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It worried her a bit () her hair was turning grey.





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She () her success to hard work and a bit of luck.





On her last night in the house, Mrs. Robson was feeling _______. A. very depressed a

On her last night in the house, Mrs. Robson was feeling _______.

A. very depressed and dismayed

B. very cheerful but completely helpless

C. proud and sad

D. a bit sad but not entirely unhappy

I fell in love with the minister's son in winter when I turned fourteen. He was not Chines
e.For Christmas I prayed for the boy, Robert. When I found out that my parents had invited the minister' s family over for Christmas Eve dinner, I cried in panic What would' Robert think of our shabby Chinese Christmas? What would he think of our noisy Chinese relatives who lacked proper American manners?

On Christmas Eve, my mother created abundant Chinese food. And then they arrived—the minister's family and all my relatives.Robert greeted hello, and I pretended he was not worthy of existence.

Dinner threw me deeper into disappointment.My relatives licked(舔)the ends of their chopsticks and reached across the table.Robert and his family waited patiently for a large plate to be passed to them.My relatives murmured with pleasure when my mother brought out the whole steamed fish.Robert made a face.Then my father reached his chopsticks just below the fish eye and picked out the soft meat. "Amy, your favorite, " he said, offering me the tender fish cheek.I wanted to disappear.

At the end of the meal, my father leaned back and burped(打嗝)loudly, thanking my mother for her fine cooking."It' s a police Chinese custom to show you are satisfied, "explained my father to our astonished guests.Robert was looking down at his plate with a reddish face.The minister managed to bring up a quiet burp.I was shocked into silence for the rest of the night.

After everyone had gone, my mother said to me, "You want to be the shame as American girls on the outside. "She handed me an early gift. It was a miniskirt. "But inside you must always be Chinese. You must be proud you are different. Your only shame is to have shame. "

It was not until years later that I was able to fully appreciate her lesson and the purpose behind her particular menu. For Christmas Eve that year, she had chosen excellent Chinese food.

When I found out the minister' s family would come for Christmas Eve dinner, I cried mainly because______.

A.I worried about our shabby Chinese Christmas

B.I worried about our Chinese relatives lacking American manners

C.I worried about meeting the minister' s family

D.I worried about being laughed at

Mrs. Luth Li was a Chinese woman living in Singapore. She named her baby girl Patsy Li. Th
is name in Chinese means "white plum blossom". When Patsy Li was six years old, the Japanese attacked Singapore. Mrs. Li and Patsy Li escaped on a ship which was sunk. Mrs. Li placed Patsy Li on a bit of floating wreckage. Later Mrs. Li was saved, but the little girl could not be found.

Many months after, four thousand miles away, a group of United States Marines found a little Chinese girl. No one could tell how she had got there. She refused to talk or give her name. The captain who spoke Chinese named her Patsy Lee because he thought she looked like a white plum blossom.

When the New York Times told about the finding of "Patsy Lee", Mrs. Li's sister saw the news and wrote to her sister about it. Could Patsy Lee be the lost child Patsy Li? The mother made the long voyage to find out. The little "white plum blossom" was indeed her own Pasty Li.

According to the story, what does "Patsy Li" mean?

A.White apple blossom.

B.White peach blossom.

C.White pear blossom.

D.White plum blossom.

Recently, one of my best friends Jennie, with whom I have shared just about everything sin
ce the first day of kindergarten, spent the weekend with me. Since I moved to a new town several years ago, we have both always looked forward to the new times a year when we can see each other.

Over the weekend, we spent hours and hours, staying up late into the night, talking about the people she was hanging around with. She started telling me stories about her new boy friend, about how he experimented with drugs and was into other self-destructive behavior. I was blown away! She told me how she had been lying to her parents about where she was going and even stealing out to see this guy because they didn't want her around him. No matter how hard I tried to tell her that she deserved better, she didn't believe me. Her self-respect seemed to have disappeared.

