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In which city can you read signs like “Aparca your car aquí” or “Cuidado con los pick

pockets”? Travel guide investigates.

1.2 million Hispanics live in the Big Apple and one in five New Yorkers speaks Spanish at home. In the last ten years, the Hispanic population has grown by 400 000. This reflects the enormous increase in the Hispanic population in the States. There are now 42 million Hispanics resident in the USA, representing 15% of the total population.

There is a new language, SPANGLISH – a strange mixture of Spanish and English – which is invading the city. The New York Times recently said that it had become the city’s third official language. Its use is colloquial and often limited to short sentences and signs. Many New Yorkers now wear socketines on their feet, drop something on the carpeta, shop for grocerias and have cornfley (“cornflakes”) for breakfast.

Norma Rodríguez, a 45-year-old Cuban living in Washington Heights, says it forms a part of her life now: “Sometimes, you don’t realize that you’re mixing the two languages. You just hear them both all the time and find that you’re inventing new words.” Other people, however, are fighting against this new street language. Businessman Juan Cortés sees it as a sign that the Spanish language is being destroyed. “It’s difficult, but I try not to speak it – it feels vulgar to me.”

Meanwhile, a surprising number of academics have spoken in favour of Spanglish. José María Ruiz, from NY State University, even runs courses in Spanglish and has written a dictionary. “It is a dialogue between two languages and cultures. We have to accept that languages change and evolve. The only languages that never change are dead ones.”

1、The Spanish-speaking population has grown very fast recently.()

2、More people are interested in studying Spanish than before.()

3、Spanglish is mainly used in formal contexts.()

4、Norma Rodríguez doesn’t notice when she is speaking Spanglish.()

5、Juan Cortés doesn’t speak Spanglish because he feels stupid when he tries.()

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更多“In which city can you read sig…”相关的问题
What is the 'biggest city in the world? That is, (21) city has the largest population? Thi

What is the 'biggest city in the world? That is, (21) city has the largest population? This seems like (22) question to answer, but actually it isn't.

It's actually rather difficult to say which cities (23) the largest. There are two reasons for this difficulty. First of all, it isn't easy to determine a city's boundaries, that is, where a city ends. Nowadays, nearly all cities have a large (24) area around them. So when we talk about the population of a city, we often mean the population of the whole metropolitan area around the city. That means that it's difficult to determine what the population of a city is because it's difficult to define what a city is.

The second reason that it is difficult to 25 the population of different cities is this: it is almost impossible to get (26) about the population of all cities for the same year. For example, we might get an estimate of New York's population in 1979 and an (27) of Mexico City's population in 1981. So we real ly can't compare the numbers because the information is for (28) different years. And the population of cities changes rather quickly, especially in some cases. For example, the population of Jakarta, Indonesia, may increase by 5% each year, so the population figure will change rather quickly.

So we can say that these are our two (29) for comparing the populations of cities: one, it's difficult to determine the (30) of a city, and two, it is difficult to get accurate information.

21. A. what

B. which

C. where

D. how

2 John Dixon is the recently appointed Chief of Police for a major city in the UK. He has
inherited a major problem in

that its residents are very concerned with various forms of antisocial behaviour and minor crimes carried out by a

small number of people, which makes living, working, travelling and socialising in the city centre unpleasant rather

than life threatening. The city’s residents have recently voted for it being one of the five worst cities in the UK in which

to live. There is little or no contact between the police and these residents.

The city is split into a number of police districts, each with its own senior officer in charge. Their focus is on the

response to emergency calls and solving serious crimes in their district rather than the less urgent crimes affecting

everyday living in the city. Response times and serious crime solution rates are the traditional measures by which their

performance is measured and leave them open to criticism of simply reacting to events. There is little sense of being

part of a city police force and, consequently, little sharing of information and experience between the different districts.

The failure in policing antisocial behaviour in the city is seen as being largely the result of a shortage of resources.

There are also important internal and external groups varying in their support or resistance to any necessary change

in policing strategy. Key players include the mayor of the city anxious to improve the reputation of the city, the city’s

press, traditionally used to highlighting police failures rather than successes and finally the courts of justice, which

are reluctant to take on the increased workload that any moves towards reducing antisocial behaviour would produce.

John is aware of the complexity of the problem he faces in changing the way the city is policed to improve the quality

of life of its citizens. He has, however, an impressive track record as a change agent in previous appointments and is

confident that he can bring about the necessary change.


