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The British people traditionally like to live in ().

A.high buildings

B.small houses

C.big houses

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更多“The British people traditional…”相关的问题
The British people usually have a small quantity of () as a first course.




The People’s Charter was mainly concerned with ().
The People’s Charter was mainly concerned with ().

A.The working condition

B.The industrial development

C.The electionsystem

D.The British imperialism


Eating disorders(混乱) is very common now.“When I first wrote about this,the problem was pretty much hidden… I didn&39;t expect ii to get:as bad as it is,”Susie Orbach,all intemational authority(权威) on eating disorders,said.

Orbach must at times think the anti-diet message of her book“Fat is a Feminist(女权主义的) Issue(问题)”has been lost since it was written more than 20 years ago.

Girls,boys,old people-even the famously well-rounded female(女性) population of Fiji is failing victim(牺牲品) to fat fears.“If anything the situation has got much,much worse.We now have kids as young aseight and women in old people&39;s homes worried about the way they look,” Orbach said.

Even though it has been proved that repeated dieting results in a little more than regaining most of the lost weight,constant dieting(节食) has become a way of life for many women 48 percent of British women aged 25 to 35 were on some kind of diet and that 20 percent of young wonen dieted all or most of time.Some of them said they would pop a pill to give them their beautiful shape.even if it meant risking their health.

Worldwide,70 million people have an eating disorder.Most are women,but men are increasingly affected,too.

More than half the women and two-thirds of the men in Britain weigh too much,while in the United States more than one quarter of adults and about one in five children are overweight.The idea that female beauty is a very thin body could be changed,if clothing factories and magazines showed images(形象) of women of an shapes instead of selecting skeletal-like models and stick thin actresses.But that is easier said than done.

To get her message across.Orbach is also considering talking to pop stars such as Victoria Beckham and Geri Halliwell,both of whom have admitted(承认) having suffered from eating disorders.

??According to Susie Orbach,________.??

??A.nobody had suffered from eating disorders 20 years before

B.eating disorders had become much commoner than before

C.eating disorders shouldn’t have become so common as it was

D.Victoria Beckham and Geri Halliwell hadn’t suffered from eating disorders

Why did people fear being fat?Because________.A.fat was a feminist issue

B.girls,boys,old people were falling victim of fat fear

C.even the famously well-rounded women of Fiji were falling victim of fat fear

D.they worried about the way they looked

Even if repeated dieting results in more than regaining most of the lost weight,in Britain________.A.forty-eight per cent of old women were on some kind of diet

B.women aged twenty-five to thirty-five dieted all 6r most of time

C.twenty per cent of young women dieted all or most of time

D.all the people were risking their health to get their beautiful shape

Which of the following is NOT true?A.Seventy million people have an eating disorder in the world.

B.More than 1/2 0f the women and 2/3 0f the men in Britain have weight problem.

C.More than 1/4 0f adults and 1/5 0f children in USA weigh too much.

D.Clothing factories and magazines showed images of women of all shape.

The English language we know today is about six hundred years old. For half that time, Eng
lish was just the language of the people living in England. The modern English language grew by about the year 1 400. Now English is the most widely spoken language in the world. It is one of the working languages at international meetings, business, science and other fields.

The differences between American English and British English are not very great. Written English is more or less the same in both Britain and America, though there are some spelling differences. For example, centre, licence, colour and travelled are spelt as center, license, color and traveled in American English. In America "cock, rubber, iii, holiday, lorry, post... "are called "rooster, eraser, sick, vacation, truck, mail..." But people from the two countries can still understand each other easily.

There are only a very small number of differences in grammar between American English and British English. The most important differences are in spoken English. For example, Americans pronounce "tomato" differently from English people.

You may wonder "Which is correct?" The answer is that it does not matter. You should speak either American English or British English. But do not try to speak both at the same time.

When was English only spoken in England?

A.About the 6th century.

B.Before the 17th century.

C.Before the 14th century.

D.Before the 15th century.

完成下列各题 A Eating disorders(混乱)is very common now.“

完成下列各题 A Eating disorders(混乱)is very common now.“When I first wrote about this,the problem was pretty much hidden…I didn’t expect ii to get:as bad as it is,”Susie Orbach,all intema’tional authority(权威)on eating disorders,said. Orbach must at times think the anti-diet message of her book“Fat is a Feminist(女权主义的)Issue(问题)”has been lost since it was written more than 20 years ago. Girls,boys,old people-even the famously well-rounded female(女性)population of Fiji is failing victim(牺牲品)to fat fears."If anything.the situation has got much,much worse.We nOW have kids as young aseight and women in old people’s homes worried about the way they look," Orbach said. Even though it has been proved that repeated dieting results in a little more than regaining most of the lost weight, constant dieting(节食)has become a way of life for many women.48 per cent of British women aged 25 t0 35 were on some kind of diet and that 20 per cent of young wonen dieted all or most of time.Some of them said they would pop a pill to give them their beautiful shape.even if it meant risking their health. Worldwide,70 million people have an eating disorder.Most are women,but men are increasingly affected,too. More than half the women and two-thirds of the men in Britain weigh too much,while in the United States more than one quarter of adults and about one in five children are overweight.The idea that female beauty is a very thin body could be changed,if clothing factories and magazines showed images(形象)of women of an shapes instead of selecting skeletal-like models and stick.thin actresses. But that is easier said than done. To get her message across.Orbach is also considering talking to pop stars such as Victoria Beckham and Geri Halliwell,both of whom have admitted(承认)having suffered from eating disorders. According to Susie Orbach,________.

