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There Pictures from outer space now show us how much land has changed on earth. These imag

es are taken by Landsat 7, a government satellite. The satellites have been used for 27 years. They reveal the clear-cutting of forests in the northwestern part of the United States. Pictures show the loss of rain forests in South America.

NASA's Darrel Williams speaks about the Landsat 7 Project. He said that an eruption caused trees to burn up in a large forest. Fifteen years later, pinkish images from space show that the trees and plant life are growing again. Williams says that clear-cut areas easily show up in the pictures. He wants Americans to look at how much land is being cleared of forests in our country.

Satellites have provided other information about changes on earth. In the past ten years, more than four miles have shrunk from glaciers in Alaska. Landsat 7 received these computer images of Glacier Bay in Alaska.

Hurricanes Floyd and Irene have damaged the coastline in North Carolina. Runoff from farms and silt have gone into the ocean according to satellite images. Loss of trees and forests have caused hotter summers in southern cities such as Atlanta, Georgia.

The Landsat 7 images are like pictures in a photo album. Instead of pictures of the family, the album shows changes around the globe in the past 25 years.

A new satellite, Terra, is going to be launched by NASA soon. It will be more advanced that Landsat 7 and will take important global pictures. Ocean temperatures and energy loss will be provided by Terra daily.

Landsat 7 shows how changes have occurred on land by sending back ______.

A.images taken with a Polaroid camera

B.the latest images taken by a government satellite

C.a television camera


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更多“There Pictures from outer spac…”相关的问题
If a photographer wanted to take pictures of moving things in the year of 1840, he had

A. watch lots of films

B. buy an expensive camera

C. stop in most cities

D. take with him other machines apart from film

In the world, soccer or football is the most popular sport. This is because many countri

es have wonderful teams for the World Cup. The World Cup is held every four years.

To remember 2002 FIFA World Cup, children from different countries and more than 60 children from Japanese schools came together and spent three weekends drawing a big picture called "Dream World Cups" in Japan. The children drew animals, flowers and people playing soccer under a blue bright sky. They wished each football team good luck by drawing the flags of all the countries that will take part in the World Cup in Japan and South Korea. The picture was put up in a park near a playground in Yokohama. Some football teams will have games there.

Are you a football fan?The World Cup makes more and more people interested in football. Teenagers like playing and watching football. Many of them love some football stars so much that they get the pictures of their favourite players on the walls of their rooms. That is the way to show their love for the World Cup as children in Japan.

21. If a country wants to take part in the World Cup, she must have many football players.


22. The next World Cup will be held in 2006.


23. From the passage, in the picture children drew many things except pictures of some football stars.


24. In "Dream World Cup", the children drew the flags of some countries to tell the people their stories.


25. Many teenagers own the pictures of some football stars because they are football fans.


Wang Yani was born in 1975 in Gongcheng., China Even when she was a baby, she loved to
draw lines everywhere see her father decided to help her.He gave her paint brushes and paper.She practiced hard and improved very quick so Her lines became flowers, trees and animals.Some of her pictures were shown in an art exhibition in Shanghai at the age of 4.

By age six, Yani had made over 4,000 paintings.She loved to draw animals, especially monkeys and cats.Although her father was good at drawing, he didn't give her any art lessons.He even stopped painting his own pictures.Instead.he often took the little girl to parks and zoos to get ideas for her work.In this way, Yani developed her own style. of painting with bright colors.All her pictures were different from others.At the age of 8, one of her monkey paintings was made into, Chinese stamp.Later, she started to draw pictures of country scenery and people.

And when she was just 14, she became the youngest person person to have personal shows in Washington D.C.an many other cities around the world.

6.Wang Yani pictures were first shown in Gongcheng.()



7.She was especially good at drawing monkeys and A cats before she was eight.()



8.Her father took her to zoos and parks because he wanted the girl to get idea.()



9.Yani had her personal shows in Washington D.C.A at the age of 14.()



10.Yani's father often gave her art lessons.()



Man has always wanted to fly.Some of the greatest men in history have thought about th
e problem.One of these,for example,was the great Italian artist, Leonardo da Vinci(达·芬奇).In the sixteenth century he made designs for machines that would fly.But they were never built.Throughout history, other less famous men have wanted to fly.An example was a man in England 800 years ago.He made a pair of wings from chicken feathers.Then he fixed them to his body and jumped into the air from a tall building.He did not fly very far.Instead,he fell to the ground and broke every bone in his body.

