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The writer wrote the passage in order to ______.A.expose the evils of the slavery systemB.

The writer wrote the passage in order to ______.

A.expose the evils of the slavery system

B.condemn all kinds of war

C.describe people' s life in Harriet' s time

D.tell us how Harriet wrote her famous book

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更多“The writer wrote the passage i…”相关的问题
Which of the following is the right order of the events? a. became a doctor b. became a fu
ll-time writer c. started to publish comic short stories d. wrote regularly for a local daily newspaper e. entered the Moscow University Medical School





He was a qualified doctor who rarely practised but instead devoted his life to writing. He
once said: "Medicine is my lawful wife, and literature is my lover. " Russian writer Anton Pavlovich Chekhov was a great playwright and one of the masters of the modern short story.

When Chekhov entered the Moscow University Medical School in 1879 , he started to publish hundreds of comic short stories to support his family. After he graduated, he wrote regularly for a local daily newspaper.

As a writer he was extremely fast, often producing a short story in an hour or less. Chekhov's medical and science experience can be seen through the indifference (冷漠) many of his characters show to tragic events. In 1892, he became a full-time writer and published some of his most memorable stories.

Chekhov often wrote about the sufferings of life in small town Russia. Tragic events control his characters who are filled with feelings of hopelessness and despair.

It is often said that nothing happens in Chekhov's stories and plays. He made up for this with his exciting technique for developing drama within his characters. Chekhov's work combined the calm attitude of a scientist and doctor with the sensitivity (敏感) of an artist.

Some of Chekhov's works were translated into Chinese as early as the 1940s. One of his famous stories, The Man in a Shell (《装在套子里的人》) , about a school teacher's extraordinarily orderly life, was selected as a text for Chinese senior students.

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov ______.

A.had a lawful lover

B.was an illegal writer

C.used to be a lawyer

D.was a competent doctor

Settlers of the Plains also had to contend with social isolation. The European pattern, wh
ereby farmers lived together in a village and traveled each day to their nearby fields, was rare in the American West. Instead, various peculiarities of land division compelled the rural dwellers to live apart from each other. The Homestead Act of 1862 and other measures adopted to facilitate western settlement offered free or cheap plots to people who would live on and improve their property. Because most homesteads and other plots acquired by small farmers were rectangular--usually encompassing 160 acres--at most four families could live near each other, but only if they congregated around the same four-corner boundary intersection. In practice, farmers usually lived back from their boundary lines, and at least a half-mile separated farmhouses. Often adjacent land was unoccupied, making neighbors even more distant.

Many observers wrote about the loneliness and monotony of life on the Plains. Men escaped the oppressiveness by working outdoors and taking occasional trips to sell crops or buy supplies. But women were more isolated, confined by domestic chores to the household, where, as one writer remarked, they were "not much better than slaves. It is a weary, monotonous round of cooking and washing and mending and as a result the insane asylum is 1/3 filled with wives of farmers."

Four months ago Mrs. B. ordered a rug from a store which promised to deliver it in abo
ut two weeks. Three weeks passed, but the rug did not arrive. When Mrs. B. telephoned the store to ask about it, she was told that the rug had been lost and that the store would send her another.Weeks later, when Mrs. B. telephoned again, the store claimed that the second rug had been delivered and left on her front porch. She didn't believe this story, as she had been at home as usual, and her door bell was in good working order. However, the store promised her that a third rug would be delivered within a week. It wasn't. What could she do? How could she get action?

Mrs. B. did what many other Americans have done--with excellent results. She wrote a letter to the newspaper in her town, explaining her problem. A few days later her letter appeared in the newspaper, and this sentence was printed below it:

The store found a way to safely deliver your rug immediately after hearing from us.In this age of machines, it is often hard to get action from businesses that have made mistakes. An individual person can complain, but his complaints may accomplish nothing. Luckily, newspapers now employ people to help with such problems, and the results are published in a special section of the paper.Mrs. B's letter appeared in a column called MR. FIX-IT. During the same week the following letter from Mrs. J. was printed in the ACTION LINE column of another newspaper

"Many weeks ago I bought some living room furniture from the House and Garden Shop in Parkersville. They have set three delivery dates, and each time I had to stay home from work and wait for the truck, which never came. I have called the store at least fifteen times, and each time they have said they would look for the furniture. This has been going on for two months. I guess they are still looking. " The ACTION LINE writer's reply was printed below Mrs. J's letter: "They found it. Action Line made one telephone call to the president of the company, who told us: 'the customer will get satisfaction. ' The furniture was found, and it arrived at your home yesterday."

1.How long was it after Mrs. B. called the store again that she wrote to the local newspaper? ____

A、Three weeks

B、Two weeks

C、About a week

D、Four months

2.The phrase "to get action" last line, 2nd paragraph means ____.

A、to get the store to deliver the rug

B、to find the rug that has been misdelivered

C、to cancel the order from the store

D、to quarrel with the store manager

3.The passage points out that in the machine age people's complaints usually____.

A、bring about mistakes

B、prove useless

C、cause more serious trouble

D、prove effective

4.After writing to the newspaper, ____.

A、Mrs. B found her rug

B、Mrs. B had to wait for another several weeks

C、Mrs. B's problem remained unsolved

D、Mrs. B's problem was solved very soon

5.In the last paragraph, the sentence "The customer will get satisfaction" means____

A、Mrs. J. will get what she wants

B、Mrs. J. will be paid for her loss

C、Mrs. J. will get better furniture

D、Mrs. J. will find that she was mistaken

He (wrote) the story, (typing) it (into) the computer and (handed) it to the chief editor.

He (wrote) the story, (typing) it (into) the computer and (handed) it to the chief editor.





He never wrote to his father______ he was in need of money.A.exceptB.except whenC.except f

He never wrote to his father______ he was in need of money.


B.except when

C.except for

D.except that

The students wrote notes in the _______ of the book.





I wrote down the number so that I remember it.A.mightB.shouldC.couldD.needed

I wrote down the number so that I remember it.





I wrote it down__________ I should forget it.A.in case ofB.in caseC.for

I wrote it down__________ I should forget it.

A.in case of

B.in case

C.for fear of

D.in order that

The novelist who was born in Poland wrote()

A.The portrait of A Lady

B.A Passage to India

C.The Heart of Darkness


______, I wrote a letter to Henry Ford Ⅱ and told him what happened.A.DesperateB.DespiteC.

______, I wrote a letter to Henry Ford Ⅱ and told him what happened.





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