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The United Nations declared 2011 to 2012 the Year of the Bat. The campaign was launched

as a way to strengthen efforts for protecting the world's only flying mammal. These creatures can be found in many parts of the world. Bats live in cities, deserts, grasslands and forests.There are over 1,200 bat species.

The smallest bat in the world is from Southeast Asia.This kind of bat measures about 30 millimeters in length. The world's largest bat, the Giant Golden-Crowned Flying Fox, has a wingspan of 1.5 meters.Most bats eat insects,but many feed on fruit or nectar from flowers.

Many people think bats are blind,but this is not true.Many species have very good sight.Most bats communicate and find their way by making"echolocation" (回声定位法 ) noises.They produce high-frequency noises and can estimate the distance of an object by using the sound echoes that bounce back to them. So, while bats may travel in total darkness, they"see"using sound.

Sadly, bats are widely feared and misunderstood. Most bats come out of their shelters only at nightfall. Three bat species feed on blood. Because of these qualities, bats have long been linked in many cultures to death, darkness and blood-drinking.

Yet bats are important for agriculture and our environment. They help pollinate (授粉)plants and spread seeds. They also help control insects. Bats eat huge numbers of insects,including kinds that damage crops.

For example, a brown bat can eat more than 1,000 insects in one hour.Onereport says bats save American farmers billions of dollars every year by reducing crop damage and limiting the need for chemicals that kill insects.

Over one-fifth of all bat species are under threat. They face disease and the human destruction of their natural environments.In some areas, diseases have killed nearly 100% of bat populations.

第21题 The United Nations declared 2011 to 2012 the Year of the Bat,because bats_____.

A.are beneficial animals B.are close to extinction

C.have been misunderstood D.are under serious threat

第22题 Bats can fly in total darkness, because_____.

A.their eye sight is extremely sharp

B.they can fly without using their sight

C.they don't have eye sight in daytime

D.they are very familiar with their environment

第23题 Many people fear bats because_____.

A.many cultures connect bats with unpleasant things

B.bats are very ugly in appearance

C.bats are thought to be blind

D.bats carry deadly diseases with them

第24题 It can be concluded that_____.

A.bats are more easily to be killed by diseases

B.bat population has been reduced sharply these days

C.bats can help farmers save crops and money

D.bats' living environment has been mostly destroyed

第25题 The word" nectar" in the second paragraph probably means_____.

A.the flowers' eyes B.the flowers' leaves

C.the smell produced by flowers D.the liquid produced by flowers

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更多“The United Nations declared 20…”相关的问题
WhichthefollowingstatementsisTRUEaccordingtothepassage? A.TheUnitedNationssaysabout50m

Which the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A. The United Nations says about 50 million acres of rain forests are cut down every year.

B. Luckily people and the mass media all paid special attention to the depletion of rain forests.

C. The author thought the oceans' survival is questionable.

D. People have stopped cutting down rain forests because of the opposition of most people.

On the 20th【D1】______ of the first official report on AIDS the head of the United Nations
AIDS programme warns the deadly disease may only be at its early stages in many parts of the world. Dr. Piot has said that the disease has already reached the【D2】______【D3】______ since first being【D4】______ in 1981. 58 million people world-wide have【D5】______ the HIV virus,which causes AIDS, while 22 million have 【D6】______related【D7】______. The UN estimates the worlds HIV-【D8】______ population at 36 million, including 25 million in Sub-Saharan Africa. International officials warned that the disease would have【D9】______ political, social and economic【D10】______ in many developing countries.


??????B??????For years,business people in Western Europe were worried.They knew they could


??For years,business people in Western Europe were worried.They knew they could not compete against business from the U.S.The United States is much larger and had many more resources than any Western European country.??

??Some European people realized that the European nations needed to join together to help each other.If they could forget their language differences and the differences in customs. they might ??become strong competition against other countries.??

??In 1958,six of the European countries-Belgium,the Netherlands,Luxembourg,France,Germany and Italy got together and decided to cooperate.They called their group the European Economic Community,or the Common Market.These countries agreed to join their resources together.????

??Within a few years,the European Economic Community had worked SO well that its members were more prosperous than many other European nations.Soon,other nations began to realize the advantage of the Common Market.Today the Common Market includes most of the important countries in Western Europe.It is helping Western Europe to again take its place as a leader among the industrial nations of the world.??

