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Why did the writer mention Mr. Darling Dear in this passage?A.Because Mr. Dear lived in Wi

Why did the writer mention Mr. Darling Dear in this passage?

A.Because Mr. Dear lived in Wisconsin.

B.When Mr. Dear got married, he felt very happy, then he changed his name.

C.Because the name sounds strange.

D.Because Mr. Darling Dear was a citizen in Wisconsin.

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更多“Why did the writer mention Mr.…”相关的问题
a. I’m sorry that I spilt some coffee on your carpet.b.________________________________

a. I’m sorry that I spilt some coffee on your carpet.


A、You should have been more careful.

B、Why did you do that?

C、Oh, I don’t care.

D、Oh, don’t worry about it.

听力原文:W: In Judy's case, why is she discharged?M: Because as a general rule, a bill of

听力原文:W: In Judy's case, why is she discharged?

M: Because as a general rule, a bill of exchange must be duly presented for payment. Judy must have failed to observe the very strict rules about it.

Q: Why did Judy lose her rights?


A.Because she lost her bill.

B.Because her bill didn't mature.

C.Because she forgot the rules.

D.Because her bill was not duly presented.

In the opinion of many Americans and Europeans, we only began to really explore our world
in the sixteenth century. According to them, the sailors of the ancient world did not explore distant parts of the world; they did not have the necessary knowledge or skills for long sea journeys. However, the people who have this opinion are forgetting two important facts of history.

First, sometimes early scientists have an idea which is correct, but scientists in later centuries do not believe it. For example, about 270 B. C., a Greek scientist had an idea which we all believe today: The earth moves around the sun. But for the following 1,600 years scientists did not believe this. In their opinion, the sun clearly moved around the earth. They discovered the truth again only in the fifteenth century!

The second fact of history that many people forget is this: Ancient does not mean primitive. For example, the ancient Egyptians knew a great deal about the stars; they used this knowledge to find their way across the oceans. Two thousand years ago a Greek scientist who lived in Egypt calculated the distance around the earth. The results of his calculations were close to the real distance we know today! So the ancients had a great deal of scientific knowledge. They also had skills which equaled the skills of to- day. For example, 1,300 years ago and before, fishermen in Ireland built their boats of wood and leather. Today some fishermen in Ireland still make boats of the same de- sign. They use tools and materials which are not very different from the tools and materitals which their ancestors used. Why? The ancient design of the boats was good, and with skillful sailors, these boats can sail in all kinds of weather.

Clearly long before the sixteenth century, people had the skill, the knowledge and the equipment which were necessary for long journeys by sea. The world did not have to wait until the sixteenth century for its first explorers!

Which of the following statements is consistent with the passage?

A.According to the writer, we only began to really explore the world in the sixteenth century.

B.In the history of science, people sometimes have to discover a fact a second time.

C.The ancient Egyptians had very little knowledge about the stars.

D.The writer agrees with many Americans and Europeans except for the two facts mentioned in the passage.

W: I got a terrible e-mail from Vincent. He doesn’t want to be my friend any more.M: That

W: I got a terrible e-mail from Vincent. He doesn’t want to be my friend any more.

M: That must be hard on you. Cheer up! I’ll be with you.

Why did the woman get sad?

A.Because she received an apology letter.

B.Because she felt sick.

C.Because she lost a friend of hers.

D.Because she lost her mail.

I always have the dream to dance like a beautiful ballerina twirling around and aroun
d and hearing people applaud for me. When I was young, I would twirl around in the fields of wildflowers that grew in my backyard. For hours I would dance as if people were watching me. Reality woke me up when I heard a voice saying, I don’ know why you bother trying to dance. Ballerinas are pretty, slender little girls. Besides, you don’t have the talent to even be a ballerina. I remember how those words paralyzed every feeling in my body. I fell to the ground and wept for hours.

We lived in the country by a nearby lake and I would sometimes go there.

My parents were never home anyway and I did not like to be at home.When they were home, my mother just yelled and criticized because nothing was ever perfect in her life. She dreamed of a different life but ended up living in a country far away from the city where she believed her dreams would have come true.

