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Other experiments have shown 【61】 the brain needs time to "digest" 【62】 has been learned.

The time necessary 【63】 this is 5 to 10 minutes. After a break of this period of time the memory will have 【64 】what has just been learnt, and more will be remembered. During this break. 【65】 is important to exercise the right side of the brain, 【66】 the left side is used during a learning period. 【67】 you should relax in some way. 【68】 music, breathing in fresh air, and 【69】 at a picture, are all ways of using 【70】 side of the brain.






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更多“Other experiments have shown 【…”相关的问题
The article does not say whether the scientists' experiments with dogs have ______.A.benef

The article does not say whether the scientists' experiments with dogs have ______.

A.benefited animals other than dogs

B.served man

C.helped other dogs

D.contributed to medical knowledge

The article does not mention whether the scientists' experiments with dogs have ______.A.b

The article does not mention whether the scientists' experiments with dogs have ______.

A.benefited animals other than dogs

B.served man

C.helped other dogs

D.contributed to medical knowledge

After some experiments, the doctors found that ______. A. the influenza could be cured

After some experiments, the doctors found that ______.

A. the influenza could be cured like other types of influenza

B. the influenza must be treated in a special way

C. the influenza did not have to be treated

D. the influenza could not be cured by any known medicine

Halley made his discovery ______.A.by doing experimentsB.by means of his own careful obser

Halley made his discovery ______.

A.by doing experiments

B.by means of his own careful observation

C.by using the work of other scientists

D.by chance

One way that scientists learn about man is by studying animals, such as mice and monke
ys.科学家了解人类的一种方法是研究如老鼠、猴子这样的动物。The scientists in this laboratory are

experimenting on mice. They are studying the relationship between diet and health. At this time, over one hundred experiments are being done in this laboratory.

In one of these experiments, the scientists are studying the relationship between the amount of food the mice eat and their health. The mice are in three groups. All three groups are receiving the same healthy diet. But the amount of food that each group is receiving is different. The first group is eating one cup of food each day, the second group is eating two cups, and the third group of mice is eating three cups.

After three years, the healthiest group is the one that is only eating one cup of food each day. The mice in this group are thinner than normal mice. But they are more active. Most of the day, they are running, playing with one another, and using the equipment in their cages. Also, they are living longer. Mice usually live for two years. Most of the mice in this group are still alive after three years.

The second group of mice is normal weight. They are healthy, too. They are active, but not as active as the thinner mice. But they are only living about two years, not the three years or more of the thinner mice.

The last group of mice is receiving more food than the other two groups. Most of the day, these mice are eating or sleeping. They are not very active. These mice are living longer than the scientists thought - about a year and a half. But they aren't as healthy. They're sick more often than the other two groups.

(1)、The scientists in the laboratory are studying the relationship between the amount of food and diet.



(2)、The first two groups are receiving the most food.



(3)、The first group is the thinnest because they do not have a healthy diet.



(4)、Normal mice usually live for two years.



(5)、The text tells us that people who eat less and exercise more will live longer.



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Dear Mr. Jones:

Thanks a lot for your inquiry (147) information on our leather shoes. We have the pleasure to enclose our latest catalogue and price list. On top of that, samples of various materials we regularly use in manufacturing are (148). Moreover, we are informing you that we would like to cooperate on product lines.

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Catherine, Manager of Sales





D.being requested

Futurists love computers. After all, 40 years ago electronic digital computers didn't exis
t; today microchips (微型集成电路片) as tiny as a baby's fingernail are making all sorts of tasks faster and easier. Surely the future hold still more miracles.

Some of the computer experiments now going inspire imagination of the future. For example, scientists are working in devices that can electronically perform. some sight and hearing functions, which could make easier for the blind and deaf. They are also working on artificial arms and legs that respond to the electric impulses (脉冲) produced by the human brain. Scientists hope that someday a person who has lost an arm could still have near-normal brain control over an artificial arm.

