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I (21) by Mr. J. Gerald Cowcamper's house one day and was greeted by a rather old looking

I (21) by Mr. J. Gerald Cowcamper's house one day and was greeted by a rather old looking dog. She was a gentle beast who (22) her tail as she pushed her nose against my hand.

"What's her (23) ?" I asked.

"I call her 'Dog Face'," replied the old (24) .

" (25) do you call her that?" I inquired.

"Isn't it obvious?" asked Mr. Cowcamper.

"Not really."

Mr. Cowcamper cradled the old animal's head in his hands. "If you (26) at just the right angle, you can see that she seems to have a dog's face," he (27) .

"But she is a (28) !" I said.

"Shhhh!" Mr. Cowcamper responded with the loudest whisper I have ever (29) . "Don't let her hear you say that!

I said (30) , because I didn't know what to say.

21 . A. stopped

B. ran

C. went

D. carried

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根据以下材料回答第 21~30 题: I can clearly remember the first time I met Mr. Andrews, m

根据以下材料回答第 21~30 题:

I can clearly remember the first time I met Mr. Andrews, my old headmaster, (21) that was over twenty years ago . During the war ,I was at school in the north of England . As soon as it ended, my family returned to London. There were not enough schools left for children to go to and my father had to go from one school to another, asking them to (22) me as a pupil . I used to go with him but he had such a (23) time trying to persuade people even to see him that I seldom had to do any tests. We had been to all the schools near where we lived ,but the more (24) my father argued ,the more it became. In the end ,we went to a school about five miles away from home. The headmaster kept us waiting for (25) an hour. While we were waiting , I (26) around at the school building ,which was one of those old Victorian structures, completely out of date but still standing. I could hear the boys playing in the playground outside when the headmaster’s secretary finally (27) us into his office. Mr. Andrews spoke to me first ,“Why do you want to come here ?” he asked. I had been thinking of saying something about studying but couldn’t (28) remembering the boys outside .“I don’t know anyone in London, ” I said . “I like to play with the other boys. I like to read a lot of books too,” I (29) . “All right ,”Mr. Andrews said . “We have one place (30) ,in face.”

My two years at that school were among the happiest of my life.

第 21 题 填入(21)处的最佳答案是()。





Dear Mr. Mills,In reply to your letter of April 20, I would【21】to inform(通知) you that th

Dear Mr. Mills,

In reply to your letter of April 20, I would【21】to inform(通知) you that there are a【22】of beautiful summer cottages(小别墅) for sale here in Ocean City.

For example, we have a modern two-storey house that is【23】up to date. It is two blocks from the sea and you may find this a disadvantage(不利), but,【24】all, the opening of the summer【25】is only a few weeks from now, and finding a house【26】to the ocean than that is【27】out of the question. The house I'm speaking of has two bedrooms and a porch(门廊) that can be【28】for sleeping. For this reason, I consider it as a very good buy. The plumbing(给水管道) is out of order at the【29】, but this will be repaired, of course. The price is reasonable; as a matter of fact, it is less than is being asked for comparable(同等的) houses elsewhere in town.

As a rule, I【30】 to deal with people face to face in matters of this kind.【31】, I will be out of town next week, and I don't think you should delay in【32】 your decision about this house, since it is sure to be sold quickly. Under the circumstances (环境),【33】, I suggest that you come to see it as【34】 as possible. You can deal with one of my assistants in the office. I am sure you will find the house is【35】 what you expect.