I enjoyed hanging out by the water. I would sit there and stare at my reflection. There I was, looked nothing like a pretty ballerina dancer.

As I grew older, I began to realize that the reason my dream was even born in the first place, was because it was something that was inside of me. The dream I had was never nurtured and cared for, so it slowly died. It's not that

I wanted it to die, but I allowed it to die the day I started listening to the words, You can’t do it.When I finally woke up from many years of dreaming,I realized that you can’t settle for dancing in the wildflowers, you have to move on to the platform. I still go to the lake sometimes and sit there. Looking at my reflection is different now too. When I was young, I looked at how others saw me. Now that I am older and wiser, I look at how God sees me.

(1)The article intends to ___________.

A、show that dancing is suitable for the girl

B、show how the girl failed in achieving her dream

C、tell us we should not be disturbed by others

D、tell us we should care and fulfill our dream

(2)The tone of the article is ___________.





(3)The voice mentioned indicates the girl is __________.

A、physically unattractive




(4)Why did the mother yell and criticize?

A、Because she was not perfect.

B、Because she didn't reach her dream.

C、Because she lived in the countryside.

D、Because she believed her dream had come true.

(5)Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A、The dream is a reflection of our inner desire.

B、The writer is satisfied with dancing in the wildflowers.

C、The writer never cared for her dream.

D、The writer dreamed to be a ballerina.

Fans of Harry Potter may regret the fact that they wi1l never receive a real admission1etter to the Hogwarts Schoo1 of Wi tcheraft and Wizardry (霍格沃茨魔法学校) on their 11thbir thday.I was one of those ki ds.But 1ast month, I got to experi ence Hogwarts in person.A big portrait (肖像) of the Fat Lady was put up at the door of our schoo1 1ibrary, withthe word" password?" printed on it. I did not realize my adventure had started until:entered the 1ibrary. Everything inside was red and go1d. There was a 1arge fake f ireplaceon the wa11. There was a portrait of 1ion, which stands for Gryffindor (格兰芬多学院),oneof the four houses of Hogwar ts.Severa1 armchairs,as we11 as tab1es with pumpkin juice andbutter beer, were set up around the f irep1ace. The 1 ibrary was decorated with someelements (元素) from the magical wor1d of Harry Potter, inc1uding an" ow1" ,wizard chessand even the Triwizard Cup, which is given to the winner of the Tr iwizard Tournament (三强争霸赛) . I fe1t 1ike I was rea11y standing inside the Gryff indor common room!We played several games during our adventure. Seek the Secret Snitches was one of them. Wewere asked to 1ook for boxes around the 1 ibrary. Each box had a key to a bigger box. But wecould on1y un1ock them if we correct1y answered questions about Harry Potter. Aftercollecting a11 of the keys, we opened the biggest box and got some chocolate frogs. Theadventure really he1ped me remember the Harry Potter books and exper ience the same p 1 easureI fe1t the first time I read them.

(1) Last month,the writer ().

A.played house with other kids happily

B.went to Harry Potter' s school

C.received an admission letter

D.had an adventure at school

(2) The second paragraph is written to ().

A.tell the Harry Potter stories

B.describe the writer' s exper ience

C.explain why the vriter of this passage likes the story of Harry Potter

D.introduce the writer' s favorite portraits

(3) To open the biggest box, students needed to ().

A.work by themselves

B.collect all small boxes

C.seek and find the key to it

D.answer all questions correctly and get all the keys

(4) How did the writer fee1 about this experience?()





(5) Which of the fol1owing statements is NOT true according to the passage?()

A.The portrait of lion stands for Gryff indor.

B.The library would remind you of the Harry Potter books.

C.There were chocolate frogs in the biggest box.

D.There was a fireplace in the library because it was cold.

In the opinion of many Americans and Europeans, we only began to really explore our world
in the sixteenth century. According to them, the sailors of the ancient world did not explore distant parts of the world; they did not have the necessary knowledge or skills for long sea journeys. However, the people who have this opinion are forgetting two important facts of history.

