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He is expected Lo make a speech this afternoon, ______?A.is he notB.isn't heC.is not heD.i

He is expected Lo make a speech this afternoon, ______?

A.is he not

B.isn't he

C.is not he

D.isn't it

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更多“He is expected Lo make a speec…”相关的问题
His eyes shone brightly when he finally received the magazine he ______.A.had long been ex

His eyes shone brightly when he finally received the magazine he ______.

A.had long been expected

B.had long expected

C.has long expected

D.was long expected

Before he arrived at the farmer's house, the writer expected to see Milly lying_______

A. on the floor of a room

B. on the ground of a barn

C. in bed in a barn

D. in bed in a room

The professor paused as if______his students to ask questions on the point he had just mad


B.to expect


D.to have expected

None of us expected the chairman to ________ at the party. We thought he was still
in hospital.

A) turn in

B) turn over

C) turn up

D) turn down

回答下列各题 B Not many years ago,a wealthy and rather stra
nge old mall named Johnson lived alone in a village in the south of England.He had made a lot of money in trading with foreign countries.When he was seventy-five.he gave£1200 to the village school to buy land and equipment for a children’s playground. As a result of his kindness,many people came to visit him.Among them was a newspaperman.During their talk,Johnson remarked that he was seventy—five and expected to live to be a hundred.The newspaperman asked him how he managed to be healthy at seventy-five.Johnson had a sense of humour(幽默).He liked whisky(威士忌酒)and drank some each day.“I have an injection(注射)in my neck each evenin9,”he told the newspaperman,thinking of his evening glass of whisky. The newspaperman did not understand what Johnson meant.In his newspaper he reported that Johnson was seventy.five and had a daily injection in his neck.Within a week Johnson received thousands of letters from all over Britain.asking him for the secret of his daily injection. The gift of money to the school suggests that Johnson_________.

A.had no children

B.was a strange man

C.was very fond of children

D.wanted people to know how rich he was

(a) Mr Xu, a domestic Chinese, is a designer. He is considering the following four options

(a) Mr Xu, a domestic Chinese, is a designer. He is considering the following four options:

Option A: Joining Delta Ltd as a manager with a monthly salary of RMB40,000 and an annual bonus of RMB100,000 payable in December each year.

Option B: Providing services to Delta Ltd as a consultant for a consultancy fee of RMB50,000 per month.

Option C: Setting up his own sole proprietorship. He will pay himself a monthly salary of RMB20,000 from this sole proprietorship. For 2014 the net profit of the sole proprietorship after charging Mr Xu’s salary is expected to be RMB420,000.

Option D: Setting up a limited company, Xupa Ltd. He will pay himself a monthly salary of RMB20,000 from Xupa Ltd. For 2014 the net profit of the company after charging Mr Xu’s salary is expected to be RMB420,000. Xupa Ltd will pay enterprise income tax at the rate of 25% and distribute all of its profit after tax to its shareholder, Mr Xu, as a dividend.


Calculate the individual income tax (IIT) payable by Mr Xu for 2014 under each of the four options.

Note: Ignore value added tax and business tax. (10 marks)

(b) State, giving reasons, whether the following persons will be subject to individual income tax in China on their worldwide income in 2014:

(1) Ms Wang has her household in Xiamen and holds a China identity card. She has been studying in Australia since 2010 and has not returned to China for the last six years, including in 2014.

(2) Mr Beth is a US citizen, who has lived in China working for a non-government organisation since 2010. He has not travelled outside China for the last six years, including in 2014.

(3) Ms Ruth is an Australian citizen. She travelled to China and stayed in China for a total of 250 days in 2014. (5 marks)

Not many years ago, a wealthy and rather strange old man named Johnson lived alone in a vi
llage in the south of England. He had made a lot of money in trading with foreign countries. When he was seventy-five,he gave £1200 to the village school to buy land and equipment for a children’s playground.

As a result of his kindness, many people came to visit him. Among them was a newspaperman. During their talk,Johnson remarked that he was seventy-five and expected to live to be a hundred.

The newspaperman asked him how he managed to be healthy at seventy-five. Johnson had a sense of humour (幽默).He liked whisky (威士忌酒)and drank some each day. “I have an injection(注射)in my neck each evening,”he told the newspaperman,thinking of his evening glass of whisky.

