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I found()not so difficult to learn English.




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根据内容回答下列各题, According to an old story, a farmer once found that a bag of corn ha
d been stolen from his house. He went to the judge and told him about his loss. The judge ordered all the people of the farm to come before him. He took a number of sticks of equal length and gave one stick to each man. He then said, “Come before me again tomorrow. I shall then know which of you is the thief because the stick given to the thief will be one inch longer than the others.” The thief was afraid of being found out, and so the cut an inch off his stick. The next day the thief’s stick was found to be one inch shorter than any of the others. In this way the thief was found out, and was at once taken away to prison. A bag of corn was found ________.

A.to be stolen


C.being stolen

D.having stolen

Mr. Smith is telling two funny stories of his police work. I remember catching a “thief”
in a clothes shop once. It was strange. The man was hiding a yellow sweater inside his coat. I thought he had stolen it, so I caught him. We found later that his wife gave him the sweater for his birthday, but he hated it. He just wanted to return it to the shop for money, but he didn’t want his wife to see him! We soon let him go. Another day, a man called Bob went into a bank on Sixth Street. He wrote on the back of an envelope, “Give me the money! Or I’ll kill you. ” and gave it to the bank clerk. She gave him $100,000 and the man ran away. Then we received a phone call from the bank clerk. She told us to go to the man’s house in Candy Town and get him. We caught him as soon as he got out of the elevator. He couldn’t believe that we found him so quickly. We told him that the front of the envelope he used had his name and address on it!

小题1:What does Mr. Smith do?

A. A bank clerk

B. A policeman

C. A thief

小题2:Mr. Smith caught the man in the clothes shop ___________.

A. by exchange

B. by mistake

C. by accident

小题3:Why did the man return the sweater to the shop?

A. Because he didn’t want his wife to see it

B. Because he liked money more than the sweater

C. Because he hated it and wanted to get the money back

小题4:Bob was caught so quickly because ___________.

A. his address was found on the envelope he used

B. he received a phone call from the bank clerk

C. the police waited for him outside the elevator

小题5:What do you think of Bob?

A. He is brave

B. He is careful

C. He is careless

阅读选择Kindness or StrangersAt the store where I worked, I noticed a young boy of about


Kindness or Strangers

At the store where I worked, I noticed a young boy of about ten shopping alone with his school list. He placed everything in his basket and went to the checkout.

The young shop assistant told him the total price, $37.60. the boy was instantly disappointed and said he had only been given $20. He took out one thing at a time until he got down to his $20. With eyes full of tears, he asked if he could phone his mum to pick him up. When he got through, it appeared that even this was inconvenient for his mother.

He bit hard on his lip to stop the tears and walked outside to wait on the bench in front of the shop. This was all too much for the young assistant who had served him and she said, “ I wish I could afford to pay for the rest of his things.” One of the other girls said she had a few dollars. Then two others said they could help as well.

These four young girls pooled their money and found that they had more than enough money for the boy’s extra purchases. So they upgraded his pens and pencils to top-quality ones, then took the bag out to the boy on the seat. His young face changed from sadness to the most beautiful smile. His mother arrived much later to pick him up. Instead of running to the car, he ran back into the store and called out, “ thank you!”

I was so proud of my team that day. They did something wonderful for that boy and also found the pleasure of giving was as great as receiving.

1.The boy went to the store to__________.

A.buy a basket

B.ask for help

C.shop for school

D.make a phone call

2.At the checkout, the boy found that he ______________.

A.didn’t have enough money

B.didn’t have his money on him

C.forgot to ask his mum for money

D.had lost his money in the sore

3.The boy walked out of the store to ______________.

A.wait for his mum

B.rest on the bench

C.get more money

D.look for a friend

4.The shop assistants were ________________.





5.The boy ran back into the store to ______________.

A.do extra shopping

B.express his thanks

C.return the money

D.take his bag out

Tom had once worked in a city office in London, but now he is out of work. He had a large
family to support, so he often found himself in difficulty. He often visited Mr. White on Sundays, told him about his troubles, and asked for two or three pounds. Mr. White, a man with a kind hear(, found it difficult to refuse the money, though he himself was poor. Tom had already received more than thirty pounds from Mr. White, but he always seemed to be in need of some more.