I tried to convince her that she was ruining her future and heading for big trouble. I felt like I was getting nowhere. I just couldn't believe that she really thought it was acceptable to hang with a bunch of losers, especially her boy friend.

By the time she left, I was really worried about her and exhausted by the experience. It had been so frustrating that I had come close to telling her several times during the weekend that maybe we had just grown too far apart to continue our friendship, but I didn't.I put the power of friendship to the ultimate test. We'd been friends for far too long. I had to hope that she valued me enough to know that I was trying to save her from hurting herself. I wanted to believe that our friendship could conquer anything.

A few days later, she called to say that she had thought long and hard about our conversation, and then she told me that she had broken up with her boy friend. I just listened on the other end of the phone with tears of joy running down my face. It was one of the truly rewarding moments in my life. Never had I been so proud of a friend.

What word best sums up Jennie's boy friend?

A.A drug user.

B.A loser.

C.A trouble maker.

D.A criminal.

You've probably had the experience of having someone fall in love with you when you didn't
feel the same way. In such a case it's hard to know what to do. You don't want to be so obvious in your efforts that you make an enemy of him.

A friend of mine had this problem and handled it in the most tactful (得体的) way I've ever seen. Instead of telling her admirer directly, she devoted herself to introducing him to every girl she knew. Whenever she had a date with him, she arranged to drop in at the home of one of her girl friends. At last he clicked (一见如故) with one of these girls, and then everyone was happy. My friend was rid of a problem and she still had the young man as a friend, which was just what she wanted him to be.

Of course this solution may not work for you. You may have your own way of dealing with the problem. But whatever you decide to do, keep one thing in mind—the boy in question has feelings every bit as sensitive as your own. So try to find a way of discouraging him without hurting him.

The best title for this passage would be______.

A.How to Make a Friend

B.Problems of Dating

C.Good Advice for Girls

D.How to Free Yourself from an Admirer

Eleanor Roosevelt was the wife of America′s 32nd president, Franklin Roosevelt. She helped
her husband in many ways during his long(21)life. She also became one of the most (22) women in America. She fought for equal rights for all people.

Eleanor was born in New York City in 1884. Her family had great wealth. But Eleanor did not have a happy (23). Her parents died when she was very young. She was raised by her grandmother. Eleanor (24) that as a child, her greatest happiness came from helping others. tn the early 1900s, many people were worried about the problems of (25) people who came to America in (26) of a better life.

Eleanor could not(27) how people lived in such poor conditions while she and some others had so much (28) . After she finished school,Eleanor began (29) children to read and write in one of the poorest areas of New York City. She also looked into (30) where workers were said to be badly (31).She saw little children of four and five years old working until they (32)to the floor. She became involved(参与) with other women who (33) the same ideas about improving social conditions. Franklin Roosevelt began (34) Eleanor when he was in New York. They got (35) in 1905. In the next eleven years, they had six children. The Roosevelts moved to Washington D. C. in 1913.































































There is a time when, if a lady got onto a crowded bus or train, a gentleman would immedia
tely stand up and【31】her his seat. No more, though. Today a gentleman will probably look out of the window, or, if he feels a bit guilty, hide behind his newspaper. Either way, the lady will have to stand【32】someone else gets off.

You can't entirely【33】men for this change in manners, though. The days are gone when women could be referred to【34】the weaker sex without causing【35】. A whole generation of women has grown up demanding【36】with men, not just equality in jobs or education, 【37】in social attitudes. Hold a door open for some women and you are【38】to get an angry lecture on treating women as inferiors, unable to open doors for【39】Take a girl out for a meal and she' 11 probably【40】on paying her share of the bill, though on【41】thoughts perhaps that's not such a bad idea.

It's no wonder, then, that men have given up some of the automatic gestures of politeness and【42】which they used to show towards women. On the other【43】, automatically made politeness is perhaps slowly being【44】by true consideration for the needs and feelings of women, so that men can see women as equal human beings, 【45】than as sex-objects or attractive properties.