The newspaperman did not understand what Johnson meant. In his newspaper he reported that Johnson was seventy-five and had a daily injection in his neck. Within a week Johnson received thousands of letters from all over Britain, asking him for the secret of his daily injection.

____The gift of money to the school suggests that Johnson .

A.had no children

B.was a strange man

C.was very fond of children

D.wanted people to know how rich he was

Many people wrote to Johnson to find out____.A.what kind of whisky he had

B.how to live longer

C.how to become wealthy

D.in which part of the neck to have an injection

The newspaperman____.A.should have reported what Johnson had told him

B.shouldn’ t have asked Johnson what injection he had

C.was eager to live a long life

D.should have found out what Johnson really meant

When Johnson said he had an injection in his neck each evening, he really meant that____.A.he drank a glass of whisky in the evening

B.he needed an injection in the neck

C.a daily injection in the evening would make him sleep well

D.there was something wrong with his neck


An important factor of leadership is attraction. This does not mean attractiveness in the
ordinary sense, for that is a born quality (21) our control. The leader has, nevertheless, to be a magnet; a central figure towards whom people are (22) Magnetism in that sense depends, first of all, (23) being seen. There is a type of authority which can be (24) from behind closed doors, but that is not leadership. (25) there is movement and action, the true leader is in the forefront and may seem, indeed, to be everywhere at once. He has to become a legend; the (26) for anecdotes, whether true or (27) , character. One of the simplest devices is to be absent (28) the occasion when the leader might be (29) to be there, enough in itself to start a rumor about the vital business (30) has detained him. To (31) up for this, he can appeal when least expected, giving rise to another story about the interest he can display (32) things which other folks might (33) as trivial. With this gift for (34) curiosity the leader always combines a reluctance to talk about himself. His interest is (35) in other people; he questions them and encourages them to talk and then remembers all (36) is relevant. He never leaves a party (37) he has mentally formed a minimum dossier (档案) on (38) present, ensuring that he knows (39) to say when he meets them again. He is not artificially extrovert but he would usually rather listen (40) talk. Others realize gradually that his importance needs no proof.





Joe is the managing director and 100% shareholder of OK-Joe Ltd. He has always withdrawn t
he entire profits of the company as director’s remuneration, but given a recent increase in profitability he wants to know whether this basis of extracting the profits is beneficial.

For the year ended 5 April 2016, OK-Joe Ltd’s taxable total profits, before taking account of director’s remuneration, are £65,000. After allowing for employer’s class 1 national insurance contributions (NIC) of £5,141, Joe’s gross director’s remuneration is £59,859.

The figure for employer’s NIC of £5,141 is after deducting the £2,000 employment allowance.


Calculate the overall saving of tax and NIC for the year ended 5 April 2016 if Joe had instead paid himself gross director’s remuneration of £8,000 and net dividends of £45,600.


1. You are expected to calculate the income tax payable by Joe, the class 1 NIC payable by both Joe and OK-Joe Ltd, and the corporation tax liability of OK-Joe Ltd for the year ended 5 April 2016. 2. You should assume that the rate of corporation tax remains unchanged.







Suppose that two investments have the same three payoffs, but the probability associated with each pay off differs,as illustrated in the table below:

a. Find the expected return and standard deviation of each investment.

b. Jill has the utility function U=5I, where I denotes the payoff. Which investment will she choose?

c. Ken has the utility function U=, Which investment will he choose?

d. Laura has utility function U=5I2,Which investment will he choose?







Richard is deciding whether to buy a state lottery ticket. Each ticket costs $ 1, and the probability of winning payoff is given as follows:

a. What is the expected value of Richard' s payoff if he buys a lottery ticket? What is

the variance?

b. Richard' 8 nickname is“No-risk Rick". He is an extremely risk-averse individual. Would he buy the ticket?

e. Richard has been given 1000 lottery tickets. Discuss how you would determine the smallest amount for which he would be willing to sell all 1000 tickets.

d. In the long run, given the price of the lottery tickets and the probability/return table, what do you think the state would do about the lottery?

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