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Extensive new studies suggest that the world has made extraordinary progress in reduc

ing poverty in recent decades. The research suggests that the pace of economic progress has been rapid and continued for decades, built on the foundations of relative political stability, rising trade, and economic liberalization (自由化) after two world wars. One new study, published recently by the Institute for International Economics in Washington, find that the proportion of the 6.1 billion people in the world who live on $1 a day or less shrank from 63 percent in 1950 to 35 percent in 1980 and 12 percent in 1999. by some other measures, the progress has been more modest. Still, economists agree that poverty has plunged in key nations such as India and especially China, thanks to slowing population growth as well as economic freedom. "This is a huge success for the world as a whole," says Harvard University economist Richard Cooper. "We are doing something right. "

The news comes as the World Bank is about to open its annual meeting in Washington—an event that has been troubled in recent years by protests that the Bank and its sister Institution, the International Monetary Fund (IMF 国际货币组织), have done too little for the world's poor. (80) The new economic research will not put an end to that dispute. Vast populations remain poor, and many still question the wisdom of World Bank policies. Nonetheless, the research findings are helpful to understand what policies should be followed by those institutions and hundreds of other development groups working very hard to hasten the pace of world economic progress. If dramatic gains are under way, the present policies—calling for open markets, free business activities, and tight monetary control—are working and correct.

But critics of IMF and World Bank policies maintain that such economic success stories as Japan, China, South Korea and Singapore are rooted in more than just "free" markets. These nations have managed to grow rapidly, and thereby reduce poverty, by limiting imports when their domestic industries were young, pushing exports to rich nations, and putting controls on purely international financial flows. They have been open to foreignowned factories but have often insisted that those investors share the knowledge and skill on modern technologies.

The word "plunged" in the first paragraph means ______.




D.dropped into water

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更多“Extensive new studies suggest …”相关的问题
The author's main purpose in writing the passage is to ______.A.compare the consequences o

The author's main purpose in writing the passage is to ______.

A.compare the consequences of the earthquakes that occurred in the U.S.

B.encourage civil engineers to make more extensive use of computers

C.outline the history of the development of quake-resistant building materials

D.report new developments in constructing quake-resistant building

In January 2008 Arti entered in a contractual agreement with Bee Ltd to write a study manu
al for an international accountancy body’s award. The manual was to cover the period from September 2008 till June 2009, and it was a term of the contract that the text be supplied by 30 June 2008 so that it could be printed in time for September. By 30 May, Arti had not yet started on the text and indeed he had written to Bee Ltd stating that he was too busy to write the text.

Bee Ltd was extremely perturbed by the news, especially as it had acquired the contract to supply all of the

accountancy body’s study manuals and had already incurred extensive preliminary expenses in relation to the publication of the new manual.


In the context of the law of contract, advise Bee Ltd whether they can take any action against Arti.

(10 marks)

Grains 4U Co (Grains) manufactures breakfast cereals and has three factories, four warehou

Grains 4U Co (Grains) manufactures breakfast cereals and has three factories, four warehouses and three distribution depots spread across North America. The audit for the year ended 31 December 2015 is almost complete and the financial statements and audit report are due to be signed shortly. Profit before taxation is $7·9 million. The following events have occurred subsequent to the year end and no amendments or disclosures have been made in the financial statements.

Event 1 – Fire

On 15 February 2016, a fire occurred at the largest of the distribution depots. The fire resulted in extensive damage to 40% of the company’s vehicles used for dispatching goods to customers; however, there have been no significant delays to customer deliveries. The company estimates the level of damage to the vehicles to be in excess of $650,000. Only a minimal level of inventory, approximately $25,000, was damaged. Grain’s insurance company has started to investigate the fire to assess the likelihood and level of payment, however, there are concerns the fire was started deliberately, and if true, would invalidate any insurance cover.

Event 2 – Inventory

On 18 February 2016, it was discovered that a large batch of Grain’s new cereal brand ‘Loopy Green Loops’ held in inventory at the year end was defective, as the cereal contained too much green food colouring. To date no sales of this new cereal have been made. The cost of the defective batch of inventory is $915,000 and the defects cannot be corrected. However, the scrapped cereal can be utilised as a raw material for an alternative cereal brand at a value of $50,000.


For each of the two subsequent events described above:

(i) Based on the information provided, explain whether the financial statements require amendment; and

(ii) Describe audit procedures which should now be performed in order to form. a conclusion on any required amendment.

Note: The total marks will be split equally between each event.

Huang Ti Nei Ching was the most important and the earliest extensive work on TCM.()
The extensive survey suggested that their assumptions ______ totally wrong.A.wereB.beC.was

The extensive survey suggested that their assumptions ______ totally wrong.




D.would be

Your son suffers from your ________ shielding.





Some teachers insist__________ us extensive reading in grade one.A.to teachB.teac

Some teachers insist__________ us extensive reading in grade one.

