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Which color is a symbol of joy and festivity?()





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Which of the following could be the most suitable title?A.The Discipline of Color Psycholo

Which of the following could be the most suitable title?

A.The Discipline of Color Psychology

B.Color and Its Connotations

C.The Practical Use of Color

D.Color and Feelings

Which statement is true according to the passage?A.Not all objects reflect light.B.All obj

Which statement is true according to the passage?

A.Not all objects reflect light.

B.All objects reflect light.

C.One particular object reflects only one color of light.

D.No objects will reflect all colors of light.

According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true? A. One can know his fri

According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?

A. One can know his friends better from their color preference.

B. Workers can work better in a room with bright colors.

C. The person who prefers dark colors can not be successful.

D. We can change our mood by changing our clothes.


Which of the following is the best expression of the main idea of this passage? A. People in beautiful rooms tend to give higher marks to photos of faces than people in ugly rooms B. The color and general appearance of a room have a deeper effect on the behavior of the people in it C. The University of Kansas has studied the effects of the color of room on people’s behavior D. Beautifully furnished, light-coloured rooms make people more comfortable than ugly, dark rooms

Many animals have an excellent sense of smell, which they use in hunting. On the other han
d, their eyesight may be poor. Dogs, for example, have poor eyesight and no color vision. They see only shades of gray. But the dog's sense of smell is extraordinary,

The kind of dog known as Alsatian has 220 million olfactory (嗅觉) cells. Man has five million. Scientists believe that the Alsatian is one million times better than man in finding out odors.

The human sense of smell, however, is really quite good. The average human being can distinguish more than 10 000 different odors.

According to the passage which of the following facts is NOT true?

A.Many animals have poor eyesight while their sense of smell, is quite good.

B.Dogs are color blind.

C.The human sense of smell is not good.

D.Dogs can see no more than shades of gray.

What is color? Why do some objects look red, others green, others blue?Color is caused by

What is color? Why do some objects look red, others green, others blue?

Color is caused by reflected light rays. We see color because objects reflect light. Some thing that is red reflects mostly red light. In the same way, a green object reflects mostly green light. White objects reflect all colors of light. Black objects do not reflect any light.

What happens to the colors of light that are not reflected? They are absorbed by the object. The darker the color, the less light is reflected and the more light is absorbed. Light that is absorbed is turned into heat. For this reason, dark-colored clothes are warmer in the sunlight than light-colored clothes.

Which is the main idea of this passage?

A.Dark-colored clothes are warmer in the sunlight.

B.Objects absorb part of the sunlight.

C.Color is caused by reflected light rays.

D.A red object reflects mostly red light.

The right combination of bricks, mortar and plaster can be mixed to build a city, but it i
s the city' s people who add that extra dimension which makes it vibrant, memorable, famous and much-visited. London is such a city, and a major exhibition about its people makes this point by pulling together paintings, drawing and prints by artists over the centuries to show Londoners from all walks of life and in all manners of setting. The capital' s renowned old markets, most now gone, like Covent Garden and Billingsgate, captured the eye of painters because of the extraordinarily disparate range of characters mingling together. Processions and ceremonial events were popular subjects, although many artists were inspired by the individuals they saw: the street traders, laborers, merchants, craftsmen, society folk, servants, visiting foreigners, the very poor, the old, and the criminals. There is a book which accompanies the show and from which In Britain has chosen its illustrations. Londoners is published Thames and Hudson, 30-34 Bloomsbury street, London WC1B 3QP. Telephone 01- 636 5488. It has 237 illustrations, 20 in color: £20 in hardback, £9.95 paperback. Available post-free direct form. the publishers to addresses overseas, or form. bookshops in the UK.

The exhibition continues until August 2 at the Museum of London. Open Tuesday to Saturday,

According to the advertisements, the element which adds the real color to a city is ______.

A.the city itself

B.its inhabitants

C.the buildings

D.the markets

Jill has a small shop which sells clothes. She buys them wholesale, and then puts on
e of

each in her shop where customers can look at all her range. She rents a large warehouse to

keep her stock. All her dresses are selling well. Her business is making a good profit which

she wants to invest to expand her business. Jill asked her bank manager for advice. He

suggested having a homepage on the lnternet, and selling her clothes online. Internet

shopping suits her business model, because she buys many dresses all the same color to get a low nrprice. She can reach more customers online, and sell more dresses. This will increase her business quickly without buying a larger shop.

(1) Jill has a lot of dresses in stock.

(2) Jill buys her dresses very cheaply.

(3) She asks her bank manager for a loan.

(4) The bank manager suggests selling her business.

(5) The lnternet will expand her business.

Teachers using red pen to mark students work could be harming their psyche as the color is
too aggressive, according to education strategies drafted by an Australian state government. The "Good Mental Health Rocks" kit, which was distributed this month to about 30 schools in Queensland state, offers strategies such as " Dont mark in red pen(which can be seen as aggressive)—Use a different color. " Other tips include structuring time for peer tutoring every day, apologizing to students when necessary and asking students to conduct a " personal skills audit" where they focus on their individual strengths rather than their weaknesses. The kit, designed to help Queensland teachers address mental health in the classroom, suggests that social and emotional wellbeing has been linked to young peoples schooling, among other things. The education aid has sparked a row in parliament, with deputy opposition leader Mark McArdle calling it "kooky, loony, loopy lefty policies. " But Health Minister Stephen Robertson, whose department devised the kit, said youth suicide was a serious issue. " If mental health professionals determine that as one of a number of strategies teachers should consider, then Ill support them every day of the week," he told reporters recently. "This is not a matter for ridicule, this is serious. " According to some Australian mental health groups, the greatest number of people with mental illness are aged between 18 and 24 years, with 14 percent of Australian children and adolescents suffering from some sort of illness. Boys are slightly more likely to experience mental health problems than girls and depression is one of the most common conditions in young people and increases during adolescence, the website of mental health group Mindframe. said.

Teachers are advised not to mark students work in red pen because______.

A.red color is too eye-catching

B.it may hurt students" feelings

C.it is against the state law

D.colors are too aggressive






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