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His grandma() in bed for a week.A.liesB.has lainC.has laidD.has lied


B.has lain

C.has laid

D.has lied

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更多“His grandma() in bed for a wee…”相关的问题
Who sent Forrest to wait for the school bus when he was young?

A. His father

B. His grandpa

C. His grandma

D. His mother

If one wants to work more efficiently at his low point in the morning, he should ______.A.

If one wants to work more efficiently at his low point in the morning, he should ______.

A.change his energy cycle

B.get up earlier than usual

C.overcome his laziness

D.go to bed earlier

John woke up in the middle of the night and saw something white【21】his garden. It seemed【2
2】towards the house.

"That【23】a thief !" he thought, and he took his gun and shot【24】him. Then he went back to bed,【25】he was too frightened【26】of the house in the dark.

The next morning John went out and saw one【27】his white shirts hanging【28】the clothes line in the garden. His wife【29】washed it the day before and【30】it out to dry. Now it had a bullet hole right through the middle of it.

"My God," said John, "I was lucky last night. If I had been wearing that shirt, the bullet would have killed me!"






Two men, John and Tom, both seriously ill, shared a hospital room. John was allowed to sit
up in his bed for an hour each afternoon. His bed was next to the room ’s only window. But Tomhad to spend all his time flat on his back.

Every afternoon when John could sit up, he would describe to Tom all the things he couldsee outside the window. Tom was so attracted by the description that he could not wait for thoseone-hour periods. The window faced a park with a lovely lake. Ducks and birds played on thewater while children sailed their model boats. Young lovers walked arm in arm and a fine view ofthe city could be seen in the distance. As John described all this in detail, Tom would close hiseyes and imagine the beautiful scenes.

Days and weeks passed. One morning, the nurse found that John had passed awaypeacefully in his sleep. The next day, Tom asked if he could be moved to the bed next to thewindow. The nurse was happy to do this, and after making sure he was comfortable, she left himalone.

Slowly, painfully, Tom supported himself up with one arm to take his first look at the realworld outside, but only faced a blank wall. When the nurse came back, Tom asked her what hadmade John describe such wonderful things outside this window. She said that John was blind andcould not even see the wall. “Perhaps he just wanted to encourage you,” she added.

We can learn from Paragraph 1 that_______________ .

A.Tom was allowed to sit up

B.John and Tom were old friends

C.Tom could look out of the window

D.John and Tom were roommates in a hospital

Why did Tom expect that one-hour period every day?A.Because he could listen to what John described.

B.Because he could change the bed with John.

C.Because he could see the park by himself.

D.Because he could have a rest then.

What happened to John according to Paragraph 3?A.He went blind.

B.He fell asleep.

C.He was dead.

D.He became weaker.

What did Tom ask the nurse to do?A.To move him to another room.

B.To move him to the other bed.

C.To get him a new nurse.

D.To get him a new doctor.

How would Tom feel when he heard what the nurse said?A.Upset.





When her grandmother's health began to get worse in the fall, Mary would make the drive fr
om Washington, DC to Winchester, Virginia, every few days. To make the trip to the hospital, Mary had to get on highway 81. It was here that she discovered a surprising bit of beauty during one of her trips. Along the middle of the highway, there were a long stretch of wild flowers. They were beautiful and almost poetic(诗意的)in appearance. The first time she saw the flowers, Mary was seized by an urge(冲动)to pull over. She then stopped her car and picked a bunch from the soil. She carried them into her grandmother's room when she arrived at the hospital and placed them in a glass by her bed. For a moment her grandmother seemed better than usual. She thanked Mary for the flowers, commented on their beauty and asked where she had gotten them. Mary was filled with joy because of the flowers' seeming ability to wake something up inside her sick grandmother. Afterwards, Mary would pick a bunch of flowers on her way to visit grandma. Each time Mary placed the flowers in the glass, her grandmother's eyes would light up, and they would have a splendid conversation. One morning in late October, Mary got a call that her grandmother had taken a turn for the worse. Mary was in such a hurry to get to her grandmother that she drove past her flower spot. She decided to turn around. She headed several miles back and got a bunch. Mary arrived at the hospital to find her grandmother very weak and unresponsive(无应答的).She placed the flowers in the glass and sat down to hold her grandmother's hand. She felt a press on her fingers. It was the last conversation they had. Mary drove from Washington, DC to Winchester, Virginia to _____.A.see her doctor

B.pick some flowers

C.go on a business trip

D.see her sick grandma

The first time Mary carried the flowers to the hospital, she _____.A.handed them to her grandma

B.placed them on the bed

C.put them in a glass

D.left them on the table

Which of the following can be the best title from this text?A.The Planting of Flowers

