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She was _____ hit when her only daughter got killed in a car crash .A.largeB.bigC.hard

She was _____ hit when her only daughter got killed in a car crash .





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更多“She was _____ hit when her onl…”相关的问题
Mrs. Smith didn't call the police because ______.A.she was on the busB.she was not sure wh

Mrs. Smith didn't call the police because ______.

A.she was on the bus

B.she was not sure whether she had the ten pound notes with her

C.she was too angry to do so

D.she didn't like to make trouble for others

In January 2004, a 20-year-old woman ran a red light while talking on a cell phone. Her ca
rknocked into another car crossing with the green light directly in front of her. The police found thedriver never touched her brakes (刹车) and was traveling 48 mph when she hit the other car. The po-lice were told that the driver was not looking down, pressing buttons. She was looking straight out ofthe windshield(挡风玻璃) talking on her cell phone as she passed four cars and a school bus.

Vision is the most important sense for safe driving. Yet, drivers using cell phones are likely to"look at" but not "see" objects. It is said that drivers using cell phones look but fail to see up to 50percent of the infornmtion while driving. Drivers are looking out of the windshield, but they do notreally deal with the situation on the road.

Although the public appear to be turning against cell phone use while driving, many admit theyregularly talk or text while driving. The police say that nine percent of the drivers at any given timeare using cell phones, and about one in four car accidents are directly related to cell phone use.

Using cell phones while driving has become a serious public health threat (威胁). A few stateshave passed laws making it unlawful to use a handheld cell phone while driving, but these laws give the false message that using a hand-free phone is safe. What was the woman doing when the car accident happened?

A.She was busy pressing buttons.

B.She was talking on her cell phone

C.She was looking at the red light ahead

D.She was looking for something in the car

The word "vision" (Paragraph 2 ) refers to the sense ofA.taste




What is the percentage of the car accidents caused by drivers using cell phones?A.9%.




What do we know about the laws making it unlawful to use a handheld cell phone while driving?A.They are not perfect.

B.They are not necessary.

C.They are not practical.

D.They are not important

There is a widespread belief that people who get on in life may be successful not beca
use they deserve it, but because of influential friends or the right background. Sometimes it may just be a comforting and harmless belief, while at the other extreme it can be very destructive. I once met a brilliant young engineer who worked in a chemical plant. Because of her knowledge and experience, she should have been promoted to Production Manager. Instead, the job went to a man who was totally unsuited for the post. Everyone knew that he only got it because he was politically acceptable to his superiors. This injustice demoralized the young engineer and many of her colleagues. It also meant that the factory was much less efficient than it could have been.All the same, we should not be pessimistic. More and more, the modern world depends on having people who are in the job because they are good enough, not just because their face fits. There is a story of a factory owner who sent for an engineer to see to a machine, which would not go. He examined it, then took out a hammer and tapped it, once. The machine started up immediately. When he presented his bill, the owner protested, "This can't be right! $100 just for tapping a machine with a hammer?" The engineer wrote out a new bill: "For tapping a machine, $1; for knowing where to tap it, $99."

1.It is believed that some people have succeeded in life because____.

A、they feel superior to others

B、they are both influential and powerful

C、they have some special advantages

D、they have a poor background

2.The engineer at the chemical plant was not promoted because____.

A、it is more difficult for a woman to get a promotion than for her male colleagues

B、her boss did not think she had the right qualifications for the job

C、the man who got his promotion was more experienced than she was

D、her bosses did not approve of her political views and opinions

3.The engineer who repaired the machine was right to charge $100 because____.

A、he was the only person who could find out what was wrong with it

B、the factory owner could not have repaired it himself

C、he hit the machine to get it started again

D、he was charging for his knowledge and expert skills

4.The author's attitude toward the widespread belief is____.





5.According to the passage, which of the following is NOT TRUE?____

A、Having influential friends or right background seems helpful sometimes.

B、The engineer had good reason to overcharge the factory owner.

C、Not all those who are good in their jobs have the chance to be promoted.

D、Those who are good in their job are still largely needed by the modern society.

Natalie Doan, 14, has always felt lucky to live in Rockaway, New York. Living just a few b
locks from the beach, Natalie can see the ocean and hear the wave from her house. “It’s the ocean that makes Rockaway so special,” she says.

On October 29, 2012, that ocean turned fierce. That night, Hurricane Sandy attacked the East Coast, and Rockaway was hit especially hard. Fortunately, Natalie’ s family escaped to Brooklyn shortly before the city’s bridge closed.

When they returned to Rockaway the next day, they found their neighborhood in ruins. Many of Natalie’ s friends had lost their homes and were living far away. All around her, people were suffering, especially the elderly. Natalie’s school was so damaged that she had to temporarily attend a school in Brooklyn.

