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What are the major trends in the changing populations of the United States and the world?

What are the major trends in the changing populations of the United States and the world?

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更多“ What are the major trends in …”相关的问题
What is the Eskimos' major means of transportation?A.Carts.B.Sleds.C.Boats.D.Helicopters.

What is the Eskimos' major means of transportation?





听力原文:It's no secret that throughout history common stock has outperformed most financi

听力原文: It's no secret that throughout history common stock has outperformed most financial instruments. If an investor plans to have an investment for a long period of time, then their portfolio should be comprised mostly of stocks ; however, investors who don't have this kind of time should diversify their portfolios. For this reason, the concept of "asset allocation" was developed. Asset allocation is an investment portfolio technique that aims to balance risk and create diversification by dividing assets among major categories. The underlying principle of asset allocation is that the older a person gets, the less risk he or she should face. After you retire you may have to depend on your savings as your only source of income.

28. Throughout history, what kind of stock has outperformed most financial instruments?

29.What is the purpose of asset allocation?

30.What is the principle underlying the concept of asset allocation?


A.preferred stock

B.common stock

C.concept stock

D.cynical stock

— What's your major please?


A.Who knows

B.I'm majoring in Interior Design

C.I'm not sure

?Look at the article below about getting along with the boss and following questions.?For

?Look at the article below about getting along with the boss and following questions.

?For each question (13 - 18), mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet for the answer you choose.

Getting Along with the Boss

You know that a positive relationship with your work superiors is essential to your success. But how do you ensure you stay on their right side? Your boss holds 2 our future prospects in his or her hands. Expect very few favors from a boss who does not like you, Bad relationship with the boss also means missed advancement opportunities: it is one of the major reasons for high staff turnover. If you resign because of the boss. you may also expect a dent in your professional reputation, Imagine having to provide such an "ex" boss as the contact referral person at your next interview !

The relationship you have with your boss can be a major factor in determining your rise up the ladder. Your boss isn't only your supervisor. He or she is also the person best equipped (or should be I to help you do the job you are paid to do. He/she is privy to the company's goals and knows what the company is looking for in future executives. He/she can inform. you of company direction that may affect your future aspirations, He/she can put in a good word for you in the right eats. He/she is also your ally when you need back up, support or cooperation from other departments.

But how does this help you establish a meaningful working relationship with your boss? The key is communication. Know your boss' priorities and try to anticipate his/her needs before he/she asks. Don't think narrowly in terms of your own immediate position. Try to understand where what you do ties in with the bigger picture.

What other things can you discover about your boss? Is he/she conservative or informal? Does he/she prefer to be greeted as Mr. Ms. Miss or Mrs. or prefer first names? Is his/hers an "open door" policy or does he/she prefers you setting appointments with them? Respect your boss' time. Never barge into their office expecting or demanding an hearing immediately. Does he/she prefer to be kept informed with progress reports, or prefer you show initiative and get on with the job?

Don't be a "yes man" and don't offer false flattery in the hope of' getting somewhere. It won't work! And don't aim for "closeness" in the working relationship because this can also backfire. If your boss depends upon you too much. he/she won't recommend you for promotions because you are needed too much where you are. Another possibility is that if he/ she is not a good manager, he/she may be given their marching orders. If you are seen to be a part of his/her management mishaps, you may be marching out the door with him/her! Do what you can to stay in his/her good books. Don't take "sickies" unless you are sick! Be an effective, cooperative, responsible and courteous employee and team player.

It is possible that you are already these things, and you are working for somebody whose management style. disagrees with your needs or expectations. Maybe friction cannot be avoided. Then, you may be better off looking for a new job in a new department or company. In short, getting along with your boss entails getting to know his/her likes and dislikes and learning to work with his/her personality and management style. And the upside about mastering communication and people skills with your own boss is that one day, those skills will pay off in your own management role with your own team.

The writer says that a bad relationship with your boss may result in all of the following except

A.less favors from your boss.

B.the loss of your job.

C.a dent in your reputation.

D.the loss of your opportunities for promotion.

What was the major change in agriculture during the 19th century?A.Crop production became

What was the major change in agriculture during the 19th century?

A.Crop production became increasingly specialized.

B.Economic depressions lowered the prices of farm produce.

C.New banking laws made it easy to buy farmland.

D.The United States increased its agricultural imports.

What do we talk about when we talk about money? We often think about what we can buy with
the money we have, what we can’t buy because we don’t have enough and what we’re planning to buy when we have more. We discuss the careers that bring us money and the expenses that take it away. We talk about our favourite shops and restaurants, the causes we support, the places we’ve been and seen. We share dreams that only money can make real.

In short, we talk about everything but money itself. In daily life, money is still a major conversational taboo. This is a shame, because money is as interesting as the things it does and buys, and the more you know about it, the more interesting it is.

As a financial advisor, I’ve seen hundreds of people learn to control their money instead of letting it control them and watched as they increased as they increased their freedom, power and security by handling money consciously. Wouldn’t you like to know that you’ll always have enough money to live exactly as you want to?

You will never be powerful in life until you ’re powerful over your own money. Talking openly about it is the first step.

Which of the following is NOT discussed when we talk about money?

A.The careers that bring us money

B.The causes we support

C.The dreams that only money can make real

D.Money itself

What can we know from the second paragraph?A.We should know more about money itself rather than avoid talking about it.