A.nobody had suffered from eating disorders 20 years before

B.eating disorders had become much commoner than before

C.eating disorders shouldn’t have become so common as it was

D.Victoria Beckham and Geri Halliwell hadn’t suffered from eating disorders

A: Good morning, madam. I wonder if you could spare me a few minutes of your time? B: ____
__ A: Well, actually I represent the New British Encyclopedia. B: Oh, not today. Thank you!

A.I don't know if I can. Are you selling something?

B.May I take a message?

C.What have you decided?

D.You may have it longer if you like.

It came as something of a surprise when Diana, Princess of Wales, made a trip to Angola in
1997 , to support the Red Cross's campaign for a total ban on all anti-personnel landmines (地雷) . Within hours of arriving in Angola, television screens around the world were filled with images of her comforting victims injured in explosions caused by landmines. "I knew the statistics, " she said. "But putting a face to those figures brought the reality home to me; like when I met Sandra, a 13-year-old girl who had lost her leg, and people like her.

The Princess concluded with a simple message: "We must stop landmines". And she used every opportunity during her visit to repeat this message.

But, back in London, her views were not shared by some members of the British government, which refused to support a ban on these weapons. Angry politicians launched an attack on the Princess in the press. They described her as "very ill-informed" and a "loose cannon (乱放炮的人). "

The Princess responded by brushing aside the criticisms:" This is a distraction (干扰) we do not need. All I' m trying to do is help.

Opposition parties, the media and the public immediately voiced their support for the Princess. To make matters worse for the government, it soon emerged that the Princess 's trip had been approved by the Foreign Office, and that she was in fact very well-informed about both the situation in Angola and the British government 's policy regarding landmines. The result was a severe embarrassment for the government.

To try and limit the damage, the Foreign Secretary, Malcolm Rifkidnd, claimed that the Princess's views on landmines were not very different from government policy, and that it was "working towards" a worldwide ban. The Defence Secretary, Michael Portillo, claimed the matter was "a misinterpretation or misunderstanding.

For the Princess, the trip to this war-torn country was an excellent opportunity to use her popularity to show the world how much destruction and suffering landmines can cause. She said that the experience had also given her the chance to get closer to people and their problems.

Princess Diana paid a visit to Angola in 1997 ______.

A.to voice her support for a total ban of landmines

B.to clarify the British government's stand on landmines

C.to investigate the sufferings of landmine victims there

D.to establish her image as a friend of landmine victims

Pubs can be found in every town, city or village in Britain. Social life for many people h
as (1) on the pub for many years. Opening and closing times are (2) by law and, ten minutes before closing time, the barman or barmaid rings a bell or (3) ,“Last orders!”When you go into a pub you have to go to the bar, pay for your drink and carry it to your seat.

It is (4) in Britain to “go for a drink” with friends. People often (5) at a pub before going on to another place. On Friday and Saturday evening pubs in some city centers can be very (6). Some people do a tour of all pars in one (7) and have a drink in each one: this is called a“pub crawl”.

It used to be (8) to get a cup of coffee in a pub, and children were not allowed inside. Though it is still against the law to serve alcohol to anyone under eighteen, pubs are now trying to (9) family. Pubs with gardens or chairs arid table sout side are often crowded in the summer.Pubs are still a central part of British (10) .










































Don’t _______ people by appearance.





根据以下内容回答题:Nowadays there are more and more ways,of going on holiday.More and more
people go abroad every year.Some people even go on two or three holidays a year. There are two types of holiday-makers.The first kind always flocks to seaside resorts when they go on holiday.Their one and only aim is to have a good time by sun-bathing and putting their feet up.They are not a bit interested in local specialities.At mealtimes,if they can get a plate of British“fish and chips”,they’re more than happy!They spend their days in the sun-shine and their evenings getting drunk.and then sleep soundly.If this sort of person forgets to pack the suntan oil,he or she will undoubtedly come home as red as a lobster. The other type of holiday—makers goes to every country to increase their knowledge of for-eign lands.They make use of the chance to travel to improve their world knowledge.For them,going on holiday is educational.Consequently,this sort of travelers will move from p!ace to place every few days.If they visit lots of places in a short span of time,there is no way that they can get a proper feel of a place or fully appreciate the local food and wine. Whichever type of holiday chosen,everybody has the same aim:to put their work to the back of their minds,have as much fun as possible and come home happy and relaxed.

The aim of the first type of holiday-makers is__________ .

A.to enjoy themselves

B.to enjoy good food

C.to have a good sleep

D.to get drunk

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