It was Monday, Mrs. Smith's dog was hungry, but there was not any meat in the house.Consid

It was Monday, Mrs. Smith's dog was hungry, but there was not any meat in the house.

Considering that there was no better way, Mrs. Smith took a piece of paper, and wrote the following words on it, "Give my dog half a pound of meat." Then she gave the paper to her dog and said gently, "Take this to the butcher (卖肉者) , and he's going to give you your lunch today."

Holding the piece of paper in its mouth, the dog ran to the butcher's shop. It gave the paper to the butcher. The butcher read it carefully, recognized that it was really the lady's handwriting and presently did as he was asked to. The dog was very happy, and ate the meat up immediately.

At midday (正午), the dog came to the shop again. It gave the butcher a piece of paper again. After reading it, he gave it half a pound of meat once more.

The next day, the dog came again exactly at midday. And as usual it brought a piece of paper in. the mouth. This time, the butcher did not take a look at the paper, and gave the dog its meat, for he had regarded the dog as one of his customers.

But, the dog came again at four o'clock. And the same thing happened once again. To the butcher's more surprise, it came for the third time at six o'clock, and brought with it a third piece of paper. The butcher felt a bit puzzled. He said to himself, "This is a small dog. Why does Mrs. Smith give it so much meat to eat today?"

Looking at the piece' of paper, he found that there were not any words on it!

Mrs. Smith treated her little dog quite ______.






Eating disorders(混乱) is very common now.“When I first wrote about this,the problem was pretty much hidden… I didn&39;t expect ii to get:as bad as it is,”Susie Orbach,all intemational authority(权威) on eating disorders,said.

Orbach must at times think the anti-diet message of her book“Fat is a Feminist(女权主义的) Issue(问题)”has been lost since it was written more than 20 years ago.

Girls,boys,old people-even the famously well-rounded female(女性) population of Fiji is failing victim(牺牲品) to fat fears.“If anything the situation has got much,much worse.We now have kids as young aseight and women in old people&39;s homes worried about the way they look,” Orbach said.

Even though it has been proved that repeated dieting results in a little more than regaining most of the lost weight,constant dieting(节食) has become a way of life for many women 48 percent of British women aged 25 to 35 were on some kind of diet and that 20 percent of young wonen dieted all or most of time.Some of them said they would pop a pill to give them their beautiful shape.even if it meant risking their health.

Worldwide,70 million people have an eating disorder.Most are women,but men are increasingly affected,too.

More than half the women and two-thirds of the men in Britain weigh too much,while in the United States more than one quarter of adults and about one in five children are overweight.The idea that female beauty is a very thin body could be changed,if clothing factories and magazines showed images(形象) of women of an shapes instead of selecting skeletal-like models and stick thin actresses.But that is easier said than done.

To get her message across.Orbach is also considering talking to pop stars such as Victoria Beckham and Geri Halliwell,both of whom have admitted(承认) having suffered from eating disorders.

??According to Susie Orbach,________.??

??A.nobody had suffered from eating disorders 20 years before

B.eating disorders had become much commoner than before

C.eating disorders shouldn’t have become so common as it was

D.Victoria Beckham and Geri Halliwell hadn’t suffered from eating disorders

Why did people fear being fat?Because________.A.fat was a feminist issue

B.girls,boys,old people were falling victim of fat fear

C.even the famously well-rounded women of Fiji were falling victim of fat fear

D.they worried about the way they looked

Even if repeated dieting results in more than regaining most of the lost weight,in Britain________.A.forty-eight per cent of old women were on some kind of diet

B.women aged twenty-five to thirty-five dieted all 6r most of time

C.twenty per cent of young women dieted all or most of time

D.all the people were risking their health to get their beautiful shape

Which of the following is NOT true?A.Seventy million people have an eating disorder in the world.

B.More than 1/2 0f the women and 2/3 0f the men in Britain have weight problem.

C.More than 1/4 0f adults and 1/5 0f children in USA weigh too much.

D.Clothing factories and magazines showed images of women of all shape.

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