First, sometimes early scientists have an idea which is correct, but scientists in later centuries do not believe it. For example, about 270 B. C., a Greek scientist had an idea which we all believe today: The earth moves around the sun. But for the following 1,600 years scientists did not believe this. In their opinion, the sun clearly moved around the earth. They discovered the truth again only in the fifteenth century!

The second fact of history that many people forget is this: Ancient does not mean primitive. For example, the ancient Egyptians knew a great deal about the stars; they used this knowledge to find their way across the oceans. Two thousand years ago a Greek scientist who lived in Egypt calculated the distance around the earth. The results of his calculations were close to the real distance we know today! So the ancients had a great deal of scientific knowledge. They also had skills which equaled the skills of to- day. For example, 1,300 years ago and before, fishermen in Ireland built their boats of wood and leather. Today some fishermen in Ireland still make boats of the same de- sign. They use tools and materials which are not very different from the tools and materitals which their ancestors used. Why? The ancient design of the boats was good, and with skillful sailors, these boats can sail in all kinds of weather.

Clearly long before the sixteenth century, people had the skill, the knowledge and the equipment which were necessary for long journeys by sea. The world did not have to wait until the sixteenth century for its first explorers!

Which of the following statements is consistent with the passage?

A.According to the writer, we only began to really explore the world in the sixteenth century.

B.In the history of science, people sometimes have to discover a fact a second time.

C.The ancient Egyptians had very little knowledge about the stars.

D.The writer agrees with many Americans and Europeans except for the two facts mentioned in the passage.

"The pen is more powerful than the sword (剑)." There have been many writers

"The pen is more powerful than the sword (剑)." There have been many writers who used their pens to fight things that were wrong. Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe was one of them. She was born in the USA in 1811. One of her books not only made her famous but has been described as one that excited the world, and was helpful in causing a civil war and freezing the slaves. The civil war was the American Civil War of 1861, in which the Northern States fought the Southern States and finally won. This book was named "Uncle Toms Cabin". There was time when every English-speaking man, woman, and child has read this novel that did so much to stop slavery. Not many people read it today, but it is still very interesting. The book has shown us how a warm-hearted writer can arouse (唤起) peoples sympathies (同情). The writer herself had neither been to the Southern States nor been a slave. The Southern Americans were very angry at the novel, which they said did not at all represent (代表) true state of affairs,

1、According to the passage ().

A、every English-speaking person had read "Uncle Tom's Cabin"

B、"Uncle Tom's Cabin" was not very interesting

C、those who don''t speak English can not have read "Uncle Tom's Cabin"

D、the book "Uncle Tom's Cabin" did a great deal in the American Civil War

2、How old was Mrs. Stowe when her world famous book was published? ()

A、About 60 years old.

B、Over 50 years old.

C、In her forties.

D、Around 30 years old.

3、What do you learn about Mrs. Stowe from the passage? ()

A、She had been living in the north of America before the American Civil War.

B、She herself encouraged the northern Americans to go to war and set the slaves free.

C、She was better as writing as using a sword.

D、She had once been a slave.

4、Why could Mrs. Stowe's book cause a civil war in America? ()

A、She wrote so well that Americans loved her very much.

B、She disclosed (揭露) the terrible wrongs that had been done to the slaves in the Southern States.

C、The Southern Americans hated the book while the Northern Americans like it.

D、The book had been read by many Americans.

5、What can we learn from the passage? ()

A、We needn't use weapons (武器) to fight things that are wrong.

B、 writer is more helpful in a war than a soldier.

C、We must understand the importance of literature and art.

D、No war can be won without such a book as "Uncle Tom's Cabin".

Why does the writer say a dog is a more demanding pet than a cat?A.It must be trained so t

Why does the writer say a dog is a more demanding pet than a cat?

A.It must be trained so that it won't bite.

B.It demands more food and space.

C.It needs more love and care.

D.It must be looked after carefully.

The writer of the passage wants us to know that______.A.Copernicus did not tell about his

The writer of the passage wants us to know that______.

A.Copernicus did not tell about his discovery until the day of his death

B.for many years Copernicus dared to do nothing openly against the Church

C.pushed by his friends Copernicus decided to write a book in May 1543

D.shortly before he got back to Poland Copernicus started to work for the Church

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