In the following few days, the men and women helping Rockaway recover inspired Natalie. Volunteers came with carloads of donated clothing and toys. Neighbors devoted their spare time to helping others rebuild. Teenagers climbed dozens of flights of stairs to deliver water and food to elderly people trapped in powerless high-rise buildings.

“My mom tells me that I can’t control what happens to me,” Natalie says. “But I can always choose how I deal with it.”

Natalie’s choice was to help. She created a website page matching survivors in need with donors who wanted to help. Natalie posted introduction about a boy named Patrick, who lost his baseball card collecting when his house burned down. Within days, Patrick’s collection was replaced. In the coming months, her website page helped lots of kids : Christopher, who received a new basketball; Charlie, who got a new keyboard. Natalie also worked with other organizations to bring much - need supplies to Rockaway. Her efforts made her a famous person. Last April, she was invited to the White House and honored as a Hurricane Sandy Champion of Change.

Today, the scars of destruction are still seen in Rockaway, but hope is in the air. The streets are clear, and many homes have been rebuilt. “I can’t imagine living anywhere but Rockaway,” Natalie declares. “My neighborhood will be back, even stronger than before.”

When Natalie returned to Rockaway after the hurricane, she found __________.

A.some friends had lost their lives

B.her neighborhood was destroyed

C.her school had moved to Brooklyn

D.the elderly were free from suffering

According to paragraph 4, who inspired Natalie mostA.The people helping Rockaway rebuild.

B.The people trapped in high-rise building.

C.The volunteers donating money to survivors.

D.Local teenagers bringing clothing to elderly people.

How did Natalie help the survivorsA.She gave her toys to the kids.

B.She took care of younger children.

C.She called on the White House to help.

D.She built an information sharing platform.

What does the story intend to tell usA.Little people can make a big difference.

B.A friend in need is a friend indeed.

C.East or west, home is best.

D.Technology is power.


One day, the principle(校长)came into our room and, after talking to the teacher, for
One day, the principle(校长)came into our room and, after talking to the teacher, for

some reason said: “I wish all of the white students to stand for a moment.” I rose with the others.The teacher looked at me and, calling my name, said: “You sit down for the present, and rise with the others.” I did not quite understand her.She repeated: “You sit down now, and rise with the others.” I sat down puzzled.I saw and heard nothing.When the other were asked to rise, I did not know it.When school was dismissed, I went out unconsciously.A few of the white boys laughed at me, saying: “Oh, you’re a nigger, too.”

I hurried on as fast as I could to where my looking-glass hung on the wall in my own little room.For an instant I was afraid to look, but when I did, I looked long and earnestly.I was accustomed t o hearing remarks about my beauty, but now, for the first time, I became conscious of it and recognized it.I noticed the ivory(象牙)whiteness of my skin, the beauty of my mouth, the size and the liquid darkness of my eyes.I ran downstairs and rushed to wh ere my mother was sitting.I buried my head in her lap and cried out: “Mother, tell me, am I a nigger?” I could not see her face, but I felt her hands on my head.I looked up into her face.There were tears in her eyes and I could see that she was sufferin g for me.And then it was that.

I looked at her critically for the first time.I had thought of her in a childish way only as the most beautiful woman in the world; now I looked at her searching for defects(缺点).I could see that her skin was almost brown,and that she did differ in some way from the other ladies who came to the house; yet, even so I could see that she was more beautiful than any of them.She must have felt that I was examining her, for she hid her face in my hair and said with difficulty:“No, my darling, you are not a nigger.” She went on: “If anyone calls you a nigger, don’t notice them.”

But the more she talked, the less was I reassured, and I stopped her by asking:“Well, mother, am I white? Are you white?” She answered tremblingly(颤抖的): “No, I am not white, but your father is one of the greatest men in the country.The best blood of the South is in you.” This suddenly opened up in my heart a fresh fear, and I almost fiercely demanded: “Who is my father? Where is he?” She stroked my hair and said: “I’ll tell you about him some day.” I sobbed(抽泣): “I want to know now.” She answered: “No, not now.”

1.We can infer from the passage that “a nigger ”means().

A.a white person

B.a black person

C.anyone that is not white

D.anyone that i s not black

2.When the teacher asked him to sit down and rise with the others ,the author was confused because().

A.he never considered himself a non-white person

B.he thought the teacher didn’t recognize him

C.he thought he should be considered

D.he thought it rude for the teacher to call his name

3.It was on that day that he began to realize that().

A.he was a nigger

B.he was different from others because of his beauty

C.his color was like that of his mother

D.he differed from oth er white people even with his beauty

4.From the passage we can learn that().

A.the boy’s father left them for some reasons

B.the boy’s mother didn’t want to mention his father at all

C.the boy never met his father before

D.the boy’s mother hated his father

5.This passage generally tells us a story of ().

A.a boy who suddenly realized that he was a colored person

B.a boy who had been looked down upon because he had no father

C.the miserable life of colored people

D.the life of a one-parent family





















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