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10 What would the company’s profit become after the correction of the above errors?A $634,

10 What would the company’s profit become after the correction of the above errors?

A $634,760

B $624,760

C $624,440

D $625,240

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更多“10 What would the company’s pr…”相关的问题
The Chairman and the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Kengai Co are discussing whether or

The Chairman and the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Kengai Co are discussing whether or not the company should adopt a triple bottom line (TBL) reporting system in order to demonstrate Kengai Co’s level of sustainable development. Kengai Co’s competitors are increasingly adopting TBL reporting and the Chairman feels that it would be beneficial to follow suit. The CEO, on the other hand, feels that pursuing TBL reporting would be expensive and is not necessary.


(a) Explain what TBL reporting involves and how it would help demonstrate Kengai Co’s sustainable development. Support your explanation by including examples of proxies that can be used to indicate the impact of the factors that would be included in a TBL report. (8 marks)

(b) Discuss how producing a TBL report may help Kengai Co’s management focus on improving the financial position of the company. Illustrate the discussion with examples where appropriate. (10 marks)

The board of Helot Co has asked the finance director to explain what activities can be und
ertaken to close a cost gap on its computer games.

Which of the following would be appropriate ways for Helot Co to close a cost gap?

(1) Buy cheaper, lower grade plastic for the game discs and cases

(2) Using standard components wherever possible in production

(3) Employ more trainee game designers on lower salaries

(4) Use the company’s own online gaming websites for marketing

A.1, 2 and 3

B.1, 3 and 4

C.2 and 4

D.2 and 3 only

You are a manager in Ryder & Co, a firm of Chartered Certified Accountants, and you ha
ve taken on the responsibility for providing support and guidance to new members of the firm. Ryder & Co has recently recruited a new audit junior, Sam Tyler, who has come across several issues in his first few months at the firm which he would like your guidance on. Sam’s comments and questions are shown below:

(a) I know that auditors are required to assess risks of material misstatement by developing an understanding of the business risks of an audit client, but I am not clear on the relationship between business risk and risk of material misstatement. Can you explain the two types of risk, and how identifying business risk relates to risk of material misstatement? (4 marks)

(b) I worked on the interim audit of Crow Co, a manufacturing company which outsources its payroll function. I know that for Crow Co payroll is material. How does the outsourcing of payroll affect our audit planning? (4 marks)

(c) Crow Co is tendering for an important contract to supply Hatfield Co. I know that Hatfield Co is also an audit client of our firm, and I have heard that Crow Co’s management has requested our firm to provide advice on the tender it is preparing. What matters should our firm consider in deciding whether to provide advice to Crow Co on the tender? (5 marks)

(d) I also worked on the audit of Campbell Co, where I heard the managing director, Ting Campbell, discussing a potential new business opportunity with the audit engagement partner. Campbell Co is an events organiser, and is planning to run a programme of nationwide events for accountants, at which speakers will discuss technical updates to financial reporting, tax and audit regulations. Ting proposed that our firm could invest some cash in the business opportunity, supply the speakers, market the events to our audit clients, and that any profit made would be shared between Ryder & Co and Campbell Co. What would be the implications of our firm considering this business opportunity? (7 marks)


For each of the issues raised, respond to the audit junior, explaining the ethical and professional matters arising from the audit junior’s comments.

Note: The split of the mark allocation is shown against each of the issues above.

Sunflower Stores Co (Sunflower) operates 25 food supermarkets. The company’s year end is 3

Sunflower Stores Co (Sunflower) operates 25 food supermarkets. The company’s year end is 31 December 2012. The audit manager and partner recently attended a planning meeting with the finance director and have provided you with the planning notes below.

You are the audit senior, and this is your first year on this audit. In order to familiarise yourself with Sunflower, the audit manager has asked you to undertake some research in order to gain an understanding of Sunflower, so that you are able to assist in the planning process. He has then asked that you identify relevant audit risks from the notes below and also consider how the team should respond to these risks.

Sunflower has spent $1·6 million in refurbishing all of its supermarkets; as part of this refurbishment programme their central warehouse has been extended and a smaller warehouse, which was only occasionally used, has been disposed of at a profit. In order to finance this refurbishment, a sum of $1·5 million was borrowed from the bank. This is due to be repaid over five years.

The company will be performing a year-end inventory count at the central warehouse as well as at all 25 supermarkets on 31 December. Inventory is valued at selling price less an average profit margin as the finance director believes that this is a close approximation to cost.