One day, after telling Mr. White a long story of his troubles, Tom asked for five pounds.

Mr. White had heard this sort of thing before, but he listened patiently to the end. Then he said, "I understand your difficulties, Tom. I' d like to help you. But I' m not going to give you five pounds this time. I'll lend you the money, and you can pay me off next time you see me."

Tom took the money, but he never appeared again.

Tom was now in difficulties because he ______.

A.worked in a city office and was poorly paid

B.was poorly paid and had a large family to support

C.was poorly paid and always spent money carelessly

D.was out of work and had a large family to support

Mr. Brown was at the theatre. He had got his ticket at the moment, so he had not been ahle
to choose his seat. He now found that he was in the middle of a group of American la- dies, some of them middle-aged and some of them quite old. They clearly all knew each other well, as before the curtain went up on the play they had come to see, they all talked and joked a lot together.

The lady sitting on Mr. Brown's left, who was about sixty years old, seemed to be the happiest and the most interesting of the American group, and after the first act of the play, she apologized to him for the noisiness of her friends. He answered that he was very glad to see American ladies so really enjoying their visit to England, and so they had a friendly talk. Mr. Brown's neighbour explained what they doing there.

"You know, I have known these ladies all my life," she said. "We all grew up together back in our hometown in the United States. They have all lost their husbands~ and call themselves the Merry Widows. It is a sort of club, you know. They go to a foreign country every summer or two and have a lot of fun. They always go everywhere together. I have wanted to join their club for a long time, but I was not able to become a member until the spring of this year."

The group of American ladies enjoyed the play in a theatre in______.



C.their club

D.their hometown


The trick in food photography is to show the food looking fresh, so many dishes have

stand-ins, just as movie stars do. “When I get my lights and cameras set up, I remove the

stand-in and put in the real thing,” explains Ray Webber, who photographs food for magazine

advertisements. “Sometimes I have to brush the meat with its juices because it may have dried out

a bit. A and when I‘m shooting (拍照) something like tomatoes, I always carry water to spray them with dew just before I shoot.”

Shooting food outdoors has special problems. “I‘m always worrying about flies or worms crawling up

a glass,” Webber explains, “my worry is that someday a dog will come up from behind and run off

with the food.” Once Webber was shooting a piece of cheese outdoors and needed something to make

its color beautiful. Finally he found it: a weed with lovely blue flowers. When the shot appeared,

several people were horrified-the weed was deadly nightshade!

Just before being photographed, some meats and vegetables are _______.

A. fanned

B. dyed

C. frozen

D. made wet

阅读短文,在空白处填入适当的介词。With One day, Mr. Green told his students to make senten


With One day, Mr. Green told his students to make sentences (1) the words“love, hate” and so on. The kids were all busy (2) the work on their notes.

(3) several minutes many of them handed in their work (4) the teacher.Mr. Green read the notes one (5) one. And most(6)the sentences made by the children were good. There was a big smile(7)his face. Just (8) that time he found a piece of red paper. On it there was such a sentence,“I love my mother better than my father.”“Eim... OK!”said Mr.Green,“but..”He turned over the paper.

He found there were no names (9) that paper. He read the sentence again and again. And slowly the big smile (10) his face was gone. Then he said to the class, “ Whose paper is this?”Tom stood up and said,“It's mine, sir.”

Dick was a clever boy, but his parents were poor, so he had to work in his spare time and
during his holidays to pay for his education.【21】this ,he managed to get to the university, but it was【22】expensive to study there that during the holidays he found it necessary to get two jobs at the same time【23】enough money to pay for his studies.

【24】he managed to get a job in a butcher's shop during the daytime, and another in a hospital at night .In the shop, he learnt to cut meat up quite nicely, so the butcher often left him to ", all the serving while he went into a room behind the shop to the accounts. In the hospital,【25】he was, of course, allowed【26】only the simplest job, like【27】to lift people and to carry them from one part of the hospital to another. Both at the butcher's shop and at the hospital, Dick had to wear white clothes.