Sincerely yours,

Jason Riggs, Manager

Ocean City Real Estate Company






LTC AUSTRALIA 618 823777 25 Apr. 1999 P. 02Dear Mr. Lin Thank you for your fax, which we received on 21 April. However, I have been away at a conference for a few days and I have only just had the (19) to read it. I apologize for the consequent delay in (20) to you. It appears that you were not completely (21) with the training videos that we sent you. However, there seems to be some confusion, and I would just like to (22) a couple of points. First of all, I would like to (23) what I said in my original letter: if you (24) the videos unusable we will be quite prepared to (25) all your money. However, it was not clear from your fax whether you had (26) all the videos, or just one or two. We have received favorable (27) about the videos from a number of our customers. In particular, the "Safety at Work" and First Aid "videos are extremely" (28) I would be grateful, therefore, if you could (29) that all ten videos are checked. Please (30) out the ones that you find most (31) or your needs, and return the (32) cassettes. I will then be able to (33) the amount payable to you.I look forward to hearing from you.Yours sincerely, (Signature )John Peters(Customer Services)





Four months ago Mrs. B. ordered a rug from a store which promised to deliver it in abo
ut two weeks. Three weeks passed, but the rug did not arrive. When Mrs. B. telephoned the store to ask about it, she was told that the rug had been lost and that the store would send her another.Weeks later, when Mrs. B. telephoned again, the store claimed that the second rug had been delivered and left on her front porch. She didn't believe this story, as she had been at home as usual, and her door bell was in good working order. However, the store promised her that a third rug would be delivered within a week. It wasn't. What could she do? How could she get action?

Mrs. B. did what many other Americans have done--with excellent results. She wrote a letter to the newspaper in her town, explaining her problem. A few days later her letter appeared in the newspaper, and this sentence was printed below it:

The store found a way to safely deliver your rug immediately after hearing from us.In this age of machines, it is often hard to get action from businesses that have made mistakes. An individual person can complain, but his complaints may accomplish nothing. Luckily, newspapers now employ people to help with such problems, and the results are published in a special section of the paper.Mrs. B's letter appeared in a column called MR. FIX-IT. During the same week the following letter from Mrs. J. was printed in the ACTION LINE column of another newspaper

"Many weeks ago I bought some living room furniture from the House and Garden Shop in Parkersville. They have set three delivery dates, and each time I had to stay home from work and wait for the truck, which never came. I have called the store at least fifteen times, and each time they have said they would look for the furniture. This has been going on for two months. I guess they are still looking. " The ACTION LINE writer's reply was printed below Mrs. J's letter: "They found it. Action Line made one telephone call to the president of the company, who told us: 'the customer will get satisfaction. ' The furniture was found, and it arrived at your home yesterday."

1.How long was it after Mrs. B. called the store again that she wrote to the local newspaper? ____

A、Three weeks

B、Two weeks

C、About a week

D、Four months

2.The phrase "to get action" last line, 2nd paragraph means ____.

A、to get the store to deliver the rug

B、to find the rug that has been misdelivered

C、to cancel the order from the store

D、to quarrel with the store manager

3.The passage points out that in the machine age people's complaints usually____.

A、bring about mistakes

B、prove useless

C、cause more serious trouble

D、prove effective

4.After writing to the newspaper, ____.

A、Mrs. B found her rug

B、Mrs. B had to wait for another several weeks

C、Mrs. B's problem remained unsolved

D、Mrs. B's problem was solved very soon

5.In the last paragraph, the sentence "The customer will get satisfaction" means____

A、Mrs. J. will get what she wants

B、Mrs. J. will be paid for her loss

C、Mrs. J. will get better furniture

D、Mrs. J. will find that she was mistaken

It was the late spring of 1979, a hot Saturday afternoon. Hundreds of us sat 21 , side by,
side, in rows of wooden chairs on the maincampus lawn (校园草坪). We 22' blue robes (毕业生长袍). We listened carefully to long 23 . When the ceremony (典礼)was 24_,we threw! our caps in the air, and we were officially graduated from college.

After that, I found Morrie Schwartz, my25 professor, and introduced him to

my 26 .. He was a small man who took small steps, as ifa 27 wind could; at any time, 28 him up:into the cloudS! His teeth were in good shape: When he smiled it was as if you had just 29 him the funniest joke on earth.