Prior to 2012, each of the supermarkets maintained their own financial records and submitted returns monthly to head office. During 2012 all accounting records have been centralised within head office. Therefore at the beginning of the year, each supermarket’s opening balances were transferred into head office’s accounting records. The increased workload at head office has led to some changes in the finance department and in November 2012 the financial controller left. His replacement will start in late December.


(a) List FIVE sources of information that would be of use in gaining an understanding of Sunflower Stores Co, and for each source describe what you would expect to obtain. (5 marks)

(b) Using the information provided, describe FIVE audit risks and explain the auditor’s response to each risk in planning the audit of Sunflower Stores Co. (10 marks)

(c) The finance director of Sunflower Stores Co is considering establishing an internal audit department. Required: Describe the factors the finance director should consider before establishing an internal audit department. (5 marks)

(b) Explain what effect the acquisition of Di Rollo Co will have on the planning of your a

(b) Explain what effect the acquisition of Di Rollo Co will have on the planning of your audit of the consolidated

financial statements of Murray Co for the year ending 31 March 2008. (10 marks)

IntroductionThe following is an interview with Mick Kazinski, a senior marketing executive


The following is an interview with Mick Kazinski, a senior marketing executive with Bridge Co, a Deeland-based construction company. It concerns their purchase of Custcare, a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software package written by the Custcare Corporation, a software company based in Solland, a country some 4,000 km away from Deeland. The interview was originally published in the Management Experiences magazine.

Interviewer: Thanks for talking to us today Mick. Can you tell us how Bridge Co came to choose the Custcare software package?

Mick: Well, we didn’t choose it really. Teri Porter had just joined the company as sales and marketing director. She had recently implemented the Custcare package at her previous company and she was very enthusiastic about it. When she found out that we did not have a CRM package at Bridge Co, she suggested that we should also buy the Custcare package as she felt that our requirements were very similar to those of her previous company. We told her that any purchase would have to go through our capex (capital expenditure) system as the package cost over $20,000. Here at Bridge Co, all capex applications have to be accompanied by a formal business case and an Invitation to Tender (ITT) has to be sent out to at least three potential suppliers. However, Teri is a very clever lady. She managed to do a deal with Custcare and they agreed to supply the package at a cost of $19,995, just under the capex threshold. Teri had to cut a few things out. For example, we declined the training courses (Teri said the package was an easy one to use and she would show us how to use it) and also we opted for the lowest level of support, something we later came to regret. Overall, we were happy. We knew that Custcare was a popular and successful CRM package.

Interviewer: So, did you have a demonstration of the software before you bought it?

Mick: Oh yes, and everyone was very impressed. It seemed to do all the things we would ever want it to do and, in fact, it gave us some ideas about possibilities that we would never have thought of. Also, by then, it was clear that our internal IT department could not provide us with a bespoke solution. Teri had spoken to them informally and she was told that they could not even look at our requirements for 18 months. In contrast, we could be up and running with the Custcare package within three months. Also, IT quoted an internal transfer cost of $18,000 for just defining our requirements. This was almost as much as we were paying for the whole software solution!

Interviewer: When did things begin to go wrong?

Mick: Well, the implementation was not straightforward. We needed to migrate some data from our current established systems and we had no-one who could do it. We tried to recruit some local technical experts, but Custcare pointed out that we had signed their standard contract which only permitted Custcare consultants to work on such tasks. We had not realised this, as nobody had read the contract carefully. In the end, we had to give in and it cost us $10,000 in fees to migrate the data from some of our internal systems to the new package. Teri managed to get the money out of the operational budget, but we weren’t happy.

We then tried to share data between the Custcare software and our existing order processing system. We thought this would be easy, but apparently the file formats are incompatible. Thus we have to enter customer information into two systems and we are unable to exploit the customer order analysis facility of the Custcare CRM.

Finally, although we were happy with the functionality and reliability of the Custcare software, it works very slowly. This is really very disappointing. Some reports and queries have to be aborted because the software appears to have hung. The software worked very quickly in the demonstration, but it is painfully slow now that it is installed on our IT platform.

Interviewer: What is the current situation?

Mick: Well, we are all a bit deflated and disappointed in the package. The software seems reasonable enough, but its poor performance and our inability to interface it to the order processing system have reduced users’ confidence in the system. Because users have not been adequately trained, we have had to phone Custcare’s support desk more than we should. However, as I said before, we took the cheapest option. This is for a help line to be available from 8.00 hrs to 17.00 hrs Solland time. As you know, Solland is in a completely different time zone and so we have had to stay behind at work and contact them in the late evening. Again, nobody had closely read the terms of the contract. We have taken legal advice, but we have also found that, for dispute resolution, the contract uses the commercial contract laws of Solland. Nobody in Bridge Co knows what these are! Our solicitor said that we should have asked for this specification to be changed when the contract was drawn up. I just wish we had chosen a product produced by a company here in Deeland. It would have made it much easier to resolve issues and disputes.