??From the passage we know the U.S.is much richer than_______ in resources.??

A.any other Western European country

B.any other country in Western Europe

C.any country in Western Europe

D.every country in Europe

The members of the European Economic Community have developed fast because they _______.A.share their resources and produce more goods

B.can again take the place as a leader in the world

C.forget the differences in their languages and customs

D.have become strong competition against the U.S.

Which statement is true?A.The Common Market is only a political association(协会).

B.The Common Market is an economic and political association.

C.The Common Market is surely not an economic association.

D.The Common Market is neither an economic association nor a political on

In order to ________ the Western European countries decided to cooperate.

A.join together to found a united community

B.help each other to smooth away the differences in customs

C.work and act together for each country own purpose

D.work together and fight against each other


It is estimated that some seven hundred million people about half the world's population a
re un able to read and write, and there are probably two hundred and fifty million more whose level of attainment(造诣、成就)is so slight that it barely qualifies a literacy(识字).

Recently the attack on illiteracy has been stepped up. A world plan has been drawn up by a committee of UNESCO experts in Paris, as part of the United Nations Development Decade, and an international conference on the subject has also been held. UNESCO stresses that functional literacy is the aim. People must learn the basic skills of responsible citizenship: the ability to read notices, newspapers, timetables, letters, price lists, to keep simple records and accounts, to sort out the significance of the information gathered, and to fill in forms.

The major areas of illiteracy are in Asia, and Central and South America. In Africa there are at least one hundred million illiterates, making up eighty to eighty-five per cent of the total population. In Europe the figure is about twenty-four million, most of them is Southern Europe, with Spain, Italy, Portugal, and Yugoslavia heading the list (the United Kingdom has about seven hundred thousand).

According to the estimate, the illiterate population in the world is ______.

A.two hundred and fifty million

B.one hundred million

C.about half of the total population in the world

D.seven thousand million

The differences in living standards around the world are vast In 1993, the average America
n had an income of about $25,000. In the same year, the average Mexican earned $7,000, and the average Nigerian earned. $1,500. Not surprisingly, this large variation in average income is reflected in various measures of the quality of life. Changes in living standards over time are also large. In the United States, incomes have historically grown about 2 percent per year (after adjusting for changes in the cost of living). At this rate, average income doubles every 35 years. In some countries, economic growth has been even more rapid. In Japan, for instance, average income has doubled in the past 20 years, and in South Korea it has doubled in the past 10 years.

What explains these large differences in living standards among countries and over time? The answer is surprisingly simple. Almost all variation in living standards is attributable to differences in countries' productivity—hat is, the amount of goods and services produced from each hour of a worker's time. In nations where workers can produce a large quantity of goods and services per unit of time, most people enjoy a high standard of living; in nations where workers are less productive, most people must endure a more meager existence. Similarly, the growth rate of a nation's productivity determines the growth rate of its average income.

The fundamental relationship between productivity and living standards is simple, but its implications are far-reaching. If productivity is the primary determinant of living standards, other explanations must be of secondary importance. For example, people might think that labor unions or minimum-wage laws contributed to the rise in living standards of American workers over the past century. Yet the real hero of American workers is their rising productivity.

The relationship between productivity and living standards also has great implications for public policy. When thinking about how any policy will affect living standards, the key question is how it will affect our ability to produce goods and services. To improve living standards, policymakers need to raise productivity by ensuring that workers are well educated, have the tools needed to produce goods and services, and have access to the best available technology.

Which of the following countries has enjoyed the fastest economic growth in history?


B.The United States.


D.South Korea.

Migration is usually defined as "permanent or semi-permanent change of residence". However
, our concern is with movement between nations, not with internal migration within nations, although such movements often exceed international movements in volume. Today, the motives of people who move short distances are very similar to those of international migrants.

Students of human migration speak of "push" and "pull" factors, which influence an individual's decision to move from one place to another. Push factors are associated with the place of origin. A push factor can be as simple and mild a matter as difficulty in finding a suitable job, or as traumatic as war, or severe famine. Obviously, refugees who leave their homes with guns pointed at their heads are motivated almost entirely by push factors (although pull factors do influence their choice of destination).