B.The Power of Flowers

C.The Discovery of Flowers

D.The Beauty of Flowers

One morning, when she drove past the flower spot, Mary decided to _____.A.turn back for the flowers

B.bring no flowers with her

C.buy some flowers instead

D.head for another flower spot

When Mary's grandma saw the flowers, she asked Mary _____.A.where they were from

B.what flowers they were

C.to get her more next time

D.to send them to the doctor


Washington Irving’s Sunnyside in Tarrytown, New YorkAccompanying a plan of Sunnyside (un
Washington Irving’s Sunnyside in Tarrytown, New YorkAccompanying a plan of Sunnyside (un

Washington Irving’s Sunnyside in Tarrytown, New York

Accompanying a plan of Sunnyside (unprinted here), a former residence of Washington Irving in New York, is the following text.We have left out its title, which indicates clearly its purpose, in the hope that the reader will reconstruct it after reading the text.

Sunnyside is one of the few surviving and best-documented examples of American romanticism in architecture and landscape design.Andrew Jackson Downing featured Sunnyside in his Treatise on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening (1841) as an example of the "progressive improvement in Rural Architecture..." which, he explained, strives to be in "perfect keeping" with "surrounding nature" by its "varied" and "picturesque" outline.'Architectural beauty," he taught, "must be considered conjointly with the beauty of the landscape,"

Walking the 24-acre grounds is a pleasure in every season.Swans glide on the pond Irving called "the little Mediterranean", and a stone flume delights the ear with the sound of rushing water.A path leads up a small rise and from there down into "the glen," and up to the house.Behind the house, another path winds along the Hudson for views of the river at its widest point, the Tappan Zee.

The modest stone cottage which was later to become Sunnyside was originally a tenant farmer's house built in the late-seventeenth century on the Philipsburg Manor.During the eighteenth century, the cottage was owned by a branch of the Van Tassel family, the name Irving later immortalized in "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow".

Irving purchased the cottage in 1835 and directed the remodeling, adding Dutch-stepped gables, ancient weathervanes, and developing Gothic and Romanesque architectural features for other parts of the house.He was so pleased with his home that in 1836 he wrote to his brother, Peter: "I am living most cozily and delightfully in this dear, bright little home, which I have fitted up to my own humor.Everything goes on cheerily in my little household and I would not exchange the cottage for any chateau in Christendom."

Today's visitor to Sunnyside sees Irving's home much as it appeared during the final years of his life.The author's booklined study contains his writing desk—a gift from his publisher, G.P.Putnam and many personal possessions.The dining room, in which Irving and his dinner guests often gathered to enjoy the beautiful sunsets over the Hudson River, adjoins the parlor.Here Irving played his flute, while his nieces, Sarah and Catherine, accompanied him on the rosewood piano.The piano and other original furnishings still grace the room.The small picture gallery off the parlor contains some original illustrations for Irving's work.The kitchen was quite advanced for its day, having a hot water boiler and running water fed from the pond through a gravity-blow system.The iron cookstove was also a "modern convenience," replacing the open hearth in the 1850's.

The second floor of the house contains several bedrooms, each of which has its own personal character.The guest bedroom is furnished with a French-style. bed and painted cottage pieces.The ingenious arches in this and other rooms were designed by Irving.His bedroom, where he died in 1859, contains the author's tester Sheraton bed, along with his walking stick and a number of his garments and personal effects.The small, bright room between the bedrooms might have been used by Irving's nephew and biographer, Pierre Munro Irving, who cared for his uncle during the last months of his life.The room was used originally to store books and papers.The bedroom used by Irving's nieces contains an Irving-family field bed with hand-made bobbin lace hangings, a chest of drawers, sewing stands, and an ornamental stove.The guest room contains a cast iron bed probably made in one of the foundries along the Hudson.

Write True (T) or False (F)for the following questions.

1.Sunnyside is the former residence of Washington Irving in Washington D.C.()

2.Sunny side is a typical representative of Romanticism of American city architecture.()

3.According to Andrew Jackson Downing , architectural beauty must be in harmony with the beauty of the surrounding landscape.()

4.During the 18th century ,the cottage was owned by Van Tassel who was mentioned by Irving in his book “the Legend of the Hollow” .()

5.Irving didn’t make any change to the cottage after he purchased it.()

6.Today’s Sunnyside has changed a lot compared with its appearance in Irving’s time.()

7.Sunnyside was built near the Hudson River.()

8.The study , the dining room , the parlor and the kitchen are all on the first floor of Irving’s house.()

9.All the bedrooms on the second floor are almost furnished in the same style.()

10.Washington Irving was cared for by his daughter during the last period of his life.()

Dick was a clever boy, but his parents were poor, so he had to work in his spare time and
during his holidays to pay for his education.【21】this ,he managed to get to the university, but it was【22】expensive to study there that during the holidays he found it necessary to get two jobs at the same time【23】enough money to pay for his studies.

