy people are very sensitive to criticism; they feel it confirms their inferiority (自卑). They also find it difficult to be pleased by compliments (赞扬) because they believe they are unworthy of praise. A shy person may respond to a compliment with a statement like this one, "You're just saying that to make me feel good. I know it's not true." It is clear that, while self-awareness is a healthy quality, overdoing it is harmful.

Can shyness be completely eliminated (消除), or at least reduced? Fortunately, people can overcome shyness with determined and patient effort in building self-confidence. Since shyness goes hand in hand with lack of self-esteem, it is important for people to accept their weaknesses as well as their strengths.People's expectations of themselves must be realistic. Living on the impossible leads to a sense of inadequacy.

Each one of us is a unique, worthwhile individual. We are interested in our own personal ways. The better we understand ourselves, the easier it becomes to live up to our full potential. Let's not allow shyness to block our chances for a rich and fulfilling life.

The first paragraph is mainly about ______.

A.the characteristics of shy people

B.the cause of shyness

C.the questions in the minds of shy people

D.the effect of shyness on people

Scientists who study the brain have found out a great deal about how we learn. They have_
21___that babies learn much more from the sights and sounds around them than we__22___ before. You can help your baby by taking advantage of her hunger to learn.

From the__23___beginning, babies try, to imitate the___24___ they hear us make. They"read"the__25___on our faces and our movesments. That is___26___it is so important to talk, sing and smile to your child. Hearing you talk is your baby&39;s first___27___toward becoming a reader, because it___28___ her to love language and to learn words.

As your child grows older,___29___taiking with her. Ask her about the things she does. Ask her about the events and people in the story you___30___together. Let her know you are carefully___31___what she says. By keeping her in___32___and listening, you are___33___encouraging your child to think as she speaks.___34___,you are showing that you respect her knowledge. and her ability to___35___learning.











































C.carrying out

D.listening to














B.depend on


D.turn to

Whether in your life or work, the following things are not the reasons for you to feel embarrassed. It’s OK and just move on.

1. Mistakes while learning

There will be times when you have people above you (a boss) or even next to you (a coworker) that will get really annoyed with you for “ruining” something “important”.

36__________ Even if you make mistakes and get a punishment, persevere and push on. You do not need to be embarrassed for learning from your mistakes.

2. Food choices

People are different and have different taste buds (味蕾). Whether it is healthy or not, food is a choice and it is part of life. 37__________ You do not need to be embarrassed for food you do or do not like. Tell them, “It is a personal choice I have made, and I am committed to it.”

3. Your past

Allowing positive experiences to define, limit, improve, and outshine (凸显) you may cause you to be caught up in the past and unable to truly live in the present. Whether your history is positive, negative, or somewhere in between, don’t hold on to the negative experiences and let it reflect your current behavior. 38__________

4. The clean lines of your car / home / workspaceWhen everyone gets in the car, you realize your Starbuck bags are still on the floor. So what Think about it this way: everyone has a “messy” aspect of their life. Maybe their home is completely clean, but the relationship with their spouse (配偶) is messy. Someone’s car gets washed once a week, but his/her work life could use some help.

39__________ We don’t apologize to others about our personal limitations. By being outwardly embarrassed, it only brings more attention to the fact!

5. Putting yourself first

If you find yourself saying no to something or making up lies to get out of it, tell them the truth, and don’t apologize. You will feel much better in the long run if you are honest with them and yourself. If you’re not up to a voluntary duty, you don’t have to be. You can politely refuse the person’s request.

40__________ Put yourself first.

A. It is simply a personal choice that people make for their own reasons.

B. It is okay to be selfish from time to time.

C. Errors are bound to happen when you have on your training wheels.

D. Each of them waits for your immediate help.

E. Let bygones (过去的事) be bygones.

F. Forgetting history means betrayal.

G. No one on Earth lives a perfectly “clean” life in every aspect.






Doreen Sykora is now a junior at McGill University. She had a difficult time when she fi

rst began college. She said, “I was always well-prepared for my examination. But I would go in to class to take the exam, and I would fall apart. I could not answer the questions correctly—even though I knew the answers! I would just blank out because of nervousness and fear.” Hitoshi Sakamoto, an anthropology student at Temple University in Tokyo reports similar experiences.

These two young students were experiencing something called test anxiety. Because a student worries and is stressed about a test, his or her mind does not work as well as it usually does. The student cannot write or think clearly because of the severe tension and nervousness.

Now there are special university courses to help students. In these courses, advisors and psychologists try to help students by teaching them to, manage test anxiety. Such a course helps students learn to live with stress and not fail because of it. First students take a practice test to measure their worry level. If the tests show that their stress level is high, the students can take a short course to manage the fear. These courses teach students how to relax their bodies. They get training to become calm in very tense situations. By controlling their nervousness, they can let their minds work more easily. Learned information then comes out without difficulty on a test.

Doreen Sykora saw immediate results after taking such a course. She now has enthusiasm about the relaxation methods. “Mostly, what I do is imagine myself in a very calm place. Then I imagine myself picking up a pencil. I move slowly and carefully. I breathe easily and let all the tension out. With each breath, more worry leaves me. It really works too. My grades have improved great! I’m really doing well at McGill now. This relaxation method works not only on examinations, but it has improved the rest of my life as well.”

For Hitoshi in Tokyo, the results were the same. He is enjoying school a lot more and learning more.

11. What is the similarity between Doreen Sykora and Hitoshi Sakamoto?

A. Students from the same university. B. Failing in all the examinations.

C. Experiences of test anxiety. D. Having the same poor studying habits.

12. These are signs of test anxiety EXCEPT________.

A. worries about a test. B. stressed about a test.

C. low grades and poor study habits. D. nervousness during the test

13. What’s the purpose of some special university student-help courses?

A. To help students to reduce test anxiety.

B. To show a stress level experienced by students.

C. To learn more knowledge about test anxiety.

D. To have a better understanding of test anxiety.

14. What’s the meaning of “blank out” in paragraph 1?

A. To be like a blanket. B. To be sure of an answer.

C. To be relaxed. D. To be unable to think clearly.

15. What’s the organization of passage?

A. Examples — theories — ideas.

B. Problem — strategy — result.

C. General statement — examples — result.

D. Strategy — experiment — examples.

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