Pull factors are those associated with the place of destination. Most often these are economic, such as better job opportunities or the availability of good land to farm. In general, pull factors add up to an apparently better chance for a good life and material well-being than is offered by the place of origin. When there is a choice between several attractive potential destinations, the deciding factor might be a non-economic consideration such as the presence of relatives, friends, or at least fellow countrymen already established in the new place who are willing to help the newcomers settle in.

Besides push and pull factors, there are what the sociologists call "intervening obstacles." Even if push and (or) pull factors are very strong they still may be outweighed by intervening obstacles, such as the distance of the move, the trouble and cost of moving, the difficulty of entering the new country, and the problems likely to be encountered on arrival. The decision to move is also influenced by "personal factors" of the potential migrant. The prospect of packing up everything and moving to a new and perhaps very strange environment may appear interesting and challenging to an unmarried young man and appallingly difficult to a slightly older man with a wife and small kids. Similarly, the need to learn a new language and customs may excite one person and frighten another. Regardless of why people move, migration of large numbers of people causes conflict. The United States and other western countries have experienced adjustment problems with each new wave of immigrants. It has usually taken several decades for each group to be accepted into the mainstream of society in the host country.

Today it is found that movement between nations often exceed international movements in volume.



Some people believe that international sport creates goodwill between the nations and that
if countries play games together they will learn to live together. Others say that the opposite is true: that international contests encourage false national pride and lead to misunderstanding and hatred. There is probably some truth in both arguments, but in recent years the Olympic games have done little to support the view that sports encourages international brotherhood. Not only was there the tragic incident involving the murder of athletes, but the Games were also ruined by lesser incidents caused principally by minor national contests.

One country received its second-place medals with visible indignation after the hockey final. There had been noisy scenes at the end of the hockey match, the losers objecting to the final decisions. They were convinced that one of their goals should not have been disallowed and that their opponents' victory was unfair. Their manager was in a rage when he said: "This wasn't hockey. Hockey and the International Hockey Federation are finished." The president of the Federation said later that such behavior. could result in the suspension of the team for at least three years.

The American basketball team announced that they would not yield first place to Russia, after a disputable end to their contest. The game had ended in disturbance. It was thought at first that the United States had won, by a single point, but it was announced that there were three seconds still to play. A Russian player then threw the ball from one end of the court to the other, and another player popped it into the basket. It was the first time the USA had ever lost an Olympic basketball match. An appeal jury debated the matter for four and a half hours before announcing that the result would stand. The American players then voted not to receive the silver medals.

Incidents of this kind will continue as long as sport is played competitively rather than for the love of the game. The suggestion that athletes should compete as individuals, or in non-national teams, might be too much to hope for. But in the present organization of the Olympics there is far too much that encourages aggressive patriotism.

According to the author, recent Olympic Games have ______.

A.mated goodwill between the nations

B.bred only false national pride

C.barely showed any international friendship

D.led to more and more misunderstanding and hatred

The atmosphere and oceans are not the only parts of the environment being damaged. Rain fo
rests are being quickly destroyed as well, and their survival is questionable. E. O. Wilson, a biologist at Harvard, calls the depletion(枯竭、耗尽)of rain forest areas "the greatest extinction since the end of the age of dinosaurs (恐龙)"

Unlike some environmental issues, rain forest depletion has fortunately received significant public and media attention. Despite the opposition to the cutting down of rain forests, the problem continues. Every year, Brazil chops down on area of forest the size of the state of Nebraska. In addition to the Amazon's rain forests, many other forests are being cut down as well. In Indonesia, Zaire, Papua New Guinea, Malaysia, Burme, the Philippines peru, Colombia, Bolivia, and Venezuela, rain forests that were once great have been lost.

According to some estimates, 50 million acres of rain forest are cut down every year. The United Nations says the figure is closer to 17 million acres. The World Wildlife Fund says that every minute, 25 to 50 acres are cut or burned to the ground.

The world's growing population has been a primary reason of rain forest destruction. More people need land to live on and wood products to consume. Limiting population growth may be the first in a series of steps that would limit the destruction of the rain forests.

In the opinion of the author, ______ are being destroyed terribly at present.

A.the oceans

B.the atmosphere

C.the rain forests

D.all the above

UN officials pledged Thursday to bridge, the world's digital divide, bringing computers an
d Internet training to poorer countries before they fall further behind in technology and wealth. The Digital Service Corps initiative expands on a University of Pennsylvania pilot that sent three professors and 27 students to the West African country of Mall last spring. Four countries will be selected for visits in December.

