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Mental Health and Aging Mental or psychological(psychology)health problems can increase wi

Mental Health and Aging Mental or psychological(psychology)health problems can increase with age. There are various_____(41)(reason).One is biological change which can interfere with the brain's ability to deal with_____(42)(inform).Another is social change such as_____(43)(retire)which can lead to a_____(44)(feel) of uselessness. Mental health problems can have a serious influence on an older person's ability. They may affect their ability to carry out many basic_____(45)(activity)of daily living, from getting up to_____(46)(manage) financial affairs. But problems often go without being_____(47)(solve).Many older people struggle on without the right help—or any help at all. Understanding how mental_____(48)(ill) tends to affect the elderly is vital in_____(49)(help) them to manage their problems_____(50)(effective)and reduce the risk of serious harm. _____.











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更多“Mental Health and Aging Mental…”相关的问题
After their first experience young people ______.A.will never touch alcohol and drugsB.fee

After their first experience young people ______.

A.will never touch alcohol and drugs

B.feel that they become adults

C.find alcohol and drugs are harmful to health

D.believe alcohol and drugs can free themselves from mental sufferings and make them energetic

Instant Expert: Mental Health When the heart breaks down, it beats irregularly or not at a

Instant Expert: Mental Health

When the heart breaks down, it beats irregularly or not at all. A bone can chip or snap. But when the complex network of neurons in our brain fails to function normally, the result can be a near-endless variety and combinations of mental illnesses.

It's normal to sometimes be sad, happy, anxious, confused, forgetful or fearful, but when a person's emotions, thoughts or behavior. frequently trouble them, or disrupt their lives, they may be suffering from mental illness. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), about 450 million people worldwide are affected by mental, neurological or behavioral problems at any time.

However, determining that someone has a mental illness, and which one, is one of the challenges psychiatrists face. One effort to catalogue these afflictions is the "psychiatrists' bible", the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders--the latest edition fills nearly one thousand pages and lists over 400 disorders.

Diversity of disorders

Among the best known and most common mental illnesses is depression-a prolonged, weakening sad- ness, sometimes accompanied by a feeling of hopelessness and thoughts of suicide. Seasonal affective disorder is a type of depression that affects some people in the autumn and winter and is triggered by the disappearing hours of daylight and colder temperatures. In bipolar disorder (双极性障碍), a person changes from depression to episodes of excessive enthusiasm where they are unrealistically confident in their abilities.

Personality disorders are behavior. patterns that are destructive to the person themselves or those around them. In dissociative disorders, someone experiences a sudden change in consciousness or their concept of self. In dissociative amnesia, for example, the result is a loss of part or all of their memories. Samson, the Biblical strongman, may have suffered from the earliest recorded case of antisocial personality disorder.

Anxiety disorders are characterized by powerful feelings of stress and physical signs of fear-sweating, a racing heart-due to some cue in the environment, or for no obvious reason at all. These include post-traumatic (创伤后的) stress disorder, panic disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, anger disorders, hypochondria, social phobia, and other phobias including agoraphobia (open spaces), claustrophobia (small spaces), acrophobia (heights), and arachnophobia (spiders).

Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder is among the most common mental illnesses diagnosed in children, affecting their ability to focus and associated with high levels of activity and impulsiveness.

Eating disorders involve an unhealthy relationship to food. A sufferer of anorexia nervosa (神经性厌食症) will strive for thinness to the point of starvation, due to a distorted perception of their bodies and dissatisfaction in their sense of control. They engage in cycles of gorging(feed greedily) themselves and then purging through vomiting or the use of some drugs. Muscle dysmorphia is sometimes thought of as a "reverse" form. of anorexia that affects bodybuilders. Sufferers constantly worry that they are too weak despite being extremely strong.

Enormous cost

Mental illnesses are quite common. As many as one in five people are thought to suffer from mental illness, at least temporarily, each year. Suicide--often the result of untreated mental illness--claims 873000 lives around the world each year. The economic costs of these conditions are also enormous and growing. According to the WHO, depression is expected to account for more lost years of healthy life than any other disease by 2030, except for HIV/AIDS.

Even so, the mentally ill face disgrace and discrimination. Studies find people are reluctant to admit they have at mental illness, to seek help, or to stick with treatment. Others are eager to reject the label of a mental

A.irregularity of heart

B.snapped bones

C.the malfunction of the neural network in brain

D.the malfunction of the brain

The term "mental food" (last sentence) refers to ______A.booksB.grasslandC.brainsD.subject

The term "mental food" (last sentence) refers to ______





Can ____ and body be separated?





