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A technique that can be used to measure the total income of a project compared to the tota

l moneys expended at any period of time is:

A . return on investment (ROI)

B . net present value (NPV)

C . discounted cash flow (DCF)

D . B and C

E . All of the above.

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更多“A technique that can be used t…”相关的问题
Different management accounting techniques can be used to account for environmental costs.

One of these techniques involves analysing costs under three distinct categories: material, system, and delivery and disposal.

What is this technique known as?

A.Activity-based costing

B.Life-cycle costing

C.Input-output analysis

D.Flow cost accounting

听力原文:A currency swap is a second technique for hedging long-term transaction exposure
to exchange rate fluctuations.


A.A currency swap is a better way to convert the long-term transaction into a spot transaction.

B.A currency swap makes long-term transaction exposure to exchange rate fluctuations.

C.A currency swap is a better way to reduce the risks of the long-term transactions owing to the exchange rate fluctuations.

D.A currency swap can in no way reduce the risk of exchange rate fluctuations.

Radiocarbon DatingNowadays scientists can answer many questions about the past through a t

Radiocarbon Dating

Nowadays scientists can answer many questions about the past through a technique called radiocarbon(放射性碳), or carbon-14, dating. One key to understanding how and why something happened is to discover when it happened.

Radiocarbon dating was developed in the late 1940s by physicist Willard F. Libby at the University of Chicago. An atom of ordinary carbon, called carbon-12, has six protons(质子) and six neutrons(中子) in its nucleus. Carbon-14, or C-14, is a radioactive, unstable form. of carbon that has two extra neutrons(原子核). It returns to a more stable form. of carbon through a process called decay(衰减). This process involves the loss of the extra neutrons and energy from the nucleus.

In Libby's radiocarbon dating technique, the weak radioactive emissions(放射) from this decay process are counted by instruments such as a radiation detector and counter. The decay rate is used to determine the proportion of C-14 atoms in the sample being dated.

Carbon-14 is produced in the Earth's atmosphere when nitrogen(氮)-14, or N-14, interacts with cosmic rays(宇宙射线). Scientists believe since the Earth was formed, the amount of nitrogen in the atmosphere has remained constant. Consequently, C-14 formation is thought to occur at a constant rate. Now ratio of C-14 to other carbon atoms in the atmosphere is known. Most scientists agree that this ratio is useful for dating items back to at least 50,000 years.

All life on Earth is made of organic molecules(分子) that contain carbon atoms coming from the atmosphere. So all living things have about the same ratio of C-14 atoms to other carbon atoms in their tissues(组织). Once an organism(有机体) dies it stops taking in carbon in any form, and the C-14 already present begins to decay. Over time the amount of C-14 in the material decreases, and the ratio of C-14 to other carbon atoms goes down. In terms of radiocarbon dating, the fewer C-14 atoms in a sample, the older that sample is.

Nowadays many scientists depend on radiocarbon for dating age-old objects.



C.Not mentioned

Personal interviewing is most effective when all the people to be interviewed are located
in a relatively small geographical area. Otherwise, the time and expense spent in travelling from one person to another makes this type of interviewing economically impractical. Personal interviewing is usually used when the information needed is too complex to be gathered by another technique. For example, a problem being studied may require the interviewer to probe beyond the more superficial answers that might be obtained with another method.

It is sometimes assumed that personal interviewing is the most accurate of all survey research techniques. Although personal interviewing may be accurate in many cases, human errors may prevent a researcher from obtaining valid results. Questions perceived by the interviewee as an invasion of privacy or threatening in any way will probably produce false or partially true answers. Also, since the interviewer must interpret the respondent's statements, a certain amount of information lose results even though the respondent may be answering truthfully.

In spite of the problems, at least two major advantages are provided by this research technique. First, the alert interviewer can generally tell if the respondent is being truthful or if he or she is giving superficial or untrue responses. Second, the interviewer can rephrase questions, give more explanation, or probe more deeply if the initial questions do not produce the information desired. As a result, the information gleaned should be more accurate than that provided by interviews where no one is present to clarify questions or to interpret answers.

It can be concluded from the passage that when all the people to be interviewed are located in a relatively big geographical area______.

