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It is possible for the college students to______.A.live in college from the beginningB.kee

It is possible for the college students to______.

A.live in college from the beginning

B.keep both bikes and cars in college

C.have all the meals outside the college each week

D.live in college for their final year of the course

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更多“It is possible for the college…”相关的问题
I would never have believed it was possible if I ______ it with my own eyes. A. didn'

I would never have believed it was possible if I ______ it with my own eyes.

A. didn't see

B. don't see

C. won't see

D. hadn't seen

对话理解听力原文:W: I know there are some elements which will affect the investors' search


听力原文:W: I know there are some elements which will affect the investors' searches for the highest possible returns. What are they?

M: Risk aversion, lack of time, lack of skill, and other mortal conditions.

Q: Which of the following doesn't belong to the elements which will constrain the investors' searches for the highest possible returns?


A.Risk aversion.

B.Lack of time.

C.Lack of skill.

D.Enough time.

Director:1 wonder if it is possible for US to arrange a meeting this week?Assistant manage
r:I cab’t make it this week. Director:Shall we make it next week?Assistant manager:OK.Does next Tuesday suit you ?Director:Yes,it’S fine with me.

A.1,m sure

B.I should say

C.I"m afraid

D.I know

The sentence “Michael is imaginary, but his lifestyle. is very possible” means ______

A、Michael is a person full of imagination and he can make his dreams come true

B、Michael is not a real person but probably the lifestyle. does exist

C、Michael has ambitions but he can’t make his dreams come true

D、Michael is a person full of imagination and his lifestyle. is common nowadays

A from B.by C.more than D.because E.offThere are so many possible hobbies.Choose one-or
A from B.by C.more than D.because E.off

There are so many possible hobbies.Choose one-or possibly ____1 one-that suits you.A hobby should be something that when you get up in the morning on your day ____2,you will be able to

say,Great,today I can enjoy my hobby,"or"I can't wait to get home ____3 work,because my hobby is waiting for me!"You should be so absorbed when doing your hobby that you may even losetrack of time.A hobby can bring tremendous joy and satisfaction to the young or old.Start out ____4 making a list of all the possible hobbies you even think you would be interested in.Search your mind back to when you were younger too.Maybe your drawing or painting was hung in the hall at your grammar school _____5 it was so good or possibly you remember doing your own tune up on your car and how proud you were.At this point you just want to list a lot ofpossibilities,no matter how odd they may seem.

First aid(急救) is the care given to the injured or sick person as soon as possible after

First aid(急救) is the care given to the injured or sick person as soon as possible after an accident or illness. It is this immediate care and attention before the arrival of the ambulance(救护车) that sometimes means the difference between life and death, or a full or partial recovery.

First aid has limitations, as not everybody is a doctor or expert, but it is a key element of the total medical system.

The principle to be adopted in first aid is immediate action. By-standers(旁观者) or relatives not knowing what to do, or being too fearful to try, have unwisely contributed or unnecessary deaths and worth injuries.

It is important that any action taken by the first aid provider is started as quickly as possible. Quick action is necessary to save life and parts of the body. One who is not breathing effectively, or is bleeding(流血) heavily, requires immediate help. If quick effective first aid is provided, then they have a much better chance of a good recovery.

But it should be remembered that any action taken is to be most careful, and fright(恐慌) by the first aid provider and by standers will not be good to the whole thing. Try to remain calm and think your action through. A calm and controlled first aider will give everyone confidence that the event is being handled efficiently and effectively.

The writer seems to suggest that if you don't know much about first aid, you should ______.

A.call for help from professionals

B.still try to help

C.stand by and not try to help

D.learn it from a doctor

Key James, Secretary of Health and Human Resources in the Virginia State government, loves
to turn the tables on those who don't think it's possible to be middle-class, conservative, educated and still be truly black. Once, during an abortion debate, a woman in the audience angrily told James she was so middle-class she didn't have a clue about real African American life. "If you understood what these women go through," the woman said, "you would realize that abortion is their only choice."

James then asked the woman to consider a poor black mother on welfare. She already has four children and an alcoholic husband who has all but abandoned the family. Now she discovers another child is on the way. "How would you counsel that woman?" asked James.

"Have an abortion," the woman responded. "That child would have a very poor quality of life."

"I have a vested interest in your answer," James said. "The woman I described was my mother. I was the fifth of six children born into poverty. And, in case you're interested, the quality of my life is just fine!"

Kay James ______.

A.is not a black

B.is a poor black mother

C.has five brothers and sisters

D.has a hard life

阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容进行判断,正确写“T”错误写“F”。Read the text and decide


Read the text and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).


How to introduce yourself on the first day of work?If you are looking for some ideas, here are some tips for you.

Don't be afraid to ask a lot of questions. You're new and it's better to do something right the first time than have to do it again. Nobody expects you to know everything.

