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From this selection we may conclude that the king's crown______. A. moved less water

From this selection we may conclude that the king's crown______.

A. moved less water than pure gold of the same size

B. moved more water than pure gold of the same weight

C. moved more water than pure gold of the same size

D. moved less water than pure gold of the same weight

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更多“From this selection we may con…”相关的问题
When filling the forms, Dr. Ginoux felt depressed because______.A.she didn't perform. enou

When filling the forms, Dr. Ginoux felt depressed because______.

A.she didn't perform. enough operations

B.some operations were unsuccessful

C.she didn't get advice from the selection committee

D.she was doubtful about her previous operations

After practising as a surgeon for several years, Dr. Ginoux decided to apply for membershi
p in the American College of Surgeons(美国外科医生学会) , a highly selective and distinguished(著名的) professional organization.

As part of the application procedure (手续) , Dr. Ginoux was asked to prepare a list of all the operations performed in the previous even years. Slowly, as she worked on the long list, she began to feel uncertain. She began to question some of her decisions. Had she used the best technique in that case? Maybe, in this case, she should have given one more test before operating? On the other hand, maybe she should have. . . Would the doctors on the selection committee understand that, as the only trained surgeon in the area, she usually could not get advice from others and therefore, had to rely completely on her own judgment? For the first time, Dr. Ginoux felt lonely and isolated.

The longer Dr. Ginoux worked on the application forms, the more depressed she became. As hope faded, she wondered if a "country doctor"had a realistic chance of being accepted by the American College of Surgeons.

Dr. Ginoux was working in______.

A.a large city

B.the American College of Surgeons

C.an area far from any big city

D.a selective organization

Are you aware that you actually possess six senses? The sixth is a muscular sense responsi
ble for directing your muscles intelligently to the extent necessary for each action you perform. For example, when you reach for an object, the sensory nerves linking the muscles to the brain stop your hand at the correct spot. This automatic perception of the position of your muscles in relation to the object is your muscular sense in action.

Muscles are stringly bundles of fibers varying from one five - thousand of an inch to about three inches. They have three unique characteristics, they can become shorter and thicker; they can stretch; and they can retract to their original positions. Under a high -powered microscope, muscle tissue is seen as long, slender cells with a grainy texture like wood.

More than half of a person' s body is composed of muscle fibers, most of which are involuntary, in other words, work without conscious direction. The voluntary muscles, those that we move consciously to perform. particular actions, number more than five hundred. Women have only 60 to 70 percent as much muscle as men for their body mass. That is why an average woman can' t lift as much, throw as far, or hit as hard as an average man.

According to the selection, the muscular sense is responsible for ______ .

A.the efficiency of our muscles

B.the normal breathing function

C.directing our muscles intelligently

D.the work of only our involuntary muscles

The two most common kinds of logic or reasoning are inductive and deductive. Inductiv

The two most common kinds of logic or reasoning are inductive and deductive.

Inductive reasoning is mainly scientific and factual it begins with collected data,experiments. and examples.When enough information has been colleted,a statement of aprinciple is taken from the examples.

Deductive reasoning begins with a general principle and applies it to a specifie instance or specific instances The conclusions of deduetive thinkers are more tentative than the conclusions of inductive thinkers, who arrive at a principle instead of starting from one.Deductive thinkers are accurate only to the extent that their principle is correct and only to the extent that they have applied it truly.

Both inductive thinking and deductive thinking are tested. and questioned by those to whom the conclusions are presented. Of an inductive thinker,one asks whether the facts are true. whether the exceptions have been noted, whether the selection of materials is representative. whether the conclusions are truly and accurately drawn from the data,whether the conclusions are stated precisely or exaggerated(夸大的). Of a deductive thinker, one asks whether the given principle is impartial truth or mere personal opinion,whether it is applied to materials relevantly,whether the conclusion is accurate according to the principie, and whether exceptions have been noted.

With good motives and bad, with bonesty and with deceit. different thinkers teach different conclusions derived from the same data or from the same principle. What is the difference between inductive thinking and deductive thinking?

