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Can dogs and cats live in perfect harmony in the same home? People who are thinking ab

Can dogs and cats live in perfect harmony in the same home? People who are thinking about adopting a dog as a friend for their cat are worried that they will fight.A recent research has found a new recipe for success.According to the study, if the cat is adopted before the dog, and if they are introduced when still young (less than 6 months for cats, a year for dogs), it is highly probable that the two pets will get along swimmingly.Twothirds of the homes interviewed reported a positive relationship between their cat and dog.

However, it wasn't all sweetness and light.There was a reported coldness between the cat and dog in 25% of the homes, while aggression and fighting were observed in 10% of the homes.One reason for this is probably that some of their body signals are just opposite.For example, when a cat turns its head away it signals aggression, while a dog doing the same signals submission.

In homes with cats and dogs living peacefully, researchers observed a surprising behavior.They are learning how to talk in each other's language.It is a surprise that cats can learn how to talk “Dog”, and dogs can learn how to talk“Cat”. What's interesting is that both cats and dogs have appeared to develop their intelligence.They can learn to read each other's body signals, suggesting that the two may have more in common than was previouslysuspected.Once familiar with each other's presence and body language, cats and dogs can play together,greet each other nose to nose, and enjoy sleeping together on the sofa.They can easily share the samewater bowl and in some cases groom (梳理) each other.

The significance of this research on cats and dogs may go beyond pets-to people who don't get along,including neighbors, colleagues at work, and even world superpowers.If cats and dogs can learn to getalong, surely people have a good chance.

1.The underlined word “swimmingly”in Paragraph 1.is closest in meaning to ________.





2.Some cats and dogs may fight when ________.

A.they are cold to each other

B.they look away from each other

C.they misunderstand each other's signals

D.they are introduced at an early age

3.What is found surprising about cats and dogs?()

A.They eat and sleep together

B.They observe each other's behaviors

C.They learn to speak each other's language

D.They know something from each other's voices

4.It is suggested in Paragraph 4 that cats and dogs ________.

A.have common interests

B.are less different than was thought

C.have a common body language

D.are less intelligent than was expected

5.What can we human beings learn from cats and dogs?()

A.We should learn to live in harmony

B.We should know more about animals

C.We should live in peace with animals

D.We should learn more body languages

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更多“Can dogs and cats live in perf…”相关的问题
Most people have had a dog or wanted one as their companion at some time in their lives. I
f you are thinking of buying a dog, however, you should first decide what sort of companion you need and whether the dog is likely to be happy in the surroundings you can provide. Specialists' advice is useful to help you choose the most suitable kind of dog. But in part the decision depends on common sense. Different dogs were originally developed to perform. specific tasks. So, if you want a dog to protect you or your house, for example, you should choose the one that has the right size and characteristics. You must also be ready to devote a great deal of time to training the dog when it is young and give it the exercise it needs throughout its life, unless you live in the countryside and can let it run freely. Dogs are demanding pets. Cats love the house and so are satisfied with their place where it is secure, but a dog is loyal to its master and consequently wants him to show proof of his affection. The best time to buy a baby dog is when it is between 6 and 8 weeks old so that it can transfer its love for its mother to its master. If baby dogs have not established a relationship with the human being until they are over three months old, their strong relationship will always be with dogs. They are likely to be too shy when they are brought out into the world to become good pets.

Which of the following is Not true according to the passage?

A.You can always get help from, the specialists.

B.It is common sense that is the most important when choosing a dog.

C.You should decide what kind of dog you want.

D.Size and characteristics of the dogs should be considered too.

Darkness doesn't trouble cats, for they can see ______.A.in darkB.in the darkC.in a darkne

Darkness doesn't trouble cats, for they can see ______.

A.in dark

B.in the dark

C.in a darkness

D.in darkness

What does the passage tell us about gun dogs?A.They are the fastest runners of all dogs.B.

What does the passage tell us about gun dogs?