The first real steps took place in France, in 1783.Two brothers, the Montgolfiers, made a very large “hot air balloon”.They knew that hot air rises.Why not fill a balloon with it?The balloon was made of cloth and paper.In September of that year,the King and Queen of France came to see the balloon.They watched it carry the very first air passengers into the sky.The passengers were a sheep and a chicken.We do not know how they felt about the trip.But we do know that the trip lasted eight minutes and that the animals landed safely.Two months later,two men did the same thing.They rose above Paris in a balloon of the same kind.Their trip lasted twenty-five minutes and they travelled about eight kilometers.

26.Leonardo da Vinci ______ .

A.said that man would fly in the sky one day

B.built a kind of machine which never flew

C.drew many beautiful pictures of birds

D.made designs for flying machine

27.Eight hundred years ago an Englishman ______ .

A.made a kind of flying machine

B.tried to fly with wings made of chicken feather

C.wanted to build a kind of balloon

D.tried to fly on a large bird

28.In fact,the Englishman who tried to fly ______ .

A.lost his life

B.flew only 8minutes

C.got badly wounded

D.succeeded in flying

29.The very first air passengers in the balloon were ______.

A.two animals

B.two Frenchmen

C.the King and the Queen

D.the Montgolfiers

30.When did two Frenchmen rise above Paris?______

A.In December 1783.

B.In September 1783.

C.In November 1783.

D.In the seventeenth century.

"Yes, I'll be ready at nine in the morning. Goodbye, dear, and thanks again. "It had not b
een an easy telephone call for Mrs. Robson to make. Her daughter had been very kind, of course, and had immediately agreed to pick her up and drive her to the station, but Mrs. Robson hated to admit (承认) that she needed help. Since her husband had died ten years before, she had prided herself on her independence (独立生活 ). She had continued to live in their little house, alone.

On this evening, however, she was standing at her living-room window, staring out at the SOLD notice in the small front garden. Her feelings were mixed. Naturally she was sad at the thought of leaving the house, as it was full of so many memories. But at the same time she was looking forward to spending her last years near the sea, back in the little seaside town where she had been born. With the money from the sale (出售) of the house, she had bought a little flat there.

She turned from the living room window, and looked round at the room. One or two pieces of furniture remained, covered with sheets (被单). The floor was bare boards, and all her pictures had been taken from the walls. There was a small fish-tank, with two goldfish circling in it. When asked why, her husband used to say, "It's nice to have something alive in the room." Since he had passed away, she had always kept some goldfish, had always had "something alive in the room".

Tim next morning, as her train was pulling out of the station, Mrs. Robson called to her daughter, "Kate, you won't forget to collect the goldfish, will you? The children will love them. It's...""I know," Kate interrupted (打断) gently. "It's nice to have something alive in the room."

But in the little house, the two goldfish had stopped their circling. They were floating (漂浮) on the water, in the room with its bare boards and silent walls.

Mrs. Robson ______.

A.was a very proud person

B.was helpless

C.did not like asking people for favors

D.wanted to live without her husband

回答下列各题 D Hobbs was an orphan.He worked in a fact&y a
nd every day he got a little money.Hard work changed him thin and weak.He wanted to borrow a lot of money to learn painting pietures,but he did not think he could pay off the debts. One day the lawyer said to him,“One thousand dollars,and here is the money.”As Hobbs took the package of noted,he was very dumbfounded.He didn’t know where the money canle from and how to spend it.He said to himself,“I could go to find a hotel and live like a rich man for a few days:or I give up my work in the factory and do what Id like to d0:painting pictures.I could do that for a few weeks.but what would I do after that?I should have lost my place of the factory and have no money to live on.If it were a little less money.I would buy a new coat,or a radi0,or give a dinner to my friends.If it were more,I could give up the work and Pay for painting pictures.But it’s too much for one and too little for the other.” “Here is the reading of your uncle’s will”,said the lawyer,“telling what is to be done with this money after his death.I must ask you to remember one point.Your uncle has said you must bring me a paper showing exactly what you did with his money,as soon as you have spent it.”“Yes.I see.Ill do that.”said the young man. He wanted to borrow money because he wanted to__________.

A.study abroad

B.work abroad

C.pay for the debts

D.1earn to paint pictures

“Troublemaker”J was what was given to my friend Peter by his teachers. They also said that
he had no future and no hope! But now I suggest that anyone who said that should say “sorry” to him.

Peter finished Grade Nine,and then he went to study at a technical college. He became a leader of a group of bad boys. After graduation he had nothing to do,so he just hung around by the market with his friends.

It looked like nothing could change his life. It was not until the day that his father died. He left the boys and went to help his mother who sold food by the roadside.

He really pitied his mum and wanted to do something to support her. He loved reading cartoon(漫画)books and had been collecting them for years,so he decided that he should sell them. Soon

he realized that his books were very popular. So he made up his mind to set up his own business. He went around buying cartoon books from other people. He bought them for 25% and then sold them for half price.

