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The car store opens 24 hours a day.()

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阅读选择Kindness or StrangersAt the store where I worked, I noticed a young boy of about


Kindness or Strangers

At the store where I worked, I noticed a young boy of about ten shopping alone with his school list. He placed everything in his basket and went to the checkout.

The young shop assistant told him the total price, $37.60. the boy was instantly disappointed and said he had only been given $20. He took out one thing at a time until he got down to his $20. With eyes full of tears, he asked if he could phone his mum to pick him up. When he got through, it appeared that even this was inconvenient for his mother.

He bit hard on his lip to stop the tears and walked outside to wait on the bench in front of the shop. This was all too much for the young assistant who had served him and she said, “ I wish I could afford to pay for the rest of his things.” One of the other girls said she had a few dollars. Then two others said they could help as well.

These four young girls pooled their money and found that they had more than enough money for the boy’s extra purchases. So they upgraded his pens and pencils to top-quality ones, then took the bag out to the boy on the seat. His young face changed from sadness to the most beautiful smile. His mother arrived much later to pick him up. Instead of running to the car, he ran back into the store and called out, “ thank you!”

I was so proud of my team that day. They did something wonderful for that boy and also found the pleasure of giving was as great as receiving.

1.The boy went to the store to__________.

A.buy a basket

B.ask for help

C.shop for school

D.make a phone call

2.At the checkout, the boy found that he ______________.

A.didn’t have enough money

B.didn’t have his money on him

C.forgot to ask his mum for money

D.had lost his money in the sore

3.The boy walked out of the store to ______________.

A.wait for his mum

B.rest on the bench

C.get more money

D.look for a friend

4.The shop assistants were ________________.





5.The boy ran back into the store to ______________.

A.do extra shopping

B.express his thanks

C.return the money

D.take his bag out

完成下列各选项 通读下面的短文,掌握其大意。然后,从每小题的四个选择项中选出可填入相应空白处
的最佳选择,并把它前面的大写字母填人左边的括号里。 Some people think they have an answer to the problem of car crowding and,pollution in large cities.Their 21________ is the bicycle,or bike.In a great 22________ cities,hundreds of people ride bicycles to work every day.In New York City,some bike riders have been formed a group 23________ Bike for a Better City.They claim that if more people Me bicycles to work,there 24________ be fewer ears in the downtown section(闹市区)of the city and 25________ 1ess dirty air from car engines.For several years this 26 ________has been trying to get the city government 27________ bicycle riders.For 28________,they want the city to paint special lanes(narrow,often winding roads or ways)for bicycle only on some of the main streets,because when bicycle riders must use the 29________lanes as cars,there may,be 30________.Bike for a Better City feels that if there were 31________ lanes,more people would.use bikes.But no bicycle,lanes hove:been 32________ yet. 33________ thinks they are a good idea.Taxi drivers don’t like the idea--they say it will slow transport。Some store owners on the main streets don’t like the idea--they,say that if there is less traffic,they will have less 34________.And most people live 35________ far from downtown to travel by bike.






A. Opens ystem

B. Operating System

C. windows


The article opens and closes with descriptions of two news reports, each______one major po
int in contrast with the other.



C.is to make


4 David Silvester is the founder and owner of a recently formed gift packaging company, Gi
ft Designs Ltd. David has

spotted an opportunity for a new type of gift packaging. This uses a new process to make waterproof cardboard and

then shapes and cuts the card in such a way to produce a container or vase for holding cut flowers. The containers

can be stored flat and in bulk and then simply squeezed to create the flowerpot into which flowers and water are then

put. The potential market for the product is huge. In the UK hospitals alone there are 200,000 bunches of flowers

bought each year for patients. David’s innovative product does away with the need for hospitals to provide and store

glass vases. The paper vases are simple, safe and hygienic. He has also identified two other potential markets; firstly,

the market for fresh flowers supplied by florists and secondly, the corporate gift market where clients such as car

dealers present a new owner with an expensive bunch of flowers when the customer takes delivery of a new car. The

vase can be printed using a customer’s design and logo and creates an opportunity for real differentiation and impact

at sales conferences and other high profile PR events.

David anticipates a rapid growth in Gift Designs as its products become known and appreciated. The key question is

how quickly the company should grow and the types of funding needed to support its growth and development. The

initial financial demands of the business have been quite modest but David has estimated that the business needs

£500K to support its development over the next two years and is uncertain as to the types of funding best suited to

a new business as it looks to grow rapidly. He understands that business risk and financial risk is not the same thing

and is looking for advice on how he should organise the funding of the business. He is also aware of the need to avoid

reliance on friends and family for funding and to broaden the financial support for the business. Clearly the funding

required would also be affected by the activities David decides to carry out himself and those activities better provided

by external suppliers.


(a) Provide David with a short report on the key issues he should take into account when developing a strategy

for funding Gift Designs’ growth and development. (10 marks)

There're only 800 people in Fairfield, and most of them do the same thing at the same time
every' week day. Every morning, Monday through Friday, when the big clock strikes seven, old Bruce Hunt walks past the Farmers' Bookshop. He's on his way to work at the bus-station. And when Bruce walks past the book shop, Robert Brown opens his shop next door and waves to Bruce. When Robert waves to Bruce, you can set your watch and you know it's seven.

If you miss Bruce and Robert, you can set your watch when Miss Mary Smith opens the door of the post office. You know it's seven fifty-five. She has five minutes to get ready for work—to put away her raincoat

and take off her hat and coat. Rain or shine, Miss Mary Smith brings raincoat. "You never can tell what the weather will be like when it's time to go home," she always says.

One after another the shops along Main Street open for the day. The clothes shop and the fruit shop get open for business. When Mr. King opens the bookshop, the clock above the shop strides nine.

But every weekday, people go to bed early in Fairfield. The streets are quiet, and the houses are dark when the big clock over the Farmers' Bookshop strikes tell o'clock. The small town is getting ready for tomorrow.

The post office starts its business at ______ every weekday.





Which of the following expressions has the same meaning with” brick and mortar store”

A、online store

B、physical store

C、roadside stand

D、night fair

完成下列各题 D Booking opens for Beckett Shorts on Septemb
er 8 BY TELEPHONE For credit card(信誉卡)booking.Calls are answered. BOX OFFICE 01789~295623 9 a.m.~8 p.m.(Mon.~Sat.) 0541—541051(24 hour,7 days,no booking charge). BY FAX For credit card booking.Please allow at least 48 hours for reply,if required. BOX OFFICE 01789 261974 0r 01862 387765 BY POST Please enclose(附上)a cheque or credit card details together with a SAE or add 50p to the total amount(总额)to cover postage.Please send to the Box Office,RST,Stratford—upon—Avon,CV37 6BB. Booking opens for all other plays on September 19. IN PERSON BOX OFFICE RST hall,9:30 a m.~8 P.m.(Mon.~Sat.) (6 P.m.when theatres are closed). OVERSEAS BOOKING The easiest method of payment is by credit card.You can also pay by:Eurocheque(up to £500)with your card number written on the back. PAYING FOR YOUR TICKETS CREDIT CARDS We accept Visa,Master Card,American Express and Diners Club.Please give the card number,name and address of cardholder. CHEQUES Cheques and postal orders should be payable to:Royal Shakespeare Theatre. In which of the following ways of booking does one probably have to pay extra money?

A.In person.

B.By telephone.

C.By post.

D.By fax.

The farmer uses wood to build a house ______ to store grains.A.with whichB.to whichC.which

The farmer uses wood to build a house ______ to store grains.

A.with which

B.to which


D.in which






Computer can store _____________ amounts of information.





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