(a) Using change management models where appropriate, provide John with a brief report on the nature of

change needed in the way the city is policed in order to improve the city’s quality of life. (12 marks)

When Bill de Blasio ran for New York City mayor last year, he promised to end a controversial (有争议的), citywide cell-phone ban(禁令)in public schools

When Bill de Blasio ran for New York City mayor last year, he promised to end a controversial (有争议的), citywide cell-phone ban(禁令)in public schools, which is not equally enforced in all schools. Now, under his leadership, the city is preparing to end the ban. It will be replaced by a policy that allows phones inside schools but tells students to keep them packed away during class.

Many schools have a rule about enforcing the ban that says, “If we don't see it, we don't know about it.” That means teachers are OK with students bringing in cell phones, as long as they stay out of sight and inside bags and pockets.

But at the 88 city schools with metal detectors, die ban has been strictly enforced. The detectors were installed to keep weapon out of schools,but the scanners(扫描器)can also detect cell phones. So students at these schools must leave their phones at home or pay someone to store it for them.

The ban was put into place in 2007 under mayor Michael Bloomberg. Ending the ban will also likely end an industry that has sprung up near dozens of the schools that enforce the ban. Workers in vans(厢式货车)that resemble food tracks store teens' cell phones and Other devices for a dollar a day,

Critics of the ban say cell phones are important safety devices for kids during an emergency. They also say that enforcement of the ban is uneven and discriminatory. Where the ban is enforced, it puts a disadvantage on students who can't afford to pay to store their phones.

Before putting an official end to the cell-phone ban, city education officials are working on creating a new policy. It will include rules about not using the phones during class or to cheat on tests.

1. Which of the following is the main idea of the passage?

A. New York City will give financial aid to poor students.

B. New York City plans to restrict cell phone use in libraries.

C. New York City plans to install metal detectors in all public schools.

D. New York City will soon end a ban on cell phones in schools.

2. Students pay___________ a day to leave their cell phones in a van parked near their school.

A. a dollar

B. two dollars

C. five dollars

D. ten dollars

3. Metal detectors were installed in 88 city schools, mainly to keep ___________ out of schools.

A. cell phones

B. weapons

C. alcohol

D. drugs

4. The word discriminatory in Paragraph 5 probably means ___________.

A. necessary

B. tough

C. strict

D. unfair

5. According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. After the cell-phone ban is ended, students can use their phones during class.

B. The cell-phone ban is equally enforced in all public schools.

C. The cell-phone ban was put into place in 2008 under Mayor Bill de Blasio.

D. A phone-storage industry has appeared outside the 88 metal-detector campuses.

Most of us trade money for entertainment. Movies, concerts and shows are enjoyable but exp
ensive. (78) If you think that you can't have a good time without spending a lot of money, read on. A little resourcefulness and a few minutes of newspaper- scanning should give you some pleasant surprises.

People may be the most interesting show in a large city. Stroll through busy streets and see what everybody else is doing. (79) You will probably see people from all over the world; you will certainly see people of every age, size, and shape, and you' II get a free fashion show, too. Window - shopping is also a safe sport -- if the stores are closed.

Check the listings in your neighborhood paper. Local colleges or schools often welcome the public to hear an interesting speaker or a good debate. The film or concert series at the local public library probably won't cost you a penny. Be sure to check commercial advertisements too. A flea market can provide hours of pleasant browsing. Perhaps you can find a free cooking or crafts demonstration in a department store.

Plan ahead for some activities. It is always more pleasant not to have people in front of you in a museum or at a zoo. You may save some money, too, since these places often set aside one or two free admission days at slow times during the week. Pretend that you are a tourist from time to time, and get to know your city all over again including the indispensable sights that people travel miles to see. If you feel like taking an interesting walk, find a free walking tour, or plan one yourself. You will see your city in a new perspective once you know more about its history or its architectural treasures. With imagination and a spirit of adventure you can quite easily find good entertainment at no cost at all.

Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A.There are many kinds of amusements you can enjoy with spending no money.

B.The film shown at the local public library is often free of charge.

C.Local colleges often hold meetings to debate the issues people are interested in.

D.You should be a tourist if you want to know more about the city you live in.

Which of the following statements is NOT true of the Barbie doll?A.She does not attract yo

Which of the following statements is NOT true of the Barbie doll?

A.She does not attract young men.

B.She has undergone many changes over the years.

C.She is ll.5 inches tall.

D.She has managed to keep up with fashion.

Scientists discovered that atoms of some substances are radioactive. This means that they
are unstable and can be split. The chain of splitting atoms releases great destructive energy and it was this discovery which led scientists to develop the idea of an atomic bomb. The American government secretly worked to produce such a bomb and the first version was much more powerful than anyone had thought.

