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It also has a huge agricultural vehicle market in ________ areas.




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根据以下内容,回答下列各题。 In the old days, divers used to go down into the sea looking f
or ships that had sunk, because they hoped to find gold and jewels.Now divers still search for valuable things in sunken ships, but they also try to bring to the surface the ships themselves, or parts of them.The value of different kinds of metals has increased greatly over the last twenty or thirty years and even though a ship has been under the sea for many years, it may be worth a great deal. One famous sunken ship is the “Lusitania”, which sank off the southern coast of Ireland in 1915 with a loss of nearly, 1,500 lives.It has four huge propellers made of an expensive metal.Today each of those propellers is worth $ 300,000 or more.The ship lying on the sea-bed has been brought by a man called John Light.He paid about $ 1,200,000 for the whole ship.He hopes to bring up those propellers and sell them.He also hopes to sell other parts of the ship, when he has brought them to the surface, for about $ 600,000. Divers today try to bring to the surface _______.

A.gold and jewels

B.parts of ships

C.whole ships

D.all of the above

Fifty years ago, most people lived in rural areas. But the world has changed. In the near
future, more than half of all people will live in cities for the first time in history.

City life is not always a bad thing, but many experts worry about this process of urbanization (城市化 ). A new report says that process is having a huge effect on human health and the quality of the environment. Of the three billion people who live in cities now, the report says, about one billion live in unplanned settlements. These are areas of poverty, slums that generally lack basic services like clean water, or even permanent housing. More than 60 million people are added to cities and surrounding areas each year, mostly in slums in developing countries. The international community has been too slow to recognize the growth of urban poverty. Policy makers need to increase investments in education, health care and other areas.

The report talks about some successful efforts by local governments and community groups. For example, it says in Columbia, engineers have created a bus system that has helped reduce air pollution and improve quality of life.

The link between urban poverty and the environment is serious, but governments also need to consider why people are moving out of rural areas. Climate changes, droughts, floods—there are many reasons forcing people to leave their farm land.

The two issues of poverty reduction and the environment have existed side by side, but rarely have they connected—until now. Governments are starting to understand that environmental collapse is not a natural cost of economic development. Instead, it is hurting the possibility for growth.

The main idea of the passage is about ______.

A.urbanization and its effects

B.a huge effect of human

C.economic development

D.the environment

A young pair of pandas is expected to settle in their new home in the Atlanta's Zoo to- mo
rrow, tile Beijing Youth Daily reported yesterday.

Born in the Chengdu Panda Breeding Base, the two, named Jiu Jiu and Hua Hua, will .spend the next 10 years in the United States. At a cost of $ 4 million, their new home is an exact copy of the natural environment where they lived in Chengdu, Sichuan Province in Southwest China. The panda house is also equipped with advanced facilities to study pandas in an all-around way, said the report. Visitors can view pandas in a separate room inside the

panda house, which is open to public every day.

As part of an international co operative plan to protect and study panda, the co-operation between Chengdu and Atlanta has finally come to an agreement after three years of discussion. And the research fund of $ 5 million raised by Atlanta's zoo has also contributed to the co-operation.

After a flight in a huge and comfortable case, Jiu Jiu and Hua Hua will be put under quarantine(隔离) for two weeks upon their arrival. And a welcome ceremony will be held for them in Atlanta on November 20, with ambassador(大使) Li, former U. S. President Carter and his wife, the Georgia governor and mayor of Atlanta.

Where is the two panda's original home?

A.Some mountains in Siehuan Province.

B.A certain base in the city of Chengdu.

C.The Atlantic Zoo in the United States.

D.A separate room inside the panda house.

根据以下内容回答题:A volcanic eruption in Iceland has sent ash across northern Europe.Airl


A volcanic eruption in Iceland has sent ash across northern Europe.Airlines have stopped or changed the flights across the Atlantic Ocean,leaving hundreds of passengers stuck in air-ports.

Grimsvoto is oDe of the largest and most active volcanoes in Europe.What makes Grimsvoto different is that it lies under a huge glacier(冰川)of ice up to 12 meters thick.The hot volcano heats up the ice above it,which then forms a layer of water between the glacier and the volcano.This layer of water puts pressure on the volcano,keeping it stable.As the water flows out from under the glacier,the pressure lifts.The lava(岩浆)from the volcano then comes up to the surface.This is exactly what happened today.

Now.airlines have to make changes to their flights SO as not to fly through the clouds of volcanic as.h.According to.KLM,one of Europe’s biggest airlines,airplanes cannot go under the cloud or over it.Going through the cloud can result in ash getting stuck in the airplane’s engines,causing damage to the plane.

The eruption has also caused problems for animals in Iceland.The volcano left ash and sharp,glass-like rocks all over the countryside.Farmers are keeping their animals inside to stop them from eating ash—covered grass or the sharp objects.

What makes Grimsvoto different from other volcanoes? 查看材料

A.It is below-ice.

B.It lies under the sea.

C.It is the largest volcano.

D.Its lava affects the airlines.

