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Could you tell me what university you graduated from?(英译中)

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Could you tell me how far the post office is?()

A.It’s a big bank

B.No,I couldn’t

C.Only 500 meters

D.Not very long

Stranger:Could you tell me the entrance to the subway?Resident:__________.A.Sure,my pleasu

Stranger:Could you tell me the entrance to the subway?Resident:__________.

A.Sure,my pleasure

B.Don’t ask me

C.I don’t know

D.Not my business

Could you tell me () to fly from Chicago to New York?

A.it costs how much

B.how much does it cost

C.how much costs it

D.how much it costs

听力原文:M: Could you tell me the advantage of deferred payment credit?W: Sure. If you ope

听力原文:M: Could you tell me the advantage of deferred payment credit?

W: Sure. If you open a deferred payment credit, you need not pay stamp duty on bill of exchange. But there will be risk on the part of the exporter since he can not receive his payment until maturity.

Q: What is the benefit of deferred payment credit?


A.No interest is charged.

B.The documents cannot be negotiated.

C.No stamp duty is paid.

D.Deferred Payment is on a "without recourse" basis.

— Could you please tell me _________________? — Sure There is a library on Bridge S

A.where can I borrow some books

B.where I can borrow some books

C.where did I borrow some books

D.where I borrowed some books

听力原文:M: Could you tell me what specific document you will provide?W: Together with the

听力原文:M: Could you tell me what specific document you will provide?

W: Together with the draft, we'll also send you a complete set of bills of lading, an invoice, an export license, an insurance policy, a certificate of origin, and a certificate of inspection.

Q: What document the woman did not mention?


A.Bills of lading.

B.Consular invoice.

C.Insurance policy.

D.Certificate of origin.

听力原文:M: Professor Wang, could you tell me the advantage of the preferred shares?W: Pre

听力原文:M: Professor Wang, could you tell me the advantage of the preferred shares?

W: Preferred shares have certain rights, such as the preferred right to receive dividends before any ordinary dividends maybe declared.

Q: When do preferred shareholders have right to receive dividends?


A.Before any ordinary dividends are declared.

B.After any ordinary dividends are declared.

C.Before any ordinary dividends are paid.

D.After any ordinary dividends are paid.

听力原文:M: Excuse me, Ms Li. Could you tell me what kind of drawings do you like to make,
by cheque or upon presentation of your deposit book?

W: I'd prefer to draw by cheque.

Q: What account does Ms. Li want to open?


A.RMB account.

B.A checking account.

C.A U.S. dollar account.

D.A special account.

One day, the principle(校长)came into our room and, after talking to the teacher, for
One day, the principle(校长)came into our room and, after talking to the teacher, for

some reason said: “I wish all of the white students to stand for a moment.” I rose with the others.The teacher looked at me and, calling my name, said: “You sit down for the present, and rise with the others.” I did not quite understand her.She repeated: “You sit down now, and rise with the others.” I sat down puzzled.I saw and heard nothing.When the other were asked to rise, I did not know it.When school was dismissed, I went out unconsciously.A few of the white boys laughed at me, saying: “Oh, you’re a nigger, too.”

I hurried on as fast as I could to where my looking-glass hung on the wall in my own little room.For an instant I was afraid to look, but when I did, I looked long and earnestly.I was accustomed t o hearing remarks about my beauty, but now, for the first time, I became conscious of it and recognized it.I noticed the ivory(象牙)whiteness of my skin, the beauty of my mouth, the size and the liquid darkness of my eyes.I ran downstairs and rushed to wh ere my mother was sitting.I buried my head in her lap and cried out: “Mother, tell me, am I a nigger?” I could not see her face, but I felt her hands on my head.I looked up into her face.There were tears in her eyes and I could see that she was sufferin g for me.And then it was that.

I looked at her critically for the first time.I had thought of her in a childish way only as the most beautiful woman in the world; now I looked at her searching for defects(缺点).I could see that her skin was almost brown,and that she did differ in some way from the other ladies who came to the house; yet, even so I could see that she was more beautiful than any of them.She must have felt that I was examining her, for she hid her face in my hair and said with difficulty:“No, my darling, you are not a nigger.” She went on: “If anyone calls you a nigger, don’t notice them.”

But the more she talked, the less was I reassured, and I stopped her by asking:“Well, mother, am I white? Are you white?” She answered tremblingly(颤抖的): “No, I am not white, but your father is one of the greatest men in the country.The best blood of the South is in you.” This suddenly opened up in my heart a fresh fear, and I almost fiercely demanded: “Who is my father? Where is he?” She stroked my hair and said: “I’ll tell you about him some day.” I sobbed(抽泣): “I want to know now.” She answered: “No, not now.”

1.We can infer from the passage that “a nigger ”means().

A.a white person

B.a black person

C.anyone that is not white

D.anyone that i s not black

2.When the teacher asked him to sit down and rise with the others ,the author was confused because().

A.he never considered himself a non-white person

B.he thought the teacher didn’t recognize him

C.he thought he should be considered

D.he thought it rude for the teacher to call his name

3.It was on that day that he began to realize that().

A.he was a nigger

B.he was different from others because of his beauty

C.his color was like that of his mother

D.he differed from oth er white people even with his beauty

4.From the passage we can learn that().

A.the boy’s father left them for some reasons

B.the boy’s mother didn’t want to mention his father at all

C.the boy never met his father before

D.the boy’s mother hated his father

5.This passage generally tells us a story of ().

A.a boy who suddenly realized that he was a colored person

B.a boy who had been looked down upon because he had no father

C.the miserable life of colored people

D.the life of a one-parent family

听力原文:M: Excuse me, Madam, could you tell me what you are going to convert, bank notes
or traveler's cheques?

W: Well, ¥68,000 in notes and ¥90,000 in traveler's cheques. Here are my notes and traveler's cheques.

Q: What is the customer going to convert?


A.¥90,000 in notes and ¥68,000 in traveler's cheques.

B.¥68,000 in notes and ¥90,000 in traveler's cheques.

C.¥6,800 in notes and ¥9,000 in traveler's cheques.

D.¥9,000 in notes and ¥6,800 in traveler's cheques.

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