Interviewer: What does Teri think?

Mick: Not a lot! She has left us to rejoin her old company in a more senior position. The board did ask her to justify her purchase of the Custcare CRM package, but I don’t think she ever did. I am not sure that she could!


(a) Suggest a process for evaluating, selecting and implementing a software package solution and explain how this process would have prevented the problems experienced at Bridge Co in the Custcare CRM application. (15 marks)

(b) The CEO of Bridge Co now questions whether buying a software package was the wrong approach to meeting the CRM requirements at Bridge Co. He wonders whether they should have commissioned a bespoke software system instead.

Explain, with reference to the CRM project at Bridge Co, the advantages of adopting a software package approach to fulfilling business system requirements compared with a bespoke software solution. (10 marks)

In January 2011 Department Store entered into a sales contract with Appliance Co to buy 10
0 refrigerators from the latter at a price of RMB 3,000 yuan/piece, total price being RMB 300,000 yuan. The payment would be made in two instalments: 100,000 yuan as advance payment to be paid after the conclusion of the contract, and the remaining 200,000 yuan to be paid in April 2011. Upon receiving the advance payment Appliance Co would deliver all the products. After the conclusion of the sales contract, Department Store made the first payment of 100,000 yuan and received all the products delivered by Appliance Co.

In the same month, Appliance Co intended to rent a space of 100 m2 from Department Store to exhibit its other appliance products. For this purpose the two parties entered into a rental agreement and agreed upon the following terms and conditions: the term of rental would be one year as from January to December 2011; the total rental would be RMB 400,000 yuan and be paid RMB 100,000 yuan quarterly within the first 10 days of January, April, July and October.

At the end of March 2011 Appliance Co sent Department Store a written notice, stating that it would set off its rental of RMB 200,000 yuan for the second and third instalments with the remaining price of 200,000 yuan for the refrigerators.


Answer the following questions in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Contract Law, and give your reasons for your answer:

(a) state the nature and different forms of set-off as presented by Appliance Co to Department Store; (4 marks)

(b) state the conditions to be met by Appliance Co when it was claiming the set-off of credit and debt with Department Store. (6 marks)

(d) Family owned and managed businesses often find delegation and succession difficult pro

(d) Family owned and managed businesses often find delegation and succession difficult processes to get right.

What models would you recommend that Tony use in looking to change his leadership and management style

to create a culture in the Shirtmaster Group better able to deal with the challenges it faces? (10 marks)

Lane Co has in issue 3% convertible loan notes which are redeemable in five years’ time at
their nominal value of $100 per loan note. Alternatively, each loan note can be converted in five years’ time into 25 Lane Co ordinary shares.

The current share price of Lane Co is $3·60 per share and future share price growth is expected to be 5% per year.

The before-tax cost of debt of these loan notes is 10% and corporation tax is 30%. What is the current market value of a Lane Co convertible loan note?





Yado Steel Co Ltd (Yado Steel) entered into a loan agreement with Industry Bank to borrow

Yado Steel Co Ltd (Yado Steel) entered into a loan agreement with Industry Bank to borrow RMB 20 million yuan for its expansion programme. Yado Steel provided its office building as property mortgaged for the debt, and made the registration as required. Mr Ding, one of the shareholders of Yado Steel, placed a guarantee letter of general liability in favour of Industry Bank.

Due to poor performance, Yado Steel failed to repay the debt when it came to maturity. Meanwhile, Industry Bank, under a restructuring plan, transferred the credit of RMB 20 million yuan together with the right of pledge to Oriental Assets Management Co (OAM). It also made a written notice to Yado Steel and Mr Ding, but failed to transfer the right of mortgage to OAM. On the contrary, Industry Bank concluded an agreement with Yado Steel before it went bankrupt, and settled other debts owed by the latter through the sale of the office building as mortgaged for the loan. Having found this fact, OAM, as a transferee of the credit, requested the court to order Mr Ding to bear its guarantor’s liability for the debt. Mr Ding asserted that he was a pledger with a general liability and would be responsible for the debt only if the things mortgaged could not satisfy the debt.


Answer the following questions in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Property Law and the Contract Law, and give your reasons for your answer:

(a) State whether the defence of Mr Ding should be supported by the court. (6 marks)

(b) State what was the cause of this dispute between OAM and Industry Bank. (4 marks)

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