When aluminum was first produced about a hundred and fifty years ago, it was so difficult
to separate from the ores(矿石) in which it was found that its price was higher than that of gold. The price remained high until a new process was discovered for refining the metal with the aid of electricity approximately three quarters of a century later. The new method was so much cheaper that aluminum became practical for many purposes, one of which was making pots and pans.

Aluminum is lightweight, rustproof and easily shaped into different forms. By mixing it with other metals, scientist have been able to produce a variety of alloys, some of which have the strength of steel but weigh only one third as much.

Today, the uses of aluminum are innumerable. Perhaps its most important use is in transportation. Aluminum is found in the engines of automobiles, in the hulls of boats. It is also used in many parts of airplanes. In fact, the huge "airbus" planes would probably never have been produced if aluminum did not exist. By making vehicles lighter in weight aluminum has greatly reduced the amount of fuel needed to move them. Aluminum is also being used extensively in the building industry in some countries.

Since aluminum is such a versatile(多用的) metal, it is fortunate that bauxite(铝土矿) , which is one of its chief sources, is also one of the earth's most plentiful substances. As the source of aluminum is almost inexhaustible, we can expect that more and more uses will be found for this versatile metal.

The price of aluminum was sharply reduced when people discovered a new refining process with the aid of______.

A.wind power

B.solar energy

C.hydraulic power


The Internet has led to a huge increase in credit-card (信用卡) fraud. Your card informati

The Internet has led to a huge increase in credit-card (信用卡) fraud. Your card information could even be for sale in an illegal Web site (网站).

Web sites offering cheap goods and services should be regarded with care. On-line shoppers who enter their credit-card information may never receive the goods they thought they bought. The thieves then go shopping with your card number or sell the information over the Internet.

Computers hackers (黑客) have broken down security (安全) systems , raising questions about the safety of cardholder information.

Several months ago, 25, 000 customers of CD Universe, an on-line music retailer (批发商) , were not lucky. Their names, addresses and credit-card numbers were posted on a Web site after the retailer refused to pay US $ 157, 828 to get back the information.

Credit-card firms are now fighting against on-line fraud. Mastercard is working on plans for web—only credit-card, with a lower credit limit. The card could be used only for shopping on-line. However, there are a few simple steps you can take to keep from being cheated.

Ask about your credit-card firm's on-line rules; Under British law, cardholders are responsible (对……负有责任的)for the first US $ 78 of any fraudulent spending.

And shop only at secure sites: Send your credit-card information only if the web site offers advanced secure system.

If the security is in place, a letter will appear in the bottom right-hand corner of your screen. The Web site address may also start with https://—the extra"s" stands for secure. If in doubt, give your credit-card information over the telephone.

Keep your password safe. Most on-line sites require a user name and password before placing an order. Treat your passwords with care.

What do most people worry about the Internet according to this passage?

A.A lot of stolen credit-cards were sold on the Internet.

B.Fraud on the Internet.

C.Many Web sites are destroyed.

D.Many illegal Web sites are on the Internet.

For an increasing number of students at American universities, Old is suddenly in. The rea
son is obvious: the graying of America means jobs. Coupled with the aging of the baby-boom (生育高峰) generation, a longer life span means that the nation's elderly population is bound to expand significantly over the next 40 years. By 2040, 25 percent of all Americans will be older than 65, up from 14 percent in 1995. The change poses profound questions for government and society, of course. But it also creates career opportunities in medicine and health professions, and in law and business as well. "In addition to the doctors, we're going to need more sociologists, biologists, urban planners and specialized lawyers," says Professor Edward Schneider of the University of Southern California's (USC) School of Gerontology (老年学).

Lawyers can specialize in "elder law", which covers everything from masts and estates to nursing-home abuse and age discrimination (歧视). Businessmen see huge opportunities in the elder market because the baby boomers, 74 million strong, are likely to be the wealthiest group of retirees in human history. "Any student who combines an expert knowledge in gerontology with, say, an MBA or law degree, will have a license to print money," one professor says.

Margarite Santos is a 21-year-old senior at USC. She began college as a biology major but found she was "really bored with bacteria." So she took a class in gerontology and discovered that she liked it. She says, "I did volunteer work in retirement homes and it was very satisfying."

"…Old is suddenly in"(Line 1, Para.1) most probably means______.

A.America has suddenly become a nation of old people

B.gerontology has suddenly become popular

C.name elderly professors are found on American campuses

D.American colleges have realized the need of enrolling older students

Text 1

It′s that time of the yea—graduation. The end of school year is nearly in sight,and it′s an especially big deal if you′re finishing high school or college.

One amazing(令人惊叹的) 16-year-old Florida girl, Grace Bush, graduated from both high school and college this week! She actually got her college diploma(毕业证书) before her high school diploma. How′d she do that? "

Hard work and dedication(专心致志)," she told a local TV news station," have made me succeed in doing high school and college at the same time. " She started taking college courses when she was just 13. She would often get up at 5:30 a.m. and not finish until after 11 p. m.

