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81During a project review meeting, you discover that your $250,000 project has a negative

81 During a project review meeting, you discover that your $250,000 project has a negative schedule variance of $20,000 which equates to 12% of the work scheduled to this point of time. You can therefore conclude that:

A. The project will be completed late.

B. The critical path has been lengthened.

C. the costs are being overrun.

D. Overtime will be required to maintain the original critical path.

E. None of the above

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更多“81During a project review meet…”相关的问题
R & D project managers in high-tech companies most often motivate using _____ power.AE

R & D project managers in high-tech companies most often motivate using _____ power.

A Expert

B Reward

C Referent

D Identification

E None of the above

171One of your project team members has made a technological breakthrough on an R & D

171 One of your project team members has made a technological breakthrough on an R & D project. The result will be new business for the company, as well as a company patent. The team member received a company bonus. The motivational strategy used here is:

A. Job enrichment

B. Linking pay and performance

C. Behavior. modification

D. Freedom in the work place

E. All of the above

46R & D project managers in high-tech companies most often motivate using _____ power.

46 R & D project managers in high-tech companies most often motivate using _____ power.

A. Expert

B. Reward

C. Referent

D. Identification

E. None of the above

A variance envelope has been established on a project. The envelope goes from +-30% in R&D to +-5% during manufacturing. The reason for the change in thickness of the envelope is because:

A . The management reserve has been used up.

B . The accuracy of the estimates in manufacturing are worse than the estimates in R & D.

C . Tighter controls are always needed as a project begins to wind down.

D . Of the personal desires of the project sponsor.

E . Of none of the above


A.登录computerinit机器,执行r sstop [job名称]

B.登录computerinit机器,执行r tstop [job名称]

C.登录computerinit机器,执行r jstop [job名称]

D.通过启动odpscmd连接到project项目,执行kill [实例id] 杀死任务

88A variance envelope has been established on a project. The envelope goes from +-30% in R

88 A variance envelope has been established on a project. The envelope goes from +-30% in R&D to +-5% during manufacturing. The reason for the change in thickness of the envelope is because:

A. The management reserve has been used up.

B. The accuracy of the estimates in manufacturing are worse than the estimates in R & D.

C. Tighter controls are always needed as a project begins to wind down.

D. Of the personal desires of the project sponsor.

E. Of none of the above

Using the data shown in the Special window, Activities P, Q, and T are critical path activ
ities. In order to shorten the time duration of the project, which activity should be "crashed" first?

A . P

B . Q

C . R

D . S

E . T

Historic Downtown Hastings, MinnesotaEarly businesses in Hastings were located along the r

Historic Downtown Hastings, Minnesota

Early businesses in Hastings were located along the rail line. By 1908 the downtown was beginning to take on an aura of permanency, with brick buildings and important businesses such as a bank, hotel and general store.

These commercial buildings have been turned into fashionable clothing stores and cafes. Today, the Emerald clothing shop and the Miramax Cafe are two of beautifully preserved storefronts that attract hundreds of visitors daily.

In addition to great shopping and delicious food, the Hastings Theater, which has just re-opened after a major renovation project, is located here. The Museum of Photography will open this fall, bringing more of the arts to historic Hastings.

Call the Hastings Theater at (717) 334-6120 for information about show schedules and prices.

What is the purpose of this brochure?

A.To give the history of the city of Hastings

B.To encourage people to visit Hastings

C.To announce the opening of several new stores

D.To compare different architecture styles

The project charter is a document designed to tell _____ exactly what the project entails.

AThe project manager

BThe project office

CThe project team

DThe project sponsor

EAnyone associated with the project

The project life-cycle can be described as:A.project concept, project planning, project ex

The project life-cycle can be described as:

A.project concept, project planning, project execution, and project close-out.

B.project planning, work authorization, and project reporting.

C.project planning, project control, project definition, WBS development, and project termination.

D.project concept, project execution, and project reporting.

E.All of the above.

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