These days, he doesn, t have to go around looking for cartoon books because there are always people coming to his shop to sell their old ones. He now has a monthly income of about 55,000 baht (泰铢).

He was a “troublemaker” to his teachers but he is a hero to me. If you are judged by your teachers as aubad student ,1 suggest you ignore what they say. Just do your best in everything.Don&39;t give up so easily. Believe me,one day you could be successful,too

Why does the author think some people should say “sorry” to Peter?

A.They considered him hopeless

B.They refused to help him

C.They made him give up his friends

D.They looked down on his parents

What did Peter do after his father died?

A.He learnt to draw pictures

B.He worked at a market

C.He continued his college studies

D.He started his own business.

How does Peter get second-hand cartoon books now?

A.He goes around collecting them.

B.He buys them from bookstores.

C.He waits for people to sell them to him.

D.He borrows them from his friends.

The word ignore in paragraph 6 is closest in meaning to____.

A.pay no attention to

B.take no interest in

C.stick to

D.believe in


Whatever the condition is, my camera can be _____________ to taking pictures()





In computing, passwords are commonly used to limit access to official users. Yet the wides
pread use of passwords has serious drawbacks. Office workers now have to remember an average of twelve system passwords. In theory they should use different passwords for each site, but in reality these would be impossible to remember, so many people use the same password for all.

An additional problem is that the majority use simple words such as "hello", or names of family members, instead of more secure combinations of numbers and letters, such as 6ANV76Y. This permits computer hackers to download dictionaries and quickly find the word that allows them access.

When system users forget their passwords there is extra expense in supplying new ones, while if people are forced to change passwords frequently they often write them down, making systems even less secure. Therefore, it is clear that the idea of passwords, which have been used as security devices for thousands of years, may need rethinking.

One possible alternative has been developed by the American firm Real User, and is called "passfaces". In order to access the system a worker has to select a series of photographs of faces from a randomly (随机地) generated sequence. If the pictures are selected in the correct order, access is granted. This concept depends on the human ability to recognize and remember a huge number of different faces, and the advantage is that such a sequence cannot be told to anyone or written down, so is more secure. It is claimed that the picture sequence, which used photographs of university students, is easier to remember than passwords, and it has now been adopted for the United States Senate.

What is the disadvantage of passwords as mentioned in Paragraph 1?

A.They do not ensure security.

B.They are difficult to remember.

C.They have to be changed frequently.

D.They limit computer accessibility.

Mathew Brady______. A. was very lifelike B. was famous for his unusual pictures C.

Mathew Brady______.

A. was very lifelike

B. was famous for his unusual pictures

C. was quite strong

D. took many pictures of moving people

A few common misconceptions. Beauty is only skin-deep. One's physical assets and liabiliti
es don't count all that much in a managerial career. A woman should always try to look her best.

Over the last 30 years, social scientists 'have conducted more than 1,000 studies of how we react to beautiful and not-so-beautiful people. The virtually unanimous conclusion: Looks do matter, more than most of us realize: The data suggest, for example, that physically attractive individuals are more likely to be treated well by their parents, sought out as friends, and pursued romantically. With the possible exception of women seeking managerial jobs, they are also more likely to be hired, paid well, and promoted.

Un-American, you say, unfair and extremely unbelievable? Once again, the scientists have caught us mouthing pieties (虔诚)while acting just the contrary. Their typical experiment works something like this. They give each member of a group-college students, perhaps, or teachers or corporate personnel managers a piece of paper relating an individual's accomplishments. Attached to the paper is a photograph. While the papers all say exactly the same thing the pictures are different. Some show a strikingly attractive person, some an average-looking character, and some an unusually unattractive human being. Group members are asked to rate the individual on certain attributes, anything from personal warmth to the likelihood that he or she will be promoted.

Almost invariably, the better looking the person in the picture, the higher the person is rated. In the phrase, borrowed from Sappho, that the social scientists use to sum up the common perception, what is beautiful is good.

In business, however, good looks cut both ways for women, and deeper than for men. A Utah State University professor, who is an authority on the subject, explains: In terms of their careers, the impact of physical attractiveness on males is only modest. But its potential impact on females can be tremendous, making its easier, for example, for the more attractive to get jobs where they are in the public .eye. On another note, though, there is enough literature now for us to conclude that attractive women who aspire to managerial positions do not get on as well as women who may be less attractive.

According to the passage, people often wrongly believe that in pursuing a career as manager ______.

A.a person's property or debts do not matter much

B.a person's outward appearance is not a critical qualification

C.women should always dress fashionably

D.women should not only be attractive but also high-minded

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