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Bill and his family have been living in the same old building for eight years. The landlor

d (房东)also lives there,and usually all the tenants(房客)get along fairly well with one another. Recently,however, there has been a change in their relations.

A nice, quiet old couple used to live there, too. The old lady would sometimes bring some small cakes she made to Biir s mother,who in return would give her some meat or help her with shopping.Unfortunately,the old lady died last month. As her husband couldn’ t live alone,his grandson moved in.

The grandson, a youth of about twenty, has become a problem to Bill’ s family because he is so noisy. Biir s family members were used to peace and quiet,but the youth likes to listen to his radio late at night. Sometimes his friends came for a visit,and they also made a lot of noise. Everyone in Bill’ s family has been bothered by the new comer and getting angry.

Bill’ s mother once politely asked the old man if he was able to sleep well at night, but it seemed that he didn’ t understand what she meant and so never spoke to his grandson about it. If he did,the grandson apparently didn’ t listen, since things have not changed any. Everyone in Bill’ s family agrees that something has to be done, but no one wants to hurt the old man’ s feelings or cause him any problems. What do you think should be done? Bill’ s family got angry with their neighbor because

A.the old lady died

B.a young man moved in

C.the grandson made a lot of noise

D.the young man could not live alone

In the sentence “Every one in Bill’s family has been bothered by the new comer”,“bother” means____.A.scare

B.cause trouble to


D.make sorry

The grandson makes a lot of noise asA.he never cares whether the neighbors might want to live in peace and quiet

B.the walls of the building are thin

C.he likes to listen to his radio early iji the morning

D.friends come to visit him


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更多“Bill and his family have been …”相关的问题
One day in 1965, when I was a library worker at school, a teacher came to me. She had
a student who finished his work before all the others and needed something more difficult for him to do. "Could you help me in the library?"she asked. I said, "Send him along."

Soon, a golden-haired boy appeared. "Do you have a job for me?" he asked. I told him about a system for sorting books. He picked up the idea immediately. Then I showed him some cards for some unreturned books that I thought had been returned but not recorded. Maybe some books were put on wrong places. He said, "Is it a kind of a detective(侦探) job?" I answered yes, and then began his work.

He had found three books with wrong cards by the time his teacher opened the door and said, "Time for rest!" he argued for finishing the finding job, but the teacher won.

The next morning, he arrived early, "I want to finish these books," he said. At the end of the day, when he asked to work with me more often, it was easy for me to say yes.

After a few weeks I found a note on my desk, inviting me to dinner at the boy's home. At the end of a pleasant evening, his mother declared that the family would be moving to another school. Her son's first concern, she said,was leaving the library. "Who will find the lost books?" he asked. When the time came, it was hard to say goodbye.Though at the beginning he had seemed an ordinary boy, his strong feeling of interest had made him different.

Do you know who he is? This boy became a great man of the Information Age: Bill Gates.

(1)、Why did the teacher go to the library to find a job for Bill Gates?

A:Because the teacher found the librarian quite busy.

B:Because Bill Gates wanted to find a job.

C:Because Bill Gates finished his study quickly and had more free time than the others.

D:Because the library needed a new worker.

(2)、What do you know from the passage?

A:Library work was very difficult for Bill Gates.

B:Bill Gates did his job without any difficulty.

C:The librarian was too busy to have a rest.

D:His mother hoped that Bill Gates would stay for his job.

(3)、The sentence "He picked up the idea immediately" means that ______.

A:he learned that system quickly

B:he collected that system quickly

C:he lifted up that system quickly

D:he improved that system quickly

(4)、What was Bill Gates expected to do in the library?

A:Finding the lost cards.

B:Learning the system.

C:Helping the worker with everything in the library.

D:Finding books with wrong cards.

(5)、How did Bill Gates feel when his family would move to another school area?





Some people do not like anything to be out of place; they are never late for work; they re
turn their books on time to the library; they remember people's birthdays; and they pay their bills as soon as they arrive. Mr. Hill is such a man.

Mr. Hill works in a bank, and lives alone. The only family he has is in the next town: his sister lives there with her husband, and her son, Jack. Mr. Hill does not see his sister, or her family, from one year to the next, but he sends them Christmas cards, and he has not forgotten one of Jack's seventeen birthdays.

Last week Mr. Hill had quite a surprise. He drove home from the bank at the usual time, driving neither too slowly nor too fast; he parked his car where he always parked it ,out of the way of other cars, and he went inside to make his evening meal. Just then, there was a knock at the door. He opened the door, to find a policeman standing on the door-step.

"What have I done wrong?" Mr. Hill asked himself. "Have I driven on the wrong side of the road? Has there been some trouble at the bank? Have I forgotten to pay an important bill?"

"Hello, Uncle," said the policeman, "My name is Jack."

Mr. Hill ______.

A.works in a bank by himself

B.lives in a bank and works by himself

C.lives by himself and works in a bank

D.lives in a bank by himself

There is much chance()Bill will recover from his injury in time for the race.





In a student’s dormitory, an English student, Bill, dropped his book on the floor. Liu
picked it up immediately. Bill showed his appreciation and Liu replied:()

A.That’s a piece of cake.

B.It’s nothing.

C.It doesn’t matter.

D.You are too polite.

James' father __. A.divorced his wife B.liked to drink C.deserted his family D.B and C

______ for several times, Bill made up his mind not to play computer games at night any mo

A.To be scolded

B.To have been scolded

C.Being scolded

D.Having been scolded

The baker, with his wife and family, were able to get out through a window in the roo
After ten years' absence he came back only to find his family was not ______ it used to be





As our van pulled up to the ranch (牧场) to start a three-month program for troubled boys,

As our van pulled up to the ranch (牧场) to start a three-month program for troubled boys, we passed a cowboy on his horse. Bill was the owner of the ranch. We made eye contact through the dusty window and he winked (挤眼睛) at me and touched the brim of his cowboy hat in welcome.

All summer long Bill and his ranch-hands taught us to ride horses, chop wood, and round up cattle. We started to understand the value of working with our hands. Knowing how important it was for boys like me to know that someone believed in them, he trusted us to do the job and do it right. We never let him down.

The last day at the ranch, Bill pulled me aside and praised me for the work I had done-not only on the ranch, but also on myself. He told me if I ever needed anything I could count on him.

Four years later, I took him up on that offer. I called him up and asked for a job. I told him how his confidence in me had given me the courage to change my life. He offered me a job on the spot. I’m proud to say that each summer I’m the one in the ranch to open the gate for a van full of young men who need someone to believe in them, so they can learn to believe in themselves.

The author’s first impression of Bill was probably his _________.





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