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—What kind of job _______________?—I want to be a doctor, so that I can save lives and

—What kind of job _______________?—I want to be a doctor, so that I can save lives and

—What kind of job _______________?

—I want to be a doctor, so that I can save lives and help people to be healthier.

A. do you have in heart

B. do you have in mind

C. you put in your heart

D. you keep in your mind

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更多“ —What kind of job ___________…”相关的问题
What kind of role is Melinda taking on for her job?()

A.HR manager.

B.Project manager.

C.Project coordinator.

The aim of a letter of application(求职信) is to help you to "sell" yourself. It should st

The aim of a letter of application(求职信) is to help you to "sell" yourself. It should state【21】the job you want, and should tell what your abilities are and what you have【22】. It should be simple, human, personal and brief without【23】out any necessary facts. In writing a letter of application, keep in【24】that the things a possible employer is most【25】to want to know about are your qualifications(条件), your achievements(成绩) and your aims. The opening paragraph is perhaps the most important part.【26】the first few sentences fail to【27】the reader's attention, the rest of the letter may not be【28】at all. Try to key your opening remarks to the needs or interests of the employer not【29】your own need or desires. For example, instead of beginning with "I saw your【30】in today's newspaper," you might say "I have made a careful【31】of your advertising during the past six months." or "I have made a survey(调查) in my neighborhood to find out how many housewives【32】your product and why they like it."

Try not to look ordinary. Be clear【33】the kind of job for which you are now【34】. College graduates looking for their first positions often ask, "What can I【35】in a letter? Employers want experience--which, naturally, no【36】has." The answer is that everything you have ever done is【37】

It is important to write a good strong closing for your letter.【38】a specific request for an interview or give the possible employer something certain to do or expect. An excellent【39】is to enclose(内附) a stamped, self- addressed envelope with your letter. That makes it【40】for a possible employer to get in touch with you.






Apart from choosing a partner for life and hopeful...

Apart from choosing a partner for life and hopefully having a family of ones own,perhaps the most important decision that one takes in life concerns the choice of a career.It is a good idea if young people realise that there is a big difference between a career and ajob. A job can mean anything from doing the washing up in a restaurant during the univer-sity vacation to working ina corner shop. It may be that a particular job lasts for years,but unless it involves some aspect of special training leading to qualifications, it remains a job and not a career, There are of. course. exceptions to this generalisation For example.many pop singers are self-trained, but the suecessful ones think of their development astheir career.

Of course. it has to be said that certain careers require fairly low level qualifications before a person can enter a training programme or gain experience on the job, In Britain,being a policeman or a nurse only requires a person to have the basic school leaving certificate of four or five GCSEs. Unfortunately, with the same kind of qualifications, a police -man can earn a quite reasonable salary, while,ordinary nurses are among the worst paid professionals of that society. Of course, certain careers take years of training for example, if one wants to become an accountant,a doctor or a lawyer. Even senior teachers, particularly those working in universities. may be in full-time educational training for eight years.

It is essential that young people choose their career carefully. It is no good wanting to he a doctor if one cannot stand the sighi of blood! It is pointless considering the teaching profession if one doctors not like young people. Some people even have the most peruliar And unrealistic ideas of what they want to do. Take for example the case of a young man who rang up a radio programme about careers recently and said he wanted advice on how to become a lion tamer! It is very likely that lion tamers (and there are not that many around) start working with animals at a very early age. They are probably born into a show business family. The young man on the radio, on the other hand, did not even seem to like cats.

What other two choices are important in life apart from a career?

A.Choosing a partner for life and doing the washing up in a restaurant.

B.Choosing a partner for life and working in a corner shop.

C.Choosing a partner for life and hopefully havinK a family of one’s own.

D.Taking a job and having a family of one’s own.

Which of these definitions of "generalisation" is suitable?A.An unspecific statement.

B.The main poim of an argument.

C.One idea leading on to another.

D.A detailed statement.

What does it require in Britain to be b policeman or a nurse?A.A training programme

B.The basic school leaving certificate of four or five GCSEs

C.Gain experience on the job

D.Special training leading to qualifications

For the following careers, which doesn’t take years of training?A.A fireman.

B.An accountant.

C.A senior teacher.

D.A doctor.

Would you be ________to keep the job for me, please?