A.They are the fastest runners of all dogs.

B.Their teeth are removed when they are young.

C.They can carry birds, etc. without hurting them.

D.They breed well, producing many young dogs.

Which of the following is NOT true according to the advertisement?A.Guests can take their

Which of the following is NOT true according to the advertisement?

A.Guests can take their dogs to the cottages.

B.People can get a brochure if they telephone.

C.Both indoor and outdoor activities are offered.

D.No drinking is provided.

To be a successful speaker, it is essential for you to know why you are speaking and w
hat you wish to accomplish by your speech. The four most common 1 of speech are to inform, to convince, to move to action, and to entertain. Do you, like a teacher or an expert in aan 2,wish to make your ideas clear to people 3 with your subject? Or, like a debater, wish to convince the judge or the audience? Or, like a fund raiser for a naturalist foundation, wish to secure donations or 4 cash? Or, like a comedian or an after-dinner speaker, wish to entertain? The language and the tone that you use must be 5 for your purpose, for your audience and for the occasion.A speech to the graduating class will have quite different language, tone and manner of 6,for example, from information conveyed to a group of your friends. 7,no matter how talented the speaker is, a talk without adequate preparation is usually a 8.To speak without preparing is to shoot without taking 9.Decide what your aim or objective is; then state it in a complete topic sentence such as "my purpose is to convince the class that cats as well as dogs should require licenses in our community". Make sure that your subject is definite and not too 10 .



























C、Even though















With the large number of dogs roaring through our communities, people need to know the facts about

rabies (狂犬病), a fatal disease caused by animal bites. Despite vaccination (接種疫苗) programs, rabies is still very prevalent, and will continue to be a serious public health problem for

many years to come.

Rabies strikes the central nervous system and brings on choking, convulsions (抽搐) and inability to swallow liquids. It can even cause death. If you or anyone in your family is bitten

by dog, cat or other animal, you should not panic, but thoroughly wash the wound with plenty of

soap and water and rush to nearby hospital for immediate treatment. If you own the animal which did the

biting, you should immediately call a veterinarian for advice and make sure the public health

authorities know when and where the biting took place and who was bitten.

Rabies is a kind of disease which ________.

A. causes heart attack

B. hurt one‘s legs

C. causes nerve-centre problem and breathing problem

D. strikes one‘s brain

Here's a familiar story.You're sitting at the dinner table with a furry, four-
legged friend scratching at your feet.When you look down, those cute eyes are almost impossible to resist.

What is it about a dog's gaze that makes it so charming? A new study by Japanese scientist Miho Nagasawa seems to have found the answer, and it has to do with something called the cuddle(爱抚)chemical.

The cuddle chemical has another, more scientific name: oxytocin.Oxytocin is a substance in the blood that encourages bonding.Levels of oxytocin increase, for example, when a mother feeds her newborn baby.According to Nagasawa's study, the same is true when we look deeply into the eyes of a dog.

The results of this study can tell us a lot about the history of the bond between humans and dogs.It all started somewhere tens of thousands of years ago.Scientists believe that wolves used to follow humans who were hunting large animals.The wolves would eat the food left behind by the humans.

Humans realized that they could use the wolves to help with the hunt, and eventually both species began to work together toward survival.

Over time, the wolves that interacted with the humans began to change.They became more loyal to their human partners.The wolves and humans started to depend on each other and bond with each other.These changes are what caused some of the wolves to turn into what we now know as dogs, a new specie evolved to better survive in their environment.

This process depended a great deal on the bond humans formed with them.And according to Nagasawa's study, this bond was formed with the help of oxytocin, the cuddle chemical.

11.What do we know about oxytocin?()

A.It regulates blood flow

B.It promotes bonding

C.It is in the human gene

D.It is good for health

12.When we look deeply into a dog's eyes, the levels of our oxytocin ____.

A.reduce over time

B.go either up or down

C.are on the rise

D.remain unchanged

13.At the beginning wolves followed humans to ____.