One evening at the hospital, Dick had to help to carry a woman from her bed to the place where she【28】an operation. The woman was already feeling【29】at the thought of the operation before he【30】to get her, but when she saw Dick, that finished her. "No! No!" she cried, "Not my butcher! I won't be operated on by my butcher!"



B.In spite of

C.No matter


Henry's job was to examine cars which crossed the frontier(边境) to make sure that they we

Henry's job was to examine cars which crossed the frontier(边境) to make sure that they were not smuggling(走私) anything into the country. Every evening except at weekends, he would see a factory worker coming up the hill towards the frontier,【C1】______a bicycle with a big load of old straw on it. When the bicycle【C2】______the frontier, Henry used to stop the man and【C3】______him take the straw off and untie it. Then he would examine the straw carefully to see【C4】______he could find anything, after which he would look in all the man's pockets【C5】______he let him tie the straw again. He never found【C6】______ ,even though he examined it very carefully, Then one evening, after he had looked through the straw and emptied the worker's pockets【C7】______usual, he said to him," Listen, I know that you are smuggling things【C8】______this frontier. Won't you tell me what it is that you're bringing into the country so successfully? I'm an old man, and today's my last day on the job. Tomorrow I'm going to【C9】______. I promise that I shall not tell anyone if you tell me what you've been smuggling. "The worker did not say anything for【C10】______. Then he smiled turned to Henry and said quietly," Bicycles."






I had just gone to bed after a very hard day when the phone rang. It was an eccentric(怪僻

I had just gone to bed after a very hard day when the phone rang. It was an eccentric(怪僻的) farmer. I had never met him before although I had heard people talk about him. He sounded quite nervous and he had been talking for a minute or so before I understood anything. Even then all I could make out was that someone called Milly had had a very bad accident. I hadn't the slightest idea who she was but I obviously had to go.

It had been snowing heavily that day and I didn't know the way. I had been driving for at least an hour when I finally found his place. He was standing there, waiting for me. "She meant more to me than anyone... even my own wife!" he said. I could see that he had been crying. I thought something terrible had taken place, a possible scandal(丑闻). I was even more shocked when he told me he had put her in the barn(厩)"I wouldn't leave here out in the cold!" he said.

Milly had clearly been a secret lover of his. I was about to tell him he could not expect me to cover anything up when he opened the barn door. He lifted his candle and I saw a dark figure on the ground. "She was such a good cow! I wouldn't let anyone but a doctor touch her!" he said, and burst into tears again.

The underlined phrase make out in the first paragraph means ______.


B.see clearly

C.hear clearly



In the fall of 1924 Thomas Wolfe, fresh from his courses in play writing at Harvard joined the eight or

ten of us who were teaching English composition in New York University. I had never before seen a man

so tall as he, and so ugly. I pitied him and went out of my way to help him with his work and make him

feel at home.

His students soon let me know that he had no need of my protectiveness. They spoke of his ability to

explain a poem in such a manner as to have them shouting with laughter or struggling to keep back

their tears, of his readiness to quote in detail from any poet they could name.

Indeed, his students made so much of his power of observation that I decided to make a little test and

see for myself. My chance came one morning when the students were slowly gathering for nine o‘clock


Upon arriving at the university that day, I found Wolfe alone in the large room which served all the

English composition teachers as an office. He did not say anything when I asked him to come

with me out into the hall, and he only smiled when we reached a classroom door and I told him

to enter alone and look around.

He stepped in, remained no more than thirty seconds and then came out. “Tell me what you see.”

I said as I took his place in the room, leaving him in the hall with his back to the door. Without the

least hesitation and without a single error, he gave the number of seats in the room, pointed out

those which were taken by boys and those occupied by girls, named the colors each student was

wearing, pointed out the Latin verb written on the blackboard, spoke of the chalk marks which the

cleaner had failed to wash from the floor, and pictured in detail the view of Washington Square from

the window.

As I rejoined Wolfe, I was speechless with surprise. He, on the contrary, was wholly calm as he

said, “The worst thing about it is that I‘ll remember it all.”

What is the passage mainly discussing?

A. Thomas Wolfe‘s teaching work.

B. Thomas Wolfe‘s course in playwriting.

C. Thomas Wolfe‘s ability of explaining.

D. Thomas Wolfe‘s genius.

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