By this time, the World War II had ended in Europe. But the Japanese refused to surrender, the Americans decided that by dropping an atomic bomb on Japan, they could end the war quickly and save more of their soldier’s lives.

Soon after midnight on 6 August 1945, a bomb was dropped on the city of Hiroshima, a civilian target. No warning was given and there was total devastation. Almost all the buildings were destroyed and more than 100000 people died or were horribly wounded.

The Japanese military still did not want to surrender so three days later, the Americans dropped a second atomic bomb on the city of Nagasaki, killing 45000 people. The Japanese government was discussing ending the war when they heard the news of Nagasaki. Finally, they surrendered and the World War II came to an end.

At first, the scientists who had built the bomb were pleased that it had helped to end the war. However, many would come to realize that they had helped to create the most terrible weapon known to man.

The first atomic bomb ______.

A.was less powerful

B.was dropped in Nagasaki

C.was a failure

D.was tested in desert

Hollywood (好莱坞) is a suburb of the city of Los Angeles (洛杉矶) in California. Until 19

Hollywood (好莱坞) is a suburb of the city of Los Angeles (洛杉矶) in California. Until 1908 it was no more than a quiet village on the northern side of the city, but in that year William Selig, one of the first people to make films, set up a film-producing workshop (车间) in Los Angeles. By 1911 , David and William Horsely had set up another one in Hollywood, and at about the same time oil was discovered in the neighborhood. Thus Hollywood quickly became a big district given over to the film industry and to oil wells

The early makers of films found Hollywood a good place for their work because of its clear, sunny, rain-free weather, which allowed pictures to be taken all the year round. Also, it was known that every kind of scene needed for films, whether town, country, sea, desert or snow-capped mountains, could be found within the area of California. Today, when most films can be "shot" (拍摄) under cover by man made lighting, these advantages (优点) are not so important.

In spite of a drop in its importance, Hollywood remains a center of film production although now making more films for television than for the cinema.

David and William Horsely ______.

A.were the first to set up a film-producing workshop in Hollywood

B.discovered oil in and around Hollywood

C.followed William Selig to Hollywood and settled down there

D.turned Hollywood into a film producing center of the country


Many visitors finds the fast pace at which American people move very troubling. One's first impression is likely to be that everyone is in a rush. City people always appear to be hurrying to get where they are going and are very impatient if they are delayed even for a short moment.

At first, this may seem unfriendly to you. People will push past you as they walk along the street. You will miss smiles, brief conversations with people as you shop or dine away from home. Do not think that because Americans are in such a hurry they are unfriendly. Often, life is much slower outside the big cities, as is true in other countries as well.

Americans who live in cities often think that everyone is equally in a hurry to get things done; just as city people do in Tokyo, Singapore or Paris, for example. But When they discover that you are a stranger, most Americans become quite kindly and will take great care to help you. If you need help and say, "I am a stranger here. Can you help me?' Most people will stop, smile at you, and help you find you way or answer your questions. Occasionally, you may find someone too busy or perhaps too rushed to give you help. If this happens, do not be discouraged (气馁); just ask someone else. Most Americans enjoy helping a stranger.

Many people who first visit the United States will find that().

A.America is a highly developed country

B.Americans are impatient and unfriendly people

C.the fast pace in American life often causes much trouble

D.American city people seem to be always in a rush

There (are) not many people in this city (which) (own) the houses they (live in).A.areB.wh

There (are) not many people in this city (which) (own) the houses they (live in).




D.live in

The first hotels were very different from today's hotels. They were small inns built along
the road. Later, as people began to travel by train, hotels were built in the centers of large cities. Usually located near railroad stations, these hotels were many stories tall and had hundreds of rooms.

Although trains were a popular means of travel for some time, automobiles slowly began to take their place. Automobile travel caused problems for city hotels, which did not have enough parking space for so many cars.

People who traveled by automobile needed a different kind of hotel. They needed places to stay that were near highways and had room to park. Motorists did not like to drive in heavy city traffic to reach a hotel. The answer to the motorists' problems came when a new kind of hotel was built. These new buildings were called motels, a word made from the first part of MOTORIST and the last part of HOTELS.

Motels were much smaller than hotels. Built on ground level, often in separate units, they were more convenient for people traveling. The separate units also made them quieter than hotels, best of all, there was more than enough room for cars to park. ,

Now, many big hotels in the cities are being torn down. They can no longer make enough money to stay in business. In their place, many small motels have been built on the outskirts(近郊) of cities. Motels have become a big business in the United States.

The first hotels were built______.

A.with hundreds of rooms

B.around the city centers

C.near railway stations

D.quite close to roads.

Is the city much different from ________________ it was ten years ago?





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