Smile a lot and be as friendly as possible to everyone you meet –no matter what their position is or how important they are! Use your lunch hours to get together with your co-workers. Get to know them and their interests.

Pay attention to the rumours, but don't join them. You don't want to be thought as a gossip.

Don't complain about your boss, any co-workers, or the job you did before. Continue to arrive early and don't rush out of the door at the end of the day.

Keep a positive attitude and an open mind. Your life has changed and you will get used to it.

1. Nobody expects you to know everything on the first day at work.{T、F}

2. You're new, so you shouldn't ask any questions.{T、F}

3. You should be friendly to both your co-workers and the leaders.{T、F}

4. It's not polite to learn about the interests of your co-workers.{T、F}

5. You can leave your office as quickly as you can at the end of the day.{T、F}

根据文章内容进行判断,正确写“T”错误写“F” International Transport Transport plays an important part in international business because goods produced have to be


International Transport

Transport plays an important part in international business because goods produced have to be delivered to the buyers abroad, and the delivery of goods is to be made possible by transport services. Goods are carried by several means of transport-on road or rail, by sea or air. And in recent years, combined transport which is a road-sea-rail carriage appeared.

With the expansion of international trade, the container service has become popular. The use of containers provides a highly effective form. of transport by road, rail and sea. Basically, about 98% of world trade is carried out by sea· transport. Besides transport by sea, road, or rail, nowadays in order to speed up delivery, carriage by air has also become popular.

()26. Transport plays an important part in international business because goods produced have to be sent to everywhere in the world.

()27. In recent years, combined transport which is a road-sea-rail carriage appeared.

()28. With the expansion of international trade, the combined transport service has become popular.

()29. The use of containers gives a very helpful method of transport.

()30. Today carriage by air has become popular because it can speed up delivery.

Do you find getting up in the morning so difficult that it's painful? This might be called
laziness, but Dr. Kleitman has a new explanation. He has proved that everyone has a daily energy cycle.

During the hours when you labor through your work you may say that you're "hot." That's tree. The time of day when you feel most energetic is when your cycle of body temperature is at its peak. For some people the peak. comes during the forenoon. For others it comes in the afternoon or evening. No one has discovered why this is so, but it leads to such familiar monologues (自言自语) as: "Get up, John! You'll be late for work again!" The possible explanation to the trouble is that John is at his temperature-and-energy peak in the evening. Much family quarrelling ends when husbands and wives realize what these energy cycles mean, and which cycle each member of the family has.

You can't change your energy cycle, but you can learn to make your life fit it better. Habit can help, Dr. Kleitman believes. Maybe you're sleepy in the evening but feel you must stay up late anyway. Counteract (对抗) your cycle to some extent by habitually staying up later than you want to. If your energy is low in the morning but you have an important job to do early in day, rise before your usual hour. This won' t change your cycle, but you'll get up steam (鼓起干劲) and work better at your low point.

Get off to a slow start which saves your energy. Get up with a leisurely yawn and stretch. Sit on the edge of the bed a minute before petting your feet on the floor. Avoid the troublesome search for clean clothes by laying them out the night before. Whenever possible, do routine work in the afternoon and save tasks requiring more energy or concentration for your sharper hours.

If a person finds getting up early a problem, most probably ______.

A.he is a lazy person

B.he refuses to follow his own energy cycle

C.he is not sure when his energy is low

D.he is at his peak in the afternoon or evening

完成下列各选项 A Countless times in my life I've heard
“ I have the worst memory in the world.I meet some—one and,a minute later,forget his name.’’ Well,I have news for you.That is not always so.Sometimes you do not forget the name.You do not even hear it in the first place. Try to recall(回忆)the last time You met a stranger.The introduction probably sounded something 1ike this:“Mr·Jones,say hello to Mr.Fuzafumer.”What you heard was a mumble (嗫嚅)·The thing to do at this point is to say,“I'm sorry,I didn’t catch your name.” Most people think it isn’t polite to ask to hear a name again.I don't know why.If you make the slightest fuss(大惊小怪)over it,he or she will love you. Here ale five simple rules to help you remember names: 1.Be sure to hear the name. 2·Ask how the name is spelled.This forces you to pay attention. 3·Make a remark about the name—any remark.For example,“0h,I just met a person with the same name.”0r,“What is that name a derivative(派生词)of?”Whatever. 4·Use the name where it is possible during the talk. 5·Use the name again when you say good.bye. Remember this:anything that is meaningful is already half-remembered.Names like Flag,Hunter,Rivers,Armstrong already have meaning.But how will you picture.names like Bartosevitch ? Think of“bought a savage”.If you meet someone named Bill,picture a dollar bill.For Richard,picture someone being rich. The writer thinks that people________ .

A.don’t always forget other's names

B.don’t hear others’names

C.never forget others’names

D.have the worst memory

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