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After reading the story, you can probably tell which of the following is NOT true? A

After reading the story, you can probably tell which of the following is NOT true?

A. Mr. Green didn't go to the police station until the man got off his car and ran away.

B. Mr. Green would go to the police station as soon as possible.

C. The robber got out of Mr. Green's car at the outskirts of London safely.

D. Mr. Green might not go to the police station unless he was wanted.

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I was reading()my friend called.




D.as soon as

After reading the first chapter of Pride and Prejudice, we may come to know that Mrs. Bennet is a woman of simple character and poor understanding.()
We can learn from the passage that______. A. Reading is just a way of knowing new

We can learn from the passage that______.

A. Reading is just a way of knowing new words

B. A good reader must learn more new words

C. A good reader can think before, while and after reading

D. Reading takes a lot of time

After reading the story what can we infer about the hospital?A.h is a children’s hospital

After reading the story what can we infer about the hospital?

A.h is a children’s hospital.

B.It has strict rules about visiting hour.

C.The conditions there aren’t very good.

D.The nurses and doctors there don’t work hard.

After reading the story what can we infer about the film director? A.He wanted to laugh at
Larry. B.He recognized Larry at first sight. C.He was kind and gave Larry a try. D.He thought Larry would become a star.

Are you a good reader? Good readers know that reading isn't just about knowing words— it's
a way of thinking. Here are some tips that may be of some help.

Think before you read. Before you read the text, ask yourself the questions that why you are reading it and what you want to get from it. These will help you choose what words you need to know and what words you can skip or scan.

Think while you are reading. Can you get the meaning of the text without looking up new words in a dictionary? A text will often give examples that may help you understand some words. For example: Many large Russian cities, such as Chelyabinsk and Irkutsk, have taken steps to protect their culture. The words "Chelyabinsk' and "Irkutsk' may be new to us, but the sentences before and after it tell us what they are.

Think after you read. What is the main idea of the text? Is the text too easy or too hard for you?

If you practice reading and thinking in this way, you will become a better reader and you will learn better and faster.

This passage is probably taken from______.

A.a newspaper for general readers

B.a magazine for language teachers

C.a book for language learners

D.an advertisement for a new book



Kindles, Nooks and other e-readers are threatening the future of printed books. But reading itself may get a boost from the devices. For example, a study found that the kids felt better about reading after a course in which they used Amazon Kindles. The research is in the _International Journal of Applied Science and Technology._

For two months, 199 middle-school students in a reading improvement class in Texas had 15 to 25 minutes every day when they were free to read on the Kindle. In general, the students felt the device improved their reading ability. And they tended to enjoy using an e-reader.

They noted the ease of carrying multiple books in one device, and the feeling that reading was suddenly a high-tech 21st-century activity rather than a boring waste of time. And some low-level readers who might otherwise be embarrassed to be seen with a simple book liked keeping their peers in the dark about what title they were reading. In the old days, one had to use a fake book-cover to achieve that level of secrecy.

1. Amazon Kindles is a kind of e-books. {T; F}

2. The research done in the _International Journal of Applied Science and Technology_ has lasted for two years. {T; F}

3. The students felt e-books could not improve their reading ability. {T; F}

4. Many students tended to enjoy using an e-reader. {T; F}

5. Some low-level readers used to use fake book-covers to keep their peers in the dark. {T; F}

There (1)_____ not one type of reading but several according to your reasons for reading.

There (1)_____ not one type of reading but several according to your reasons for reading. To read carefully, you have to (2)_____ your reading speed and technique (3)_____ your aim (4)_____ reading. Skimming is a technique necessary for quick and efficient reading.

When skimming, you (5)_____ the reading (6)_____ quickly in order to get the (7)_____ of it, to know how it is organized, (8)_____ an idea of the tone or the intention of the writer. Skimming is (9)_____ an activity which (10)_____ an overall view of the text and (11)_____ a definite reading competence.

