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听力原文:You might think the largest library in the world would be in Europe. But it isn't

听力原文: You might think the largest library in the world would be in Europe. But it isn't. It's in Washington. D.C. It's called the Library of Congress.

President John Adams started the library in 1800 for members of Congress. He wanted them to be able to read books about law. The first 740 books were bought in England. They were simply set up in the room where Congress met. Then Thomas Jefferson sold Congress many of his own books. He felt Congress should have books on all subjects, not just on law. This idea changed the library for good.

The library grew and grew. Now it covers acres of land. It contains 20 million books as well as scores of pictures, movies, globes and machines. Experts in every field work here. Hundreds of people call every day with all kinds of questions. Many of them get answers right over the phone.

The library is a large storehouse. Thomas Edison's first movie and Houdini's magic books reside there. And it is the proud owner of the world's best collection of comic books.


A.Experts in every field.

B.American president.

C.European countries.

D.Members of Congress.

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更多“听力原文:You might think the large…”相关的问题
听力原文:W: What do you think of the objective of monetary policies?M: It is to maintain t

听力原文:W: What do you think of the objective of monetary policies?

M: It is to maintain the stability of currency and thereby promote economic growth.

Q: What is the objective of monetary policies?


A.Expanding business.

B.Maintaining the stability of currency.

C.Decreasing economic growth.

D.Supervising the banking system.

听力原文:W: Are you going to the football game?M: No. The tickets are too expensive for me

听力原文:W: Are you going to the football game?

M: No. The tickets are too expensive for me. I think I'll stay at home and watch the live telecast of the game instead.

Q: What is the man going to do?


A.Buy some football game tickets.

B.Stay at home and watch TV.

C.Stay at home and do some studying.

D.Go to the football game.

听力原文:M: I don't know how to convert the blank endorsement into a special endorsement?W

听力原文:M: I don't know how to convert the blank endorsement into a special endorsement?

W: You can just write above the endorser's signature a direction to pay the cheque to the order of himself or some other named person.

Q: What do you think the holder of the cheque will do next?


A.To rewrite his signature.

B.To make a special endorsement.

C.To order another person to pay the cheque.

D.To give an order to the bank to collect the cheque.

听力原文:W: Excuse me, sir. Can you tell me what kind of a bill you have?M: Yes, it's a ni

听力原文:W: Excuse me, sir. Can you tell me what kind of a bill you have?

M: Yes, it's a ninety-day bill for $ 6,750.00. It matures about two months from now. I didn't think we'd have to discount it, but I need the working capital right now. How do I discount it?

Q: What kind of bill does the man have?


A.A bill of exchange with a 90-day maturity for $ 6,075.00.

B.A bill of exchange with a 60-day maturity for $ 6,075.00.

C.A bill of exchange with a 90-day maturity for $ 6,750.00.

D.A bill of exchange with a 60-day maturity for $ 6,750.00.

听力原文:M: So, you must have a lot of contact with overseas students in your work helping
people coping with daily existence.

W: Sometimes. You know the life of a social worker is not all wonderful and working to help people in their daily life. I have to spend a lot of time pushing paper, and writing reports too. But when I do get out, yeah, I see a lot of foreigners. And sometimes they come in because life in America has just beaten them down and they can't cope financially or emotionally.

M: Really? I would think that they had a good support network in place, especially university students.

W: They do have a network, and a variety of support groups, but these can't meet all of the students' needs. They can't help with paying bills, dealing with American neighbors and customs, fitting in, getting a driver's license, etc. They try, but very often the student has to figure out a lot of this stuff by himself. And if he or she is shy, they don't have the courage to ask other people, even other people from their nationality.

M: So what are some of the things that overseas students struggle with?

W: This might interest you, but they struggle with the food, especially Chinese. You know, they come here knowing that Americans love Chinese food so much. They think that there will be good restaurants with Chinese food that they love. But they get here and they are extremely surprised. Americans enjoy totally different flavors.

M: So what do they do?

W: If they're brave and curious, they look around and test all the restaurants. There is usually at least one restaurant in every town that has almost quality food.

Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

23. In which aspect does the woman help people in her work?

24. Why do people come to the woman for help?

25. How did Chinese students expect the American-made Chinese food before they came to the U.S?


A.Writing reports for them.

B.Teaching them foreign languages.

C.Helping them deal with daily existence.

D.Introducing work for them.

听力原文:M: You should have seen the line at the housing office. It took me an hour to mak
e my dormitory deposit for next year. Have you made yours yet?

W: No, I'm not sure I'm going to.

M: There's not much time left. The deadline's May 1. That is just two weeks from now. Are you short of cash.