A.personal interviewing is most effective

B.personal interviewing is economically impractical

C.personal interviewing is the only technique to get information

D.telephone interviewing may not be used

完成下列各题 D Forty—thousand of the world’ s you
ng children die every day.Many of these deaths can be prevented.In fact,experts say,techniques now exist to save the lives of half of these children.The techniques are medically effective(有效的),simple to use and low cost.The biggest task has been to inform. parents about these life-saving techniques. Diarrhea(腹泻)is the main cause of death among children in developing countries.Diarrhea results when the body tries to clear itself of harmful bacteria(细菌).The body does this by getting our liquids,sometimes uncontrollably.If too much water,sugar and salt ale lost in this way,the body cannot work normally.The child may die. The Uni ted Nations International Children’s Fund,UNICF,introduces a technique.It uses a simple mixture of sugar and salt in water.The mixture does not stop diarrhea.But if used often as needed,it keeps fluid(体液)levels normal until the body has fought off the harmful bacteria. In Egypt,for example,the treatment was used in a children’s health care program in the province of Alexandria.It reduced by one—half the number of deaths caused by diarrhea.The technique has now been used throughout the country. According to the passage,a large number of Children can be saved only when________.

A.the life—saving ways are medically effective

B.their parents are rich enough for the life—saving techniques

C.rite life—saving techniques are easy to use

D.their parents learn the life—saving techniques

It may look like just another playgroup,but a unique educational center in Manhattan is re
ally giving babies something to talk about. "It's a school to teach languages to babies and young children with games, songs—some of the classes also have arts and crafts," said Francois Thibaut, the founder of the Langrage Workshop for Children, a place where babies become bilingual.

Children as young as few months are exposed to French and Spanish before many of them can even speak English. Educators use special songs and visual (视觉) aids to ensure that when a child is ready to talk, the languages will not be so foreign. "Children have a unique capacity to learn many languages at the same time," said Thibaut. "Already at nine months, a child can tell the differences between the sounds he or she has heard since birth and the sounds he or she has never heard yet." Thibaut says the best time to expose children to language is from birth to 3 years old. For the last 30 years, the school has been using what it calls the Thibarut Technique, a system that combines language lessons with child's play.

"I always wanted to learn Spanish, but by the time I got to high school it was too late to pick it up and speak fluently," said Marc Lazare, who enrolled his son at the school. "I figured at this age, two, it's a perfect time for him to learn."

Aside from learning a language, the kids also gain a tremendous sense of confidence. One young student boasted that aside from French, she can speak five languages (though that included "monkey" and "lion"). The school gives children the tools to communicate, and sometimes that gives them an advantage over their parents. "I think they sometimes speak French when they think I won't understand them," said parent Foster Gibbons.

Depending on the age group, classes run from 45 minutes up to 2 hours. Even when students are not in class, the program is designed to make sure the learning continues at home. Tapes and books are included, so kids can practice on their own.

The word "bilingual" in the first paragraph probably means ______.

A.capable of using two languages

B.both clever and confident

C.aware of their own limitations and strengths

D.independent of their parents

Personal interviewing is most efective when all th...

Personal interviewing is most efective when all the people to be interviewed are located in a relatively small geographical area, Otherwise. the time and expense spent in travelling from one person to anotber makes this type of interviewing economically impractical.Personal intervicwing is usunlly used when the information needed is too complex to be gathered by anotber technique. For example. a problem being studied may require the interviewer to probe beyond the more superficial (表面的) answers that might be obtained with another method, It is sometimes assumed that personal interviewing is the most accurate of all survey research techniques.Although personal interviewing may be accurate in many eases. human errors may prevent a researcher from obtaining valid results. Questions perceived by the interviewce(应试者)as an invasion of privacy ot threatening in any way will probably produce false or partially true answers. Also, since the interviewer must interpret the respondent&39;s statements. a certain amount of information loss results even though the respondent may be answering truthfully. In spite of the problems. At least two major advantages are provided by research technique. First, the alert interviewer can generally tell if the respondent is being truthful or if he or she is giving superficial or untrue responses. Second, the interviewer can rephrase questions, give more explanation, or probe more deeply if the initial questions do not produce the information desired. As a result, the information gleaned should be more accurate than that provided by interviews where no one is present to clarify questions or to interpret answers.

It can be concluded from the passage that when all the people to be interviewed are located in a relatively big geographical area____.

A.personal interviewing is most effective

B.personal interviewing is economically impractical

C.personal interviewing is the only technique to get information

D.telephone interviewing may not be used

Sometimes a researcher cannot get valid results because____.A.the information needed is too complex to be gathered

B.personal interviewing is the most accurate of all survey research techniques

C.personal interviewing is not as ffective as other research techniques

D.both interviewer and interviewee may make mistakes during the interviewing

In the second paragraph, the phrase“an invasion of privacy" most probably meansA.an unpleasant conversation

B.a challenge to interviewee’s professional skills

C.an interference with interviewee’s personal affairs

D.an interference with interviewee’s hobby

According to the last paragraph, one of the advantages of the personal interviewingA.the interviewer can ask the interviewee questions again in different ways

B.the interviewer can ask the interviewee some personal questions

C.the initial question do not produce the information desired

D.no one is present to clarify questions

Most personnel managers agree that job interviews are one of the least objective recru
itment methods.But the advantages of testing are not going to change the attraction of the interview to employers.The appeal of the interview has everything to do with the human factor.