【24】he managed to get a job in a butcher's shop during the daytime, and another in a hospital at night .In the shop, he learnt to cut meat up quite nicely, so the butcher often left him to ", all the serving while he went into a room behind the shop to the accounts. In the hospital,【25】he was, of course, allowed【26】only the simplest job, like【27】to lift people and to carry them from one part of the hospital to another. Both at the butcher's shop and at the hospital, Dick had to wear white clothes.

One evening at the hospital, Dick had to help to carry a woman from her bed to the place where she【28】an operation. The woman was already feeling【29】at the thought of the operation before he【30】to get her, but when she saw Dick, that finished her. "No! No!" she cried, "Not my butcher! I won't be operated on by my butcher!"



B.In spite of

C.No matter


(Peter = P ; Sally = S) P:Hello! This is Peter speaking______51_______,please? S:I&39;m

(Peter = P ; Sally = S)

P:Hello! This is Peter speaking______51_______,please?

S:I&39;m sorry. Professor Johnson is not here at the moment. This is his assistant ,Sally.______52______?

P:Yes. Please tell the professor that I* d like to ask for sick leave for tomorrow.

S: Sorry to hear that. May I ask______53_______with you?

P: I&39;m running a fever. I&39;ve caught a cold.


P:No, not very serious, but the doctor told me to stay in bed and have good rest.

S:I see. I&39;ll___55________as soon as he comes back.

P:Thank you. Goodbye!


I had just gone to bed after a very hard day when the phone rang. It was an eccentric(怪僻

I had just gone to bed after a very hard day when the phone rang. It was an eccentric(怪僻的) farmer. I had never met him before although I had heard people talk about him. He sounded quite nervous and he had been talking for a minute or so before I understood anything. Even then all I could make out was that someone called Milly had had a very bad accident. I hadn't the slightest idea who she was but I obviously had to go.

It had been snowing heavily that day and I didn't know the way. I had been driving for at least an hour when I finally found his place. He was standing there, waiting for me. "She meant more to me than anyone... even my own wife!" he said. I could see that he had been crying. I thought something terrible had taken place, a possible scandal(丑闻). I was even more shocked when he told me he had put her in the barn(厩)"I wouldn't leave here out in the cold!" he said.

Milly had clearly been a secret lover of his. I was about to tell him he could not expect me to cover anything up when he opened the barn door. He lifted his candle and I saw a dark figure on the ground. "She was such a good cow! I wouldn't let anyone but a doctor touch her!" he said, and burst into tears again.

The underlined phrase make out in the first paragraph means ______.


B.see clearly

C.hear clearly


There 56 a king who had twelve beautiful daughters. They 57 in twelve beds all in one room
and when they went to bed, the 58 were shut and locked up. 59 , every morning 60 shoes were found to be quite worn through as if they had been danced in all night. Nobody could 61 how it happened, or 62 the princesses had been. So the king made it 63 to all that if any person could discover the 64 and find out where it was that the princesses danced in the 65 , he would have the 66 he liked best to take as his wife, and would be king 67 his death. But whoever tried and did not succeed, after three days and nights, would be 68 to death. A prince from a nearby country soon came. He was well entertained, and in the evening was taken to the chamber (大房间) next 69 the one where the princesses lay in their twelve 70 . There he was to sit and 71 where they went to dance; and, in order 72 nothing could happen without him hearing it, the door of his 73 was left open. But the prince soon went to sleep; and when he 74 in the morning he found that the princesses had all been dancing, 75 the soles of their shoes were full of holes.根据以上内容,回答题。

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提示:Peter给Johnson教授打电话请病假,接电话的是教授的助手 Sally。 (Peter=P;Sally=S)P:Hello!

提示:Peter给Johnson教授打电话请病假,接电话的是教授的助手 Sally。 (Peter=P;Sally=S)

P:Hello! This is Peter speaking.__________51________ ,please?

S:I’m sorry.Professor Johnson is not here at the moment.This is his assistant,Sally.________52________?

P:Yes.Please tell the professor that l’d like to ask for sick leave for tomorrow.

S:Sorry to hear that.May I ask________53________ with you?

P:I’m running a fever.I’ve caught a cold.

S:Oh,________54________ ?

P:N0,not very serious,but the doctor told me to stay in bed and have a good rest.

S:I see.I’ll________55________ as soon as he comes back.

P:Thank you.Goodbye!








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