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The type of contract (payment mechanism) chosen for a project is often a reflection of the

The type of contract (payment mechanism) chosen for a project is often a reflection of the degree of risk associated with completing that project. For a firm fixed price contract, payment for risk _____ .

A Is accomplished by paying the actual costs to the contractor.

B Is accomplished by paying the contractor for his costs plus a fixed fee (profit).

C Is an undisclosed contingency in the contractor's bid.

D Is accomplished by paying for the budgeted costs of dealing with risks, as predicted in the project risk assessment.

E B and C

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更多“The type of contract (payment …”相关的问题
103Which contract type consists of - target costs & profit, ceiling prices and shared

103 Which contract type consists of - target costs & profit, ceiling prices and shared ratio of risk?

A. Cost Plus Incentive Fee

B. Cost Plus Percentage of Costs

C. Cost Plus Fixed Fee

D. Firm Fixed Price

E. Firm Fixed Price Plus Incentive

93The type of contract (payment mechanism) chosen for a project is often a reflection of t

93 The type of contract (payment mechanism) chosen for a project is often a reflection of the degree of risk associated with completing that project. For a firm fixed price contract, payment for risk _____ .

A. Is accomplished by paying the actual costs to the contractor.

B. Is accomplished by paying the contractor for his costs plus a fixed fee (profit).

C. Is an undisclosed contingency in the contractor's bid.

D. Is accomplished by paying for the budgeted costs of dealing with risks, as predicted in the project risk assessment.

E. B and C

Which type of contract requires that the buyer keep the tightest labor/material cost contr

A Cost Plus Incentive Fee

B Cost Plus Percentage of Costs

C Cost Plus Fixed Fee

D Firm Fixed Price

E Firm Fixed Price Plus Incentive

87Which type of process involves the agency holding discussions with each of the offerors,

87 Which type of process involves the agency holding discussions with each of the offerors, after receipt of their proposals, in the process of arriving at an agreement prior to the award of a contract?

A. Sealed bidding

B. Competitive proposals

C. Noncompetitive proposals

D. Formal bid

E. Verbal bid

Which type of process involves the agency holding discussions with each of the offerors, a
fter receipt of their proposals, in the process of arriving at an agreement prior to the award of a contract?

A Sealed bidding

B Competitive proposals

C Noncompetitive proposals

D Formal bid

E Verbal bid

Which contract type consists of - target costs & profit, ceiling prices and shared rat
io of risk?

A Cost Plus Incentive Fee

B Cost Plus Percentage of Costs

C Cost Plus Fixed Fee

D Firm Fixed Price

E Firm Fixed Price Plus Incentive

There has been significant divergence in practice over recognition of revenue mainly becau
se International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) have contained limited guidance in certain areas. The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) as a result of the joint project with the US Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) has issued IFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customers. IFRS 15 sets out a five-step model, which applies to revenue earned from a contract with a customer with limited exceptions, regardless of the type of revenue transaction or the industry. Step one in the five-step model requires the identification of the contract with the customer and is critical for the purpose of applying the standard. The remaining four steps in the standard’s revenue recognition model are irrelevant if the contract does not fall within the scope of IFRS 15.


(a) (i) Discuss the criteria which must be met for a contract with a customer to fall within the scope of IFRS 15. (5 marks)

(ii) Discuss the four remaining steps which lead to revenue recognition after a contract has been identified as falling within the scope of IFRS 15. (8 marks)

(b) (i) Tang enters into a contract with a customer to sell an existing printing machine such that control of the printing machine vests with the customer in two years’ time. The contract has two payment options. The customer can pay $240,000 when the contract is signed or $300,000 in two years’ time when the customer gains control of the printing machine. The interest rate implicit in the contract is 11·8% in order to adjust for the risk involved in the delay in payment. However, Tang’s incremental borrowing rate is 5%. The customer paid $240,000 on 1 December 2014 when the contract was signed. (4 marks)

(ii) Tang enters into a contract on 1 December 2014 to construct a printing machine on a customer’s premises for a promised consideration of $1,500,000 with a bonus of $100,000 if the machine is completed within 24 months. At the inception of the contract, Tang correctly accounts for the promised bundle of goods and services as a single performance obligation in accordance with IFRS 15. At the inception of the contract, Tang expects the costs to be $800,000 and concludes that it is highly probable that a significant reversal in the amount of cumulative revenue recognised will occur. Completion of the printing machine is highly susceptible to factors outside of Tang’s influence, mainly issues with the supply of components.