Most people believe that they are a reasonable judge of character and trust their instinctive feelings.We might use some kind of test to aid the selection process, but we usually pick a candidate who interviews well, has good qualifications and an impressive work record.

But suppose the candidate lies or is less than completely honest.“This can be a serious problem for employers,” explains Alan Conrad, Chief Executive at Optimus Recruitment.“The most difficult liars to find are those who tell halftruths rather than complete lies.” Research shows that up to 75 percent of resumes are inaccurate on purpose.The most common practice is omission.

Interviewer should therefore concentrate on areas of uncertainty such as gaps between periods of employment and job descriptions that seem strange.“Focusing on these areas will force candidates to tell the truth or become increasingly dishonest.This is usually when people show their anxiety by their body language.Sweat on the upper lip, false smiles and nervous hand movements all indicate discomfort.”

Conrad does not suggest an aggressive policystyle. interview technique, but insists that close inspection of a resume is absolutely essential.Only by asking the right questions can you confirm the suitability of the candidate or put pressure on those who are being less than completely honest.

1.The best title of this passage can be ______.

A.Disadvantages of Job Interviews

B.Advantages of Job Interviews

C.How to Catch Out the Dishonest Candidate

D.How to Find a Job by Tricks

2.The liars hard to recognize are those who tell ______.

A.partial truths

B.mainly truths

C.complete truths

D.complete lies

3.How were the job applicants able to lie without being detected?

A.By using their body language

B.By telling some unbelievable lies

C.By leaving out some necessary information

D.By providing more information than needed

4.In order to pick up a qualified and an honest candidate, Conrad suggests that we ______.

A.correct the resumes intentionally

B.compare one’s resume with others

C.examine the resumes carefully

D.inspect the candidates aggressively

5.What is the author’s attitude towards job interviews?



C.Most objective

D.Too subjective

He was a qualified doctor who rarely practised but instead devoted his life to writing. He
once said: "Medicine is my lawful wife, and literature is my lover. " Russian writer Anton Pavlovich Chekhov was a great playwright and one of the masters of the modern short story.

When Chekhov entered the Moscow University Medical School in 1879 , he started to publish hundreds of comic short stories to support his family. After he graduated, he wrote regularly for a local daily newspaper.

As a writer he was extremely fast, often producing a short story in an hour or less. Chekhov's medical and science experience can be seen through the indifference (冷漠) many of his characters show to tragic events. In 1892, he became a full-time writer and published some of his most memorable stories.

Chekhov often wrote about the sufferings of life in small town Russia. Tragic events control his characters who are filled with feelings of hopelessness and despair.

It is often said that nothing happens in Chekhov's stories and plays. He made up for this with his exciting technique for developing drama within his characters. Chekhov's work combined the calm attitude of a scientist and doctor with the sensitivity (敏感) of an artist.

Some of Chekhov's works were translated into Chinese as early as the 1940s. One of his famous stories, The Man in a Shell (《装在套子里的人》) , about a school teacher's extraordinarily orderly life, was selected as a text for Chinese senior students.

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov ______.

A.had a lawful lover

B.was an illegal writer

C.used to be a lawyer

D.was a competent doctor

Eye contact is a nonverbal technique that helps the speaker "sell" his or her ideas to an
audience. Besides its persuasive powers, eye contact helps hold listeners' interest. A successful speaker must maintain eye contact with an audience. To have good rapport (关系) with listeners, a speaker should maintain direct eye contact for at least 75 percent of the time. Some speakers focus exclusively on their notes. Others gaze over the heads of their listeners. Both are likely to lose audience interest and esteem. People who maintain eye contact while speaking, whether from a podium (演讲台) or from across the table are "regarded not only as exceptionally well-disposed by their target but also as more believable and earnest."

To show the potency of eye contact in daily life, we have only to consider how passersby behave when their glances happen to meet on the street. At one extreme are those people who feel obliged to smile when they make eye contact. At the other extreme are those who feel awkward and immediately look away. To make eye contact, it seems, is to make a certain link with someone.

Eye contact with an audience also lets a speaker know and monitor the listeners. It is, in fact, essential for analyzing an audience during a speech. Visual cues (暗示) from audience members can indicate that a speech is dragging, that the speaker is dwelling on a particular point for too long, or that a particular point requires further explanation. As we have pointed out, visual feedback from listeners should play an important role in shaping a speech as it is delivered.

This passage is mainly concerned with ______.

A.the importance of eye contact

B.the potency of nonverbal techniques

C.successful speech delivery

D.an effective way to gain visual feedbacks

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