B.Money itself can interest us and bring us happiness.

C.The more money we earn, the more we should know about it.

D.It is a shame that people talk too much about money.

What does the writer want to say in the third paragraph?A.People should learn how to make money.

B.People should know the value of money.

C.People should learn to control their money.

D.People should know how to use money to increase their power.

The writer’s advice that _____.A.the more you talk about money, the more you can control it.

B.we should learn to be a good master of our money if we want to be powerful in life

C.we should not be so worried about money if we want to have a free life

D.the more money you have, the more powerful you are

What will the writer probably talk about after the last paragraph?A.The importance of money

B.Money, power and security

C.The other steps for people to control money

D.The steps for people to make money


The cohesiveness(内聚力)of a family seems to rely on members sharing certain routine pract

The cohesiveness(内聚力)of a family seems to rely on members sharing certain routine practices and events. For a growing share of the American labor force, however, working shifts beyond the normal daylight hours—what we here call "shift work"—makes the lives of families difficult.

Existing research shows that both male and female shift workers express high levels of stress and a sense of conflict between the demands of work and family life. But shift work couples still maintain a traditional attitude to the meaning of marriage and the individual roles of husband and wife. They expressed a willingness to do "whatever it takes" to approximate their view of a proper marriage, including sacrificing sleep and doing conventional things at unconventional hours. For the majority of couples interviewed, even when wives worked outside their homes, a proper marriage is characterized by a very clear division of roles: husbands are "providers" whose major responsibility is to support the family; wives are "homemakers" who clean, cook, and care for husbands and children.

The women's definitions of a "good husband" are typified by the following wife's response:

I expect him to be a good provider, and be there when I need him, loyal about the same things as he would expect out of me, expect that I expect him to dominate over me. But in a manner of speaking, when it's time to be a man I expect him to stand up instead of sitting back expecting me to do everything.

To husbands, a good wife is someone who is:

Understanding of what I feel go through at work. I need that respect at work, I hope I get it at work, I want my wife to realize what I expect at work. I don't want her to give me a lot of shit when I come home from work because I don't know if this makes much sense.

These views seemed critical to maintain the families of the shift workers.

Despite______,shift work couples still hoped to maintain a stable life.

A.traditional beliefs about marriage

B.lack of control over time

C.a very clear division of roles

D.the demands of work

What is the main aim of literature review?()
What is the main aim of literature review?()

A.analyzing a perspective or argues a point

B.analyzing or discussing researches previously published by others

C.summaries and comments on a newly published academic book

D.summaries, reviews and comments the research trends, the major discoveries, significant findings, the leading opinions on a particular subject.

In a major policy speech, Government finance minister Mrs Wei Yttria said that the audit a
nd assurance industry’s work should always be judged by the effect it has on public confidence in business. She said that it was crucial that professional services such as audit and assurance should always be performed in the public interest and that there should be no material threats to the assurer’s independence. Enron and other corporate failures happened, she said,because some accountants didn’t understand what it was to act in the public interest. She stressed that it was important that firms should not provide more than one service to individual clients. If a firm audited a client then, she said, it shouldn’t provide any other services to that client.

Mr Oggon Mordue, a financial journalist who had worked in audit and assurance for many years, was in the audience.

He suggested that the normal advice on threats to independence was wrong. On the contrary in fact, the more services that a professional services firm can provide to a client the better, as it enables the firm to better understand the client and its commercial and accounting needs. Mrs Yttria disagreed, saying that his views were a good example of professional services firms not acting in the public interest.

Mr Mordue said that when he was a partner at a major professional services firm, he got to know his clients very well through the multiple links that his firm had with them. He said that he knew all about their finances from providing audit and assurance services, all about their tax affairs through tax consulting and was always in a good position to provide any other advice as he had acted as a consultant on other matters for many years including advising on mergers, acquisitions, compliance and legal issues. He became very good friends with the directors of client companies, he said. The clients, he explained, also found the relationship very helpful and the accounting firms did well financially out of it.

Another reporter in the audience argued with Mr Mordue. Ivor Nahum said that Mr Mordue represented the ‘very worst’ of the accounting profession. He said that accounting was a ‘biased and value laden’ profession that served minority interests, was complicit in environmental degradation and could not serve the public interest as long as it primarily served the interests of unfettered capitalism. He said that the public interest was badly served by accounting,as it did not address poverty, animal rights or other social injustices.


(a) Explain, using accounting as an example, what ‘the public interest’ means as used by Mrs Yttria in her

speech. (5 marks)

(b) This requirement concerns ethical threats. It is very important for professional accountants to be aware of ethical threats and to avoid these where possible.


(i) With reference to the case as appropriate, describe five types of ethical threat. (5 marks)

(ii) Assess the ethical threats implied by Mr Mordue’s beliefs. (8 marks)

(c) Assess Ivor Nahum’s remarks about the accounting profession in the light of Gray, Owen & Adams’ deep

green (or deep ecologist) position on social responsibility. (7 marks)

Tony:That would be great. Working in a bank will be well-paid.Gnace:()What are you doin
Tony:That would be great. Working in a bank will be well-paid.

Gnace:()What are you doing now?

Toay: l am an intern at 1BM Company, and I plan to go to university nest year.

Grace: Good luck. Let's keep in touch

A、l am not sure yet.

B、I hope so.

C、What is you major?

D、I think you are right.

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