At 30 November 2015, Tang has satisfied 65% of its performance obligation on the basis of costs incurred to date and concludes that the variable consideration is still constrained in accordance with IFRS 15. However, on 4 December 2015, the contract is modified with the result that the fixed consideration and expected costs increase by $110,000 and $60,000 respectively. The time allowable for achieving the bonus is extended by six months with the result that Tang concludes that it is highly probable that the bonus will be achieved and that the contract still remains a single performance obligation. Tang has an accounting year end of 30 November. (6 marks)


Discuss how the above two contracts should be accounted for under IFRS 15. (In the case of (b)(i), the discussion should include the accounting treatment up to 30 November 2016 and in the case of (b)(ii), the accounting treatment up to 4 December 2015.)

Note: The mark allocation is shown against each of the items above.

Professional marks will be awarded in question 4 for clarity and quality of presentation. (2 marks)

Alexandra, a public limited company, designs and manages business solutions and IT infrast

(a) In November 2010, Alexandra defaulted on an interest payment on an issued bond loan of $100 million repayable in 2015. The loan agreement stipulates that such default leads to an obligation to repay the whole of the loan immediately, including accrued interest and expenses. The bondholders, however, issued a waiver postponing the interest payment until 31 May 2011. On 17 May 2011, Alexandra felt that a further waiver was required, so requested a meeting of the bondholders and agreed a further waiver of the interest payment to 5 July 2011, when Alexandra was confident it could make the payments. Alexandra classified the loan as long-term debt in its statement of financial position at 30 April 2011 on the basis that the loan was not in default at the end of the reporting period as the bondholders had issued waivers and had not sought redemption. (6 marks)

(b) Alexandra enters into contracts with both customers and suppliers. The supplier solves system problems and provides new releases and updates for software. Alexandra provides maintenance services for its customers. In previous years, Alexandra recognised revenue and related costs on software maintenance contracts when the customer was invoiced, which was at the beginning of the contract period. Contracts typically run for two years.

During 2010, Alexandra had acquired Xavier Co, which recognised revenue, derived from a similar type of maintenance contract as Alexandra, on a straight-line basis over the term of the contract. Alexandra considered both its own and the policy of Xavier Co to comply with the requirements of IAS 18 Revenue but it decided to adopt the practice of Xavier Co for itself and the group. Alexandra concluded that the two recognition methods did not, in substance, represent two different accounting policies and did not, therefore, consider adoption of the new practice to be a change in policy.

In the year to 30 April 2011, Alexandra recognised revenue (and the related costs) on a straight-line basis over the contract term, treating this as a change in an accounting estimate. As a result, revenue and cost of sales were adjusted, reducing the year’s profits by some $6 million. (5 marks)

(c) Alexandra has a two-tier board structure consisting of a management and a supervisory board. Alexandra remunerates its board members as follows:

– Annual base salary

– Variable annual compensation (bonus)

– Share options

In the group financial statements, within the related parties note under IAS 24 Related Party Disclosures, Alexandra disclosed the total remuneration paid to directors and non-executive directors and a total for each of these boards. No further breakdown of the remuneration was provided.

The management board comprises both the executive and non-executive directors. The remuneration of the non-executive directors, however, was not included in the key management disclosures. Some members of the supervisory and management boards are of a particular nationality. Alexandra was of the opinion that in that jurisdiction, it is not acceptable to provide information about remuneration that could be traced back to individuals. Consequently, Alexandra explained that it had provided the related party information in the annual accounts in an ambiguous way to prevent users of the financial statements from tracing remuneration information back to specific individuals. (5 marks)

(d) Alexandra’s pension plan was accounted for as a defined benefit plan in 2010. In the year ended 30 April 2011, Alexandra changed the accounting method used for the scheme and accounted for it as a defined contribution plan, restating the comparative 2010 financial information. The effect of the restatement was significant. In the 2011 financial statements, Alexandra explained that, during the year, the arrangements underlying the retirement benefit plan had been subject to detailed review. Since the pension liabilities are fully insured and indexation of future liabilities can be limited up to and including the funds available in a special trust account set up for the plan, which is not at the disposal of Alexandra, the plan qualifies as a defined contribution plan under IAS 19 Employee Benefits rather than a defined benefit plan. Furthermore, the trust account is built up by the insurance company from the surplus yield on investments. The pension plan is an average pay plan in respect of which the entity pays insurance premiums to a third party insurance company to fund the plan. Every year 1% of the pension fund is built up and employees pay a contribution of 4% of their salary, with the employer paying the balance of the contribution. If an employee leaves Alexandra and transfers the pension to another fund, Alexandra is liable for, or is refunded the difference between the benefits the employee is entitled to and the insurance premiums paid. (7 marks)

Professional marks will be awarded in question 3 for clarity and quality of discussion. (2 marks)


Discuss how the above transactions should be dealt with in the financial statements of Alexandra for the year ended 30 April 2011.

contract 的意思不包括()




33In which of the following contract types is it easier to change the scope of the contrac

33 In which of the following contract types is it easier to change the scope of the contract:

A. firm fixed price

B. fixed price plus incentive fee

C. cost plus percentage of cost

D. letter contract

E. None of the above

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