A.Inductive thinking starts from data, experiments and examples and then arrives at a principle,while deductive thinking starts only from data

B.Inductive thinking starts from a principle,and then applies it to a specifie instance or specific instances, while deductive thinking starts from data experiments and examples and then arrives at a principle

C.Inductive thinking starts from data, experiments and examples and then arrives at a principle,while deductive thinking starts from a general principle,and then applies it to a specific instance or specific instances

D.Inductive thinking starts from data and then applies them to specific instances,while deduetive thinking starts from experiments and then appliesthem to specific instances

Which one of the following should an inductive thinker pay attention to?A.Whether the general principle is impartial truth or mere personal opinion.

B.Whether he is honest or not.

C.Whether the facts are true or not

D.Whether the general principle is applied to material relevantly.

The common concern for inductive thinkers and deductive thinkers is___A.whether the exceptions have been noticed

B.whether they are bearing good motives or not

C.whether the conclusions are derived from the same data

D.whether they starts from the same general principle

Which statement among the following is true?A.Deductive thinking is mainly scientific and factual

B.The deductive thinkers will never be accurate

C.Both inductive thinking and deductive thinking are tested and questioned by those to whom the conclusions are presented

D.One will not care about whether the facts used by an inductive thinker are representative or not


Task 1Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfini

Task 1

Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 36 through 40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. You should make the correct choice.

The purpose of any selection interview is to choose the right person for the job in question or to select someone who shows potential for more senior posts. Interviews may not be the ideal method of selecting staff. For one thing, you will not know whether you have selected wisely until long after the interview. The period you have to wait will depend on the job in question. The lower the level of the job is, the quicker you will discover how good you were with your selection. Be clear what you are trying to achieve by the interview and how you intend to do it.

Interviewing requires many skills which typically only develop with practice. Be careful that you are not being subjective in your judgments(判断); try to be objective wherever possible. An example may illustrate the point. If you interview a long-haired male applicant, you may be put off by the length of his hair; you may associate the long hair with untidiness, dirt or laziness.

This is a subjective judgment—another interviewer may not be affected by hair length in the same way.

Subjective misjudgment is sometimes called the "halo and horn" effect. We meet someone neatly dressed and well-spoken, and from this we assume that they are all things good; that they will be reliable, honest, hard working, etc. We are blinded by their halo. Conversely, on meeting a roughly-spoken, scruffy(褴褛的)individual we decide they will be unreliable, careless and lazy. We only see their horns. This problem needs to be overcome, since we could so easily overlook first-class candidates(候选人)for vital posts because we have not been objective.

Which of the following best summarizes the main idea of the essay?

A.Things to pay attention to when interviewing job applicants.

B.Things to pay attention to when applying for a job.

C.Advice to how to be subjective.

D.The importance of a selection interview.






根据以下内容回答题: Too often young people get themselves employed quite by accident,not k
nowing what lies in the way of opportunity for promotion,happiness and security.As a result,they are employed doing jobs that afford them little or no satisfaction.Our school leavers face so much competition that they seldom care what they do as long as they can earn a livin9.Some stay long at a job and learn to like it;others quit from one to another looking for something to suit them.The young graduates who leave the university look for jobs that.offer a salary up to their expectation.Very few go out into the world knowing exactly what they want and realizing their own abilities.The reason behind all this confusion is that there never has been a proper vocational guidance in our educational institution.Nearly all grope(摸索)in the dark and their chief concern when they look for a job is to ask what salary is like.They never bother to think whether they are suited for the iob or,even more important,whether the job suits them.Having a job is more than merely providing yourseff and your dependants with daily bread and.some money for leisure and entertainment.It sets a pattern of life and,in many ways,determines social status in life,selection of friends,leisure and interest. In choosing a career you should first consider the type of work which will you"re your interest.Nothing is more pathetic than taking on a job in which you have no interest,for it will not only discourage your desire to succeed in life but also ruin your talents and ultimately make you an emotional wreck and a bitter person.

The reason why some people are unlikely to succeed in life is that they__________ .

A.have ruined their talents

B.have taken on an unsuitable job

C.think of nothing but their salary

D.are not aware of their own potential


A.Network Service Selection Function

B.Network Slicing Selection Function

C.Network Slicing Service Function

D.Network Slicing Socing Function

The best title for this selection is ______. A. The "Post Paid" Error B. The Two P

The best title for this selection is ______.

A. The "Post Paid" Error

B. The Two Penny Blue

C. A Rare Stamp

D. How Mauritius Became Famous

3 Organisations need to recruit new employees. An important step in the process is the sel
ection interview.


(a) Explain the purpose of the selection interview. (4 marks)

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