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Moods, say the experts, are feelings that are likely to become fixed, having effects on on

e’ s outlook (way of looking at things )for hours,days or even weeks. That’ s great if your mood is a pleasant one,but a problem if you are sad,anxious,angry or simply lonely.

Perhaps the best way to deal with such moods is to talk them out ;sometimes, though, there is no one to listen. Modem pharmacology (药物学)offers a lot tranquilizers (镇定剂)and anti-anxiety drugs. What many people don’ t realize, however, is that scientists have discovered the effectiveness of several non-drug methods to make you free from an unwanted mood. These can be just as useful as drugs,and have the added benefit of being nonpoisonous. So next time you feel out of sorts,don’ t head for the drug store—try the following method.

Of all the mood-changing self-help techniques, aerobic exercise seems to be the best cure for a bad mood. “If you could keep the exercise,you’d be in high spirits,’’says Kathryn Lance,author of Running for Health and Beauty.

Researchers have explained biochemical and various other changes that make exercise compare favorably to drugs as mood-raiser. Physical work such as housework,however,does little. The key is aerobic exercise—running, cycling, walking, swimming, or other repetitive and sustained activities that increase the heart rate and circulation(循环),and improve the body’s use of oxygen. Do them for at least 20 minutes a time,three to five times a week. What is the main subject of the passage?

A.How to beat a bad mood

B.How to talk bad moods out.

C.How to do physical exercises.

D.How to do aerobic exercise

It can be inferred from the passage that_____.A.when one is in a bad mood,he or she may not work very well

B.the best way to overcome a bad mood is to talk to oneself

C.some drugs are more effective than physical exercises

D.taking drugs is at the risk of being poisonous

“Feel out of sorts”,as it is used in the second paragraph,could best be replaced byA.put things in order

B.are in a bad mood

C.search for tranquilizers

D.want a mood-raiser

Which of the following best describes the organization of this passage?A.An exercise and its importance are explained

B.A problem is examined and solutions are given

C.Two different views of a problem are presented

D.Recent developments in medicine are described


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更多“Moods, say the experts, are fe…”相关的问题
The first thing George did at the training school was ______. A. to take an exper

The first thing George did at the training school was ______.

A. to take an experienced pilot in a plane

B. to be taken up into the air in a plane by an officer

C. to fly a commercial plane

D. to talk about his ideas


Her moods are as______as the weather in London.





The main idea of paragraph 2 is______. A. colors may have effect on our work and stud

The main idea of paragraph 2 is______.

A. colors may have effect on our work and study

B. colors do have effect on our moods (情绪)

C. light and bright colors make people happy

D. factory workers can work better in a bright room

本题使用HTV.RAW中的数据。(i)基于整个样木, 利用解释变量educ、abil、exper、nc、west、south和urb
本题使用HTV.RAW中的数据。(i)基于整个样木, 利用解释变量educ、abil、exper、nc、west、south和urb


(i)基于整个样木, 利用解释变量educ、abil、exper、nc、west、south和urban, 利用OLS估计log(wage)的一个模型。报告教育的估计回报及其标准误。

(ii)现在, 仅利用educ<16的人群来估计第(i) 部分中的方程。样本损失了多大的比例?现在, 多读一年书的估计回报是多少?它与第(i)部分中的结果相比如何?

(iii)现在, 去掉所有wage≥20的观测, 于是, 样本中剩下每个人每小时工资都不足20美元。做第(i) 部分中的回归, 并评论educ的系数。(由于正常的断尾回归模型都假定y是连续的, 所以理论上我们去掉wage≥20还是去掉wage>20都无所谓。但在这个应用研究中, 由于有些人正好每个小时挣20美元, 所以二者略有差异。)

(iv)利用第(ii) 部分中的样本, 应用断尾回归[上断点为log(20) ] .假定第(i) 部分中得到的估计值是一致的,这个断尾回归能够重新得到整个总体中的教育回报估计值吗?