Video games, computerized effects in movies, and real-life training machines now being used by the U. S. Army are causing some people to predict new educational uses for computers. Computers could someday be used to imitate travel to other planets, to explore the ocean floor or to look inside an atom.

Experiment with electronic banking and shopping inspire predictions that these activities will soon be done from home computer terminals (终端) . Cars, too, might be equipped with computers to help drivers find their way around or to communicate with home and office computers.

Many people, including handicapped (残废的) workers with limited ability to move around, already are working at home using computer terminals. Each terminal is connected to a system at a company's main office. Some futurists say the day may come when few people will have to leave home to go to work—they'll just turn on a terminal.

Which of the following would be the most appropriate title for the passage?

A.Futurists and Computers

B.A Look at Future Uses of Computers

C.Computer Experiments

D.Scientists and Computers

Read carefully the following excerpt on Historical Debate on Animal Experimentation, a
nd then write your response in NO LESS THAN 200 WORDS, in which you should:

summarize the main message of the excerpt, and then

comment on whether we should use animals for experimentation purpose or not

You should support yourself with information from the excerpt.

Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.

Historical Debate on Animal Experimentation

As the experimentation on animals increased, especially the practice of vivisection, so did criticism and controversy. In 1655, the advocate of Galenic physiology Edmund O'Meara said that "the miserable torture of vivisection places the body in an unnatural state." O'Meara and others argued that animal physiology could be affected by pain during vivisection, rendering results unreliable. There were also objections on an ethical basis, contending that the benefit to humans did not justify the harm to animals. Early objections to animal testing also came from another angle — many people believed that animals were inferior to humans and so different that results from animals could not be applied to humans.

On the other side of the debate, those in favor of animal testing held that experiments on animals were necessary to advance medical and biological knowledge. Claude Bernard — who is sometimes known as the " prince of vivisectors" and the father of physiology, and whose wife, Marie Frangoise Martin, founded the first anti-vivisection society in France in 1883 — famously wrote in 1865 that "the science of life is a superb and dazzlingly lighted hall which may be reached only by passing through a long and ghastly kitchen . Arguing that experiments on animals ...are entirely conclusive for the toxicology and hygiene of man ... the effects of these substances are the same on man as on animals, save for differences in degree, Bernard established animal experimentation as part of the standard scientific method.

The case for college has been accepted without question for more than a generation. All hi
gh school graduates ought to go, says conventional wisdom and statistical evidence, because college will help them earn more money, become "better" people, and learn to be more responsible citizens than those who don't go.

But college has never been able to work its magic for everyone. And now that close to half our high school graduates are attending, those who don't fit the pattern are becoming more numerous, and more obvious. College graduates are selling shoes and driving taxis; college students interfere with each other's experiments and write false letters of recommendation in the intense competition for admission to graduate school. Others find no stimulation in their studies, and drop out—often encouraged by college administrators.

Some observers say the fault is with the young people themselves—they are spoiled and they are expecting too much. But that's a c6ndemnation of the students as a whole, and doesn't explain all campus unhappiness. Others blame the state of the world, and they are partly right. We've been, told that young people have to go to college because our economy can't absorb an army of untrained eighteen-year-olds either.

Some adventuresome educators and campus watchers have openly begun to suggest that college may not be the best, the proper, the only place for every young person after the completion of high school. We may have been looking at all those surveys and statistics upside down, it seems, and through the rosy glow of our own remembered college experiences. Perhaps college doesn't make people intelligent, ambitious, happy, liberal, or quick to learn things—maybe it's just the other way around', and intelligent, ambitious, happy, liberal, quick-learning people are merely the ones who have been attracted to college in the first place. And perhaps all those successful college graduates would have been successful whether they had gone to college or not. This is heresy to those of us who have been brought up to believe that if a little schooling is good, more has to be much better. But contrary evidence is beginning to mount up.

What does the author believe according to the passage?______

A.People used to question the value of college education

B.People used to have full confidence in higher education

C.All high school graduates went to college

D.Very few high school graduates chose to go to college

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