He told my parents how I 30 every class he taught. He told them, "You havea 31 boy here. He helped me a 10t." Shy but 32 , I looked at my feet. Before we left,I 33 Mr. Schwartz a 'present, a briefcase with his name on the front. I didn't want to forget him. 34 I didn't want him to forget me. He asked if I would keep in35 , and without hesitation (犹豫) I said, "Of course." When he turned around, I saw tears in his eyes.

21. A. along B. around C. beside D. together

It was two weeks before Christmas, and Mrs. Smith was very busy. She bought a lot of
Christmas cards __21__ to her friends and to her husband's friends, and put them on the table in the living-room. Then, when her husband came home from work, she said to him, "Here are the Christmas cards __22__ friends, and here are some stamps, a pen and our book of address. Will you please write the cards __23__ I am cooking the dinner?"

Mr. Smith did not say anything, but walked out of the living-room and went to his study(书房). Mrs. Smith was very angry __24__ him, but did not say anything either.

Then a minute later he came back with a box full of Christmas cards. All of them had addresses and stamps on them.

"These __25__ last year," he said, "I forgot to post them."



B.are from


D.to send

E.for our



B.are from


D.to send

E.for our



B.are from


D.to send

E.for our



B.are from


D.to send

E.for our



B.are from


D.to send

E.for our

Let me tell you a story about Berb and Mild Carbridge, who used to be very【21】For example,
Mild would forget to【22】dinner, or Berb would【23】up for work on Sunday【24】it was Monday. One summer they【25】to take a long plane trip. What do you guess happened? Well, they got to the airport with only ten minutes to【26】. So time was short. In that【27】anyone would【28】the plane right away. But not Mr. and Mrs. Carbridge. They just had to buy some flight insurance(保险)【29】. All in all, who knows what will happen on a plane flight? They quickly put some【30】into a machine and【31】came their insurance policy. "Who【32】get the money if we【33】, I wonder?" asked Mild. "My mother, of course," her husband【34】. "We'll mail the【35】to her. Now quick give me a stamp,【36】you?" he said. "The plane's going to【37】in another minute." Berb put the stamp on the envelope,【38】it in the mailbox, and【39】began to cry. What happened, do you guess? He had mailed their【40】to his mother!






完成下列各题 George and Margaret Glenn and their children live at 140, Davis Street, acro
ss the street from a small park. Their house is 21 off the main road. George 22 goes to work by bus, but sometimes he goes 23 his car. The children usually go to school by bus. The Glenns' house is 24 hidden among the trees. It has small bushes(灌木) 25 around it. There is a fence 26 it and the house next door. It is a two-storey house, with the living room, dinning room and kitchen on the first floor, and the bedrooms and bathroom on the second floor. The Glenns spent a lot of time at home. 27 now they are at dinner. Conversation(谈话) at the Glenns' house is usually lively at mealtime. The children are 28 trips they would like to take. Susan, who has never 29 on a plane, says, "I'd like to 30 a plane to California. " Henry, who is 31 , thinks it would be fun to be on a ship, heading for adventure(冒险) in Africa. Teddy, the youngest child, says, "I want to go around the world on a train. " His elder brother and sister are still trying to 32 to him why this is not possible when their mother says, "Children, you've spent too much time at the table. Henry and Susan, go and 33 your homework. Teddy, it's time you were in bed. " Soon there is silence throughout the 34 Teddy is in bed, Susan and Henry are in their rooms studying, and Mr. And Mrs. Glenns are in their living room, 35 George is sitting in his favourite chair, reading the paper and Margaret is sitting on the sofa, doing some sewing.





As the chairman is ill, I am asking Mr. Sharp to act ______ him.A.onB.asC.forD.up

As the chairman is ill, I am asking Mr. Sharp to act ______ him.





I'll ask Mr. Smith to ring you up ______ he comes back to the office.A.whenB.whereC.becaus

I'll ask Mr. Smith to ring you up ______ he comes back to the office.





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