A、as kind as

B、too kind

C、so kind

D、so kind as

Nowadays most people decide quite【61】what kind of work they would do. When I was at school
, we had to choose【62】when we were fifteen. I chose scientific subjects. "【63】, scientists will earn a lot of money," my parents said.【64】I tried to learn physics and chemistry, but in the【65】I decided that I【66】a scientist. It was a long time【67】I told my parents that I wasn't happy at school. " I didn't think you were," said my mother. "【68】," said my father. "Well, the best thing to do now is to look for a job. "

I【69】about it with my friends Frank and Lesley.【70】of them【71】suggest anything, but they promised that they would ask their friends. A few days later【72】I was still in bed,【73】telephoned. "Is that Miss Jenkins?" a man' s voice asked. "I【74】your hobby is photography and I've got a job that might interest you in my clothes factory. My name is Mr. Thomson. " He seemed pleasant on the phone【75】I went to see him. I was so excited that I almost forgot【76】goodbye. "Good luck!" my mother said to me.

I arrived【77】early and when Mr. Thomson came he asked me if I【78】waiting a long time. "No, not long. " I replied. After talking to me for about twenty minutes he【79】me a job —not as a photographer,【80】a model!






阅读理解The question of whether our government should promote science and technology o
r the liberal arts in higher education isn’t an either/or proposition (命题), although the current emphasis on preparing young Americans for STEM (science, technology, engineering, maths) -related fields can make it seem that way.

The latest congressional report acknowledges the critical importance of technical training, but also asserts that the study of the humanities (人文科学) and social sciences must remain central components of America’s educational system at all levels. Both areas are critical to producing citizens who can participate effectively in our democratic society, become innovative (创新的) leaders, and benefit from the spiritual enrichment that the reflection on the great ideas of mankind over time provides.

Parents and students who have invested heavily in higher education worry about graduates’ job prospects as technological advances and changes in domestic and global markets transform. professions in ways that reduce wages and cut jobs. Under these circumstances, it’s natural to look for what may appear to be the most “practical” way out of the problem: “Major in a subject designed to get you a job” seems the obvious answer to some, though this ignores the fact that many disciplines in the humanities characterized as “soft” often, in fact, lead to employment and success in the long run. Indeed, according to surveys, employers have expressed a preference for students who have received a broadly-based education that has taught them to write well, think critically, research creatively, and communicate easily.

Moreover, students should be prepared not just for their first job, but for their 4th and 5th jobs, as there’s little reason to doubt that people entering the workforce today will be called upon to play many different roles over the course of their careers. The ones who will do the best in this new environment will be those whose educations have prepared them to be flexible. The ability to draw upon every available tool and insight—picked up from science, arts, and technology—to solve the problems of the future, and take advantage of the opportunities that present themselves, will be helpful to them and the United States.

56. What does the latest congressional report suggest?

A. STEM-related subjects help students find jobs in the information society.

B. The humanities and STEM subjects should be given equal importance.

C. The liberal arts in higher education help enrich students’ spiritual life.

D. Higher education should be adjusted to the practical needs of society.

57. What is the main concern of students when they choose a major?

A. Their interest in relevant subjects.

B. The academic value of the courses.

C. The quality of education to receive.

D. Their chances of getting a good job.

58. What does the author say about the so-called soft subjects?

A. They benefit students in their future life.

B. They broaden students’ range of interests.

C. They improve students’ communication skills.

D. They are essential to students’ healthy growth.

59. What kind of job applicants do employers look for?

A. Those who have a strong sense of responsibility.

B. Those who are good at solving practical problems.

C. Those who are likely to become innovative leaders.

D. Those who have received a well-rounded education.

60. What advice does the author give to college students?

A. Seize opportunities to tap their potential.

B. Try to take a variety of practical courses.

C. Prepare themselves for different job options.

D. Adopt a flexible approach to solving problems.

You'll never sell any product that is as important as yourself, so you want to do it right
. Selling yourself--in job interviews, in your performance on the job so you can earn a promotion ,and in working with outsiders so you can make yourself attractive to other companies and thus increase your career progress and your earning power--is your most basic selling job. Almost everybody in business must go through the process at least several times in his or her career.

Having been through the same experience myself several times, I have my own four main rules to follow. They have helped me ,and they can help you ,too:

Ⅰ. Show your future employers what you can do for them. What do you bring that's unique? To paraphrase President Kennedy: Ask not what your employer can de for you, but what you can do for your employer. Don't tell the person interviewing you what's on your resume(简历) , which they have already read. Tell them instead how you are going to do this job better than anyone else would ;make them think about how good the boss who hired you will look. In other words, sell your advantages, not your features. You do that by talking about your knowledge and your skills--the experience and contacts you have developed in your field and the abilities you have developed over your career.

Ⅱ. Maintain an open attitude. Openness is the quality that is essential in virtually every, kind of social and business talk if you are to be successful. Don't be so businesslike in your behaviour. Communicate your enthusiasm for the job. This is a refreshing characteristic that employers don't always find in job interviews, and the applicant who displays it sometimes will find out later it was the one quality that made a difference.