Skimming doesn't need reading all the material, but it doesn't mean that it is an (12)_____ skill for the lazy, because it need a high degree of alertness and concentration.

When you read, you usually start with (13)_____ understanding and move towards detailed understanding rather than working the other way round. But (14)_____ is also used after you have already carefully studied and you need to (15)_____ the major ideas and concepts.

In order to be able to skim quickly and (16)_____ through a text, you should know where to look for what you want. In preview skimming you read the introductory information, the headings and subheadings, and the summary, if one is provided. (17)_____ this skimming, decide whether to read the material more thoroughly, and select the appropriate speed (18)_____ you read.

The same procedure (19)_____ for preview skimming could also be used to get an overview. Another method would be to read only key words. This is done by omitting the unnecessary words, phrases, and sentences.

In order to skim efficiently and fulfill your purpose, (20)_____ practice is necessary.





Another useful method for improving your reading is the ability to reflect on what is be
ing presented. Readers ___46___ the material that they have read not simply to understand it, ___47___ to interpret, analyze, and critique this information. Readers use several different methods to help them reflect such as careful note – taking, synthesis (综合). And analysis.

Careful note – taking on your reading material ___48___ while you read. Pausing periodically to ___49__ about important claims or ideas, ___50___ details, or questions about unclear concepts. The act of note – taking will help you to reflect about the content of the document, and the notes you keep will ___51___ an archive that you can refer to in the future.

Synthesis is the ability to take what are ___52___ seeming irrelevant points and put them together into a meaningful, new whole. Synthesis may occur during your reading, or it may tale place after you have read a document in its entirety.

Analysis moves synthesis one step ___53___ , encouraging a reader to carefully examine thoroughly the points ___54__ , and how they are synthesized. After readers analyze a passage or a whole text, they ___55__ regarding the document, either generally agreeing or disagreeing with its message. (205 words)

46. A. study B. reflect on C. consider D. think

47. A. and B. but also C. moreover D. yet

48. A. must take place B. may start C. have to begin D. should occur

49. A. make note B. write note C. take notes D. keep note

50. A. relevant B. connected C. associated D. linked

51. A. act as B. serve as C. consider as D. regard as

52. A. firstly B. to begin with C. first hand D. at first

53. A. in advance B. farther C. further D. forwardly

54. A. to be made B. being made C. having made D. to make

55. A. take a position B. insist on C. consider D. hold the view

Task 1Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfini

Task 1

Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 36 through 40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. You should make the correct choice.

The purpose of any selection interview is to choose the right person for the job in question or to select someone who shows potential for more senior posts. Interviews may not be the ideal method of selecting staff. For one thing, you will not know whether you have selected wisely until long after the interview. The period you have to wait will depend on the job in question. The lower the level of the job is, the quicker you will discover how good you were with your selection. Be clear what you are trying to achieve by the interview and how you intend to do it.

Interviewing requires many skills which typically only develop with practice. Be careful that you are not being subjective in your judgments(判断); try to be objective wherever possible. An example may illustrate the point. If you interview a long-haired male applicant, you may be put off by the length of his hair; you may associate the long hair with untidiness, dirt or laziness.

This is a subjective judgment—another interviewer may not be affected by hair length in the same way.

Subjective misjudgment is sometimes called the "halo and horn" effect. We meet someone neatly dressed and well-spoken, and from this we assume that they are all things good; that they will be reliable, honest, hard working, etc. We are blinded by their halo. Conversely, on meeting a roughly-spoken, scruffy(褴褛的)individual we decide they will be unreliable, careless and lazy. We only see their horns. This problem needs to be overcome, since we could so easily overlook first-class candidates(候选人)for vital posts because we have not been objective.

Which of the following best summarizes the main idea of the essay?

A.Things to pay attention to when interviewing job applicants.

B.Things to pay attention to when applying for a job.

C.Advice to how to be subjective.

D.The importance of a selection interview.

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