A.eat the food left by humans

B.guard against large animals

C.take humans for food

D.hunt large animals together

14.Over time some wolves turned into dogs ____.

A.due to their loyalty

B.due to the changing environment

C.for better survival

D.for better cooperation

15.What does Nagasawa9s study aim to do?()

A.Explore the role of human-wolf partnership

B.Show the characteristics of the cuddle chemical

C.Explain the bond between humans and dogs

D.Understand the evolution of species

Magic (魔法)often forces us not to believe our own eyes or even appears to be breaking the

Magic (魔法)often forces us not to believe our own eyes or even appears to be breaking the laws of physics or nature! The word “magic” has many different meanings. When a bird appears in a hat or when someone declares that he could see into the future—-both can be called magic When a sick person suddenly becomes well or a well person (or even animal) becomes ill, magic is the cause The British author Terry Pratchett uses magic a great deal in his popular Discworld series of books.

Magic has always been used for fun. People enjoy working out in which cup the little ball is or how he knows which card I was thinking of Harry Houdini was one of the first world-famous magicians—famous for escaping from deadly situations. Recently David Copperfield,or David Blane,has become very popular for his uunbelievable abilitiesJ,such as making the Statue of Liberty disappear or rise.

Magical rings and three-headed dogs may not be real, but does this mean nothing magical really exists? Can you always explain how the magician has done the card trick? Maybe it is better not to explain,but to leave a little magic in our lives. Pick a card,any card.

The author explains what magic is in paragraph 1 by___________.

A.giving causes and effects

B.using examples

C.comparing a healthy person with a sick one

D.listing the time of magical events

Who is mentioned as a great escape artist?A.Harry Houdini

B.David Blan


D.David Copperfield

E.Terry Pratchett.

What does the author think of magic?A.It provides people with fun

B.It changes our lives.

C.It explains strange things in our lives

D.It breaks the laws of physics.


Judging from this passage, people of the Middle Ages probably ______. A. treated blac

Judging from this passage, people of the Middle Ages probably ______.

A. treated black cats with respect

B. treated black cats badly

C. were witches if they had black cats

D. thought black cats were beautiful

Looking back on my childhood, I am convinced that naturalists are horn and not made. Altho
ugh we were brought up in the same way, my brothers and sisters soon abandoned their pressed flowers and insects. Unlike them, I had no ear for music and languages. I was not an early reader and I could not do mental arithmetic.

Before World War I we spent our summer holidays in Hungary. I have only the dim memory of the house we lived in, of my room and my toys. Nor do I recall clearly the large family of grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins who gathered next door. But I do have a crystalclear memory of the dogs, the farm animals, the local birds, and above all, the insects.

I am a naturalist, not a scientist. I have a strong love of the natural world and my enthusiasm had led me into varied investigations. I love discussing my favorite topics and enjoy burning the midnight oil while reading about other people's observations and discoveries. Then something happens that brings these observations together in my conscious mind. Suddenly you fancy you see the answer to the riddle, because it all seems to fit together. This has resulted in my publishing 300 papers, and books, which some might honour with the title of scientific research.

But curiosity, a keen eye, a good memory and enjoyment of the animal and plant world do not make a scientist: one the outstanding and essential qualities required is se]f-discipline, a quality I lack. A scientist requires not only self-discipline but hard training, determination and a goal. A scientist, up to a point, can be made. A naturalist is born. If you can combine the two, you get the best of both worlds.

The first paragraph tells us the author ______. ()

A.was interested in flowers and insects in his childhood

B.lost his hearing when he was a child

C.didn't like his brothers and sisters

D.was born to a naturalist's family

No sooner__________ the top of the mountain than it started raining cats and dogs.A.did th

No sooner__________ the top of the mountain than it started raining cats and dogs.

A.did the climbers reached

B.the climbers reached

C.have the climbers reached

D.had the climbers reached

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