Ⅲ. Be prepared. Go over the key points you want to make about yourself. Even write them down on a yellow pad and review them several times before the interview. And don't duck(躲避) the hard questions, put them down and then figure out how you are going to answer them. If you've changed jobs three times in the past seven years, expect to be asked why. And if you want to go that extra mile, put yourself through a dress rehearsal(彩排) by having someone play the role of your future employer and "interview" you. That's an extremely effective technique, one that will give you a much better shot at getting that job.

Ⅳ. Ask questions. Asking questions is how you learn, and in a job interview you definitely want to learn about the company just as much as the company wants to learn about you.

You'll never have a better opportunity to get a feel for your future company or boss. Besides, employers respect someone who displays the initiative (主动) to ask intelligent questions about the company. That shows you possess two of the most persuasive (有说服力的) qualities that we just talked about: you are prepared ,and you care.

Having experienced several job interviews, the author has reached the conclusion that you should ______.

A.tell your future employer your unique abilities, have an open attitude, be well prepared and ask questions

B.purposely show yourself off, have an open attitude, be prepared, ask tough questions

C.tell your future employer your unique abilities, be careful about your outer appearance, prepare and ask tough questions

D.sell your features, be prepared, have an open attitude and ask questions

One day in 1965, when I was a library worker at school, a teacher came to me. She had
a student who finished his work before all the others and needed something more difficult for him to do. "Could you help me in the library?"she asked. I said, "Send him along."

Soon, a golden-haired boy appeared. "Do you have a job for me?" he asked. I told him about a system for sorting books. He picked up the idea immediately. Then I showed him some cards for some unreturned books that I thought had been returned but not recorded. Maybe some books were put on wrong places. He said, "Is it a kind of a detective(侦探) job?" I answered yes, and then began his work.

He had found three books with wrong cards by the time his teacher opened the door and said, "Time for rest!" he argued for finishing the finding job, but the teacher won.

The next morning, he arrived early, "I want to finish these books," he said. At the end of the day, when he asked to work with me more often, it was easy for me to say yes.

After a few weeks I found a note on my desk, inviting me to dinner at the boy's home. At the end of a pleasant evening, his mother declared that the family would be moving to another school. Her son's first concern, she said,was leaving the library. "Who will find the lost books?" he asked. When the time came, it was hard to say goodbye.Though at the beginning he had seemed an ordinary boy, his strong feeling of interest had made him different.

Do you know who he is? This boy became a great man of the Information Age: Bill Gates.

(1)、Why did the teacher go to the library to find a job for Bill Gates?

A:Because the teacher found the librarian quite busy.

B:Because Bill Gates wanted to find a job.

C:Because Bill Gates finished his study quickly and had more free time than the others.

D:Because the library needed a new worker.

(2)、What do you know from the passage?

A:Library work was very difficult for Bill Gates.

B:Bill Gates did his job without any difficulty.

C:The librarian was too busy to have a rest.

D:His mother hoped that Bill Gates would stay for his job.

(3)、The sentence "He picked up the idea immediately" means that ______.

A:he learned that system quickly

B:he collected that system quickly

C:he lifted up that system quickly

D:he improved that system quickly

(4)、What was Bill Gates expected to do in the library?

A:Finding the lost cards.

B:Learning the system.

C:Helping the worker with everything in the library.

D:Finding books with wrong cards.

(5)、How did Bill Gates feel when his family would move to another school area?





根据以下内容回答题:Each nation has its own peculiar character which distinguishes it from


Each nation has its own peculiar character which distinguishes it from others.But the peo-pies of the world have more points in common than points in which they differ.One type of per-son that is common in evcry country is the one who always tries to do as littl.e as possible and to get as much as possible in return.His opposite,the man who is in the habit of doing more than is strictly necessary and who is ready to accept what is offered in return,is rare everywhere.

Both these tyDes are usually unconscious of their character.The man who avoids effort is always talking about his“rights”:he appears to think that society owes him a pleasant,easy life.The man who tries to do as little as he Call is always full of excuses:if he has neglected to do something,it was because he had a headache,or the weather was too hot——or too cold——or because he was prevented by bad luck.At first,other people,such as his friends and his em-ployer,generously accept his stories;but soon they realize what kind of person he is.In the long run he deceives only himself.When his friends become cool towards him and he fails to make progress in his job,he is surprised and hurt.He blames everyone and everything except himseIf.He feels that society is failing in its duties towards him,and that he is being unjustly treated.

The central idea of Paragraph l is that__________ . 查看材料

A.each nation is peculiar enough to enable us to distinguish it from others

B.the peoples of the world are as alike as they are different

C.the peoples of the world have more similarities than differences

D.those who do.more than is strictly necessary are common in every country

A job interview is a kind of employment test and usually very formal. ()




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