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根据下列文章,回答26~30题。It is a wise father that knows his own child, but today a man can

boost his paternal (fatherly) wisdom—or at least confirm that he’s the kid’s dad. All he needs to do is shell out $30 for a paternity testing kit (PTK) at his local drugstore—and another $120 to get the results.

More than 60,000 people have purchased the PTKs since they first became available without prescriptions last years, according to Doug Fogg, chief operating officer of Identigene, which makes the overthecounter kits. More than two dozen companies sell DNA tests directly to the public, ranging in price from a few hundred dollars to more than $2500.

Among the most popular : paternity and kinship testing , which adopted children can use to find their biological relatives and families can use to track down kids put up for adoption. DNA testing is also the latest rage among passionate genealogists—and supports businesses that offer to search for a family’s geographic roots.

Most tests require collecting cells by swabbing saliva in the mouth and sending it to the company for testing. All tests require a potential candidate with whom to compare DNA.

But some observers are skeptical, “There is a kind of false precision being hawked by people claiming they are doing ancestry testing,” says Trey Duster, a New York University sociologist. He notes that each individual has many ancestors—numbering in the hundreds just a few centuries back. Yet most ancestry testing only considers a single lineage, either the Y chromosome inherited through men in a father’s line or mitochondrial DNA, which is passed down only from mothers. This DNA can reveal genetic information about only one or two ancestors, even though, for example, just three generations back people also have six other greatgrandparents or, four generations back, 14 other greatgreatgrandparents.

Critics also argue that commercial genetic testing is only as good as the reference collections to which a sample is compared. Databases used by some companies don’t rely on data collected systematically but rather lump together information from different research projects. This means that a DNA database may have a lot of data from some regions and not others, so a person’s test results may differ depending on the company that processes the results. In addition, the computer programs a company uses to estimate relationships may be patented and not subject to peer review or outside evaluation.

第26题:In paragraphs 1 and 2 , the text shows PTK’s

A.easy availability.

B.flexibility in pricing.

C.successful promotion.

D.popularity with households.

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根据以下材料回答第 21~30 题: I can clearly remember the first time I met Mr. Andrews, m

根据以下材料回答第 21~30 题:

I can clearly remember the first time I met Mr. Andrews, my old headmaster, (21) that was over twenty years ago . During the war ,I was at school in the north of England . As soon as it ended, my family returned to London. There were not enough schools left for children to go to and my father had to go from one school to another, asking them to (22) me as a pupil . I used to go with him but he had such a (23) time trying to persuade people even to see him that I seldom had to do any tests. We had been to all the schools near where we lived ,but the more (24) my father argued ,the more it became. In the end ,we went to a school about five miles away from home. The headmaster kept us waiting for (25) an hour. While we were waiting , I (26) around at the school building ,which was one of those old Victorian structures, completely out of date but still standing. I could hear the boys playing in the playground outside when the headmaster’s secretary finally (27) us into his office. Mr. Andrews spoke to me first ,“Why do you want to come here ?” he asked. I had been thinking of saying something about studying but couldn’t (28) remembering the boys outside .“I don’t know anyone in London, ” I said . “I like to play with the other boys. I like to read a lot of books too,” I (29) . “All right ,”Mr. Andrews said . “We have one place (30) ,in face.”

My two years at that school were among the happiest of my life.

第 21 题 填入(21)处的最佳答案是()。





根据下列文章,回答26~30题。For the past several years, the Sunday newspaper supplement Parad
e has featured a column called “Ask Marilyn.” People are invited to query Marilyn vos Savant, who at age 10 had tested at a mental level of someone about 23 years old; that gave her an IQ of 228-the highest score ever recorded. IQ tests ask you to complete verbal and visual analogies, to envision paper after it has been folded and cut, and to deduce numerical sequences, among other similar tasks. So it is a bit confusing when vos Savant fields such queries from the average Joe (whose IQ is 100) as, What's the difference between love and fondness? Or what is the nature of luck and coincidence? It's not obvious how the capacity to visualize objects and to figure out numerical patterns suits one to answer questions that have eluded some of the best poets and philosophers.

Clearly, intelligence encompasses more than a score on a test. Just what does it means to be smart? How much of intelligence can be specified, and how much can we learn about it from neurology, genetics, computer science and other fields?

The defining term of intelligence in humans still seems to be the IQ score, even though IQ tests are not given as often as they used to be. The test comes primarily in two forms: the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale and the Wechsler Intelligence Scales (both come in adult and children's version)。 Generally costing several hundred dollars, they are usually given only by psychologists, although variations of them populate bookstores and the World Wide Web. Superhigh scores like vos Savant’s are no longer possible, because scoring is now based on a statistical population distribution among age pecks, rather tan simply dividing the mental are by the chronological age and multiplying by 100. Other standardized tests, such as the Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) and the Graduate Record Exam (GRE), capture the main aspects of IQ tests.

Such standardized tests may not assess all the important elements necessary to succeed in school and in life, argues Robert J. Sternberg. In his article “How Intelligent Is Intelligence Testing?”。 Sternberg notes that traditional tests best assess analytical and verbal skills but fail to measure creativity and practical knowledge, components also critical to problem solving and life success. Moreover, IQ tests do not necessarily predict so well once populations or situations change. Research has found that IQ predicted leadership sills when the tests were given under low-stress conditions, but under high-stress conditions. IQ was negatively correlated with leadership-that is it predicted the opposite. Anyone who bas toiled through SAT will testify that test-taking skill also matters, whether it‘s knowing when to guess or what questions of skip.