(ii) 在这个方程中增加变量exper²和tenure², 证明即便在20%的显著性水平上, 它们也不是联合显著的。



Fans of Harry Potter may regret the fact that they wi1l never receive a real admission1etter to the Hogwarts Schoo1 of Wi tcheraft and Wizardry (霍格沃茨魔法学校) on their 11thbir thday.I was one of those ki ds.But 1ast month, I got to experi ence Hogwarts in person.A big portrait (肖像) of the Fat Lady was put up at the door of our schoo1 1ibrary, withthe word" password?" printed on it. I did not realize my adventure had started until:entered the 1ibrary. Everything inside was red and go1d. There was a 1arge fake f ireplaceon the wa11. There was a portrait of 1ion, which stands for Gryffindor (格兰芬多学院),oneof the four houses of Hogwar ts.Severa1 armchairs,as we11 as tab1es with pumpkin juice andbutter beer, were set up around the f irep1ace. The 1 ibrary was decorated with someelements (元素) from the magical wor1d of Harry Potter, inc1uding an" ow1" ,wizard chessand even the Triwizard Cup, which is given to the winner of the Tr iwizard Tournament (三强争霸赛) . I fe1t 1ike I was rea11y standing inside the Gryff indor common room!We played several games during our adventure. Seek the Secret Snitches was one of them. Wewere asked to 1ook for boxes around the 1 ibrary. Each box had a key to a bigger box. But wecould on1y un1ock them if we correct1y answered questions about Harry Potter. Aftercollecting a11 of the keys, we opened the biggest box and got some chocolate frogs. Theadventure really he1ped me remember the Harry Potter books and exper ience the same p 1 easureI fe1t the first time I read them.

(1) Last month,the writer ().

A.played house with other kids happily

B.went to Harry Potter' s school

C.received an admission letter

D.had an adventure at school

(2) The second paragraph is written to ().

A.tell the Harry Potter stories

B.describe the writer' s exper ience

C.explain why the vriter of this passage likes the story of Harry Potter

D.introduce the writer' s favorite portraits

(3) To open the biggest box, students needed to ().

A.work by themselves

B.collect all small boxes

C.seek and find the key to it

D.answer all questions correctly and get all the keys

(4) How did the writer fee1 about this experience?()





(5) Which of the fol1owing statements is NOT true according to the passage?()

A.The portrait of lion stands for Gryff indor.

B.The library would remind you of the Harry Potter books.

C.There were chocolate frogs in the biggest box.

D.There was a fireplace in the library because it was cold.

阅读理解:结合上下文内容补全填空。操作提示:通过下拉选项框选择正确的词汇。MY VOLUNTEER EXPER




My experience at the library included{assisted; assisting; assist}kids during their library visit in a number of ways—reader's advisory, working with the kids during library skills sessions, and checking{out; up; in}books. Of all of these experiences, working through problems with the kids during library skills sessions was{/; more; most}rewarding. Some of the library skills sessions were on the computer and others were using print sources like newspapers and encyclopedias.

Reader's advisory for the kids was also rewarding. Through the recommendations of Jill Morrison, the YSCL's head librarian, and also talking with the kids themselves, I read quite a few young adult titles. Doing this reading and also reading other reviews of juvenile literature{enabled; made; let}me to give the kids recommendations for books they might enjoy.

One afternoon a high school-aged girl approached me{asking for; asking about; asking}books about college. She wanted to get all of the information that she could on college admission processes. Together using the library's webcat, we found some useful books for her. We also found some relevant websites. At the beginning of my experience at the YSCL, I felt that if I came away making a difference for only one person, I had succeeded. This young woman was so appreciative and enthusiastic about the information we found together that I think I met my goal.

What is your favorite color? Do you like yellow, orange, and red? If you do, you must
be an optimist (乐观者), a leader, and an active person who enjoys life, people and excitement.Do you prefer grays and blues? Then you are probably quiet, shy and you would rather follow than lead.You tend to be a pessimist.At least, this is what psychologists (心理学家)tell us, and they should know, because they have been seriously study ing the meaning of color preference, as well as the effect that colors have on human beings.They tell us among other facts, that we do not choose our favorite color as we grow up — we are born with our preference.If you happen to love brown, you did so,as soon as you opened your eyes, or at least as soon as you could see clearly.

Color does influence our moods (情绪)― there is no doubt about it.A yellow room makes most people feel more cheerful and more relaxed than a dark green one; and a red dress bri ngs warmth and cheer to the saddest winter day.On the other hand, black is depressing.A black bridge over the Thames River, near London, used to be the scene of more suicides than any other bridge in the area — until it was repainted green.The number of suicide attempts immediately fell sharply; perhaps it would have fallen even more if the bridge had been done in pink or baby blue.

Light and bright colors make people not only happier but also more active.It is an established fact that factory workers work better, harder, and have fewer accidents when their machines are painted orange rather than black or gray.

1.The author regards the psychologists'findings as ().





2.According to the psycholog ists, a person’s color preference ().

A.is formed as he grows up

B.is acquired through experience

C.is decided by his surroundings

D.is possessed from birth

3.It can be concluded from the passage that bright color lovers tend to be ().





4.The example of the bridge is used to illustrate that ().

A.people tend to kill themselves by jumping from bridges

B.color can affect people’s moods to a great degree

C.the bridge should have been repainted earlier

D.certain color can kill people sometimes

5.The notion that machines painted orange can reduce the risk of accidents ().

A.is a well-accepted fact

B.remains to be proved

C.is an illusion of workers

D.is a good wish of scientists





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