W: No, I'm Okay.

M: You'd better hurry up if you want a dorm room next September. There aren't enough rooms for every one, and first-year students have priority.

W: Well, I've been thinking about living off campus.

M: Have you any idea how much that would cost? There is the rent, utilities, and you'd probably need a car.

W: I know it would be more expensive. I think I can handle it though. The dorm is just so noisy that I can't get anything done. Maybe my grades would be better if I had some peace and quiet in a place of my own.

M: You should study in the library the way I do. Think of the money you'd save.

W: I've got to think it over some more. There's still two weeks left in April.


A.When to move.

B.Where to live the following year.

C.How much time to spend at home.

D.Whose house to visit.

听力原文:A house is the most expensive thing most people will ever buy. Very few people ha

听力原文: A house is the most expensive thing most people will ever buy. Very few people have enough money of their own to buy a home, so they have to borrow money from a bank. Borrowing money from a bank to buy a house is called taking a mortgage. The hank usually lends money or gives a mortgage for 25 years. This means that the person who borrows has 25 years to pay back the money. The bank lends this money with interest, and the borrower makes equal monthly payments to the hank until he has paid the mortgage. Houses are so expensive that many people nowadays have to borrow as much as $50,000. In other words, they will have a $50,000 mortgage.

How can you get a mortgage? When you find a house you like, you go to a bank, sometimes it is necessary to go to a few banks, before applying for a mortgage at once. The bank will investigate your financial history and decide if they think you axe a good risk. They will want to know what kind of job you have. In addition, the banks will require a down payment. Depending on which state you live in, the bank may require as much as 30% of the price of the house as a down payment. The bank will then lend you the rest of the money to buy the house. Many people are never able to buy a house because they cannot save enough money for the down payment.


A.It means to rent a house for 25 years.

B.It means to buy an old house at a low price.

C.It means to borrow money from a bank to buy a house.

D.It means to borrow money from a friend to buy a house.

听力原文:W: Roger, any problems in your Korean study?M: The biggest problem with me is the

听力原文:W: Roger, any problems in your Korean study?

M: The biggest problem with me is the Korean vocabulary. It really makes me frustrated.The pronunciation and usage put me into great confusion as l keep forgetting them.

W: I guess first of all,you can narrow down the vocabulary sphere. I mean, try to learn “core” vocabulary,the words with high frequencies of occurrence.

M: That sounds quite reasonable. Do you think I can find in bookstores a book or dictionary where such kinds of words are listed?

W: Yes, definitely. Another thing, the first several occurrences of strange words ale very important words are remembered best if they are learnt quickly with a few presentations. You may not have much trouble in remembering swear words,may you?

M: No. They're very impressive and quite memorable. I don't even need to practice them.

W: That's it! For other words lat don't have such a strong effect, you have to make yourself highly attentive and sensitive. If not,later practice and repetition don't seem to work so well.

M: I see.

W: The last thing I'll say is that if you want to remember something for periods long than a year or two, you need to space the presentations over quite long intervals of days, say 30 days A more frequent interval doesn't promise you longer remembrance.

M: Really? I have thought every word should be practiced as often as possible within a short time span.

W: No. How the word is practiced is much more important than how often it is practiced.

M: You really do me a great favor, Teresa.


A.He keeps forgetting the important things he has to do.

B.He has great difficulty remembering Korean words.

C.He can't find the most helpful Korean dictionary.

D.His pronunciation of Korean words confuses others.

If someone says," What a big house you've got.",the complimented might respond().

A."Thank you, it's just so so."

B."No, it is quite small."

C."Really?I think it's not big enough to live in."

D."Thank you.It's quite big, I was lucky to be able to get it."

听力原文:AGENT: Good morning. Ace Accommodation; how can I help you?SYLVIA: Good morning.

听力原文:AGENT: Good morning. Ace Accommodation; how can I help you?

SYLVIA: Good morning. I'd like to organize some short stay accommodation on the Gold Coast, please.

AGENT: Certainly. Who am I speaking to?

SYLVIA: Miss Mackinlay. Sylvia Mackinlay.

AGENT: Could you spell your family name for me please?


Listen carefully and answer questions 1 to 5.

AGENT: Good morning. Ace Accommodation; how can I help you?

SYLVIA: Good morning. I'd like to organize some short stay accommodation on the Gold Coast, please.

AGENT: Certainly. Who am I speaking to?

SYLVIA: Miss Mackinlay. Sylvia Mackinlay.

AGENT: Could you spell your family name for me please?


AGENT: Thank you. And your first name is Sylvia?


AGENT: Is that with an ' i' or a ' y' ?