In partnering with the private Global Technology Organization, the UN Office for Projects Services wants to reduce the gap separating nations with good technology from those without. "There are more Web sites originating here in New York than in all of Africa," said Reinhart Helmke, executive director of the UN agency. "There are more Web sites originating in Finland than in all of Latin America and the Caribbean." Helmke said the digital divide would be better described as a digital chasm. He said the global economy cannot be sustained if some countries are left out.

Neysan Rassekh, founder and president of Global Technology Organization, vowed to tackle the problem "country by country, town by town, citizen by citizen." The initiative carries no funding, however. The UN projects office, as a self-financing agency with a limited budget, will provide only management know-how: Rassekh's group, which organized the University of Pennsylvania group, plans to solicit(恳求) cash and equipment donations. For the Mall project, the university paid airfare and other expenses through fees that students pay to receive academic credit.

Eliminating the global divide won't be easy. Persuading foreign governments to buy computers instead of food can be tough, even though technology can reduce poverty and hunger in the long run, said Hafidh Chaibi, who promotes global access through the World of Knowledge Foundation in Orlando, Fla. Ernest Wilson, an international development specialist at the University of Maryland, said his research found information technology growing by 18 percent a year in developing countries, compared with 23 percent in industrialized nations. That means the gap continues to grow despite improvements through programs from the United Nations, the World Bank, the Markle Foundation and other organizations.

The UN announcement came as world leaders met at the UN Millennium Summit to discuss such challenges as peace, disarmament and access, to new technology. Over four weeks in May and June, the University of Pennsylvania volunteers set up four computer centers in Mall and trained 120 residents, mostly students and educators who could then teach others. Organizers are also setting up a Web site to help residents obtain information on education and health. The UN agency and its private partner plan to replicate that effort in 10 to 12 countries a year.

The "digital divide" as is used in the first passage refers to ______.

A.the gap in technology and wealth between poor and rich countries

B.inadequate training which technicians in poorer countries have received

C.the availability of computer and Internet technologies to different nations

D.the difference in the number of Web sites created in poor and rich countries

A century ago, the immigrants from across the Atlantic inclued settlers and sojourners. Along with the many folks looking to make a permanent home in the United States came those who had no intention

Today, we are much more rigid about immigrants. We divide nemcomers into two categories: legal or illegal, good or bad. We hail them as Americans in the making, or our broken immigrantion system and the long political paralysis over how to fix it. We don’t need more categories, but we need to change the way we think about categories. We need to look beyond strick definitions of legal and illegal. To start, we can recognize the new birds of passage, those living and thriving in the gray areas. We might then begin to solve our immigration challenges.

Crop pickers, violinists, construction workers, entrepreneurs, engineers, home health-care aides and physicists are among today’s birds of passage. They are energetic participants in a global economy driven by the flow of work, money and ideas .They prefer to come and go as opportunity calls them , They can manage to have a job in one place and a family in another.

With or without permission, they straddle laws, jurisdictions and identities with ease. We need them to imagine the United States as a place where they can be productive for a while without committing themselves to staying forever. We need them to feel that home can be both here and there and that they can belong to two nations honorably.

Accommodating this new world of people in motion will require new attitudes on both sides of the immigration battle .Looking beyond the culture war logic of right or wrong means opening up the middle ground and understanding that managing immigration today requires multiple paths and multiple outcomes. Including some that are not easy to accomplish legally in the existing system.

“Birds of passage” refers to those who____ .

A.immigrate across the Atlantic.

B.leave their home countries for good.

C.stay in a foreign temporialy.

D.find permanent jobs overseas.

It is implied in paragraph 2 that the current immigration system in the US____ .A.needs new immigrant categories.

B.has loosened control over immigrants.

C.should be adopted to meet challenges.

D.has been fixed via political means.

According to the author, today’s birds of passage want___ .A.financial incentives.

B.a global recognition.

C.opportunities to get regular jobs.

D.the freedom to stay and leave.

The author suggests that the birds of passage today should be treated ____ .A.as faithful partners.

B.with economic favors.

C.with regal tolerance.

D.as mighty rivals.

Select the title that is most suitable for the articleA.come and go: big mistake.

B.living and thriving : great risk.

C.with or without : great risk.

D.legal or illegal: big mistake.

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