A.to teach


C.on teaching


The Holiday Company (HC) currently offers travel agency services by giving travel advice a

The Holiday Company (HC) currently offers travel agency services by giving travel advice and making travel bookings for customers who physically visit the offices located in most major towns in the country. However, it is progressively reducing this part of the business while simultaneously trying to achieve a greater proportion of its revenue online.

To help meet this objective, HC is in the process of forming a new business unit to market and sell luxury holidays. The holiday product range marketed by this new business unit will be named Inspirations. It is intended that Inspirations will provide a high quality, bespoke holiday service for discerning clients. HC has decided that this new business unit will have its own mission statement of ‘delivering a high quality service for discerning travellers’. The new managing director of Inspirations has stated that it has an objective of achieving annual revenue of $100m by 2018. This would be approximately 25% of the total forecast revenue for HC that year, but it is expected to represent only about 5% of the total number of holidays sold by HC. The type of holidays offered by Inspirations is already provided by some of HC’s competitors.

Dilip Kharel, the new director of marketing of Inspirations, has stated that the internet should be increasingly used as the main source of marketing and selling the holidays, as ‘the days are almost gone when families visit a ‘high street’ travel agency to plan their holiday; it’s all done now from the comfort of the home’. He believes that potential customers of Inspirations will not want to visit high street travel agencies.

HC currently makes extensive use of traditional marketing techniques, sending out travel brochures containing all of its holidays to potential customers. However, as Dilip has recognised, ‘the problem is that we don’t even know if our customers bother opening these, or if they put them directly into the dustbin.’ These brochures are often produced months in advance, and may advertise holidays which are no longer available. Customers will not discover this until they visit one of the travel agents. The company currently does make some use of targeted emails, but it has been accused of sending spam mail in the past and mass mailing a weekly email of all current holiday offers to everyone registered on its database.

Dilip is keen to embrace the opportunities offered by electronic marketing and believes that Inspirations can benefit greatly by exploiting the principles of intelligence, individualisation, interactivity, integration and independence of location which are central to electronic marketing.

Inspirations will offer holidays in a wide variety of locations, including the Caribbean, Africa and Asia, and plan to offer ‘themed’ trips, such as gourmet food holidays and heritage trips. Different countries may have different requirements for visiting tourists, such as visa regulations. Inspirations does not own hotels or aircraft and therefore the majority of holidays offered will be provided by third-party suppliers, such as hotel and airline companies. This means that Inspirations can lack control over some elements such as passenger taxes. Inspirations will have representatives on site in all resorts to meet guests at airports and to address any issues they have with the holiday. However, the hotels and excursions will not be solely or exclusively offered to Inspirations guests. For example, there will be other guests at a hotel who have not booked through Inspirations.

Dilip is concerned about this. He feels that the company needs to be able to differentiate itself, either in the overall holiday experience itself or in the marketing of it, so that customers are more likely to book such holidays through Inspirations, rather than through a competitor, or indeed through booking with the hotel directly. He also recognises the importance of adopting an appropriate pricing strategy which meets the needs of the organisation (HC and Inspirations) and customers alike.


(a) Evaluate how the principles of intelligence, individualisation, interactivity, integration and independence of location could be exploited when marketing the new range of holidays to be offered by Inspirations. (15 marks)

Dilip Kharel recognises the importance of a pricing strategy which supports the overall corporate and business strategies of the organisation.


(b) Describe a strategic approach to establishing prices in the context of Inspirations. You should recognise both economic and non-economic factors in your approach. (10 marks)






IFRS requires extensive use of fair values when recording the acquisition of a subsidiary.

Which of the following comments, regarding the use of fair values on the acquisition of a subsidiary, is correct?

A.The use of fair value to record a subsidiary’s acquired assets does not comply with the historical cost principle

B.The use of fair values to record the acquisition of plant always increases consolidated post-acquisition depreciation charges compared to the corresponding charge in the subsidiary’s own financial statements

C.Cash consideration payable one year after the date of acquisition needs to be discounted to reflect its fair value

D.Patents must be included as part of goodwill because it is impossible to determine the fair value of an acquired patent, as, by definition, patents are unique

(b) You are the audit manager of Jinack Co, a private limited liability company. You are c

(b) You are the audit manager of Jinack Co, a private limited liability company. You are currently reviewing two

matters that have been left for your attention on the audit working paper file for the year ended 30 September


(i) Jinack holds an extensive range of inventory and keeps perpetual inventory records. There was no full

physical inventory count at 30 September 2005 as a system of continuous stock checking is operated by

warehouse personnel under the supervision of an internal audit department.

A major systems failure in October 2005 caused the perpetual inventory records to be corrupted before the

year-end inventory position was determined. As data recovery procedures were found to be inadequate,

Jinack is reconstructing the year-end quantities through a physical count and ‘rollback’. The reconstruction

exercise is expected to be completed in January 2006. (6 marks)


Identify and comment on the implications of the above matters for the auditor’s report on the financial

statements of Jinack Co for the year ended 30 September 2005 and, where appropriate, the year ending

30 September 2006.

NOTE: The mark allocation is shown against each of the matters.

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