第26题:Which of the following may be required in an intelligence test?

A.Answering philosophical questions.

B.Folding or cutting paper into different shapes.

C.Telling the differences between certain concepts.

D.Choosing words or graphs similar to the given ones.

根据下列材料,请回答25~26题: 某钢筋混凝土构件的局部受压直径为250mm,混凝土强度等级为C25,间接
间距S 50mm。结构安全等级二级。 试问,局部受压时的强度提高系数风,,与下列何项数值最为接近? (A)1.60 (B)1.80 (C)2.60 (D)3.O0

根据材料回答 30~34 题。 L注册会计师在ABC会计师事务所承担验资工作底稿的复核职责。L注册会计

根据材料回答 30~34 题。


第 30 题 丑公司系中外合资经营企业,外方投资者于2008年3月31日按照合同、章程规定出资美元100万元。注册会计师获取了银行对账单及银行确认收讫100万美元的回函,并检查确认了丑公司所用的汇率后,即确认了外方出资者所投入的货币资金已经到位。 ()

根据材料回答 26~27 题。 甲、乙公司于2005年3月10日在广东某交易会上签订了一份水泥供货合同,约定卖方甲在一年内分两期向买方乙供应水泥600吨,约定第一期300吨水泥于4月20日在北京验货和收款,但合同中对价款没有做出明确规定;第二期300吨水泥的供货具体时间没有明确,两期都是货到付款。第26题:合同履行过程中,对于第一批水泥的价格,双方通过协商也未达成一致,则应按照()的市场价格履行。





根据下列文章,回答36~40题。 It never rains but it pours. Just as bosses andboards have fina
lly sorted out their worst accounting and compliance troubles,and improved their feeble corporation governance, a new problem threatens toearn them- especially in America-the sort of nasty headlines that inevitablylead to heads rolling in the executive suite: data insecurity. Left, until now,to odd, low-level IT staff to put right, and seen as a concern only of data-richindustries such as banking, telecoms and air travel, information protection isnow high on the boss's agenda in businesses of every variety.

Several massive leakages of customer and employee data this year- fromorganizations as diverse as Time Warner, the American defense contractor ScienceApplications International Corp and even the University of California.Berkeley-have left managers hurriedly peering into their intricate 11 systemsand business processes in search of potential vulnerabilities.

“Data is becoming an asset which needs no be guarded as much as any otherasset.” says I am Mendelson of Stanford University's business school “Theability guard customer data is the key to market value, which the board isresponsible for on behalf of shareholders” Indeed, just as there is the conceptof Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). perhaps it is time for GASP.Generally Accepted Security Practices, suggested Eli Noam of New York's ColumbiaBusiness School. “Setting the proper investment level for security, redundancy,and recovery is a management issue, not a technical one.” he says.

The mystery is that this should come as a surprise to any boss. Surely itshould be obvious to the dimmest exccutive that trust, that most valuable ofeconomic assets, is easily destroyed and hugely expensive to restore-and thatfew things are more likely to destroy trust than a company letting sensitivepersonal data get into the wrong hands.

The current state of affairs may have been encouraged-though notjustified-by the lack of legal penalty (in America, but not Europe) for dataleakage. Until California recently passed a law. American firms did not have totell anyone, even the victim, when data went astray, I hat may change fast lotsof proposed data-security legislation now doing the rounds in Washington. D.C.Meanwhile. the theft of information about some 40 million credit-card accountsin America, disclosed on June 17th. overshadowed a hugely important decision aday earlier by America's Federal Trade Commission (FTC) that puts corporateAmerica on notice that regulators will act if firms fail to provide adequatedata security.

第36题:The statement: “It never rainsbut it pours” is used to introduce

A.the fierce businesscompetition.

B.the feeble boss-board relations

C.the threat fromnews reports.

D.the severity of data leakage.

根据以下材料回答第 1~5题: A.I'm leaving. B.Thank youC.I'll do my best D.and sit hereE.Plea

根据以下材料回答第 1~5题:

A.I'm leaving.

B.Thank you

C.I'll do my best

D.and sit here

E.Please sit down

F.But l worry about

G.Take it easy

H.Don’t forget

第 56 题 Boss:Come in,please.Oh,Mary,come over 56 .Your annual report is well done.

Mary: 57

Boss:I know you’re a capable person.

Mary:Thank you for saying that. 58 the wrong figures I gave you last time.

Boss: 59 .Everyone makes mistakes.

Mary:Thank you SO much for your forgiveness. 60.

根据以下材料回答第 1~5 题: A.I will take it. B.How much is it?C.What can I do for you?

根据以下材料回答第 1~5 题:

A.I will take it.

B.How much is it?

C.What can I do for you?

D.Which one do you like?

E.Let me help you.

F.How many ones do you want?

G.Here you are.

H.Thank you SO much!


第 55 题

S: 1

P:1 wan to buy a notebook.

S:The notebooks are over there. 2

P:The blue one looks nice. 3

S:Two yuan.

P:That’s all right. 4

S: 5

P:Thank you.

根据材料回答 26~29 题。H注册会计师负责对辛公司2008年度财务报表进行审计。在对存货项目审计过程中,H注册会计师遇到以下事项,请代为做出正确的专业判断。第 26 题 下列对有关存货审计的理解中,正确的有()。





阅读小说片段,回答下列 30~32 小题。 第 30 题 从这段文字的描写来看,赵七爷是个怎样的人物?

阅读小说片段,回答下列 30~32 小题。

第 30 题 从这段文字的描写来看,赵七爷是个怎样的人物?

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