SYLVIA: A 'y'—the old fashioned way. That's S-Y-L-V-I-A.

AGENT: Thank you, Miss Mackinlay. Now, just for our records, can you tell me what country you live in?

SYLVIA: Of course—it's England actually.

AGENF: I thought so. Now, when are you coming?

SYLVIA: Well, at the moment we're planning on arriving on July 26th.

AGENT: Ooh, the 25th, that's the last day of the public holiday and it might be difficult to find something available on that date.

SYLVIA: No, we're coming on the 26th of July.

AGENT: Oh, well that's fine then. We'll have lots of good places vacant by then although you wouldn't be able to move in until late afternoon because our cleaning crew will need time to get everything ready for you.

SYLVIA: That suits us—our flight won't get in until early evening anyway.

AGENT: How many of you will there be?

SYLVIA: Just my sister and myself.

AGENT: And how long do you intend to stay for?

SYLVIA: Oh, only a couple of weeks, we'd like to stay longer but we'll have to get back to work.

AGENT: So, you're not coming on business then?

SYLVIA: No, it's just a holiday. Why? What difference does that make?

AGENT: Oh, you'd be surprised. Business people have different needs you know, wireless internet, even fax machines and photocopiers.

SYLVIA: No, we won't need any of that stuff—we'll be coming to relax, and get away from all that kind of thing.

Now listen and answer questions 6 to 10.

AGENT: Good. Now, what exactly are you looking for? A house, a duplex or an apartment?

SYLVIA: What's a duplex?

AGENT: Oh, that's what you might call a townhouse or a unit--you know, two houses semi-detached on the same property.

SYLVIA: Oh, I see. I think an apartment will suit us just fine.

AGENT: And how many bedrooms? Two?

SYLVIA: One or two—it depends on the size. My sister and I don't mind sharing if it's a decent size bedroom with two beds.

AGENT: Well, that makes it easier.

AGENT: And car parking? Will you require a lock-up garage? They're a little harder to find with an apartment.

SYLVIA: We'll have a hire car and as far as I know there are no regulations concerning car parking. I think as long as it's not parked on the street and it's secure there shouldn't be any problems.

AGENT: Okay. Now, I'm assuming you want something by the beach?

SYLVIA: Yes, that's the idea. We want to enjoy the surf, sand and sunshine.

AGENT: Okay, but before we settle on an area and discuss your price range, I'll need to know about other necessities.

SYLVIA: What do you mean?

AGENT: Well, for example, do you want to be close to a shopping mall or the casino or the fun parks? Or do you want to be in a complex with or near a swimming pool?

SYLVIA: No, none of that really matters to us but we'd like to have reasonable access to the motorway so that we can drive up to Brisbane to visit friends there.

AGENT: Well, there are quite a few lovely small towns to choose from. There's Main Beach which is north of Surfers' Paradise or Mermaid Waters which is a bit further south or Palm Beach which is quite a bit further south?

SYLVIA: Mermaid Waters sounds delightful. Is it close to the motorway?

AGENT: Well, not really, the M 1 is actually closest to Palm Beach and prices are likely to be more reasonable there too.

SYLVIA: That's settled then, Palm Beach it is.

AGENT: Now, if you'll just give me your email address, I can send you information about the town and lots of photos.

SYLVIA: Well, my email is S-M-A-C 13 at hotmail dot com.

AGENT: And, one final thing, how much are you looking to spend per week on accommodation? Do you want something at the luxury end of the market—you know, newly redecorated, great views, all the mod cons ...

SYLVIA: Not necessarily. Could we get something clean, comfortable and reasonable for $1200 a week?

AGENT: Could you stretch that to 1500 a week? I've got a property in mind that you'll absolutely love but you'd have to go to 1500—1200 wouldn't cover it.

SYLVIA: Alright, then. But that's our top limit.

AGENT: Good. I'll get on to this straight away and there should be something in your inbox shortly.


First Name: (1)

Country of Origin: (2)

Date of Arrival: (3)

Number of Tenants: (4)

Length of Stay: 2 week

Purpose of Visit: (5)

Type of Accommodation: (6)

Number of Bedrooms: one or two

Car Parking: off-street and (7)

General Area: near the beach

Other Requirements: near (8)

Name of Town: (9)

Client's Email smac13@hotmail.com

Price Range: up to $. (10) a week


听力原文:W: It is said that there are some check authorization systems currently in use.M:

听力原文:W: It is said that there are some check authorization systems currently in use.

M: But they are cumbersome relative to the computerized credit card validation systems.

Q: What does the man think of the check authorization systems?


A.They are convenient.

B.They are advanced in technology.

C.They are cumbersome.

D.They are computerized.

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