It is clear that computers have ______ mental abilities to many animals.A.superioringB.sup

It is clear that computers have ______ mental abilities to many animals.




D.more superior






Mental depression only hits the old people.()
Connotation is a ______________ or idea that a word makes people think of. It is the mental, emotional and social connections our minds make with a word.

During recent years we have heard much about “race”: how this race does certain things
and that race believes certain things and so on. Yet, the __41__ phenomenon of race consists of a few surface indications.

We judge race usually __42__ the coloring of the skin: a white race, a brown race, a yellow race and a black race. But __43__ you were to remove the skin you could not __44__ anything about the race to which the individual belonged. There is __45__ in physical structure. The brain or the internal organs to __46__ a difference.

There are four types of blood. __47__ types are found in every race, and n o type is distinct to any race. Human brains are the __48__. No scientists could examine a brain and told you the race to which the individual belonged. Brains will __49__ in size, but this occurs within every race. __50__ does size have anything to do with intelligence. The largest brain __51__ examined belonged to a person of weak __52__. On the other hand, some of our most distinguished people have had __53__ brains.

Mental tests which are reasonably __54__ show no differences in intelligence between races. High and low test results both can be recorded by different members of any race. __55__ equal educational advantages, there will be no difference in average standings, either on account of race or geographical location.

Individuals of every race __56__ civilization to go backward or forward. Training and education can change the response of a group of people, __57__ enable them to behave in a __58__ way.

The behavior. and ideas of people change according to circumstances, but they can always go back or go on to something new __59__ is better and higher than anything __60__ the past.

41. a. complete b. full c. total d. whole

42. a. in b. from c. at d. on

43. a. since b. if c. as d. while

44. a. speak b. talk c. tell d. mention

45. a. something b. everything

c. nothing d. anything

46. a. display b. indicate c. demonstrate d. appear

47. a. All b. Most c. No d. Some

48. a. same b. identical c. similar d. alike

49. a. remain b. increase c. decrease d. vary

50. a. Only b. Or c. Nor d. So

51. a. ever b. then c. never d. once

52. a. health b. body c. mind d. thought

53. a. big b. small c. minor d. major

54. a. true b. exact c. certain d. accurate

55. a. Provided b. Concerning

c. Given d. Following

56. a. make b. cause c. move d. turn

57. a. and b. but c. though d. so

58. a. ordinary b. peculiar c. usual d. common

59. a. that b. what c. whichever d. whatever

60. a. for b. to c. within d. in

I. Q. stands for "Intelligence Quotient" which is measure of a person's intelligence found
by means of an intelligence test. Before marks gained in such a test can be useful as information about a person, they must be compared with some standard, or norm. It is not enough simply to know that a boy of thirteen has scored, say, ninety marks m a particular test. To know whether he is clever, average, or dull, his marks must be compared with the average achieved by boys of thirteen in that test.

In 1906 the psychologist, Alfred Binet, devised the standard in relation to which intelligence has since been assessed. Binet was asked to find a method of selecting all children in the schools of Paris who should be taken out of ordinary classes and put in special classes for defectives. The problem brought home to him the need for a standard of intelligence, and he hit upon the very simple concept of" mental age".

First, he invented a variety of tests and put large numbers of children of different ages through them. He then found at what age each test was passed by the average child. Binet arranged the various tests in order of difficulty, and used them as a scale by which he could measure every individual. If, for example, a boy aged twelve could only do tests that were passed by the average boy of nine, Binet held that he was three years below average, and that he had a mental age of nine.

The concept of mental age provided Binet, and through him, other psychologists with the required standard. It enabled him to state scores in intelligence tests m terms of norm. At first, it was usual to express the result of a test by the difference between the" mental" and the" chronological" age. Then the boy in the example given would be" three years retarded". Soon, however, the" mental ratio" was introduced; that is to say, the ratio of the mental age to the chronological age. Thus a boy of twelve with mental age of nine has a mental ratio of 0.75.

The mental age was replaced by the intelligence quotient or" I. Q". Clearly, since the mental age of the average child is equal to the chronological age, the average I. Q. is 100.

To judge a child's standard, his marks in a test must be compared with marks gained by ______.

A.others of the same age

B.older children

C.younger children


The main concern of man on the fourth level is ______.A.the more goods the betterB.the mor

The main concern of man on the fourth level is ______.

A.the more goods the better

B.the more mental satisfaction the better

C.the more "luxury" items the better

D.the more earnings the better

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