Doing both at once is a huge achievement, but it has also helped her family save money. She′s one of the 9 children, all home-schooled until the age of 13. Her father is a math professor while her mother is a part-time history teacher in a high school. Grace Bush has earned her college degree in law, with a near perfect GPA of 3.8 and she hopes to become a lawyer one day, although her parents expect her to teach at university. By the way, she also plays basketball in her college team in her spare time.

Why does the author say that Grace is amazing?

A.She finished high school earlier than others.

B.She never went to bed before 11 p. m.

C.She graduated from both high school and college at 16.

D.She got two diplomas from the same school.

What did the parents do to help Grace with her education?A.They shared with her college history lessons.

B.They taught her until she was 13

C.They made her interested in math

E.They hired a part-time teacher.

What do Grace′s parents want her to be in future?A.A news reporter.

B.A basketball player.

C.A university teacher.

D.A lawyer.

Which of the following is the key to Grace′s success?A.Taking college courses at 13

B.Doing high school and college at the same time

D.Being born in a professor's family.

E.Being devoted to her studies.

1 The scientists in the research laboratories of Swan Hill Company (SHC, a public listed c

1 The scientists in the research laboratories of Swan Hill Company (SHC, a public listed company) recently made a very

important discovery about the process that manufactured its major product. The scientific director, Dr Sonja Rainbow,

informed the board that the breakthrough was called the ‘sink method’. She explained that the sink method would

enable SHC to produce its major product at a lower unit cost and in much higher volumes than the current process.

It would also produce lower unit environmental emissions and would substantially improve product quality compared

to its current process and indeed compared to all of the other competitors in the industry.

SHC currently has 30% of the global market with its nearest competitor having 25% and the other twelve producers

sharing the remainder. The company, based in the town of Swan Hill, has a paternalistic management approach and

has always valued its relationship with the local community. Its website says that SHC has always sought to maximise

the benefit to the workforce and community in all of its business decisions and feels a great sense of loyalty to the

Swan Hill locality which is where it started in 1900 and has been based ever since.

As the board considered the implications of the discovery of the sink method, chief executive Nelson Cobar asked

whether Sonja Rainbow was certain that SHC was the only company in the industry that had made the discovery and

she said that she was. She also said that she was certain that the competitors were ‘some years’ behind SHC in their


It quickly became clear that the discovery of the sink method was so important and far reaching that it had the

potential to give SHC an unassailable competitive advantage in its industry. Chief executive Nelson Cobar told board

colleagues that they should clearly understand that the discovery had the potential to put all of SHC’s competitors out

of business and make SHC the single global supplier. He said that as the board considered the options, members

should bear in mind the seriousness of the implications upon the rest of the industry.

Mr Cobar said there were two strategic options. Option one was to press ahead with the huge investment of new plant

necessary to introduce the sink method into the factory whilst, as far as possible, keeping the nature of the sink

technology secret from competitors (the ‘secrecy option’). A patent disclosing the nature of the technology would not

be filed so as to keep the technology secret within SHC. Option two was to file a patent and then offer the use of the

discovery to competitors under a licensing arrangement where SHC would receive substantial royalties for the twentyyear

legal lifetime of the patent (the ‘licensing option’). This would also involve new investment but at a slower pace

in line with competitors. The licence contract would, Mr Cobar explained, include an ‘improvement sharing’

requirement where licensees would be required to inform. SHC of any improvements discovered that made the sink

method more efficient or effective.

The sales director, Edwin Kiama, argued strongly in favour of the secrecy option. He said that the board owed it to

SHC’s shareholders to take the option that would maximise shareholder value. He argued that business strategy was

all about gaining competitive advantage and this was a chance to do exactly that. Accordingly, he argued, the sink

method should not be licensed to competitors and should be pursued as fast as possible. The operations director said

that to gain the full benefits of the sink method with either option would require a complete refitting of the factory and

the largest capital investment that SHC had ever undertaken.

The financial director, Sean Nyngan, advised the board that pressing ahead with investment under the secrecy option

was not without risks. First, he said, he would have to finance the investment, probably initially through debt, and

second, there were risks associated with any large investment. He also informed the board that the licensing option

would, over many years, involve the inflow of ‘massive’ funds in royalty payments from competitors using the SHC’s

patented sink method. By pursuing the licensing option, Sean Nyngan said that they could retain their market

leadership in the short term without incurring risk, whilst increasing their industry dominance in the future through

careful investment of the royalty payments.

The non-executive chairman, Alison Manilla, said that she was looking at the issue from an ethical perspective. She

asked whether SHC had the right, even if it had the ability, to put competitors out of business.


(a) Assess the secrecy option using Tucker’s model for decision-making. (10 marks)

Five years of huge losses ______.A.have made Lloyd's change its business scopeB.of Lloyd's

Five years of huge losses ______.

A.have made Lloyd's change its business scope

B.of Lloyd's have ruined nearly 5% of its members

C.of Lloyd's has undermined the base for its long-term profitability

D.have ruined Lloyd's long-term competitiveness

() has a beginning also has an end.
() has a beginning also has an end.



C、No matter what


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